Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 11 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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: KTM rider Sky ler Tea gue took the Gol d Cu p Series Min i Open-closs w in ot the finol ro und ot Okla homa City's Motorcycle Raceway. S. Lane Henderson (Kaw). MINI BEG: I. Derek l edbetter (Yam); 2. Mitche ll C ofer (Yam); 3. Jaco b Hicks (Ha n); 4. TJ. Mu rray (He n); 5.].T. Aw brey (Yam) . MIN I JR: I . Taylo r Bassham (KTM); 2. Jared Atkins (KTM): 3. Stacy HIli (Yam). am) . MINI SR : I. Skyler Teague (KTM); 2. Corey Ashley (Y MINI OPEN: 1. Skyler Teague (KTM); 2 . Michae l Bo nd (Hen); J . Jerem y De lzer (Kaw ); 4 . Jared Atkins (KTM). 125 BEG: I. Cody Price (Yam) ; 2. Jo sh Lockcuff (SU1); l . Dustin Murra h (Yam); 4. Ricky H ill (Yam): 5. Aaro n Gillming (Suz). 125 NOV: I . Co r ey Co usi ns (Yam); 2. Tomm y D em o n (Yam); 3. Kye McC onnell (Yam): -1 . Billy Cr awford (H an ). 115 INT: I. Craig Thomas (Y am): 2. Brian Garner (Y am). 115 PRO: I. [erad DeArm on (Yam) ; 2. Shawn Cook (He n); 3. Michael Martin (Hon) : 4. Steve n Sam pley (Yam), OPEN O UTLAW: I. Nathan C o x (Yam); 2. C ra ig Th omas (Yam). 250 BEG: I. Kody Koo ke n (Y ; 2. Steve Hoffman (Yam). am) Heavyweight teams also got into the mix, wit h Mark Skarpohl & Paul jen se n. on their WaspYamaha, right in the midd le of the pack on a bike that was built in 1977! The other Heavywe ight team, comprised of Chris Makynen & jim Plasek. was gett ing around the track in fine form as we ll, dicing w ith Eric Benso n & Dave Matt son, on the ir Wasp-Honda CRSOO. About halfway into th e second lap , there was a battle royal for the lead, as the We nzel Broth ers had tailed Hennessy & Vietti and were set to make t he pass at any momen t. The Wen zel s made their move go ing into the sweeping right -hander t hat le d to t he back section of the track, coming fro m the ou tside and pow ersliding the rig around the turn . No t all the act ion was at the front , as the teams passed and repassed each other in th e mid dl e o f the p ack as we ll. The Wenzel Brot her s took the first-mota win. followed by He nne ssy & Viett i. Myers & Myers. Upfield & Holmes and the n john son & Stimson. Betzen & Poo le turne d their maiden sidecar voyage into a Sixth -place finish. Skarpohl & jense n took the Heavywe ight win from Makyne n & Plasek. Mo ta two wa sn't ne a rly as much fun t o watch, as the Wenzels too k the hole sho t and sim ply checked out. T he re was some great racing for the following positions, though , as He nnessy & Vietti and Myers & Myers had a great duel. Upfie ld & Holme s also had the ir hands busy w ith jo hnson & Stimson . who had de finite ly gotten t he hang of the Two Rive rs track and were on the gas! As the moto continued, the pack tightened up, providing some fantastic racing. but it was Johnson & Stimson who sto le the show. Toward the end of the moto , johnson & Stimson made a trem endous pass on Upfield & Holmes , wh ich set them up perfectly to get by the other teams as well. In one lap, they we nt from fifth to second. and they were catching the leaders at the finish! RESUtTS C'SHIP CL: I. Allen Wenz e l/Bryan Wen zel (EML-Za b); 2. D a ve H e nn e ss y/J im Viett i (VMC- Z a b): 3. Ch r is Joh nso n/P aul Stimso n (EML-H o n); 4 . Richa rd Myers/Ric k Mye rs (EML-Kaw ): 5. Malco lm Up field / Pat Ho lme s (EML Jum); 6. Mark Skarpahl/Paul Jensen (Wsp-Yam): 7, G eo rge Betz e nf\r¥es Poo le (EML-Hon); 8. Chr is Makyne n/Jim Plas ek (Wa sp-Ya m); 9 . Er ic. Be nso n/Dave Mamo n (Ws p -H o n ). H IW: I . Mark Skarpohl / Paul Jen se n (W sp -Yam) ; 2. Ch r is Makyoen/]im Plase k (Ws p-Yam). 250 NOV: I. Joe y Nichols (He n). 250 IN T: I , Nat han Cox (Yam); 2. C raig Thomas (Yarn); l . Kyie Williamson (Yam); 4 Phillip Rape (Yam). 250 PRO: I. Robb ie Reyrurd (Hon ); 2. [e rad DeArm o n (Yam): l . Shawn Co o k [Hen] : 4. Michael Mart in (H o n): 5. St eve n Sampley (Yam). WMN : I. Am y Keen (Han): 2. Jackie Str e be r (SU1): l , Denielle 'fettfe tc n (Yam); '1. Megan 'Iertletcn (Yam), SCHBY: I . Skyler Teague (KTM). 25 +: I. David Ga ll (Ha n): 2. Brian Garner (Yam); l . Dana Fishe r (Yam). 