Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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OFF-ROAD fro m outside t he top- 10 to finish third overall. " He's go ing t o be a great ride r, an d I'm happy to see him ge t o n the pod ium wit h us o ld guys," Abb ott said. Mak ing Villo poto's finish even mo re imp re ssive is t he fac t t hat last year he raced aboard an SOcc bike . After the race , w he n asked if he was going to get paid for his t hird -place finish, considering he is an Int e rme d iat e rider, Villopoto said , "I don't know." A big ch ec k was cut wi th his name o n it, but w he th er or no t it was actua lly eN issued, officials didn't say. LA KE ELSINORE LAKE ELSINORE, CALIFORNIA RESULTS: NOVEMBER 13-14, 20 0 4 HARVEY MUSHMAN 100: I. Bobby Bonds (Kaw) ; 2. Dewy Abbott (Kaw) ; J . Ryan Vill poto (Kaw); 4. Joe y o Lanza (KTM); 5. Steve Mertens . 6. David Rees (KTM): 7. Spud Walters (Ho n): 8. Just in Soule: 9 . Micky Griffi n {Yam}: 10. Tyler Keefe (Kaw). 8 0 BEG: I. Mike Jansen ; 2. W illiam Mansfie ld, 3. Austin Luna; 4. Dust in Watts; 5. Warren George. 8 0 NOV: I. Dallas Dro wn : 2. Blake Taylor ; J . And re w Werh ano wicz; 4. Cody Leyland ; 5. Styles Arne tt . 80 INT: I. Connor Penhall; 2. Co lton Manwill; 3. Trevor Nor din; .of. Bryce Ste wart; 5. Bra ndon Smith. 60 BEG: I. Mike Janse n; 2. Austen Scroggins ; 3. Steven Briggs III; 4 . Preston Beve rly; 5 . Antain Daily. 60 NO V: I. Nicholas laPaglia; 2. Cody Roewer; 3. Michael Richards ; 4. Raymon d Ecke nrod ; 5. Michael Rucker. 60 NO V: I. Garren Mullennix; 2. Amber West. 6 0 INT: I. Gunner Biggerstaff; 2. Kyle Harris ; 3. Cole See ley. 6 0 EX P: I. Chris tian Havtiche ck: 2. Tyler Heod nx. 50 BEG : I. Derek Haywa rd; 2. Max Undberg; 3. Cody Gutierrez; 4. Tanner Carney; 5. Dylan Mclane . 50 EXP : I. Ryan Matter. 125 BEG: I. Jason Gardner; 2. Frederico Kinweile r; 3. Matt Baluski; 4. Garrett Be rry ; 5. C harles Wh ittelsey. 125 NOV: I. Brian Radovich; 2. Travis Bake r; 3. Joe y Orccco: 4. Chris Noble; 5. Casey Currie. '1 Nov ember 13-14, 2004 :~ Lake Els ino r e Grand Prix 125 INT: I. Ryan Villopoto ; 2. Ryan Pe nhall; 3. Aust in Pres co tt; 4. Kurt Samuelson; S. Phil Tho rst e nsen . 125 EXP: I. De st ry Abbo tt ; 2. Joe y Lanza; 3. Just in Saute ; 4. Gunnar Velasq ue z. 25 0 BEG : I. J. R. Worces te r; 2. Kyle Phillips; 3. Randy Snod grass; 4. Carl Bircha rd ; 5. Troy Cleary. 25 0 NOV: I . Cory Even so n; 2. Scott Mumfo rd; 3. Tony Walte rs ; 4. Jarad Meadows; 5. Taylor Christianson. 15 0 INT: I. Kent William; 2. Tyler Keef e; 3. Ryan Penha ll; 4 . Chad Nye ; S. Co le Gress. 