Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 12 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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known w ho chipped in t he ex tra tw o bucks, but it was appreciate d! After beano' 'em bad in the 85cc go, laRocca entere d the same Mar k Burch/ LaRocca Racing Honda in the 125-250cc class and too k the win, over Kasey Kyles , Anth o ny Va ran o and Tye Kyles, who crashed, unhurt, just short of the line after a race -long battle with Varano. In that ea rlier SScc race , t he Tye and Kasey finished third and fourth, respectively, behind Medrano . Afte r a coo l victory whee lie, laRocca was pumped up enough to get off the line ahead of the Op en Amateur field and pull off his third win of the night in front of his cheering ent ourage . "I read t he starter and got the ho lesho t,' said the 4-foot whirlwind in his Southern drawl. "That' s the key at any short track ." Mark Gatlin finis hed seco nd , a he ad of Varano . The Vintag e Pro -Am 600cc win went to Anderson Cycle World Y amaha rider Tim Kay , over Kevin Ellingsworth's ex-factory Honda. Danny "Happy" Hammon d, newly crowned VDTR A class c hamp ion , handi ly won the Vintage Pro Mastersl600cc Amateur race , over Mark Gatlin, who was still getting used to his new Yamaha, which is quite a change from his familiar Ossa. jordan Peck won the Pit Bike contest, ove r Hammond, who also had a couple of grandkids racing o n th is weekend. O ne of those kids was Braden Byer s, who won the Pee Wee B class by being in the right place when the race- long leader fe ll on the last lap. Wes Harrell finished seco nd , a nd Hunter Ha m mo nd was third . Fourth place went to Fat Coon Racing Honda jockey jacob Robinson. Colto n Came ron , Dylan Mise ner, Hope Robinso n and ja co b Sh ar p rounded out the field. Ca me ron won the Pee Wee A final, over jacob and Hope Robinso n. Natha n Varano took home the 65cc gold. Event four on the schedule has been changed from Claremore to the Lightning C Arena in McAlester, Ok lahoma , on November 27. RESULTS P/W A : I. Colton Camero n (Pol); 2. Jaco b Rob inso n (Hon): l . Hope Robinson (Hon) . P/W B: I. Brade n Byers (Hon) ; 2. Wes Harre ll (Hon); 3. Hunter Hammond (Ho n): 4. Jacob Rob inso n (Hon); S. Co lton Cam er o n (Pol). 65 : I. N athan Vara no. 85 · 125: I. Daniel laRocca (Hen) ; 2. Aust in Med rano (Hon) ; l. Tye Kyles (Hon): 4. Kasey Kyles (Hon) . 125 -1 50 : I. Daniel laRocca (Hon) ; 2. Kasey Kyles (Hon) ; l . Anthony Varano (Han ); 4. Tye Kyles (Han). OPEN AM: I. Da niel laRocca (Ho n); 2. Mar k Gatl in (Yam); l . Anthony Varano (Hen). VINT 60 0 AM: I. Mark Gatlin. VIN T 600 PRO -AM: I. Tim Kay (Yam); 2. Kevin Ellingsworth (Hon). VINT PR O MSTR: I. Dann y Hammond. PIT/ OK: I. Jordan Peck (E. t) ; 2. Danny Hammo nd (Ho n). D FC : I . Austin Medrano (Ho n); 2. Daniel tagocca (Ho n); l . Kasey Kyles (Ho n); 4. Tye Kyles (Hon) . Kentucky State MX Championship Dan iel Boone MX Park Walsh Walks Away With the Championship Bv CINDV GIBSON LONDON, KY, OCT. 23 -r'he final rou nd of th e Kentucky State MX I Championship was recently held at Danie l Boone MX Park in London, Kentucky. The forecast of rain didn't scare away the ded icated series participants, many of who m arrived the previous day for practice. Saturday's race was scored using a supercross