Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 11 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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EVENTS for third aroun d Todd Costley, aboard his gorgeously su n burst ·pain t ed Yama ha YZF 1000R I supported by Vanmar Racing. Turpin's seco nd -place finish may have destroyed his goal of pitching the perfect season, but it did secure him the MRA championship and the number-one plate for 2005 . O ther racers to sec ure their 20 04 champ ionships were Simon Lucio w , i n the Modem Vintage GTU class, and webmaster and major cont r ibutor to " Racing to Save Lives " David Gallant. in the Amateur GTU class. Another notable event of the day was the runn ing of Mark " T he Mile H igh Mouth " Woodward in the Modern Vintage GTO contest. Rid ing a Ho nda RTD I000 borrowed from Karl Frakes. Woodward was able to score a solid finish, maintaining his competition status within the club. Frakes was also competing on his Modern Vintage Yamaha FZRIOOO. T he event clo sed out with a barb ecu e to cele bra te " C o r ne r Worker App reciat ion Weekend ," with free beer provided by Brec k's Brewery through Skinny Racing. RESULTS GTU NOV; I. Jake urimer, 2. Euge ne Bazyt; l . Tony Ewart: 04 . Marcus Frison; 5. Bruce Baca. GTU AM : I. Luke Johnston ; 2. C o rb in Swan ; 3. Gr eg G re enwood ; 04 . Travis Steffens ; S. Eugene Buyt. GTO NOV: I. Travis Steffens; 2. Mike Hene eseedt : 3. Euge ne Bazy!; 04 . D ar in Schwartl; S. Marcu s Friso n . G T O A M: I. Marv Rosencran s; 2. Luke Johnston; 3. Corbin Swan ; 04. Greg Gr @e nwood; 5. Eugene llazyt MORN VINT GTU , I. Simon I.u6ow; 2. lOny Mata; l . Tim Young ; 04 . fUndy Ray Miller; 5. C huc k Shet tshne . HORN VINT GT O : I. Aaron Petrie ; 2. Karl Frakes; 3. Simon Wciow; 04 . Randy Ray Miller; 5. Dan Quattire . HIW SlS PT: I. Martin Sims: 2. Brad Hendry; l . Shannon Moham ; 04. Luke Johnston: 5. Dmd Lambert. HJW SlS PT: I. MMtin Sims ; 2. Mike Applegate : l . Corbin Swan ; 4. Shannon Mcham; S. David Umbert. OPEN S/ S PT: I. Brad Hendry; 2. Rich De e ming: 3. Huk N udelman; 4. Crash lowe ; 5. Dennie Burke . HJW SlBK.: I. Martin Sims; 2. Brad Hendry; 3. Stwmon Holum; 04 . Corbin Swan ; S. Luke Johnston. HJW SlBK: I. Mart in Sims; 2. Mike App*egate : 3. David Lambert; 04 . Crash lowe; S. Shannon Holum. OPEN SlBK.: I. Dan Turner, 2. RickyOrlando; 3. Shane Turpin; 4. Todd Cosney: S. Rich D@e ming . srrw GTU: I . D ale Murph y; 2. Micha e l Fogarty ; 3. Jeff Bernard; 4. Sean Bratt: S. Rex Shim.. GTO: I. Jon Glaefk e ; 2. Jim Bre we r; 3. Ben Fox: 04 . Sean Keeler: 5 . Jay Hollman . RO TR : I. Dan Turn e r ; 2. Sha ne TUrpin 3. RickyOrlando; 4.Shane Cahill; 5. Todd C ostley. ; Lance Vincent (82S) had a classic ba"le with longtime rival Dillon Van Way (6) in the J un ior Su permin i class a t round th ree of the Extreme Sports Entertainment 2004 Holesho t Series in Sp lendora, Texas. Ind iana State Hillclimb Championships Pleasure Riders C1ubgrounds Extreme Sports Entertainment 2004 Holeshot Series Round 3: San Jacinto MX Park Fortner Fast, Gockens Golden at Indy Championships By BUD NORTHRUP CAYUGA,IN, SEPT. 19 he Pleas ure Riders hosted the 2004 Indiana State Hillclimb C hamp ion sh ips , an d 132 riders came to challenge the ir roc k-hard, rutted, ISS-foo t hill, wh ich gave many very good riders a lot of gr ief. " Fast Andy " Fortner emerged as the top rider of the day. and the "Golde n Gockens" eme rged once more as t he most successful family. Fortner too k t he w in in the ultracompet itive 600cc class on his CRSoo with a second-ro und ride of -1.844 se conds, which also earned him the Fast Time Award for the day. He had to come from beh ind for the win. as Cod y jenner took the first-round lead with a 4.849-second ride on his Honda, o nly to see Fortner slip u nd e r him by a m e re five thousandths of a second. Th e slightest blip of the throttle can mean th e differe nce betwee n a champ ionsh ip and seco nd place . jenner laid it all on the line, try ing to catch Fonner on his second ride , but he crashed at I 10 feet . Jared McKay was the only othe r rider to break into the fou rs , placing t h ird in t he class w it h a 4.96 7-second run on his KXS40. The Gocken fam ily had a very good day , with 9·year-old Matt leading the way, winning bot h classes he entered . Rid ing his KTM SO, yo ung Matt thrille d th e crowd by topping the hillon his first ride in 8. 