30 + : I. Scooter Webb (Yam); 2. David Gall (H on ); l . Bobby Bowles (Y am); 4. Wyatt Hill (Y ; 5. am) Joe Hampton (Hon) . 40+: I. Bobby Bowles (Y am); 2. Joe Hampt on (Ho n); 3. Randy T homas (Y am) ; 4. Bryan Bol ne r (Kaw ); 5. Je ff Fo rma n (H o n ). 50 + : I. Jim m y Red w ine (KTM): 2. Dan Potter (Yam): l . Ron Ainswo rth (Yam); 4. Bob Bennight (Han). AMA Western National Sidecar MX Series Ro und 6 : T wo Rivers Racing Wenzel Brothers Terrific at Two Rivers Sidecar MX BY DUKE EARUMART MIWKEN, CO, SEPT. 18 A lien & Bryan Wenzel too k their EML-Zabel /'\sidecar to the overall w in at round six of t he AMA Wes tern National Sidecar MX Series, held at Two Rivers MX in Milliken, Colorado. Th e brothers too k bot h mot a w ins at th e eve nt , though not witho ut a challenge from the o t he r teams in attendanc e . With a fantast ic tur nout of nine teams (including two Heavyw e ight te ams) co mpe t ing at this e vent, th is marked th e biggest attendance at a round of the ser ies so far this yea r. Mota one found newcomers George Benen & Wes Poole , on the ir EML-Honda, lead ing the pack into the first turn , but they did n't stay in front for long, as Dave Hennessy & Jim Vietti c harge d past o n th e ir VMC - Zabe l outfit immed iat e ly after th e turn. Henne ssy & Vietti were fo llowed by t he Wenzel Brothers, with Richard & Rick Myers , Malcolm Upfield & Pat Holme s and Ch ris johns on & Paul Stimson taking up pos it ions right behind the leaders . T he Holeshot For Sale: George Benen & Wes Poole (5) lead the pack ot round six of th e AMA Western National Sidecar MX Series in Milliken, Colorado. Steve Parker (1 M) grabs the holeshot en route to the overoll Over 40 Expert win at round 12 of the No rthwest Ma ico & CZ/Pro-Fla National Post-Vin tage MX Series. Northwest Maico & CZ/Pro-Flo National Post-Vintage MX Se ries Round r 2: Two Rivers Ra cing Colorado Wood for Greenwood Bv FRANCENE DEPREZ MIWKEN, co, SEPT. 18 t was an all-wood day for local Co lorado boy Dan Greenwood, as he took first place in the Ove r 50 Expert class, seco nd place in the Open Age Exp ert clas s and t hird place in Ov e r 40 Expert class at roun d 12 of the Northwest Maico & CZlPro -Flo National Post-Vintage MX Series . Gr e e nwood got the first O ver SO Expert mota holeshot, banging bars w ith Eric Wacht er. Gre en wood flew the jumps on his 1981 Yamaha and stayed wa y out in front to take th e w in. "Diamond Don" Rainey began pre paring for his move to the Over 60 Expert class next year by b r ingi ng o ut his new 198 1 Su zuki, a Brad Lackey-replica SOOcc RM, and finished secon d. Bob Garn er settled for third. In mo ta two, Greenwood was again first o ut of the gate and stayed ahead of the pack for the e ntire race. Ga rner finished se cond and took hom e th e seco nd -p lace trop hy aft e r Rainey killed the big bike in a corn er and had to se ttle for third overall. In t he first Over 40 Expert mot o , Stev e I Par ker took the hole sh o t , w it h Gree nwood biting at his heels. Parker built a big lead and stayed in front all five laps to win moto o ne . Green wood too k second. Mark Skarpohl had to settle for third . Parker jumped out in fro nt again in the seco nd mot o bu t co uldn't hold off Skarpoh l, w ho took the win but finished seco nd overa ll o n a 3- 1 t a lly. Par ke r finished seco nd but had eno ugh points for fi~t overall. Green wood (2-3) was third . In th e Wo me n's ra ce , 16-ye ar- o ld Emmy Poo le took the win over her very proud mom , Debbie Po ol e . D ebbi e ( I - I ) t opped the Wom en's Intenned iate class, while Emmy (2- 1) took home the go ld in th e Women's No vice division. Debbie Benson stayed in front of Emmy during the first mot o but had to settle for second overa ll in the No vice dass with 1-2 finishes . The Historic Four-Stroke Experts ran side by side with the Women . Dave Boydstun easily to ok t he first -moto win . but he had bike trouble in the second mot o; despite a bro ken tranny. he still managed to stay halfa lap in fro nt of the pack . He never got his borrowed bike CYCLE NEWS . NOVEMBER 10 2004 49

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