150 EX P: I. Bobby Bond s; 2. De stry Abbott; 3. Justin Keeney ; 4. Joe y Lanza; 5. Justin Soule . OPEN BEG: I. Jaso n Johnso n; 2.Tim Towns e nd : 3. Brett War d; 4. Brian Cha tte rto n; 5. Tim Carmack. OPEN NOV: I. Ryan Le gg; 2. Mark Roge rs; 3. Dylan Lane; 4. Andre w King; 5. Rick Pol son . OPEN INT: I. Tony Fo x; 2. Eric Smith: 3. Ryan Earl: 4. Joe Tho mas ; S. Shaun Hanso n. OPEN EXP : I. Scott Myers ; 2. Oakl ey l e hman; 3. Bruce Marad a; 4. Mike Roth; 5. Cha rlie Anava. WOMEN'S BEG: I. Sara Price; 2. Meika Comelius: 3. Haile Ho ughto n; 4. He idi Hubrec ht: S. Jo rja Tucker. WO MEN'S NOV: I . Jo Profant; 2. Janice Welch ; 3. Kimberly Noble; 4. Dean na Odcm . W OM EN'S INT: I. Kendra Hoo ve r; 2. Brooklyn McCle ndon; 3. Tricia Lane; 4 . Susan Post . W O MEN ' S EXP: I. Kelly Yancey; 2. Arnie Mann ; 3. Cendy Daugherty. BO MBE R BEG : I. Jim Ho hanse n. BOMBER N OV: I. Mich ael Stiles. BOMBER INT: I. Mark Brown; 2. Pat Stidman : 3. Ke ith Lynas; 4. Glenn Barfknecht. BOMBER EXP : I. Brad Roysdon . DUAL-SPORT BEG: I . Dav id Brown e . DU AL-SPORT NOV: I. Cory Eve nson ; 2. Randy Snodgrass; 3. TIm Bartee; 4 . Wayne Falcon; 5. Roy Keizer. DUAL-S PO RT tNT: I. Colin MacDona ld; 2. William Thomas; 3. Je rry Johnson; 4. Dam ie n W illiams. DUAL·SPORT EXP: I. Brie n Kinney ; 2. Paul Varda: 3. Tom Te rran ovi; 4. Jerry Gradisher; 4-ST RO KE BEG : I.C had Collingwood; 2. Michae l Hild ret h; 3. Cash Colyear; 4. Bra nd on King: S. Mack McAnhur. 4- ST RO KE NO V: I. Ryan l egg: 2. Chris Hee rs : 3. Ethan Flo res : 4. Bob Briggs; 5. Jo hn Cary. 4· ST RO KE INT: 1. Chad Nye; 2. Joey Mart ins; 3. Tony Fox; 4. Shaun Hanso n; 5. Ter ry Picchiottino. 4-STRO KE EXP : I . Mike Roth ; 2. Brett Daugherty; 3. David McCord ; 4 . Charl ie Anava. 25+ BEG: I. John Carpenter; 2. Ethan Archbold: 3. Robert Paq uett e; 4. Dustin Saylor; S. Richard Miller. 1 5+ N OV: I. Benjam in Cat es: 2. Ron Shedd ; 3. Israel Ochoa; 4. Javier Go nzalez ; S. Chris Weedon. 25 + INT: L Pet e r Paige; 2. Todd Bartholome w. 2 5 + EXP: I. Scott Mye rs. 30 + BEG : I. Darryl Culley; 2. Mike Laney; 3. Tracy Biazo ; 4. William Adam s ; 5. Eric Petersen. ]0 + NOV: I. Tony Walters ; 2. Scott Mumfo rd ; 3. Bruce Grizzle ; 4. Teag Allison; 5. Mike Ricbuisa. ] 0+ INT: I. Sean Finely; 2. Do nald McGlaughlin; 3. Andy Ne lso n; 4. Chris Robinson ; 5. Garret Judge. ]0 + EXP: I. Spud Walters; 2. Russ Som ers ; 3. Charlie Anaya: -1 . George Thompson; 5. Mike Chamberlain. 35 + BEG: I. Jeffrey The is; 2. Sande r Avant ; 3. Doug Po w nall; 4. Patrick Weber; 5. Fred Dicke rso n. ]5 + NOV: l. Andy King; 2. Craig lave lli; 3. Andr ew Dix: 4. Tom Evans; 5. Ron Knott . 35 + INT: I. Shau n Hanso n; 2. Greg Pie rce ; 3. Joel Smith ; 4. Jim Dicke y; S. Sherlyn Rigsby. ] 5 + EXP : I. Tracy Mee ks; 2. Wi llie Surratt; 3. David McCo rd . 40+ BEG: I. Jim Monsegur; 2. Jam es Roewer; 3. Pat Lee ; 4. Kirk Schrader; 5. Carl Birchard. 