Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 12 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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NTS 4 0+ G P NOV; I . Kevin Reaende (Yam): 2. Paul Grcssberg Cfam); 3. Michael Stiles (Hon) . 40 + GP INT: I. Don n Boyd C Hon): 2. Darren Bro wn (KTM); 3. Keith Sieven (H us); .of. Jim Mulc ahy. 40 + GP EX : I. Mike O we ns (Yam): 2. Rich Venegas (SU . 50 + G P NOV: I . Fran k Vrettas (Yam); 2. Jeff I) Carver (Hon) . '0 + GP INT; I. Paul Cbyl=gh (Hu.); 2. Jeff O 'Brian (Hon). 50 + GP EX: I. Chris Schleif. UIL SUP JR NOV: I. Jeremy Scott (Kaw). U/L S U P NOV: I. Rejean Des bocnen (Hon); 2. Darrell Seelig (Suz); 3. Bill Martin (T M). U/L SUP INT: I. Paul Hetteri ch (Hon). UIL SUP EX: I. Rob N ol in (Yam) ; 2 . St e rl ing Rigsby (Yam) : 3 . De nn is Middlet on (Hon) . (Suz): 3. Du st in W insch e l (Suz): 4 . Blair Vet ere (Yam) ; S. Austin Murdock (Sul) . 85 INT: I. Prince Kapahulehua (Suz); 2. Dacoda Sorochuk (Yam) . 8 5 U /ClS FD : I. lev U Hall (KTM); 2. Zachary Fusse H(Kaw) ; 3. Dacoda Sorochuk (Y ; am) -4. Mason Rodriguez (Yam); S. Kenny Daile y (KTM). SlH IN I: I. Zac hary Fuss ell (Kaw) ; 2. l e v ii Hall (KT M); 3. Pr inc e Kapahu lehua (Suz): -4. Dacoda Soroc huk (Yam); S. Je ff l e wis (Kaw) . B/BK BEG: L John Yocum (Hon) ; 2. Tren t Scaccc (Yam); 3. Travis Huff (Suz); 4. L.aun Schuster (Hon ): S. Tanner Schmid t (Hon). 12S JR: I. Brod ie H ump hries (Suz): 2. Jake Poole (Yam 3.J um n HWlt (Y ); am); 4. Na than Ambrose (Hon ): S. Shane Koja (Sm). 12' INT; I. Domink De Simone (Hon ); 2. Tony Espos ito (Hon ): 3. Eric Barlow (Suz): -4 . Ryan Bro wn (Suz): S. Andrew Brisk (Hon) . 125 PR O: I. Gray Daven port (Yam); 2. Beni W illiams (Kaw); 3. Michael Parker (Hon); .. . Scott T he ob ald (Suz) ; 5. Jon Hedden (Ho n) . 2 50 JR: I. Brod ie Hurnptv;es (Su:z) 2. Shane Koja (Suz): 3. Ryan Dalton ; (Hon) ; 4. Justin Elswood (Yarn 5_ Brian Duvall (Yam). 250 ); INT: I. jesse Hod ges (Hon); 2. Reed Ttngey (KTM): 3. Man Provost (Yam); .. . Andr ew Brisk (Han); 5. Eric Bar10w (Suz). 250 PR O : I. G ray D ave npo rt (Yam ): 2. Mie haeJ Par ker (Hon ): 3. Beni Williams (Kaw); 4. Kip p Pose y (Yam); S. Ty Morrow (Hon) . OPEN JR: I. Brod ie Humph rie S (SUI ); 2. Bria n Du ....all (Yam); 3. Na than Am b rose (Han); -4 . Chris Pow ell (Han ): 5. Casey Bywater (Hon) . O PEN IN T: I . Jared Part ridge (Hon): 2. Ton y Espo sito (H a n); 3. Matt Pro vest (Yam); -t. Dominic De Simone (Hon ); S. Reed Tingey (KTM) . O P EN PR O : I . G ra y Da....e nport (Yam); 2. Be ni W illiams (Yam); 3. Ty Morrow (Hon ); -4 . Kipp Po sey (Yam): 5. Scott Theobald (Hon) . W H N : I . Jena Ellis (Hon): 2. Cass ie Webb (Kaw ); 3. Amberl ie Carter (Kaw) : -t. Torie Williamson (Suz ); S. Patricia Ba ck (Kaw) . 25 + JR: I. Joe y Riterto (H en ); 2. Robb Bo nna nn o (Han); 3. Jas o n Bur t o n (Suz); -4 . Phi lip I....erson (Yam). 25+ PRO : I. Kipp Po se y (Yam); 2. Jo n Hedde n (Ho n) . 30 + JR: I. Cary Blake (KTM): 2. D av id MunO l ( H o n ): 3 . Jason O 'Connor ( H a n) ; -4 . Shane Bartholomew (Yam); S. Aaron Reidhead (Yam). 30 + INT: I. JirTvTTy Chamberlain (Yam). 30 + PR O : I. Bill Phelps (Hon ): 2. J...,., Ogden (Hon) . 40 + ; I. Eric C""""," (yam ); 2. Ski", Fornof (Hon ); 3. lonny Mackintosh (Hon); .. . Keith Thomas (Hon); 5. BiH Clemson (Yam N O JUMP: I. Gene Morris ). (Hon) ; 2. Bob McCormick (Yam); 3. Preston Sche (Yam); -4. n Se n Boyd (Yam): S. Con T.y\o< (Y am). ITS Winter Se ries Round 2: Trials Land It's All in the ITS r:mj;\¥o t li a Gray Davenport was a ll afire a s a new-ond-improved Mesquite MX reopened in Nevada. Mesquite Motocross Park Mesquite Rekindledl BY DICK GOODWIN MESQUITE, NV OCT. 23 , A Iter a (our-mon th hiatus to avoid the brutal t-'\southem Nevada summe r heat . the rebuilt, reborn Mesquite Motocross Park reopened to rave reviews. A complete makeover - which included the new " Hor se powe r Hill." along with many other new features - proved to