format, with the first set of motos being sco red for gate preference only. The second ro unds were tallie for overall series points. d Eleve n of 12 compet itor s in t he Unlimite d C/ D class were Kentuck ians . j ust in Shanti e rep res e nt e d We st Virginia aboa rd his green machine. just after a drag race out of the gate , Honda-mounted Joe Wesley nailed the mot o-one holeshot. The n Yamaha jockey Just in Sample s sailed up from behind to take command . Samples held a domina ting lead throughout the race to win first gate piek for mota two . After predic tably taking t he lead in moto two , Samp les o nce again le d Wesley, jo shua Smith and Trey Wo olum into the se co nd lap . W ith t he t ight pack he ading into lap th re e , Woo lum took his chance to ste p up to seco nd, whe re he re mained to finish th e race , behi nd Samples, who had checked out in first . Wesley and Smith took ho me third - and fourt h-place trophies, respectively. Suzu ki pilot And re w La ngw ort hy ' s do minat ion earned him a familiar first place in both motos of the 65cc (10- 11) class, while KTMmou nted Alex Williams too k second and Te am Gree n team mates Austin Dillow and Dustin Hyatt finished th ird and fourth overall, res pective ly . Kawasaki's j.T. Smith garne red the holes hot in mo to on e of t he 16-24 class , follow e d by Suz u ki -m o unt e d C h r is Le adb e a t e r from C o lum b us , Oh io , a nd Ho nd a r ide r C o rey Rankin. Following his asse rt ive start . Smith bit t he dirt . leaving the maratho n to Leadb eate r 58 and Rankin. Leadbeate r, Rankin, Chris Ne lson and jonathan Led ford earned second -mote gate positions in tha t order. Although Leadbeate r once again claimed the championship in moto two , Rankin gave him a run for his mon ey and finished in second place. Ne lson topped off the podium in th ird. Co bra riders commanded the 50cc (4- 6) class , w ith Michelle Ba ke r taking t he ove rall cham pio nship. Breanna Richard so n reserved t he se co nd po di um s pot fo r KT M, w hile Brandon Shuey and Alan Sparks snake d their w ay into th ir d a nd fo urth aboard yellow machinery. C heyene Parks, Chris Andersen and Tyler Brewe r completed the order. Other "Fa st 50s" included Darre n Walsh, who finished first overall in the 50cc (7-8) class, wh ile je sse Wa lt e r s and jo rd a n Q ua r le s completed the orange-clad trio on the podium. Tayle r Davidso n, Q uarles , Cod y Dillow and Dakota Freem an rounded out the top six-pack of the IS class co ntenders . Kentucky home boys carried the load for the 8Sce ride rs . Luke Vonlinge r to ok t he overall championship in the 85cc (12-13) class, followed by Kawasaki jockey Trevor Cartmill and Yamaha rider jame s Boyte r. james Kreitze r ow ned the ove rall podiu m spot in the 85cc ( 14- 15) class, followed by local Londo n rivals Justin Vaughn, . josh Zanet and joshua Gru bb. RESULTS 50 OIL -IN): I. Branden Bla.yJock (Han ): 2. Trent Walttn (KTM). 50 S HAFT: I. Cheyene Parks (Yam) ; 2. Michelle Baker (Co b); 3. Jerrod Walsh (Y am); 4. Sydney Moore (Y . am) 50 (4 .6) : I. Michelle Baker (Cob); 2. Breanna Richardsen (KTM): r . Brand o n Shuey (Co b); 4. Alan Sparks (Co b) ; S. Chey ene Parks (KTM). 50 (7-8): l. Darren Walsh (KTM); 2. Jesse Walters (KTM); l . Jorda n Quarles (KTM); 4. Tayler Davidson (Co b); S. Cody Dillow (KTM). 