Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 12 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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: ~::;''!2~''''''!'!'':;::'T:::-:t1 .l!!!:~~ :::''!:l''"'~~''!!'!1 ~ Q. ~ m ~ LU ~ CI: Paul Adamson ; 3. Tre y Taylor. 250 'NT: I. Aron Harvey; 2. Ryan Eage r ; 3. Travis Mciver. 250 PRO : I. To ny Evans; 2. Tommy Jean; 3. Jeff Klino . WMN: I . N ormajean Jean; 2. Sabrina Wosick; 3. Megnan King. SCHBY: I. Arc n Harvey; 2. Ryan Eage r; J . Travis r-tclve r, 25 + BEG: I. Joel Young. JR: I. Randy Hood ; 2. Michael Bergman; J . Sean Miller. 2 5 + INT: I. Eric Gillen; 2. Josh Jaco bs: 3. Anthon y Pulera . )0 + BEG : I. Greg Fer guson ; 2. Brent Allen ; 1. Dan 25+ Egesdahl. ]0 + lR : I. Ron Free to : 2. Sean Mille r; J . Jon Baiocchi. 30 + IN T: I. Anthony Pule-a : 2. Randy Hood ; 3. Matt Tate . 30+ EX: I. Raymond Dragoo . ]0 + PRO : I. Darryl Haney. 4 0 + JR: I. Greg Ferguso n; 2. Ke n Gou rley; J. Bre nt Allen. 40 + INT: I. Randy Kenyo n; 2. Scott Spracklin; 3. Mark Smith . 4 0 + EX: I. C hris Por ce llo; 2. Jake Jaco bs: 3. Mark Smith . OPEN B/OK: I. C hris Grant : 2. Darryl Haney. > CD ~ Log RoadMX a. Paulsell Pounds the Troops By BART NEWMAN BRONSON, MI, OCT. 24 orey Paulsell is a man on a mission , at that is to win the AMA District 14 Collegeboy ( 16-24) class champions hip. Afte r nailing do wn the overall at Log Road MX's last race of the season, he is another 20 points closer to that goal. Whe n t he College bo ys left th e gate, Kyle Ko hler was leading the way, as Pauisell, Anthony Doble , Ryan Hotchkiss and Ryan Mered ith were all loo king at th e back of Ko hle r' s Thor gear. Kohler a nd Pau lse ll w e re bo t h o n big -bore Hondas, and with the speed section at Log Road in prime condition, these two top guns opened up a lead on the pack as they crossed the start/finish line in tight formation. Doble was running strong in third , and Hotchkiss and Mere dith were in a dogfight over fourth . Pauisell was hounding Kohler all over the facility but just couldn't find a line to move out front. Kohler is no stranger to running out fron t. Doble was lonely in t hird, but after several good laps he had put some distance on the battling Meredith and Hotch kiss. At the checkered flag, it w as Koh ler by 10 seconds over Paulse ll. Third was Doble's, while Hotchkiss held off a lastlap charge from Mered ith. C Aron Harvey (7Z) le a d s the Schoolboy class on his way to three class wins at round nine of the MX West Nevada State Champions hip Series. cla im his three w ins. Harve y had so m uch spe e d t hat he wa s a t hreat for a to p- t hr ee finish in t he Pro class in e ach moto - des pite start ing severa l sec onds behind on the sec ond ga te . Rya n Eager fo llo w e d Harve y in fo r seco nd in th e 250cc Int e r m e d ia te an d Schoo lboy classes , and Ryan Fe rr is claimed the runner-u p spot in the I25cc race . This rac e w as pr ec eded by a n eve ning's wo rth of rain that gave the Nevada Motocross Development-prepped soil a Ve lcro-like quality, but the race rs sho uldn't get used to it, because nex t we ek it 's o n to the sh ift ing sa nd s o f Fe rnley, Nev ada . RESULTS 50 ( 4- 6) PRVTR: I . W illia m lo nna : 2. Au st in Sc hlege lmilch: 3. De st in De mice ll. 50 (4-6 ) FCTRY: I. Gavi n Clouser : 2. Jo nat han Mayo . 50 (7 +) PRVTR: I. Jordan Schultz; 2. Steve n Vawter; J . Jo nat han Sawyer. 60 BEG: I. Taylor Kcscbella: 2. Tyl r Moor e : J. Con nor Kelly. e 60 JR: I. Josh Davis: 2. Justin Collie ; J. Aust in C hing. 60 INT: I . Brian Sjogre n; 2. Je sse Masterpool : J. westeeVale rio. 80 BEG : I. Keith Allen; 2. t-t ertssa Davis; J. Kevin Tyle r. 80 JR 0 -1: I. Jimmy O 'Brien: 2. Ricky Goddard; J. Tucker Ford. 80 JR 0-2 : I . Br ian Sjo gr e n: 2. Ryan Jo y; J . Br and on Gilma rtin. 801NT: I. Johnny Vall r io; 2. Travis Bell; J. Parker e Dallas. S/MINI : I . Johnn y Vallerio; 2. Travis Bell; J. Adam Co nw ay. 125 BEG : I. Tucker Fo rd: 2. Joshu a Berry : J . Q ui n n D uvall. 125 JR 0-1 : 1. Tyson Di ne s; 2. Br yan Rodg ers: J. Brian Bodden. 125 IR 0 -2: I. Brandon Bell: 2. Steven Wear: J . C hris Vo id. 125 INT: I. Amn Harvey: 2. Ryan Ferri s: J. Ryan Eager. 125 PRO : I. Nathan Tieamey: 2. To ny Evans: J. To mmy Jean . 250 BEG : I. Be Marshall: 2. Jimmy O 'Brien: J. Austin Lehre r. 250 JR: I. Dann y Tester ; 2. In mota two, Paulsell put his Magi c Rac ing /Cha m pion sh ip Po we r spo rt s/MCR Suspension-bac ked scooter on an inside gate and nailed the start to dr ag the pack th ro ugh turn one . Kohler, Doble and Mere dith all gave chase , but Paulsell was on the gas and on th e rear whee l, riding away at a high rate of speed . Kohler drop pe d ou t wit h a busted bike. That pre tty much sealed up the win for Paulse ll, who cruised home for the second-mota win and the ove ral l. Dob le was so lid in second , w hic h matched his overall standing. Dere k Sigler had t ro uble in mota one, finishing sixt h, but he made up for it in the second outing, finishing th ird afte r displac ing Meredith on th e last lap and ther e by moving into the top three overall. Shay Fisher has picked up the pace as th e year ro lled on, planting himself firmly inside the top lOaf Michigan's Ove r 40 class. Fisher was th e day' s winner in that class, lock ing up two mot a wins for another ove rall victory. Phil Peyto n timed the gate dro p and led the pack into turn one, but it was Fisher's drive out of the tum that put him in the lead when the pack disappeared over th e we dge. Fishe r's smooth lines built a lead t hat Peyt on couldn't close on; Available Now at www.america - CYC LE NE WS • DECEMBER 8, 2004 63

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