be a big hit with all the race rs. And to prevent any more long vacations, lights were installed during the break , allowing for night pract ices and yearrou nd racing at this great facility. T he Utah Sport Riders As so ciation , in co njunction with Finish Line Pro mot ions, was chosen to christen t he new track, e nsuring a good test, with lots of action and full gates . O ne of the more interesting races was the 2S0 cc Pro co ntest. fea tu ring th e Pro racing debu t of Michae l "Buddy" Par ke r. li ning up against ra ce favorite Gr ay Dave npo rt , Be ni Williams. arenac ross vete ran Ty Morrow. and th e always-da nge ro us Kipp Po se y. a mo ng ot hers, was certainly jumping into the Pro wars with both feet ! Whe n t he gate dro ppe d, t he Thor/Scott USNRon Flowe ,,/Yosh imur a/90 9/Leve r MXbacked Honda of Parker shot out into the lead. Ho nda of Housto n/Plat inum Auto SalonfTroy Lee-sponsored Morrow was racing just be hind hi m , fo llowed by Big Boy Toy,/We 5tern Powe", ports/FIy /WB Racing's Williams. Morrow made a quick move on the rookie. snaking into firs t , as South Valley Motorspo rts/Motorex O il/Shift/DR S Suspension/ Dar k Ho rse Racing rider Davenport was charging up into third . The top three separated from the rest of the field, charging around the trac k nose to tail, unt il Da ve n po r t blitzed past th e le ade r in the w hoops about mi d race . That was it . as Dave npo rt took round one . Morrow. Parker, William, and Pro Action/Moto X Outle t/li ndsey Machine/G illett DiesellMSR-back ed Posey rounded out the front five. 56 Parke r ripped his second stra ight holeshot , wit h Dave nport just inche s beh ind. in mot a two. Buddy, gett ing mor e comfort able in t he Pro ranks with every lap. refused to give up the lead, even though Gray hammered on him for the entire race . Parker edged Daven port at the finish, both far ahead of the rest of t he pack, but Michael's first-rno to t hird left him trai ling Davenpo rt in the final results . Williams. Posey and Morrow filledslots three through five . The 12Scc Juniors class is historically the biggest. and this Saturd ay was no exception . Brodie Humphreys stuck his Suzuki out in front to start th ings off. Shane Koja and Justin Hunt were charging just behind him . Humphries opened up a lead, wh ile Jake Poole charged up to claim second . Humphries ke pt increasing his margin, whi le Poole stayed well clear o f the tight battle for third between Koja and Bronson Angulo . Hump hries storme d home with th e win, and Poole le d Angulo, Koja and Hunt across the line . A re pe at holeshot in the seco nd ha lf put Humphries in the driver 's seat once again, with Poole and Casey Bywater giving chase . Th is race was closer than the first one, but not by much. as Humphri es easily w o n his se co nd straight mo to to lock up the ov erall 125cc Junior trophy. Poole finished a solid seco nd for seco nd ove rall, leading Hunt, late close r Nathan Ambrose . and Koja in the final tally. RESUL TS A fathe r-and-son team and a team of broth /"'\ers too k a total of four wins at the second round of the ITS Winte r Series. The event was the last late -afte rnoon trial of the year, as daylight-saving time was due to e nd. With the sun se tting early, riders had to keep moving on the sho rt loop to avoid riding in nea r-dark co ndit ions. Daniel O ldar turned in tw o clean loop cards and survived a "five" at the start of the final loop to beat Be n Bush by tw o in the Kids B class . Dan ie l's older bro t he r, 12-yea r-old Andrew Oldar, dominated the Advanced class. His one-point total put him I I points ahead of th ree other competitors who were deadlocked at 12 points. Eric Storz grabbed the runner-up Advanced spot with I I tie-breaking cleans, compared to nine for Tim Holm and seven for defending class champ Chris Cullins. Anthony "Pops" Sandova l to ok a six-point lead on the firs t loop and he ld on against a surging Re id Davis in t he Ex pe