65 (7 -9): I . Dan iel Baker (KTM); 2. Spe ncer Bailey (Kaw); l . Da rre n Wa lsh (KTM); 4. Tyler Nutter (KTM); S. Kyle Gibso n (KTM). 6 5 ( 10 01 1): I. Andrew langworthy (Suz); 2. Ale x W illiam s (KTN): 1. Aust in Dillow (Kaw); 4. Dustin Hyatt (Kaw) ; S. Trenton McM ich e n (KTM) . U/L 6 5 (7 - 1 1) : I. Andre w langworthy (Suz); 2. Daniel Bake r (KTM); l . Kyle Gibso n DECEMBER 8, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS (KTM); 4. Tyler Nutt er (KTN): S. Garrett Stamper (Kaw). 8 0 BEG : I . Ch ad N ap ie r (Yam); 2. Austin Alford (Yam); l . Robert Keeb le (Kaw); 4 . Richard Vaughn (Suz): S. Travis Blaylock (Hoo) . 8 5 (7 - 1 1): I. Vance Francis (Hon ); 2. C lay Co mb s (Yam) ; 3, Spe ncer Baile y (Kaw) : 4. C h risto p he r Du rbin (Yam); S. Tyler Genter (Y . 8 5 (9 . 13): I. Trevor am) Ca rtm ill (Kaw) ; 2 . Van ce Fr an ci s (Hon); 3. And re w Lsngworthy (Suz): 4. Kaleb Gregory (KTM); S. James Boyter (Yam). 8 5 ( 12 . 13) : I. Luke Vonlinger (Hon); 2. Trevor Cartm ill (; 3. Jame s Boyter (Yam); 4. Dusti n Roberts (Kaw). 8 5 (14 015): I. James Kre itzer (Suz); 2. Justin Vaughn (!<.aw): 3. Josh Zanet (!<.aw); 4. Jo shua Grubb (Hon ). SlMIN I (1 1- 15) : I. Luke Vonlinger (Hon ); 2. Trevor Cartmill (Kaw) ; l . Jame s Kre itzer (Suz); 4. Justin Vaughn (Kaw ); S. She lby Rolen (Hon) . 125 S CHBY: I . Nicholas Howard (Yam); 2. Mic hae l Adams (Yam): l . Shane Eversole (Yam); 4. Jo sh ua Smith (Kaw ): S. Josh Do ughe rty (Suz). 11 5 PRO : I. Jon Boruff (Suz); 2. Do nnie Adams (Yam): l . Nexander Hunter (Yam); 4. Kevin Black (Suz); S. J.T. Smith (!<.aw). 125 B: I . Corey Rankin (Hoo); 2. Chri stop her Nelson (KTM); l . Dustin Wa lker (Kaw); 4 . Jo nath an Ledford (Su z) ; S. Ni ch o las Ho ward (Yam) . 115 C: I . Matthew Vonlinge r (Ho n). 2. Dylan Muehlberger (Y am); 3. Justin Samples (Yam) ; 4. Chris Anderson (Y am); S. Shane Evers ole (Yam). 125 0 : I. Justin Shant ie (!<.aw); 2. Cole Amos (Kaw). l . Heath Amos (!<.aw). 4. Daniel Maxam (Suz), S. William Snelle n (Hon). 25 0 PRO: I. Jon Bo ruff (Suz ); 2. Donnie Adams (Yam): l . Kevin Black (Su z); 4 . Alexan der Hu nte r (Ya m ) . 150 B: I . Chris Leadbe arer (Su z) ; 2. Dylan Ca rp enter (Kaw) : l . Justin Malan ey (Yam); 4. Michael Hawk (Yam). 150 C: I. Cody Lin (Hon ): 2. Justin Samples (Yam); l . Ryan Rowe (Yam); 4. Bret Sipe (Yam); S. She ldon Wa lters (Suz) . 150 0 : I. David Brewe r (Yam); 2. Randy Boyd (Hon) ; L Chris Harper (Ho n): 4. Edd ie Potocki (Suz). UIL C/O: I. Justin Samples (Yam); 2. Trey Woo lum (Hon) ; l . Joe Wesley (Hon); 4. Joshua Smith (K aw ): S. Br en dan Jac obson (Kaw) . 16 - 2 4: I. C hr is Lead beate r (Suz); 2. Co re y Rankin (Hon) ; 3. Christo pher Ne lson (KTM); 4. Jonathan Ledfor d (Suz); S. J.T. Smith (!<.aw). 2 5 + : I. Jerry Sneed (Hon); 2. Chris Anderson (Yam). 35 + : I . Je rry Cornett (Hen). Kentucky Ind oor Dirt Tra ck Se rie s Round , : Southern I//inois Sta te Fairgro un ds Arena Toungett Times Two Bv BOBBV LEWIS DUQUOIN, IL, OCT. 23 he first of 18 rounds of indoor dirt tra cks ro lled into DuQ uoin and brought a huge rider turnout with it. Promote r Steve Nace had a pe rfectly groomed track surface that was blistering fast. The Op en Pro division ran three heats to whittle the field down to 12 riders, with heat wins goi ng to josh Toungett, Brad Furlong and KevinSnyder. The first start