Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 11 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Add these titles to your motorcycle readIng collectIon! r:~~~"~. VALENTINO ROSSI: MOTOCROSS RACERS (58 951 Chn:ItideI Ihe nse 01 a modern leg&nd . from ItS tuTtie ~ in . 10boe by 1 S-kJoC shed to rts present JlCl"JOI'I. a century Iatef, as one oIlhe woncrl n.-t successful ~ manutacturers. I'olIoow; the oIths Atnel'lCan IIJCQeS$ stol'y .s rt wirld$ ltlrough htstory. decaOt by d8cade, IJ'IfIuerced by _'I, h eoonomy . and in tense compel1tlOO frtll11domeshe and Ioreogrl rrvals Illust ra ted by oYer 1,000 photographs dating back 10 the tum 01 the century. The Big book 01 Haney Davidson ~ a nweallng acounc 01 Ihis American icon The SpedaI CAn!tn1iaI Edo bon is updated 10 If'ICluOenew ir'IfOrmaDOn 145.95 H'fd(o~.r. 1G-1n I 11,Jll' pp. 400 colot Ind 50 bIw photo. MOTOGENIUS Br Iby Ry. 1I rr.' br MII1 0"'~, CHll50t .... ~ Raan. 30 sir;Jl6- f~ c.lI ~ 01 reskJItld race bi-ln" • 12' , 256 PlglI, 200 color, 10 bIw photol e by Ed You ngblood 1-s31S1 America has r....- a mora ~ and versatile proINIlOI\IlII ~ racer. [)O; Mam held • poMIOO in Itw pt8StJgiOuS top ten n . . American Mobt:ydisI AssocIation Grand NalJonal ~ b 16 yMrs. _ . . man if! '-Dy 10""" eIIefYcategory of NItA Grand NalJonal ~ wasAmerica"s1eam CiIJlCaln at hl Tra.--.-A.IanIc Mn7l R-=-ln Gr9OII8r&lw1 in 191 1, was IW'I::eAMA Gr.nt NaIlOl'lll ~ lffOfI .... 0Iyl0rIa 2OOfWI::e and . nu:tl more Mam plClf1ll8flld racetradI s.atBlytrd ~ n'\¥l" poIIIalI . dwlges wrtWllhe An-encan ~ AssooiIIIon- 125.95 , ~ ln ..•·112.224 PPT IJ) bAw photOI PRO MOTOCROSS & OFF ROAD MOTORCYCLE RIDING TECHNIOUES JESSE JAMES: THE MAN AND HIS MACHINES by Donn;. S . ' f/S by Mika S,. ,. IflllOO l In addIborllo pro "'" arid llep-t:r(-st8p ptlC*:lI on jIIl'Ipng eornenng tnkng ,~ . ~ . and more. thls popul&r dortncMr's bClIe has bee!1 tuIy upda led k> lrldude the very 1a1Kl 1ectncr.Jes ... ~ pl'lcfoI .u.-n.w wbmalion features data on /our-strou bt- !r1.1 !t2 "911. 150 color photOI- PrIC~5 $ublec' '0 change" please use curren' advertlsemen' as . your gUide .' " "'trd ", ' ,ee , . hlpplng C"'",n""e"_"add775'oSale, T., AII_ handling charge$ from Cycle News Products O"l1e

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