Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 11 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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the ove rall in the highly com pe titive class, ahead of KTM-mo unt ed Jose Alvarez. The highlight of t he day w as the 125cc C class. as 36 riders lined up to batt le for bragging rights . Yamaha rider Joe Ca mal ick gated first and he ld o n to t he le ad unt il he got t o t he w hoo p secti o n, w here he wa s re leg ated t o th ird te m porarily. Ho nda rider C hr is Yukon too k over th e lead , w ith Yamaha jockey Kyle Johnson follow ing in second . Yukon's lead lasted on e lap before Camalick reclaimed the lead o nly to lose it half a lap later to johnson. On the next lap, Yuko n rega ine d the lead, o nly to be re pass ed by C amalic k a nd j oh nso n on t he w hi te - flag la p . W hen t he c he c ke rs w e r e displayed, johnson claimed first , w ith Ca malick follow ing in second and Yuko n ta king third . In the seco nd mot e . a w ho le new set of players changed the o utcome of the final results . First-me te winner Johnson we nt down and was relegated back to midpack; he would net 10th place overall at the finish. Ho nda-mo unt ed Cody Fuller, who had been mired in the midd le of the field in the first mot o, came back with a stro ng start in moto two and held the lead fro m sta rt to finish to eam seco nd overall. Josh Bitun jac, who had finished just ahead of Fulle r in the first moto, did a repeat performance and follow ed Fuller to a second-place finish, w hich earned him third Aaron Deer (550) gets the all-importont second-moto holeshot on his way to one of his two Motokazie Dealer Series titles in Elko, Minnesota. pro blems in the second mo to that d rop pe d him to fourt h in the se ries. Dee r's sec o nd overall, be hind jo hn Emm eck, easily clinched the title . Brando n Ka rin's sixth overall moved him into second place, followed by Matt hew Boe , who ran a stro ng fourth overall on the day. Th e c ham pionsh ip was wide o pe n in the 250cc B class. Matt Wodtke, the points leader going into the day, was abse nt, leaving the door open fo r second- placed Deer and thir d-place d Boe , w ho was two poi nts be hind Deer. Dee r finished seco nd in the first moto, but Boe was right behind him, setting up a second -mot e race fo r t he c ha m p io nship . D e e r go t ano the r holes ho t and checked o ut , gett ing t he ove rall and series wins. Eric Hughes held seco nd fo r the whole race to card second overall . Boe's third overall moved him into second by a single point . Ano the r class th at went do wn to the last mota was 16-24 C class. jacob Coulson had a 2 I-po int le ad over James C arsten comi ng in, but w ith the th rowaway figured in, the lea d was o nly five points. In the first mo to , Carsten did w hat he had to do and wo n the mo to . Cou lso n finished right behind him. The second moto saw Coulso n in the lead , w ith Carsten close behi nd. Carsten needed to pass Coulson and hoped a few o t hers wo uld as we ll. Inste ad , Co ulso n pulled away slightly tow ard the end , giving him the overall and the championship. Thre e riders we re able t o w in tw o clas s crowns. Jeff Sandback came into the day leading both the Over 30 B and Over 40 B classes , but by fairly slim margins . Whi le he was unable to win eithe r class on this day, he was consistently in fro nt of his class rivals and he ld the lead in bot h classes. N ick Oja had clinched the 125cc C and Schoo lboy titles at the previo us round, and joe Mueller had done likewise in the I25cc A and 16-24 A classes . Hitching Post, Cities Edge, Leo 's South, Motoprimo and Cann o n Falls HYS, and Scott all provide support fo r this series , Allthat 's left for the series now is to en joy the banquet in October and get a jump on 2005 be nch-radng. D acing actio n res umed at Leisure Time after l'.a sum me r spent changing and refining the track . During the summer, Leisure T ime eliminated so me tab leto ps and re placed t hem w ith a set of whoops and also w ide ned several areas, 50 OIL-INJ (4-6) : I. Nkhctas Haut (KTM); 2. Jacqueline Riess (KTH ); 3. Grant Hecht (KTM ). SO OIL-IN) (1 -8) : I. Josh Anderso n (Yam); 2. Joe y Greig (KTM); 4. K~ Thomas (KTM). SO CHAI N (4 -6): I . Ronald Decker (KTM) ; 2. Nick Schnagl (KTH); J. Patrkk Honey (KTH). 