Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 11 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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on, but the respo nsiveness of the chassis and the fe ed back fro m t he 43mm inverted cartri dge fork pro vided plenty of confidence . Speaking of the suspension, Victory e ngineer s said they spe nt a lot of time perfecting the suspen sion. The primary concern was how to make the bike's rea r suspensi o n work with the huge, heavy tire . The suspension rates t hey came up with are very impres sive. The bike fee ls a lot plusher over the rough stuff than you'd think it wo uld be , and yet it has plenty of damping control, never feeling like it wants to wallow. Afte r spending a full day riding the Hammer in the country outside of Austin, I was very impressed with how comfortable I was thro ughout the day. The seating position is low enough that the headlight and gauge cluster provide the rider with a de cent amount of w ind protectio n at speeds of up to 75 to 80 mph. Th e ergo nomics fit my 5' 11" frame very we ll, w ith a com fortable reach to the wide , flat bars, wh ile the footpegs are in a com fo rtable pos ition , as well. Grab a handful of throt tle on t he Hamm er and the bike lets you know it means business . The Hammer cranks o ut a claimed 110 lb.-ft. of torque and 88 ho rsepower in stock fo rm, and wit h that huge tire there 's no chance that th e po wer won' t find it's way to the tar mac. Th e Freedom V-Twin motor is silky smooth; t he cou nterbalanced , 50-degree V-tw in lets you know it's alive unde rne ath you, w ithout allowing the vibrations to annoy you . The fuel injectio n has good respons e and pulls cleanly from any rp m in any gear. As already me ntione d, one thing t hat a lot of cru ising riders have been asking fo r is an overdrive sixth gear, and Victory has answered their wishes on the Hammer. Highway cruising is very comfortable because of the overdrive. The difference in revs between fifth and sixth gears is significant: The rpms dro p a full 450 rpm when sixth gear is selected. At 70 mp h, t his equated to 2500 rpm instead of almost 3000, significantly smoothing out any unwanted vibes. There is still plenty of torque on hand if you nee d to make a pass, but if you really want some get-up-and-go , bang it down a gear. It's mo re fun that way anyhow. If you like riding that way, it's also nice to have goo d brakes on a cruiser, and the Hammer 's Bre mbo set up can't be beat, providing lots of stoppi ng po wer and excel lent feel. The Hammer also has sur prisingly good ground clea rance fo r a big cruiser, o nly dragging t he pegs whe n really leaned over in turn. Most cru iser riders aren 't going to ride their bikes that aggres sively anyway. Fro m a styling sta ndpoint , the Hammer is a real loo k, er. Personally I pre fer the solid colo rs to the Tribal Tattoo graphics offered as an o ptio n, but it's nice to have such options. Other o ptions that are available when ord ering the bike are: cast o r billet w hee ls, halogen o r HID (high inte nsity discharge ) head lights, V-Drag style handleb ars, a chro me package and a black o r silver engine. The available colors for t he paint are Black, Indy Red , Cosmic Sunburst, Flame Yellow, Indy Red wfTribal Tattoo gra phics, or Toxic Green wfTribal Tatto o graph ics. The MSRP on the Hammer is $16 ,499. Victory motorcycles definite ly walk the walk, and the Hammer is no exception. I spe nt some serio us time on the Vegas last year and came awa y impressed. That bike had a lot of performance, both in terms of handling and power for a custom cruiser. So it's no surprise that the company's re -entry into the performance cruiser market segment (reme mber the V92SC - no wait, fo rget it!) has a whole lot of performance. Not only does the Victory Hammer cru ise with the best of them , but it'll scare quite a few bikes in stoplight-to-stoplight drags as well. The Victory Hammer is a big cruiser with a bad att itude . What more could anyone ask for? eN -------------------------------------- ~~~~~~ U YES! SiMI ~lIbM-rl pliun ot)' imrru... .,tdy In Cycle Ne ws. 1 n }'l'ar I 50 is1> U l~ (nr $-I';l X1 ((-. m L ' L l'd 2 monthly pa yments) 'I( .iII Na me _ [j Every wl~k fur two )'l;".trs Addre-ss _ CJ City Sta te Zip _ Ph one o _ Order Da te Rt.IIt.' ..-al " · CJ I'!l' .l"'t· t>i11l1w I }l.,lrnll'nl ot ~ .. CJ Sen d lo : ~ Inc. ~~ , llli.. b.1 .J Nt.'w SUb~·ril'lilrn .J _ 1'. 0. n o }, ( IIU i.... (2.5 Issues fo r $2.1_00) lnd <>!oI.>d i~ my check or rru'tl1 er o Costa Mesa , C A '::12628-5084 To ll Free Su bscri ption Ho tli ne (800) 831-2220 Bill 2 pa yments of 5022 5 0 Ilhlt'r 24-h(lllr FAX Order Line (71"' ) 75 1-(l6R5 • E-nl.lil : Subscribed' _ S i~ll.\ f t l rt-' ('''I'' ) ...., 1.... ~l, 2n.J dr... catW~ •• Mo........ 1 . MC / Vis.t# Exp. Date ;;::...~~~.=;-~":'=k~~-:.(~~M-l~' ~-------------------------------------www.cyclenew CYCLE NEWS . N OVEMBER 10 , 2004 23

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