Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 11 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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signed "numbe r 48" front plate and jersey, and another WNYMA National rider, Bruce Stratt on Jr.. who dona te d autographed gear. When the action resumed for the Se nior C class , Wa hl ham mere d t he ho les hot, w it h Ramming, Huff and Chris Richard son riding his roos t, loo king for a boost. Richardson jumped to se cond place and was trying to brake and dive inside w he n his Ho nda sta lled , allowi ng several ride rs he'd just passed to get back by, as w e ll as so me others. Roe wa s on a missio n, passing Karl Go ve nettio and Ramming in on e ou tsid e-railing pass, and he wa s now all ove r Wahl's rear fen de r, trying for the lead. Ramming and Goven ettio were battling hard fo r thi rd, while Johnston was hard at wo rk holding off his ne w top -five po sition fro m He lm, Huff and Lucas. Wahl was fee ling the pre ssure build late in the mot a th rough Gra vity Ca vity as Roe pulled alongside to challenge for th e win. With a lap and a half to go, Roe wrestled the lead away from Wahl for good . Wahl ( 1-2) claimed first ove rall, w ith Roe (6- 1) in second. Ramming (4-3), Helm (2-6) and Johnston (5-5) all earned top -five overa lls. With more motorcycle history th an mos t other tracks in New York State, PM will hold its world-famous Hare Scrambles on Novemb er 7. RESULTS SO (4 -6): I. Jo nathan Welle s (Yam); 2. Louis Saxby (Yam); 3. Dakota Whe aton (Y am); 4. Dalton Phillips (Suz); 5. Joshua Zugnoni (Yam). SO P/W (4-8): I. Co lto n Cam p (KTM); 2. David Phillips (KTM); 3. Louis Saxby (Yam) ; 4. Anto nio Ortiz (KT M); 5 . Jos hua Zugnoni (Yam ). 50 ( 1~8) : I. Angel o Kornuda (KTM); 2. Colt on Camp (KTM); 3. Alex Town (Co b); 4. Dav id Phillips (KTM); 5. Kory Fog arty (KT M). 6 5: I . Brandon Mays (KTM); 2. Chaz Clingennan {KTM} 3. Connor ; Ke lly (KTM); 4. Rodney Ruehrwe in (Kaw); 5. Brando n Innes (C o b ). JR MIN I: 1. Br and on Mays ( KT M) ; 2. Chaz Clingerman (KTM); 3. Brandon Bardo (Kaw); 4. Connor Kelly (KTM); S. Harrison Kay (KTM). SR MIN I: I. Jake Edd y (Suz); 2. Andr e w Meehan (Suz); 3. Ken Bur ger (Kaw); 4. Kevin Brasste (Yam); 5. Mitchell Salamon e (Kaw) . MI N I COMB : I. Bra ndo n Mays (KTM); 2. Jake Edd y (Suz); 3 . And rew Mee han (Suz); 4. Ken Bu rge r (Kaw); 5. Andrew Carlso n (Suz). 125 SCHBY: I. C had Du nning (Kaw) ; 2. Richar d PAeth (Ha n); 3 . And re w Mee ha n (Suz ); 4 . Jaco b Ho we ll (Yam); 5. Adam Nile s (Yam). 12 5 BEG : I . Geoff Hubbard (Kaw); 2. Austin Judd (Yam); J. Jason Doyle (Yam); 4. Jason Cono ver (Kaw); S. Jeff Hall (Suz). 125 NOV: I. Kyle Brassie (Yam); 2. Adam Niles (Yam); 3. De re k Timm (Suz); 4. Michae l Tyson (Suz); 5 . Shawn Robins (Suz). 125 AM : I. Chad Du nn ing (Kaw ); 2. N ich olas Basa mania (Yam) ; 3 . Richard Paeth (Ho n); 4. Jo n Skinnent (Kaw); 5. Jacob Ho we ll Chris Wahl stood fast and took first overall in the Senior C class at round 23 of WNYMA action in Pa lmyra, New York. (Yam). 125 EX : I. Brand o n Kuhn (Ha n) ; 2. Jaso n Doyle (Yam); 3. Kyle Keast (Ha n); 4. Brandon Meier (Ho n); 5. Cody Dunning (Kaw). 2S0/0PEN BEG : I. Aaro n Mango s (Hon); 2. To m Prest on III (Y am); 3. Jaco b Boylan (Yam) ; 4. Kevin Piccol a (Kaw); S. Je ff Hobbs (Yam). 2S0/0PEN NOV: I. Michae l Dacle r (Yam); 2. Doug Qu igley (Ho n); 3. Ben Caves (Y arn); 4. Bryan Kashishian (Ka w]: 5. Karl Goven ettio (Ha n). 2S0/ 0 P EN AM : I. Ryan Ny e (Yam) ; 2. Just in Meglio re (Yam); J . Dan Verdine (Y ); 4. Joh n Young III (Yam); S. Dan am Robinson (Yam). 2SD/OP EN EX : I. Bruce Stratt on (Hon); 2. Brandon Kuhn (Hon); 3. Don Schmidt (Ha n); 4. Jesse Repass (Yam); 5. Mike Ackeman (Ha n). 16-24 COMB: I. Ryan Nye (Yam); 2. Kyl Keast (Ha n); 3. Jesse Repass (Yam); 4. Jonathan e Kriegbaum (Yam); 5. Nate C ro foot (Ho n). 