Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 11 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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marker the brakes started fading, and I made it just to the nine-mile marker and had no brakes." Grider said. "That's when I looked down, and there was o ilev\>rywhere. I th ink I lost 45 minutes total with coming back to the truck to get oil and going back out because I knew if I kept going. the bike wouldn't make it. A finish is better than a DN F. We 're in a big points chase right now, going for the F I [plate] again." Grider and Blais would finish second in class and I I th overall in 5:48: I I on a bike neither had ridden before; in fact, they bolted the last few parts on the night before. One te am that didn 't have any proble ms all race was the 250cc Pro pair of Clint Braun and Matt Gosnell . At the end of the day, they were third overall on their Sportsman Cycie/SuperMex/ DH Racing KTM 250 SX in an unofficial 5:26:34. The class win clinched the numberone plate for t hem , t hough it was far from a trouble-free ride between a flat front tire , hav ing to drain the fuel tank once because of a pit mistake and needing to fix a broken e xhaust flange. Open Expert w inners Larry Brown and David Fry on their TCR Perfo rmance/ Beam Design/Brento's Cycle X R650R follow ed Bra un and Gosnell in the overall motorcycle standings, though separated by two ATV teams on time. " Dave [Fry] keeps me out of trouble, " a gracious Brown sa id. " He' s the one w ho fixes all my m istakes; he kind of gets us bac k on course he re ." eN LAs VEGAS 2 00 JEAN, N EV ADA RESULTS: O CTO BER ( R OU N D S OF 6) 16 , 2004 OVERALL Mle: 1. Steve Hengeveld (Hon ) 4:46:3$; 2. Mike Childre ss/Chuck Dempsey (Hon) 4:54:32; 3. Clint Braurv'Matt Gosnell (KT M) 5:26:3-1 ; 1. larry BrownIDavtd Fry (Hon) 5:36:03 ; S. Alltkony Casti lk¥Pat rick K. We lls (Yvn) 5:38:03: 6. S<:ott H..-weg!Chns Ray (Kaw) 5:43:36; 7. a. Chri stopher" BIOIislAndy Grid er (KT M) 5:48: I I ; Steven EayrslDa vid Thomas (KTM) $;5) : 19; 9. Oay GremellScotl Reutner fMichael Wi lliams (KT M) 5:56:12; 10. Ton y Aguilera/Chris Fry/ Nacoma HcCormk k (Yam) 5:57:52. My N2 !- ATVs shared the course with the bikes, and some of them proved very fast. In fact, the top two AlVs were actually the fifth and sixth vehicles to finishthe motorcycle! AlV portio n of the event . In addition, the third and fourth Quad Pros were actually ninth and 10th overall. OPEN PRO : I. Steve Hengevel d (Han ). 250 PRO: Clint Braun/Matt Gosnell (KTM). 4·STRO KE PRO : I. H ike Childress/Chuck De mpsey (Hon); 2. After a career-best fifthoverall motorcycle and second overall Expert, teenagers Anthony Castillo and Patrick Wells clinched the series 250cc Exp e rt championship. Vegas marked their fourth series victory in a row on their Eliminator Pest ControV M2R/Scon USAYZ2S0. Asked if they'd move to the Pro class next year, Wells replied, "Well, we 're thinking about it." Clint Braun (pictured) and Matt Gosnell clinched the 2S0cc Pro-class championship with their v ictory. C hristopher Blais/Andy Grider (KT M) . Former desert/enduro/15DE racer Kelby Pepper of Colorado demonstrated how quickly he's adapting to the car racing world by nabb ing fourth overall in his Class 1500 Toyota-powered buggyat the Vegas 200. The trucks and buggies raced at the same time as the bikes and AlVs but utilized an entirely different 75-mile course, based mainly to the south of the dry lake and entirely east of 1 -15. I OV ER 4 0 PR O : I. Mark Anondsorv'Doug Heil (Hon) . OPE N EX: I. Larry Brown/D avid Fry (Hon); 2. Scott Herweg1Chris Ray (Kaw ); 3. Steven EayrslDavid Thomas (KTM). 2S0 EX: I. Anthony Castillo/Patrick K. Wells (Yam); 2. Kyle HearoldlJason Tyer/AndyVance (Yam). 4-STROKE EX: I. Tony Aguilera! C hris Fry/Nacoma McCormick (Yam); 2. Jamie GrahamlCurtis B. Moon (Hon) ; 3. Joshua Fishe r/Kevin Fisher (Han ). OVE R 30 EX: I. Ead Des iderio/James Embro/Duane Schwab (KT M); 2. David J. Dunn/Jer ry HertingtWilii m M . O 'Hara (Hon) : 3. a Kurt Hintz/Brett Hoffman/Doug Imhof (Han) . /Mad< OVER 3S EX: I. Todd Co lley Goelz (Han ). O VER 40 EX: I. Greg FountainIJeff . Phill psIKurt Sofka Jr. (Hon ); 2. Rex Peck (Kaw). i OVER SO EX: I. Ne lson Hemandez/Bill Pallono (Yvn) ; 2. Je")" AJIeIVlany Waternouse/E d Wilson (Yam); 2. Jim Hunte r/Randy Reame s (Hon); 3. Michael KrokolJaek Trotter (NA). OVER 40 AM : I. Den nis ~ R.ick" Parker (NA); 2.lvldy Al lsup/Ern ie Allsup/Darrell Eckbaum (KTM) . IRONMAN AM : I. Shane Jeckel (NA); 2. Kyle Huddebridge (Yvn ); 3. Dale Flo

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