193 second s for the win. Chelsea Gill was the on ly other rider in the class to stop the clocks , and she did it tw ice, the second time in a very good 8.594 seconds. Matt retu rned in the 65cc class to top the hill twice - the only rider in the class to see the top - and claimed that win with a 7.799-second run on his KX6S. John Michael Gocken, IS, snared th e 400cc Stock-class championsh ip w ith a fine 5.3 39second run on his YZ2S0. with dist rict po ints leader R.J. Watson runn ing second w ith a 5,4 3Bsecond t ime on his Yamaha. jo hn also placed second in the 4SOc class and third in the 2SOc c c class . His 12-ye ar.old sister Dust! completed the lamily trophy day with a fourth-place finish T 56 .. srrw The Mini Warz in the 8Scc Senior Mini class. Veteran riders Ron Todd and Steve Shafer both enjoyed double wins . To dd , 5 I, took his first w in in the Senior (O ve r 40) class with a second-round S.02 +second ride to overtake Distr ict IS hillclimb re feree Scott Petty for the title. Petty had set the first -round time to beat at 5.880 second s for the lead at half-time, and improved it to 5.394 se co nds on the se cond round but had to settle lo r second place . Todd brou ght his vintage KX500 back in the Super Senior (Over 50) contest and won that one as well, with a time of 6.003 seconds . Billy Pears on was seco nd fastest on his 400cc Suzuki. with a 6. I30-second time . Shafer claimed his t it les on his smoot hrunn ing Har ley in the Open a nd Pushrod classes. turn ing in times of 5.611 seconds and 5.860 seconds, respectively. R.D. Miller II w as second in both classes on his big Harley, posting times of 5.914 and 6.5S7 seconds. By Doc Mmoy SPLENDORA, TX, SEPT. 19 T R ESULTS 50 AUTO : I . Mat t G o eke n (KT M); 2. Chelsea Gill (Cob); 1. Kolt Kinsler (KTM ); 4. Cole Garriott (Pol); S. Garett Hol ycr o ss (KT M) . 65 : I. Matt G o e ke n (Kaw} ; 2. l ogan Moody (Kaw); 1. Bre tt Kalaher (Kaw); 4. Chelsea Gill (Kaw) ; S. Lauren ShJifer (Ha n). 85 JR: I. Ca leb Emory (Kaw); 2 Chris Pet e rs (Yam); l . Jake Wood (Suz); 4. D rew D anie ls (KTM); S. Jeremy James (Kaw) . 8 5 S R: I . Blake Cappello (Kaw); 2. Just in James (Kaw) ; 3. Mike Popham {Yam -4. Dusti }; Go e ke n (Ka w) ; 5. Shane G r e e n (Yam) . 12 5 : I. Bre n t Bo w man (Ha n); 2. Mike Pop h am (Yam); l . Bub b a Bo nd (Hon); 04 . Paul Han (Hus); S. R.D. Miller III (Kaw) . 200: I . Bubba Bond (Kaw ): 2. Jake Tackitt (Kaw); 1. Chris Pe ters (Kaw) : 04 , Gordon Green (Kaw): 5. Kefth Klett (Kaw ). 2 50 : I. Jeff Moore (Kaw) ; 2. Mvi<. Schroeder (Y am); 1. Joh n Michael Goeken (Yam 4. Jared McKay (Yam); 5. Josh Mingee (Hon) . ); 4 0 0 STK: I. Jo hn Micha el Goc ke n (Yam); 2. RJ. Watson (Hon) ; l . Paul Han (Hus): 4. Mark Schroeder (Yam) ; 5. Jeff Moore (Kaw ). 45 0: I. Cody Jenner (Yam 2. John Michael ); arn); 04 . Paul H iftard (Y am); 5. Goe ken (Hon) ; 3. MIke Peters (Y Ron lOdd (Su.). 600, I. Andy Fonne< (Han): 2. Cody Jenne< (Han) : J . JN ed McKay (Kaw) : • . jod1ey WhKhMd (y",,): • . Dale P:om>< (Kaw); S. Maso n Gu in (SUI ). 4 · S TRK M IN' : I. Tyler Scho vajsa (Yam); 2. Zach Parrot (Han ); l . Steven S ko~ ( Kaw) : 04 . Logan Van Way (KTM); 5. Chris Van Way (Hon ). 115 A: I. Robert Locke (Kaw ); 2. Jose Fernandez (Kaw) ; 3. Brian Germany (Kaw). 12 5 8 : I. Daniel Garren (Kaw); 2. Blake Reve ls (Hon); l . C od y Starit (Kaw ): -4 John Flkaris . ); (Kaw). 125 C: I . T~ Hammock (Yam 2. Frank Christoph (Yam): J . Coo-eySelf (Kaw ): • . Jm . , H....... (Yam ): 5. T.. Hebert (Hon) . 125 0 : I . Casey Bruce (Y am): 2. Brad CytWa (Yam ); I . Sea n Thomas (H a n); 4. Kevin Well s (Yam); S. Stephen Jane rt (KMT) . 125 OPEN : I . John Filwis (Kaw); 2 Max Swa in (Yam) ; 3. Blake Revels (Ha n); -4. Josh Fichter (Hon); S. Tee Hebert (Hon). 250 A: I. Kyle WiRiams (yam) ; 2 . Robert locke (Kaw ); 1. Randy Childers (Ha n ); -4 . Jose Fernandel (Kaw) ; 5. C hris Mar e k (Yam). 25 0 B: I. Cody St ar k (Kaw) ; 2 . M3tthew Gillesp ie (Ya m) ; 1 . Brandon

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