res ulted in a multiple-rider pileup that ended the race for jo n Goodwi n and Aaron Ladd. On the next try, Toungett led the field and pulled a small gap en ro ute to the win. Furlong hel d o n to se co nd, w hile Snyder a nd jason Goodwin argued ove r th ird. O n t he final lap, both riders bit the dirt , leaving Furlong to finis h second, over Billy Gruwell , Tadahiro Fukaya and Chris Boone. De an Faulkner le d the fre ight t ra in fo r sixth , ove r Shan e Vance , Cody Bowland , Kyle Meiers and Kyle Naliborski. Toungett contin ued to spell trouble for the other riders. as he jumped out in front of the 450cc class as we ll and ran another perfect race, taking the win. Vance held back Clint Collie r and Brian Hopper for the runner-up spot. Snyder gathered it up and took a wire-towire win in the S05xx Pro class after holding off repeated challenges from Ladd and Furlong on the short track. Furlong returned the favor by to pping the TT charts. justin Hanna mastered the TT and then backe d that up with a win in th e Ope n Amat e ur shor t tra ck. Kevin Van ce c hased him har d but cam e up a litt le sho rt, while Chaz Landers nipped Chas Rice at the line for third. Colby Chand ler filled in the to p five, over Jeb Polie, Wade Scott and KojiFuru hashi. Bro c k Sc hwarze nb ac he r w as e xt reme ly smooth and took the wins in the 250cc, 4S0cc and O pe n Pro-Am divisions. jeff Carve r was unbeate n in the 200cc ranks as he scored wins in both short tracks and TTs. Ca rver also notche d a come-from -be hind win in t he a s cc sho rt t ra ck but could not quite catch Hayden Gillim in the IT Gillimwould also swee p the 65cc class. jac ob Mor ris dom inat ed th e 50 cc C hain class, and Michael Joh nson did likewise in the 160cc Four-Stroke divi ion. s je re my Ande rson sco red w ins in the ' 70s Singles and Heavy Vintage classes, holding off Dallas Mayer eac h time out. Steve England held on fo r t hird, over Sup er Se nior winner Ro n And e rso n, Marty Allison , Tony Bre nnan an d Randy 81 ackwe ll. T 40th Anniversary Mayer came back strong to work past early leader Kelly Klynstra on his way to sw eeping the Senior class. R ESULTS Short Tra ck 50 SH AFT: I. luke Baird (Yam); 2. Molly Terry (KTM); l . Mo rg an Dunaway (Ya m); 4 . Rusty Wyn n (Yam) . 50 C HAIN : I. Jaco b Morr is (Co b); 2. Mo lly Te rry (KTM): l . Nick McFadden (Cob) ; 4. luke Baird (Cob) ; S. Travis Zapfe (Hen ). 6 5: I. Hayde n Giltim (Suz); 2. Ethan Gitlim (Suz); l . Jake Lewis (Suz): .. . Nick McFadd en (Suz); S. Evan Fields (Kaw). 8 5: I. Jeff Carve r (Kaw); 2. Hayden Gillim (Hon ); l . Jake l ew is (Yam); 4. Michael Jo hnson (Hon ); S. Frankie Lee Gillim (Ho n). X R I00 S TK : I. Wendy Macco ll (Ho n): 2. Aprilladd (Hon ). HA D DOG: I. Stevie Nace (Hon) ; 2. Mike Anderson (Yam). 200 AM: I. Jeff Carver (!<.aw); 2. Hayde n Gillim (Hon); l . Frankie lee Gillim (Han ); ... Nathaniel Vowell (Yam); S. Nikki Spore (Yam). 200 P RO·AM : I. Jeff Carver (Kaw) ; 2. Kyle Snyder (KTN ); 1. Hayd e n Gillim (Ho n) ; .. . Michael John son (Hon ); S. Erhardt Heisner (Y . 2 50 A M: am) I. Broc k Schwan.enbacher (Hon ); 2. Co lby Chand ler (Hen); l . Jo hn Lampkin (Yam); 4. Kenny Kondoudis (Hon ); S. Chris England (Hon). 450 AM: I. Broc k Schwan.enbacher (Hen): 2. Andy Goodwin (Ha n); l . Koji Furuhashi (Yam ); 4 . Rob Lampkin (Yam); S. Joh n Lampkin (Yam). 