Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 11 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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AMA District 37 Desert Champio nship Series Invaders Desert Scrambles Childress Conquers the Invadersl By KANDY THORNTON JOHNSON VAUEY, CA SEPT. 19 , D e c e nt thu nde rshowe rs in t he Mojave I"oese rt create d a lush oasis for t he more than 300 riders wh o came ou t o n an unseaso nably cool Sunday to ru n the Invade rs Motor cycle Club Dese rt Scram ble at No rth Anders on Dry Lake. The Men In Pink laid ou t a fantas tic co urse, start ing with a bomb run tha t funneled riders into a volcanic rock bed and then o pened up into an amaz ing field of green covered with ye llow wildflowers. Flash floodin g acr oss th e desert floo r had smoothed out many w hoo ped ou t trails an d created lo t s of new a nd fu n sq uare-edged washes. Justin Morrow, one of the new top yo ung g uns who started desert r aci ng th is year, dominate d the Amateur line and claimed top ho nors in the 0-200cc Amateu r division. After a third-place start on the bom b, Mor row q uickly moved his Le o's Outlaw Racing Yamaha int o first place a nd blaze d t o w ar d p it row. Th e Invaders added an extra 5-mile te chnical section after the pits, and Morrow fo und this additio nal section well-suited to his riding style. " I rea lly like th e tight, rocky, technical sections the best ," stated Morrow. "This course was awesome!" Another rising desert star, 13-year-old Jaco b Argubright, had to work his way from the back of the pack off the bomb run on his KSV KX8S. '" was almost last off the bomb," reco unted Arg ubright. "I was a ble to ge t by Cameron Kearney and the n work my way past Richard Chandler to get the lead. I really liked the rocky sect ions on this co urse . I was catching everyone in the rocks ." Argubright finishe d first in the Mini Expert division, followe d by Richard Chandler III and Kyle Bristol. Mike Ch ildress took the top overall honors fo r the Expert line and first in the O pen Expert class aboa rd his O 'Neal/ IMS/Goat- sponsored Ho nda, but he had to work for the win after he Justin Mo rrow topped the 0 -200cc Amateur divisian a t the Invaders Dese rt Scram bles in Johnson Valley, Ca lifo rni a . 64 suffere d a nat fro nt tire on th e se cond loop . while Paul Krause was playing hide-and-see k in lapped traffic from behind . "Krause caught me two miles from the finish, and' had to go all out wit h a front flat," Childress said. "Iact uallyscared myself a cou ple times!" Kra use sta rted strategizi ng when he discove re d Ch ildress didn't rea lize he wa s so close on the second loop. '" saw a bike cutting th rough t he lappe d tra ffic and knew that had to be Mikey," Krause state d. "I was catching him pret ty q uick, so I figured he either tho ught he had a huge lead or the re was something wrong," At tha t point, Krause began his game of catand-mouse on his Malcolm Smith Motorsportsl Bridgestone KTM. "I was trying to stay as far back as I could , so Mike y wou ldn 't know I wa s t he re ," Krause recounted. "He blew a corner just on the back side of the hills, and he saw me w hen he got back o n co urse. I had one go od shot co ming down the hill, but he go t to the valley before me , and that was the end of it!" Krause finished second overall and first in the Four-Stroke Expe rt division. R ESUL TS C IA: I. Mike Childress (Ho n); 2. Paul Krause (KTM); l . luke Dod son (Suz); 4 . Nicholas Bla is (Hon); S. Anthony Modica (KTM). O PEN EX: I. Mike Childress (Hon); 2. Joe y Blant on (Hon ); 3. Chris Ra (Kaw); 1. Matt Keamey (Yam); S. y l Robert Barnum (Hon ). 