Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 11 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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c: I. Mark Grossman (Hon) ; 2. Zach Prueh (Hon): 3. Brian McCarty (Yill'Tl): 4. Chri s Harris (KTM); S. David Bisho p (Suz). 150 BEG: I. Dewey Agves; 2. Kevin Bauch (Hon); 3. Mike Ca rugoo (Ho n); 4. Ch ris Truitt. 150 B: I. Dave [arvu (Kaw); 2. Lawrence Kenehart . 15 0 C: I. Just in Leach (Hon ); 2. Jason Pene-en (Ha n); l . Mike Parks (Y ill'Tl); 4. Robert Howard (Ha n); S. Le e He rtz (Yam). B/BK OP EN : I . Justin Leach (Hon ); 2. Jeremy Ande rson (KTMJ; l . Jonah Trussel (Ya m); 4. Alfred Diamo nd. SCHBY: I. Jo hn Michael Sylvia (Hon ); 2. David Bishop (Suz); l . Bill McMaster (Hon); 4. Tyler Sheare r (Y ); 5. Co lin Rut hem (Hon). VET BEG: I. Dan Con ne r am (Suz). VET B: I. David [arvls (Kaw): 2. Ste ve Davis (Ya m). VET C: I.Aaro n Stewart (Hon); 2. Mike Parks (Yam); l . Tad Davis (Yam). 40 + BEG: I. lew Cains (Yam); 2. Jeff Dec ker (Ho n) : 3 . Rob e rt Ho wa rd (Ho n). 40+ C : I. Bill Shu gg (Kaw); 2. Bruce Buchanan (Ha n); 3. Kim Pe lle rma n (Ho n). Be st In The We st Days 1· 2: Hot Sp r ings Race w ay They M et t he Te st With Zest at the Be st In The We st Fest By DAVE ROUNSEVELLE OGDEN. UT, SEPT. 18·19 D iders fro m five wes tern states came to the I'ne wly remode led track in Og de n fo r th e secon d annual Best In The West race. Everyone from 50cc Shaft riders to Supermi ni racers came to do battle for prizes and 6-foot first-p lace trophies. There we re two motos on Saturday and one on Sunday, with overa ll scores determining t he winners. Eve ry rider who par t icipat e d re ceived a t rophy o r a prize (o r his o r her e fforts . Wes tern Powe rsport s and Scott USA were big sponsors, along with local bike shops. Amanda Maheu took the Sncc Powder Puff class with consistency, convincingly winning all three mot os. Ashlee Byrge was seco nd in both mo tos (or second overall. The battle (or the final podium spot was a catfight, as Tyslee Jones and Paisley Larsen were tied going into the last mota . Jo nes made a last- la p pas s to get by Larsen in an exciting finish. Cody He dges to pped the sOcc Sto ck (7-B) class with three moto wins. When the final gate dropped, the seco nd spo t was still up (or grabs. Preston White house, Brodie Larsen and Morgan Macki ntosh were all kno tte d up in po ints . Wh itehouse got a great start and never looked back, taking second (or the mo to and overall. Larsen took th ird. with Mackintosh fourth. Wes ley Parke r won the first two 65cc Stock (0- 8) rno tos , but in the final mot a he was unable to get aroun d a first-turn pileup and was only able to finish fourth . Hedges took the finalmota win and the overall on a 2-2- 1 tally, over Parker ( 1-1-4). In the 6scc Modified (O-B) class, Parke r once Dacoda Soroc huk (53) and Morgan Burger (591 ) con tested the SS" (12· 13 ) classes at the second annual Best In The West race at Hot Springs Raceway in Ogden, Uta h. again went into the last mota with two mo to wins. This time . Parker would not be den ied, as he topped the class with a 1-1-2 score. Hedges (2- 2-3) was seco nd overall. Bran do n Le it h posted a win in the final moto for third overall with a 4-4-1 score. Riley Brough. Colton Roberson and Keaton Ward eac h took a mote victory in t he 65cc Stock (9- 1I) class, but none of the m took the overa ll. T hat went to Ro c ky Sch me lzle witho ut winning a mot a ! Schme lzle wen t 3-2-2 fo r first overall, over Ro be rso n (2-5- 1) and Brough ( 1-4-4). Tai Barrymo re, Ky Price and Cade n Had ley le all came to t he final Bs cc Stock (0- 1I) mot o tied in points . Barrymore was able to snatch the holesho t in the final mota. Price and Hadle y battle d back and forth an d caug ht u p to Barrymore, but Barrymore he ld them both 0(( for the win and the overall with a 2-2- 1 tally. Price (3-1-2) too k second, and Hadley (1-3-3) was third . In the BScc Stock ( 12- 13) clas s. Rud i Williams, Dacoda Sorochuk and Morgan Burge r we nt into the final mota know ing it was winne r take all. Williams took the win, and with it the overall on a 3-1- 1 score, with Soroc huk ( 1-2-3) seco nd and Burger (2. 3. 2) th ird. Soroc huk turned th ings arou nd in the 85cc Mod ified ( 12· 13) class with a 2·2· 1 tally. over Williams ( 1- 1-3) and Burger (3-3-2). RESULTS SO P P: I. Amand a Maheu (KTM); 2. Ashlee Byrge (Le m); 3. Tyslee Jo nes (Ho n) ; 4. Paisley La rse n (Lem ); 5. Misty Upchur ch (Ho n). SO S HAFT: I. Dillion Cummings (KTM); 2. Dylan Thomp$Ol1(KTM); l . Drake n Jaynes (Hon); 4. Coleton Jaffa (5uz); S. Tucker Cornia (Yill'Tl). 50 STK (4 -6) : I. Dillion Geuke (Co b); 2. David Cornett (Lem) ; 3. Austin Jor gen se n (KTM); 4. Joh nny O 'H earon (KTM): 5. Jame s Dalze ll (Pol). SO STK (7 -8) : I. Cod y Hedges (KTM) 2. Prest o n Wh itehouse (Pol); 3. Brod ie Larsen (Lem) ; 4. Morgan Mackinto sh (Lem ); 5 . Tristan Maycoc k (KTM). SO MOD (0- 6) : I. Dillion Ge u ke (Cob); 2. Austin Jorgenson (KTM); 3. Pete Bishoft (KTM); 4. David Co rnett (Le m); 5. Jo hnny O 'Hearon (KTM). 50 MOO (7 -8): I. Cody Hed ges (KTM); 2. Preston White house (Po l); 3. Daxtcn Sloan (KTM); 4. Tucker Swen son (Lem) ; 5. Tristan Maycock (KTM). P P 65 ·100: I. Tess lana (!

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