r t class. Sandoval's IO-year-old son seized a big lead on the Ilrst loop when Todd Be nne tt dropped four fives in a row. Ben nett only had a one more five dur ing the res t o f the even t. but he coul dn't catch Sandoval, who captured the Masters-class victory. Don Williams , wh o ha d a pe rfect eve nt during the Summer Series. re peated the feat in t he Inte rmediate class w ith th ree clean lo op cards . Noel Humphr ies nearly went clean in the Novice class, taking just a single dab on the first Tracy Screeto n su rv ive d a five on the final secti o n to toke th e Spo rt sma n-clo ss w in at th e sec o nd round of the IT Winter Se ries a t S Tra ils Land in Pe rris, Ca lifornia . loop. In the Sportsman class. Tracy Screet on bested Kevin Christo phe r by six points after one loop and finished with four-point win. RESUL T5 KIDS A : I. If C ullins (GG). KIDS B: I. D aniel O ldar (Yam); 2. Ben Bush. VI NT: I. larry Tubbs (Suz). N OV: I. Noel Hu m p hries (Man); 2. Verg McC allist e r ; 3. Jo nat han Bec k (Rot): -4. Joseph Carrillo (GG): 5. Tori Carr illo (GG). SP T SMN: I. Tracy Scree ton (G G): 2. Christ opher (GG) . INT: 1. Don Williams (Mon); 2. Chase Harker (She) ; 3. Da nny Net; -4 . Ian Delaney (Mon): S. Larre Butt erfi eld (She). ADV: I. Andrew OIdar (She) : 2. Eric Storz (She): 3. Tim Holm (GG); 4. C hris Cullins (Bet) ; S. Neil Storz (She) . MST R: I . Ryan Sandova l (GG): 2. Todd Benne tt (Sea ). EX: I. Anth ony Sandoval (GG); 2. Reid Davis (GG). Wild West Arena P/W PP (Dol O): I. Tor ie W illiamso n (Suz): 2. Nike tl Tam ilos (Suz). P/W SHAFT (0-6): I. Hayden Stubbs (Lem); 2. McCoy Broo gh (Yam); 3. Jerem y Noyes (Yam); .. . Haydee Bullard (Yam ). P/W H EA D S U P (0-9): I. Jo rd an Ev ans (Suz); 2. Christian Noble (Hon) . P/W (0-6): I. Dillon Geuke (Cob) ; 2. Christian Kilgore (KTM) 3. Wyatt Paxman (KTM); ; -4 . Jeremy Noyes (Yam); 5. Hayden Stubbs (Yam). P/W (7-8): L Morgan Mackintosh (t ern): 2. Harri so n Padan (KTM); 3. Kyle Pom ikala (KTM); -4 . Ch ase H aynes (KTM); 5. Jo rd an dan (KTM); MMUk (Pol). P/W OPEN (0- 9) ; I. H"""'" Pa . 2. ~r SeNei (KTM); 3. Morgan Mackintosh (l em); -4 Kyte Porn'kal. (KTM); S. Chase Hayne< (KTM). . . (6-S) ; I. J.O. Elliott (KTM): 2. Chaiuon Cozzens (KTM); 3. Brandon Leith (KTM); 4. Chana Ogden (50,); , . H"""'" Padan (KTM). . . (9011): I. Levil Hall (KTM); 2 . Dusty Hum ph rie s (Suz): 3. Lmdon Mickelsen (KTM); -4 Kenny Dailey (KTM); 5. Colton . Og den (Kaw) . 6 5 OPEN (6-11): I. l evii Hall (KTM); 2. D usty Humphries (Suz); 3. J.D. Elliott (KTM); .. . Conner Mon ks (KTM): S. Ryan Stubbs (Kaw) . 85 BEG: I . Mike Gang; (Kaw); 2. M.tthew l.iuor (Kaw); J. Robeley (Yam). S ' JR (7 - 11); I. le v il Hall (KTM); 2 . Z..chary Fu sse ll (Kaw); 3. Jeff lewis (Kaw); .. . Kyte Price (Yam); 5. Shai-Anthony Gindeo (Kaw) . S' JR (11- 15) ; I. J...,., a.nero. (5uz); 2. Rowdy Wi'oamoon DECEMBER 8, 2004 • CYCL E NEWS PERRIS, CA, OCT. 23 Fisher Flawless at Wild West Finale By RYAN EVANS WINCHESTER, CA, OCT. 23 T he Wild West season concluded with Ryan Fisher capping off a perfect day with a Scratch main-event victory in his first meeting at the track. Fisber started from the pole and was flrst off the line and into tum one. Charlie Venegas was glued to Fisher 's back tire as they went down the bac k straight. The former Nat ional Champ ion applied pressure throughou t the race, 40th Anniversary but Fisher was equal to the task and was first to the checkered flag. Venegas was second. Buck Blair finishedthird, and Chris Kerr was fourth. The quali fying heats began with a Dar io GaMn victory. Fisher began his day with a win in race two . Venegas beat Blair in race three. Kerr completed the first round with a victory over Billy Hiles. Neil Facchini began the second round with a w in. Fisher made it two for two by beating Nate Pe rkins. Blair scored a victory over De nny Scopellite in the next race . Yarrow ended round

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