25+ A: I. Bruce Stratton [He n]: 2. Do n Schm idt (Ho n); 3 . Je re my Tiffany (Yam); 4. Jeff Burdon (Yam); 5. C hris Lenzi (Ha n). 2 5 + B: I. Mike DiFiore (Yam); 2. Dan De Roller (Yam); 3. Matt Davin (Ho n); 4. Patrick Mclaughlin (Yam); 5 . Jaso n Vislay (Ha n). VET: I. Bruce Stratton (Hen): 2. Don Schmidt (Hon); 3. Ron Nye (Hon); 4. C hris Liv rmore (Y ); 5. Jeff Fregoe (Y . e am am) S R B: I. Daniel De Roller (Yam); 2. Jo hn Yo ung (Yam); 3. Patrick Mclaughlin (Yam); 4. Torn Cox (Y ; 5. Jo hn Billings am) (Hon). S R C: I. Chri s Wahl (KTM); 2. Jame s Roe (Y ); J. am Gary Ramming Jr. (Kaw); 4. Bill He lm (Y am): 5. Jaso n John sto n (Yam). 4 0 + : I. Brian Broadw ell (Sur}; 2. Robert Ruehrwe in (Yam); 3_Gary Ramming Jr. (Kaw); 4. Fred Lucas (Kaw); 5. David JA ckson (Hon). Sunflower State Series Round I I: Dragoon Creek MX Track Moore - Nobody Does It Better By DAWN SITZ LYNDON, KS, SEPT. 19 t h a few differ ent face s on the line, the combined Schoolboy/C oliegeboy contest at ro und I I of the Sunflowe r State Series was W not go ing to go unno t ice d . And o n t his day, nobody did it be tte r tha n Tanner Moor e. In th e first mot a , t he Kawa saki-mo unt e d Moore pulled the holeshot in the Co llegeb oy class and never looked back. As th is was his first race back after crashing and breaking his arm in Tanner Moore sta yed aut in front to top the Collegeboy class at round 11 of the Su nflow e r Sta te Series at the Drogoon Creek MX Track in Lyndon, Kansas. 60 Te xas at the beginning of the summ er, Moo re w as lo o king good ; he ro de his Kaw asaki KX25 0F like he had neve r b een o ff it a ll summer. KTM rider Je re my Theis never had a chance of catching Moo re , but he neve r gave up : he just kept waiting for Moo re to make a mista ke that just never came . The adjoined Schoolboy class was a battle all the way. Suzuki rider Nick T homas got out in fro nt, bu t t he r e al ra ce was for se cond . Kawasaki rider je red Sin rode hard to kee p not o ne but five Suzukis off his tail. Suzuki ride rs Kyle Kelly and Robert Spear s show ed Sin th eir wh ee ls several time s until Spea rs we nt down, so Suzuki ride rs Cafferty Parker and jordan Sin picked up the slack. But Jered was not about to let anyone of t hem around him, thou gh Kelly never gave up trying. The seco nd mota was a carbon copy of the first. Moore pulled the ho leshot and was going, going, gone! Kawasa ki ride r Jeremy Algarin and Theis battled but were never able to catch Moore. Th o mas rode his Suzu ki to a pe rfec t I-I record in the Schoo lboy class. O nce again, the battle was betw e e n jered Sitz and Kyle Ke lly. Th ey battled bac k and fo rt h, and Ke lly ke pt showing Jered that he wa s t he re and that he wa s no t abou t to give up. Kelly also had to NOVEMBER 10, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS wor ry about Spears , who was right o n his tail, but Kelly just ke pt going. Though he was unable to catch Je red, he did stay ahead of Spears until the checkered nag droppe d. RESULTS 50 (4. 6 ) : I . Aus tin Be cker (KT M): 2. Gunnar Ho rn (KTM); 3. Ryan Closser (KTM); -4 Harle y Stewart (KTM); 5. . Colto n Mo ranz (KTM). 50 (1-8): I. Ne il Tajch man (Pol); 2. Tucke r Sm ith (KTM); 3. Chase Branson (KT M); 4. Jord an Williams (KTM); 5. Lake Ste wart (KTN ). P/W OPE N: I. Chase Branson (KTM); 2. Jordan WitH ams (KTM); 3. Sto rme Sull (KTM); 4. Colton Mo ranz (KTM); 5. Kevin Moranz (Yam). 6 5 (6-8 ): I. Tristan Hughe s (SU 2. Ne il Tajchman (Kaw); 3. I); Tucker Sm ith (KT M); 4. lake Stewart ( KT M); 5 . Lo ga n Flo w e rs (Su z) . 65 (9 -1 I ) : I . Dylan Flow ers (Su z) ; 2. Came ron Warn e r (KT M). 65 OPEN : I. Lake Stewart (KTM). 85 BEG: I. Michael Wh ite (Han ); 2. Ch ris Hegwald (He n): 3 . Tyler Hansen (Yam) ; 4. Jesse Tucker (Kaw); 5. Dominic Cleme nte (Ha n). 