Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 11 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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74-loot effort on his KX6S, w ith Moody running second again, this time w ith a 67 ·foot run o n his litt le Kawasak i. Caleb Emory and C hr is Pete rs were the only riders in the as cc Junior Mini class to top th e hill , w ith points leader Emory doing it in 3.698 sec on ds (or the win and Peters claiming second w ith a 4.273 ·second ride . In the 8Scc Se nio r Mini class, points lead er Blake Cappello and delend ing class cham pio n Mike Popham were the first riders in any class to to p the hill. Popham took the first-round lead with a 3.886 · sec on d run , but he cras hed on his seco nd ride . Ca ppe llo to pped the hill on both his rides , and his secon d-ro und 3.638-second effort gave him th e wi n over Popham. R ESULT S SO AUTO , I. Che~ .. G;B (C ob); 2. Legan Moody (Pol); 1. Jeremiah Lyday (Co b): 4. Garett Holycro ss (KTM); S. Dakota Watson (Pol). 65 : I. Brett Kalaher (Kawl; 2. logan Moody (Kawl; 1. Chelsea Gill (Ka 1. Matt Goeken (Kaw) ; w): S. lauren Shafer (Hon). 85 IR: I. Caleb Emory (Kaw) ; 2. Ch ris Peters (Y am); 1. Jake Wood (Sul ); .. . Drew Dan iels (KTM); 5. Aust in Creek (Hon). 8 5 SR: I . Blake Cappello (Kawl; 2. Mike Popham (Yam); J . AJ . Book. (Kawl; 4. Justin pm.. (Kaw); 5. Schuyle<' KaIahe«Kaw). 115, I. Bubbo Bond (Hon) ; 2. RD. H iller III (lUw); 3. Brent Bowman (Hon): ... Mike Popham (Yam) ; 5. Josh Mingee (Ho n). 100: I . Jake Tackitt (Kaw); 2. Chris Peters (!n (Suz). S5 (1 - 1 I): I. Cody Eastman (Suz); 2. VInCentYKovefli (Yam) ; 3. Kyle Walgamotte (Suz). 85 ( 12. 13): I. Jake McGuire (Suz); 2. Justin jones (Kaw). S5 ( 1 4~ 1 6) : I. Drew Goss.elaa.r (Suz): 2. TOIytor Kenstrom (Hon) . Sl MIN I: I. Cody Baccino (Yam): 2. Drew GoM.eba.r (Suz) ; 3. TaykH" Keltsuom (Han ) . 11 5 BE G : I . Er ic Ivars son (Yam) ; 2. D e re k Utdewood (Han); 1. Tr3Vis ~ (Hon ); 4. Dytan Baud.ez (Suz): S. Matthew Hendrix (Yam). 115 N OV: I. Andrew JMleS (Kaw); 2. Mu HMter (Hon ); 3. Max Adams (Yam); 4. Ken Slater (Yam); S. Chris Pulliam (Hon ). 115 INT: I . Steven Hoover (Hon ). 150 BEG: I. Katie McGuire (Hon ); 2. AJex MaNu (Hon); 3. Heron Elbaz (Hon): ... Marco Vargas (Hon ). 15 0 N OV : I . Bu nd o n McConnachie (YOIm); 2. Ju a n Jefferson (Hon); 1. Chris Yarman (Kaw); 4. Howle Holcom b (Han) . 25 0 I NT: I . Bry o n Ward ( Han); 2. An t h o n y Barba covi (Yam); 3. Todd Anden (Yam). JR VET N OV: I. Ter ence Traughber (Hen). VET BEG: I . Mike lapraik (Hon): 2. Angel Rodriguez (I<.aw); 1. Ryan Branch (Hon ); 4. William he seventh and final round of Motorcycle Racewa y's Gold C up Se ries had everyone push ing t he envelo pe in an e ffort to ge t the mo st points pos sible at the last event. A KTM rider wh o d id just th at wit h style was Skyler Teague . He picked up two title s - o ne in the Mini Ope n class and o ne in the Schoo lbo y class. T he Mini Open class w as a slam d un k for Teague , as o nly three othe r riders show ed up to con tes t the race . Teague go t out in fro nt ea rly in mot a o ne and never loo ked back as he raced fo r the points he need ed to ge t the ove rall title in t he series. Michae l Bond was t he secon dfastest rider on his Ho nda. while je re my Delzer put his Kawasaki into the th ird-place posit ion. Mota two was a repe at performance for the trio, with the overalls landing in the same order. O nly two riders made it to the gate for the 250cc Beginner class. Steve Hoffman too k the checkers first in mota one; Kody Kooken fo llo w e d . The two Yamaha ride rs sw itched places for the second mo to, giving Kooken the overall and the series title in that class. An even sma ller class, with onty one rider, was the 2SOcc Novice class, with Joey N ichols winning that race fairly eas ily on his Honda. Na than Co x took home the bragg ing rights for the 250cc Intermediate class, crossing the finish line in front o f C ra ig Thomas and Kyle dnth 4.nni v .: r c:..:ar l l Williamson, all aboard Yamahas . Even tho ugh these results were the same for both mo tes, none of the three riders could claim the series title , as they hadn't ridde n e no ugh of the races. That hono r went to Brian Gam er, a Bake r Boys Yamaha rider from Ardmo re , Oklahom a. Th e crowd went w ild when the 250c Pro class took to the gate . Rob bie Reynard showed up. back in the sadd le. Being th e loca l star 01 th e trac k, he alw ays ge t s a warm re cept io n w he n he 's a b le t o ra ce th ere . He did n' t disa ppoint anyon e , e ither, taki ng the top ho no rs in both motos , wh ile [e ra d D eA rmo n a nd Sha w n Cook settled for se co nd and th ird , respectively. DeArm on's cons istent finishes paid 011. as he got to take home the Go ld Cup Se ries t it le for the 250cc Pro class, 3S well as the 12Scc Pro class. RU ULTS P!W OIL.IN) : I. Chandler Goodman (KTM); 2. Marcus McC.awtey (KTM); 3. Landon Form an (Pol); 4. Tyle r Bills (KIM ); 5. Ryleigh Webb (y",,). P/W (4 -6) , I. T"""", Snell (KTM); 2. DOIws o n Loc ke n (KTM); 1. MOIr cus McCawley (KTM); 4. Justin Huddleston (Hon) . P/W (1 . S): I. CLayton Mc Conville ( KT M); 2. Bre nda n C k (KTM ); 3. WYOltt HuddleSton (KTM); 4. Man he w laco po (Hus) ; S. Johnny W llli.ams (Hon) . P{W OPE N: I. CLa yton McConvile (KTM); 2. Cha ....... Goodman (KIM); J. Lmdon Fannan (Pol); 4. AJ . ..... (KIM) ; 5. o.w.on lo

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