450 P RO : l . Josh To ungett (Hon); 2. Shane Vance (Hen ); 1. Clint Collie r (Hon ); 4. Brian Hopper (Hen ): S. Jason Goodwin (Hon ). 505 AM: I . Je re my Ande rs o n (Hon ). 5 05 P RO : I. Kevin Snyder (He n) : 2. Aaron Ladd (Ho n); 3 . Brad Furlong (Ha n); 4. Tadahiro Fukaya (Han) ; S. Clint Co llier (Yam). OPEN AM: I. Justin Hanna (Hen ); 2. Kevin Vance (Ho n); 3. Chaz landers (Yam); 4. Chas Rice (Han ); S. Colby Ch and ler (Hen). O PE N PRO-AM: I. Brock Schwarzenbacher (Hen ); 2. Justin Hanna (Ho n): l . Kevin Vance (Hon): 4. Chaz Landers (Yam); S. C hat Rice (Ho n). OP EN PRO : I. Josh Tou nge tt (Hen); 2. Brad Furlong (Hon): l . Bill Gru well (Hon); 4. Tada htr c Fukaya (Ho n); S. Ch ris Boone (Hoo) . VET 30 + : I. Mike Du naway (Ha n); 2. Kelly Klynstra (Hon): l . Dan Re iche rt (Yam); 4. Tony Bre nnan (Hon) : S. Mike Mayer (Yam). S R 40 + : I. Dallas Mayer (Yam); 2. Kelly Klynstra (Ha n) ; l . Skeeter W illiams (Ho n); 4. Joh n Gilligan (Ho n) ; S. Marty Allison (Han). SlS R 50 + : I. Ron Anderson (Han ); 2. Kelly Klynstra (Hon ): 3. Steve England (yam); " . Bob Co llier (Yam); S. Clyde Mo dlin (Rot) . ' 7 0s SGL : I . Jeremy Ande rso n (Hon); 2. Dallas Mayer (Yam); l . Bill Goodwin (yam) ; " . Terry Goodwin (Y am). L VINT: I. Bob Collier (Yam); 2. Skeeter Williams T (Yam). HVY VIN T: I. Jeremy Ande rso n (Ho n); 2. Dallas Mayer (Yam) ; l . Ste ve England (Yam); 4. Ron And erson (Hen): S. Marty Allison (Hon) . TT 50 CHAIN: I. Jacob Morris (Co b): 2. Nick McFadden (Co b); l . Travis Zapfe (Hen) ; 4. Luke Baird (Yam); S. Mo lly Terry (KTM). 6 5: I. Hayden Gillim (Suz); 2. Jake lewis (Suz); I . Et ha n Gillim (Suz); .. . Nick McFad den (Suz) ; S. Jaco b Morris (Kaw). 85 : I. Hayde n Gilhrn (Hon) ; 2. Jeff Carver (Kaw) ; I . Michae l Jo h nso n (Hon); .. . Fran kie Le e Gillim (Hon) ; S. Jake Lew is (Yam). MAD DOG : I. Ste vie N ace (Han); 2. Mike Ande rson (Ho n); l . Wendy Macco ll (Ho n). XRIOO ST K: I. Wendy Maccoll (Hen) ; 2. April Ladd (Han) . 100 AM: I. Jeff Carver ( 2. Hayden Gillim (Ho n); l . ; Frankie Lee Gillim (Hon) : 4. Nikki Spore (Ho n); S. Michael Joh nson (Han ). 86-1604-ST RK: I. Michael Johns en (Hen); 2. Hayden Gillim (Han ): l . Kyl Snyder (Han ); 4 . Jake Lewis e (Hon): S. Aust in Ze ntmyer (Ho n). 200 PRO -AM: I. Jeff Carv er (Kaw); 2. Hayde n Gillim (Hon ); 3. fran kie Lee Gillim (Han): 4. Jake Lewis (Yam); S. Danny Didiuk (KTM). 1 50 AM : I. Colby Chand ler (Hen ); 2. Chris England (Ha n). 450 AM : I. Rob Lampkin (Y am); 2. Koji Furuh ashi (Yam). 45 0 PRO: I. Shane Vance (Hon) ; 2. Kevin Snyder (Han); 3. Brian Hopper (Hon) . 500 PRO : I. Brad Furlon g (Ho n); 2. Kevin Snyder (Han); l . Brian Hopper (Hoo); 4. Ky\e Meiers (Han); S. Tadahirc Fukaya (Ho n). OPEN PRO ·A M: I. Justin Hanna (H o n) . OP EN A M: I. Just in Hanna ( Han); 2. Colby Chandler (Ha n); l . Jeb Po lic (Y ). OPEN PRO: I. Brad am Furlong (Ho n); 2. Kevin Snyder (Hen ); l . Tadah iro Fukaya (Hen); .. . Brian Hopper (Hon) ; S. Kyle Meiers (Hen). VET 30 + : I. Kelly Klynstra (Hon ); 2. Mike Mayel'" (Yam); 3. Dan Reichert (Yam). SR 4 0 + : I. Dallas Mayer (Yam); 2. Jeb Polic (Y am); J. Kelly K1yn,tr.1 (Hon ). S/SR, I. Kelly KIyn,tr.1 (Hon). l T VINT: I. Clint Collier (Yam): 2. Wade Scott (Suz). HVY VlNT: I. Da llas Mayer (Y am).

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