85 (1 . 1 1) : I. Fran kie Workman (Suz); 2. Dylan Flowers (Kaw). 8 5 (12 -15 ) : I. Chris Thies (Suz); 2. Cole Broc ke lman (Kaw). MIN I OPEN : I. Chris Th ies (Suz); 2. Frankie Wor kman (Suz); 3. Cole Broc kelman (Kaw ) . SM BK OPEN : I . Dalt o n Sw ind ale (Yam) ; 2. Cam er on WArner (Yam); J. Sierra Ordonez (Yam). 125 BEG: I. Eric:Koontz (Kaw); 2. Ryan Burrous (Suz); 3. Charles l ucas (Suz); 4. Scon Grause (Kaw); 5. KyleJone s (Suz). 125 NOV: I. Nick Thom as (Suz); 2. Josh Sidebottom (Hon ); 3. Cody Emmert (Yam); 4. Robert Spears (Suz); 5 . Ky Kelly le (Suz). 2 50 BEG: I . Jeff Salmon (Kaw); 2. John Skaggs (Hon); J. Je sse Poe (Yam). 150 NOV: I. Cody Emme rt (Y ; 2. am) Aust in Workman (KTM). 250 EX: I. Beau Rarnsted r (Yam). WMN : I. Noe l Holladay (Ha n); 2. Sierra O rd onez (Kaw). SCHBY: I. Nick Thomas (Suz): 2. [ered Sitz (Kaw); 3. K yle Ke lly (Suz) ; 4. Robe rt Spea rs (Suz); S. Jo rd an Sttz (Suz). C LGBY: I. Tanner Moore (Kaw); 2. Jer e my The is (KTN); 3. Jere my Algari n (Kaw). 30 + : I. Michae l Ale xande r (Yam). 40 + : I. Eric Knight (Suz). Missouri Hare Scrambles Championship Series Round 10: Hell 's Holler Leivan Collars Holler Win and His 12th Crownl By FRANK LEIVAN NEWARK, MO, SEPT. 19 o r t he 12t h ti me , SCR / Yam aha's Steve Le iva n is th e Misso ur i Ha re Sc ra m bles Champion . By putt ing togeth e r anothe r final-lap sprint, the Answer/D unlop/Scot t/Silkolene/Race Tech-sponsored rider collected his sixth win of the season and put the t itle on ice wit h fou r rou nds rem aining. "This is w hat I wo r k fo r," Le ivan no te d . "Eve ry race t his year has bee n good for me, and that's what wins championships. The rest of the yea r will be one long victory lap!" The event (dubbed "He ll's Holler") featured a ra rity am ong mos t MHSC eve nts: no roc ks. Tract ion wa s nea rly perf ec t on the ID.S-m ile course that was nearly aUvirgin tra il. As the race deve lop ed . so did alternate lines, and the lap times for the leaders dro pped from 28 minutes to right at 26 by the conclusion of the five-lap race . Quic kest off th e line was Chris Thie le, but Leivan was in the lead within the first few turns on his WR250F, and he set th e pace early o n. Beh ind Le ivan, posi t ions swa pped ofte n. but thro ugh all the shuffling, Leivan was able to stay in fro nt and lead the troops th rough the check at the end of lap one. Befo re t he e nd of th e seco nd lap, Aaron Shaw rod e arou nd the outside of Le ivan at the e nd of a long straightaway and took over. Shaw upped the pace, and only Leivan, Chris Ne sbitt and Caleb Wohletz could hang o n. Those four riders rode together througho ut la p th re e . T he n Shaw tri e d a bit o f strategy head ing ou t fo r lap fou r. T he Kawasaki ride r decided to wait untilthe white flag to stop for fuel, w hile his t hree competitors all stopped a lap e a rlier. W it h the t rio of Leiv a n, Nesb itt an d Wahlen all pitted near each other, pit row loo ked like a NASCAR pit stop, as each rider tried to get in a nd o ut of his "stall" th e q uickest, W hen F 4 0th Ann iver s ary everyone got going again, th e order had not changed , but Shaw had the biggest lead of the day. Kno w ing t ha t a wi n wo uld clinc h the championship, Leivan put his head down and went after Shaw. Although his lead was just shy of 20 seconds going into the last lap, Shaw surrendered most of that while fueling, and now it was a twoman, one· lap dash. Nesbitt and Wa hlen were fighting each other, and they had lost touch with Leivanwhen the white flag came out . The pace was furious on the final lap. which led to a cou ple of mistakes on Shaw 's part , but Steve Leivan ruled in Hell's Holler and took home the Missouri Hare Scrombles Championship Series crown a full fou r rounds before the series fina le.

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