4· STRK EX : I . Pau Krause (KTM): 2. N ich o las Blais (Han); 3. Anthony Mod ica (KTM); 4. Erik Matts on (Hon ). 25 0 EX: I. Luke Dod son (Suz): 2. Ryan Kudla (Yam): 3. Matt Eddy (Yam). 0 -200 EX: I. Max Eddy Jr. (Ho n): 2. N ic k Swe aney (GG): 3. Kevin Bea ke s (Kaw) ; 1 . Nick Ham ill (Yam) ; 5. C raig Sim pson (KTM). MINI EX: I. Jacob Argubright (Kaw); 2. Richard Chandler III (Yam); 3. Kyle Bristol (Kaw); 4. Cameron Kearney (Yam). WMN EX: I. Amy Hasten (Yam); 2. Arnie Mann (Kaw ). VET OPEN EX: I. HIke Koncur (Y am); 2. Oal Trubey (Kaw); 3. les Lehigh (Kaw); 4. Morgan Pierce (Kaw); 5. Gary La Charlte (KTM). VET 250 EX: I. Sean Brad ley (GG); 2. Rex Steerman (Kaw); 3. Richard C han d ler (Yam ) . SR O P EN EX : I. Mike Korenwlnder (Yam); 2. Ro b Myerly (Yam) ; l . Dave Byrd (KTM); 4. Joh n Kearney (Yam); 5. Joe Meyer (KTM). SR 250 EX : I . Kevin Hast e n (Yam); 2. Mike Price (Yam); l . Mike Hast ings (KT M) ; 4 , Ja m e s Mille r (Yam) : S. Ste ven Smothe rma n (Ya m) . MAG O P EN EX : I. Jim Sandefer (KTM); 2. Ern ie Mnoian (Kaw); 3. "Cavem an" Bauman (Ha n); 4. Frank Bre we r (Hon ); S. Je rry Bailey (Kaw ). MAG 250 EX: I. Keit h Jones (GG): 2. Larry Kunke l (KTM); 3. Steve Argu bright (Kaw); 4. Randy Banale s (KTM); 5. Roger Van Matre (GG). S/SR EX : I . Art Mo re ( KTM); 2. Robert Torgerson (KTM); 3. Do n Voyer ( KTM): 4 . Steve Rinker (Hon); S. Ned McNabb (Kaw). OPEN AM: I. Mark Adams (KTM): 2. Gary Besemer (Kaw); 3. Chad Peters (Ha n); 4. Patrick Vesey (Han ); 5. Ed Epling (ATK). 4 ~ST RK AM: I. Nicholas Balderas (Yam). 250 AM : I. Dawn Be nton (TM); 2. Dillon Bullock (Yam); 3. Brad Price (Yam): 4. Brian Bento n (TM). 0·200 AM: I. Just in Morrow (Yam). MIN I AM: L Chris Bell (Yam). WMN AM: I. Sarah Kritsch (KTM); 2. Sara Upen (Kaw); 3. Angela Ho use (Y ; 4. Jane tte Player (Kaw) ; am) S. Kendra Hoover (Yam). VET O PEN AM: I. Brian Davis (KTM); 2. Gary King (KTM); 3. Scott l ynch (Hon) ; 4. Curt Yaney (KTM). VET 250 A M: I. Jim Scott (Yam); 2. Chris Esparz a (Kaw ); 3. Jame s Furn ish (Yam); 4. Keith Mitch e ll (Yam); S. Kevin Ben tley (Hon) . S R OPEN AM: I. Barry Van Fossan (KTM); 2. Chri stian Bristol (Kaw); 3. Dave Adams (Y am); 4. Jim Blankenship (Kaw); S. Will Ughthart (KTM). SR 250 AM: I. Paul Vautrai n (Yam); 2. Dean Manuel (Yam); 3. Marc Warner (Yam); 4. Paul McKinney (KTM). MAG OP EN AM: I. Tom Votava (Yam); 2. N ick Mlagenovich (Ha n); 3. Gary Me nser (Hon ). MAG 250 AM: I. Bob Zullo (Yam 2. ); Tho mas Gruenberg (Yam); l . Do ug MacPherson (Yam); 4. Victor Romero (KTM). OPEN NOV: I. Bryan Evans (Kaw); 2. Sean Delat o va (Han); l . Eric Be hr se (KTM); 4. larry Baum an (Yam); 5. Eric Wo hle rs (KTM). 4 ·S T RK N OV: Dan iel Eickho lt (Yam); 2. Todd Star ks (Han) ; 3. Ro b Co x (Y am); 4. Jim Ansite (Yam); 5. Brian Chatterton (Yam). 250 N OV: I. Je re miah Watson (Kaw); 2. Craig Hatfie ld (Hon); 3. Jaso n Shatwell (Yam); 4. Kyle He rlac he r (Han) ; S. Gavin Gruenberg (Yam). 0- 200 NOV: I. Chance Willie (KTM): 2. Aaron Combs (Kaw); 3. Bryan Covey (Ha n); 4. James Je nkins (Yam MIN I NOV: I. Kevin Dejongh (KTM); 2. Cra ig Owen ). Jr. (Han); 3. Cooper Hall (Yam). W MN NOV: I. Jennifer Mora le s (Ho n); 2. Kandice Kirkmey er (Kaw); 3. Veron ica A1valdo (Han); 4. De vo n Rich (KTM); S. Michelle Klinger NOVEMBER 10. 