Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 11 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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--Qtilll6 SIiIQD .- --- -- -- -- - - - ~--~-...,,~ . , John Hopkins leathers, Mota G.P. AJpinstar. See our pholo currenl Road Racer X. pg. 44. $1,500-000. George 906-226-6360. MI Burning clutches? Overheating? 'O CRF 450 Radiator Braces S In stock nowl $69.95 . Covers vulnerable aluminum frame rails, includes oil drain, access hole and lactory foam, For pictures 01 all new CRF 450 products go to (800) 349-1475. CA In Slock Nowlll Simple bolt-on. no modifying required . Adds strength and protection 'rom side impacts while remaining light·we igh t. Cheap insu rance for your radiators. $59.95 pro www.worksconne ction.(BOO)349-1 475.CA VZF450 Yamaha for Sale JUPITER Flal Trad< Wheels and stooc Never raced. For R&D measurements only. Weighl on crank for traction out of corners. The QOOd Steel Frame. JUPITER SuperMoto Wheels a150 available. Other new R&D bikes. 866-373.CO OB1B Road Race Parts: 'OS CRF 450 Engine Guards In stock nowlll BeUer coverage, and way stronger than stock plastic guards . $99.95 pro(Skid Plal e sold seperale ly $69.95) For additional pictures go to www.worksco nnection .com.(BOO)349 -1475.CA Lg.& XL silver Arai RX7 helmets. $200 ea.; Spidi l pc. leather sz. $6 , sil\lerlblack. $600; 1 sel MVf4 OEM wheels & fires, new, $1500 set; OEM swingarm, $600 ; Ducati ST3IST4 Corbin seal wi bad.••.$22 extra No logos unless inlargral to the product. o PRIVATE PARTY Pe r word .............. ...................... .... ....... .....••. $.60 Head line in bold type ........•...............•..•... $5 extra B&W or Color Photo Cno 18rgerth¥ls.n.... S10 extra - - Bu siness O pport unit ies - - Co llectors 0974 or o lder) - - General M erchandis e Digital JPEG image s preferred. via disc o r email. B&W or co lor prints accepted. Po la ro ids no t accepted. Pr od uct pho tos onl y. Grap hic a lly enhanced images no t allo wed! tonePtrolo t»f a:l·#'r'lnNd~ Iile""""fo2 '14'''''' 1f ' '12""" A privat e party Is some on e se lling his or he r own item (s), or wishing to buy a n item for personal use. Any ongoing activ ity may be reg ard ed as a bus iness an d will be c harged the commercia l rate . THURSDAY 5 10 0 p .m . P.T. for the ne xt availabl e issue. No cancellations afte r dea dline . Cycle News re s erve s the rig ht to edi t/abbre viate cop y & bold he ad line s . Any dis c re pancies m us t be re po rte d within one wee k of pub lica tio n to receive an y adjustment. Price adv erti sing or spe cmc referenc e to list price or cost on new , curre nt year mod el motorcycles will no t be accepted . Price advertising is allowed on pre-owned cwrent models but they mus t be identified a s us ed or previo us ly regist e red . All In the Visa/Mastercard Charge blank or send check or money ord er to Cyc le News at above address . CREDI CARDLIMIT MINIMUM $5.00 T _ Expirat ion Dat e PHOTOS PRINTS RETURNED ONLY WITH S EL F·ADDRESSED S TAMPED ENVELOPE A FTER AD HAS RUN IN FINAL ISSUE. S ignat ure _ o::::r.::::r::I I I II I I I II Print I\Olm. , add, ••• end ed copy clearly Plea s e run my ad in _ READYRAMP - Folding Ramp becomes a Truck Bed Extender. From $249 .95 . www.Ready # of issues . Na me City Address State Promoters... Zip Are your events not being oovered in Cycle News? Ca ll (7 14) 751 -7433 and ask ou r ed itor ial department to send a contributor kit. learn how to send in stories the right wayl PRINT BOLD HEADLINE HERE

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