50 CHAIN (7- 8) ; l. Matthe w Huinke r (KTM); 2. Cole Haue nste in (Kaw) ; l . Colton Arneson (KTM). 65 (7.9) : I. Travis Stewa rt (Suz); 2. Dylan Wo lff (KTM); l . Tracen Vail (KTM). 65 ( 10.11): I . D us tin Wo Uf (KTM); 2. Jer e m y Juliot (Kaw ) ; 3. Aust in Falkman (Suz). 85 (1 .11): I. Just in Regen sche id (Suz); 2. Sam Milbrand t (Kaw); 3. Dan Gre ig (KTM) . 85 (9.1 2): 2. Taylor Kotew a (Yam); 3. Justin Regenscheid (Suz); 3. Shane Tlsmer (Yarn 85 (1 2. 15): 2. Shawn Kline (Kaw); 2. Taylor ). Kotewa (Yarn l . Jesse Kangas (Hon) . 5/ MIN I ( 12- 15): I. ); Je sse Kangas (Han) ; 2. Sha wn Kline (Kaw); 3. And rew Rutle dge (Hon ). 125 A: I. Joe Mue ller (Ho n); 2. Brett O hland (Yam); 3. Scott Ehle nfeldt (KTM). 125 B: I. Matt Foels (Kaw); 2. Brad Perron (Yam); l . Justin McKinley (Yam). 115 C: I. Nick Oja (Yam); 2. James Carsten (Yam); l . Jacob Coulson (Yam 250/0PEN A: I. Bre tt Oh land (Yam); 2. Jed ). O 'Connor (Hon) ; l . Scott Ehlen feldt (KTM). 250/0PEN B: I . Aa ron Deer (KTM); 2. Matthew Boe (Yam) ; 3. Mat t Wodtk e (Ya m). 250/0 PEN C: I . Steve Hanks (Yam 2. Jay ); Slatt ery (Ha n); 3. Jo hn Reinhart (Hon ). W MN : I. T iffany Rumpc:a(Ya m): 2. Kristen 0 1.1 (Yam); 3. jessica Hanson (Suz). SCHBY ( 11-15) : l. Nick O ja (Yam); 2. Ri ky Benson (Ho n); c l . Matt Wodt ke (Suz). 16 -24 A : l . Joe Mueller (Ho n); 2. Brett Ohland (Yam); 3. Scott Ehle nfeldt (KTM). 16- 24 B: I. Aaron Dee r (KTM): 2. Brandon Ka rin (Ha n); 3. Matthe w Boe (Ya m). 16-24 C: I. Jaco b Cou lson (Yam); 2. James Carst en (Yam); 3. Kyle Koe berl (Yam). 15 + A : I. Aaro n Carlson (Ya m); 2. Jed O 'Connor (Hon ): l . Chris Zurek (Hon) . 25 + B: I. Jere my Tho len (Y am); 2. Mitche ll Koebnick (Hon); 3. Clayton Manth e (Ha n). 1 5 + C: I . Just in Van Den boo m (Yam); 2. Matt Bor gman (Hon) : l . Kevin Bro nso n (Ho n). ] 0 + A : I. Chris Zure k (Hon) ; 2. Mike Carlson (Suz); 3. Mike Jo hnson (Ho n). ] 0 + B: I. Jeff Sand bac k (Hon) ; 2. Jo h n Mulligan (Yam l . Clayton Mant he (Hon) . ] 0 + C: I. Greg ); lamont (Hon); 2. Steven Ri rdan (Yam): l . Brad Cunningham e (Hon). 40 + A: I. Bob Chase (Yam); 2. Ken Matson (Hon ); 3. Mike Minehe ine (Ha n). 40 + B: I. Jeff Sandbac k (Hon ); 2. Robert Buck (Yam); l . Jon Holtz (Y am). 4 0 + C; I. Jeffrey Schreurs (Ka w) ; 2. Da n Karg (Yam) ; 3. Mike Carpenter (Kaw). 45+ A: I. Dave Henc:i (Hon ); 2. Jonathan Hodapp r (Hon ); 3. Randy Saeger (Yam). 4 5+ B/C : I. Jo hn Dahlen (Kaw); 2. Duane Gunders on (Hon): l . Robert Breu (Hon) . By RUPERT X. PEWTT NEWCOMERSTOWN, OH, SEPT. 19 t h so invite nd W;hea lthyme 300ofdea le rsl gues ts din aatten-a throng specia da nce , t he an nua l Fox Deale r Ride went o ff wi th a t on of smiles, as t he large crowd of en thusiastic riders was tr eat ed to a warm, won de rf ul d ay o f Fo x-flavo re d fro lic king at an impeccably prepared ve nue . Scen ic Highlands Mo toc ross Park primed its magnificent circuit to near perlection and opened its do ors , a nd Fo x's hos t , Shawn Ke nne dy, welcomed dealers and the ir families to a full day of riding. yapping and munching. with O hio's late- summer sun serving as a bun-warmer. After an all-morning open ride o n the lengthy and pictur e sque mo to cro ss co urse , riders and gue s ts were invited to a tea m me e t ing and ra ffle , with t re mendou s Fo x go o dies t ossed about, followed by a picnic-style buffet. featuring barbec ued chicken and all the flxln's. Then it was back to rid ing. as guests were enco uraged t o t e s t - r id e so me o f t he Fo x products, includ ing the latest co lorful boo ts . As t he lon g afternoon riding sessions came to a close, everyo ne we nt home wit h a gleam in their eyes, knowi ng they'd had a very foxy time at a fine track . American Trials Association Championship Series Round , : Johnson Vall ey Davis Takes Whole Enchilada at Brawny Beef Taco Trial By PERRIS HILLTON LUCERNE VALLEY, CA, SEPT. 19 E mos t nota bly the downhilldou ble. A majority of the riders liked the changes, and most tho ught it opened multiple lines for passing. The Autos started the racing . Zac h Malone , aboard his KTM sponsored by AM Racing, go t the holeshot in the Auto O ne class and led fro m start to finish. Then he backed up his first-mote win w ith ano ther in the second stanza to take EWS AUTO I: I. Z. Malone; 2. J. Alvare z. AUTO 2: I. N . Cra ig; 2. K. Orsburn: l . K. Kerse y; 4. S. Mitter; 5. M. Watkins. AUTO ) : I. K. Kersey; 2. J. Spaulding; 3. R. Sted man; 4. W. Ward . 