2004 • CY CLE NEWS (Han) . VET O PEN NO V: I. Rob Ste e nerson (Ha n): 2. Adam McCamish (Ha n); 3. Jim Morgan (Kaw); 4. Roland O lsen (KTM); S. Andre w McDaniel (Y am). VET 25 0 NO V: I . Ste ve Dumont (Yam) ; 2. Jose p h King (Kaw); 3. Steve Stan cer (Kaw); 4 . John Hut chinson (Kaw ); S. Kent Pura er (Yam). S R OPEN NOV: I. Ty Schendler (Ha n); 2. Jim Smetana (Yam); 3. Ken Rue (Ha n); 4. Mike l oa (Y am); S. Ste ve Ro berts (Yam). S R 250 NOV: I. Jeffrey Heine (Hon) : 2. Je ffr e y Elle r ( KT M) . MA G OPEN NOV: I. Er ic Arm stro ng (KTM); 2. Bob O lson (KTM); 3. WR . Mitchell (Ha n); 4. Ste ve Stancer (Kaw); 5. Joh n Gu stafson (Kaw) . MAG 25 0 N OV: I. Mike Davis (KTM). O PEN BEG: I. Joe l l egu ina (KT M) ; 2 . Bri an Ac h te r bu g ( Han); l . Bri a n Ben nett (Han); 4. Ja me s Gtiney (Ho n); 5. Dane Evan s (Yam). 4- ST RK BEG: I . Danny Modica (Ho n): 2. Man Ews ee (Suz); 3. Austin Kim (Yam). 2 50 BEG: I. Andr ew Day (Hon); 2. Brandon Mark (Suz); 3, Matt hew u pert (Yam) ; 4. Brandon Willis (Hon) . 0- 200 BEG: I. Tom Bumill r (Hon); e 2. Dallas Bain (Ka'w MIN I B EG: I. Garr en Willey (Hon). ). VET O PEN B EG: , I. Chad Bargaed (Y am); 2.J im Karr (Y ); am 3. Shawn Bigney (KTM); 4 . John Evans (Hon); S. David Barta (Kaw) . V ET 15 0 BEG: I . Er ic Korhonen (SU1); 2. Erik Ricardo (Hon): 3 . Michael Chow (Kaw) . SR OPEN BEG : I. Rich Boomgard e (Kaw); 2. Wade Williams (KTM); J . James Davis (Ho n); 4. Paul Bastin (Hon); S. Gary Smith (Yam). S R 25 0 BEG: I. Brian Tho mpso n (Yam); 2. Chris Patt e rson (Yam 3. Brian Morelan (Kaw) . ); Ohio County Fai rs Mo tocross Cha m p io n ship Series Round 25: Tuscarawas Co un ty Fairgrounds Gracyk's All Over Doverl By RUPERT X. PELLETT DOVER, OH, SEPT. 20 ongt ime Te am Gre en racer Gavin Gracyk o f Blissfiel d , O hio , t ook in a loca l fair mo tocross to keep his race speed up and earn a few bucks In th e proce ss. Mea nw hile , the fan s w e re trea ted to hea lt hy heap o f t he " Gavin Show " he re in the p le asant burg of Dove r. After racing in Ca nada ove r the sum mer and ca mpaigning the last few ro unds of the Chevrolet AMA Motocross Series. Gracyk was well-prepared and overly experienced, as he 's been teaching MX sc hool o n these tight fair tracks since he was on the 6Scc machi nes ma ny years ago. As Gra cyk was pounding o ut two feature moto wins aboa rd his incredib ly prepped Kawasakis, the race was all abo ut second place. as Kyle Pre st o n flew his Suz ukis in for tw o second spo ts, behind Gracyk, after tussling w ith Tony "The Tiger" Robinson and Yamaha jockey Zach Kaiser. The Vet classes were a p iece o f p ie Custard pie, that is, as Richard Custard sliced his way through both the Over 30 and O ver 40 divisions to gobble up both wins, tackling the old guys races w it h ease aboard his mighty Ho nda. L RESUL TS MIC RO (4- 6): I. Brad y Patterson (KT M): 2. Co nner Lindon (KTM); 3. Robert Reicher (KTM); 4. Brett Be ll (KTM); S. l ogan Gallion (KTM). MICR O (4.8): I. Caleb Ho use r (Co b): 2. Dylan Vohz (Co b); 3. Pat rick Russe ll III (Co b); 4. Dako ta Per ry (KT M); 5. Jayden Heft e r (KTM). MICRO (7 -8): I. Gunnar Flavell (KTM); 2. Caleb Houser (Co b); 3. Dylan vetre (KT M); 4. Tanne r Stine (KTM ); 5. Da ko ta Burm worth (KTM). 65 (7~ 1 1) : I. Cade Clason (KTM); 2. Jake Anders ( KTM); 3. Brand on Haa s (KT M); 4 . De re k Fow\er (KTM); S. Jord an Brewer (Kaw). 80 (7 .11 ): I. Josef Bornhorst (Kaw); 2. Chase Kil arger (KTM); 3. Jake Anders b (KTM): 4. Co lby levan (Suz); 5. Ben Smith (Suz). 80 (7 ·11 ) EXT RA: I. Jose f Bomhorst (Kaw): 2. Jake Anders (KTM); 3. Colby l evan (Suz); 4. Cade Claso n (KTM); 5. Zak Williamson (Kaw). BO (12- 15) : I. Kyle Dttch er (KTM); 2. Emmett Rowland (Y am); 3. Aden Burt (t

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