4 0+ NOV: I . And re w Nelso n; 2. Chris Alexander; 3. Mike laPaglia; 4. Robert Buey; S. Edw ard Walters 4 0+ INT: I. Mark Rogers ; 2. Rona ld Utaski: 3 Ken Erb: 4. Mike Hee rs ; 5. Thomas Enge lhard t . 40 + EX P: I. Rod Fo wle r. 2. Brian Mye rscough; 3. Scott Wilkinson ; 4. lee Baco n; 5. Gehorge Tho mp so n. 50 + BEG : I. Mike O 'Ro urk e : 2. Rick Halo poff; 3. Do n Barto n; 4 . Ken Hatra ; 5. Rick Ches hire. 50+ NOV: I. Tom Mad le m ; 2. Ricke rt Haag; 3. Chris Shaw: 4. Cha rles Weedon; 5. Randy Burr ess. 50+ IN T: I. Wes ley Burne tt ; 2. Ke nt Reed ; 3. Thomas Hall; 4. Bill Aivord . 50 + EX P: I. Bru ce McDo ugal; 2. Michae l Webb; 3. Jack McCo rm ick: 4 . Bill Tarling; 5. Dave Gazza neo. VINTAGE 100: I. N o rm Bige low ; 2. Charlie Hamill; 3. Lee Fabry; 4 . Che Smith ; S. Hugh Blacka . VINTAGE BEG : I. Bill Cnsclcgcc 2. Ch ris Ro ysdo n; 3. John Blary; 4. Je ra ld Bro wn; S. G reggory Alexand er. VI NTAGE NOV: I. Mike Tro jnar ; 2. Dave Scott ; 3. Al N owoc.inski; 4. Ronnie Shimo jo; 5. Do n McGregor . VINTAGE INT: I . To ny Fo x; 2. Keith Lynas; 3. Glenn Barfknech t ; 4. David Scourfield; 5. Vinnie Mand zak. V INTAGE EXP: I . Bruce McDo ugal: 2. Michael Owens; 3. Ch ris Corum ; 4. Steven Furman : 5. Do ug Nicol. LEGENDS : I. C raig Adam s ; 2. Bruce McDo ugal; 3. Bryan Brek e r: 4 . Keit h Fearing; S. Te rry Davis. ADU LT MINI: I. Alex Wamock . After winning the Women's Expert race, Kelly Yancey • competed in the HarveyMushman My OWN RACE: Spud Walters 7th Not racing as much as he used to, Spud Walters came out to Elsinore for fun and didn't have any high expectations going into the eve nt. "I'm happy to be in one piece," Walters said. "It was a ro ugh race . I felt ou t of shape. and I just don't have the speed those other guys do . I just came out here for fun and hoped not to gel hurt ." Micky Griffin 9th In only his second Harvey Mushman 100 race ever, Micky Griffi n rode we ll. He ended his day with a top- 10 finish. "It's my second time; I rode two years ago," Griffin said. "I didn't get any flat tires and rode cons istent . Had no desert tanks, so I had to make two pit stops , like most [ride rs]. My hands hurt, but for the most part it was fun." Steve Taylor 35th In his first ever Mushman 100 race, Steve Taylor had a good consiste nt finish that made him happy. "Sack in the '70s, first time I was here I was 2 years old and watc hed it with my parents, and ever since I wan ted to race it, but I never had the money, with kids and all," Taylor said. "I've never raced the GP before, and I wan ted to get my money's worth, so I rode the IDO, and I finished! Everyone told me you cant w in on the first lap and don't get a flat. Well, I didn't bother the fast guys and I didn't get a flat. I haven't lost a smile since I got off the track... but, I'll be beat tomorrow." 24 DECEMBER 8, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS 40th Anniversary