65: I. N . Stedman ; 2. J. Thode Jr.; 3. A. Sanders . 65 BEG : I. R. Jo h nso n: 2. K. li ndl e y; l . 8 . Hatnar : 4 . L. Ryze ws ki. 8 0 OPEN : I . N . Kersey; 2. D. Ca ud ill; 3. N . Symons. 8 5 JR: I. N . Campbell: 2. W. Reader ; C. Siler, 4. N. Sted man . 85 5R : I. N . Kersey; 2. D. Caudill; 3. N . Symons. 125 A:. I. J. Subart ; 2. K.. Honn . 115 B: I. M. Robemon; 2. T. Jabaay; 3. H. Slagle ; 4. R. 'Nh ited ; 5. B. Roorda. 125 C: I. J. Cam alick; 2. C. Fuller ; 3. J. Ritunjac; 4. I. Griffith; 5. C. Yukon . HVY A: I. M. Zylstra; 2. K. Honn . HVY B: I. R. Hinch; 2. K. 'Nhisker, r. R. Raelson . HVY C: I. K. Joh nso n; 2. D. Yurko ; 3. M. Blade cki; 4. M. Salinas . W MN : I. K. Undley; 2. S. McLemor e; l. M. Jordan. 12ยท15: I. M. Slagle; 2. T. Jabaay; 3. M. Lewis: 4. R. Muinze r. 16-1 4: I. M. Zylstra: 2. B. Roorda ; 3. M. Roberts on . 15 + A: I. J. Royko : 2. p. McCoy; l . J. Begeske. 1 5 + B: I. J. Konopasek; 2. J. Mart in; ].J. Kasza. ]0 + A: I. J. Subart . ]0 + B: I. S. Robert son ; 2. R. Ste w ar t ; 3. D . Sande r s . 40 + : I. F. Roz en ich ; 2. J. Konopasek ; l . H. Jabaay. Fabulously Fashionable Foxy Fun at Fox Dealer Ride SERIES FINAL RESULTS The Thrill is Back MEDARYVILLE, IN, SEPT. 19 RESULTS Fox Dealer Invitational Ride Scenic Highlands Motocross Pa rle Leisure Time GP By DON BROWNING ov erall. Camalick, t hr o ugh his stead y riding , ear ned the to p overall finish by posting a second and a third. jim Royko and his Se rvice Ho nda- mod ified CRSoo do minated the Over 25 A class to ta ke home the lion's share of the A riders' money. Paul McCoy, on his four-str oke Hond a. placed second. All in all, Le isur e T ime provided a grea t track and the riders pro vided so me great racing on a very demandi ng course . Again, Leisure T im e 's motto - "O nly th e fitte st s urv ive " see med very ap pro priate . njoying unseasonably cool temperatures (mid70s in the summ e r in th e Mojave De se rt' ). the American Trials Associ atio n started off its 200 4-05 series o n the famed rocks of Cougar Buttes. More than 75 riders batt led high winds while picking their way th rough technical sect ions and bravely tackling spectacularly tall, stee p slabs of granite . Some riders, of course, were stillshaking off the effects of the Team Full Monty-sponsored Brawny BeefTaco Fest the night before. Close battles typified the Braw ny Beef Taco Trial on Sunday, wit h many of the classes st ill in do ubt when the 30th a nd final section wa s be ing ridd en. Bruce Davis came from be hind to take the Advance d A victo ry. In fou rt h afte r the first loop, Davis caught up to Pete Croft with a o ne-d ab second loop. C roft had probl ems on 40th Anniversa ru t he tech nica l six th a nd seventh se ct io ns. surrendering a lead he had built up when Davis ftved two of t he ev e nt 's firs t three se ctions. Croft couldn't put together a clea n on the final loo p until the fifth section (he fived the mighty slab o n sect ion two), w hile Davis sco red th ree cleans in the first fo ur sec tions . Davis gave back three points of his four-po int lead in subsequ en t sec t ion s, b ut both ride rs snare d a cle an o n section 10, and Davis won by a single dab . Eric Storz built up a six-point lead in the Inte rmediate A class w ith two sec tio ns to go, but t he n he had a dis as tro us five in san d y section nine, a sec tion that had no cleans all day in the Intermed iate A d ivisio n. How ever, a clean on the final sectio n secured his w in. Th e mos t domi na tin g win we nt t o Jo sh N ielse n, in the N ov ice cla ss. T he teenage Ni else n bested ve te ran Al N o ur ian by 19

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