Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 11 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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S. Rob Cook (Yam). 15 + B: I. Brian Mumme rt (Ho n); 2. Man Feat he rston (Yam): 3. Scott Tinkle (Kaw). ] 0 + A : I . Dar in Ca rdwell [ Hon ): 2. Rod ne y Carrie r (KTH,: J. Jeff Ford (Yam) ... Bill Hubbard Jr. (Hon); S. Matthew Burrell ; (Hon). 30 + B: I. Matt Featherston (Yam); 2. Ralph Stillwell (KTM): J. David Williams (SU ): ... Joe Boyde n (Hon) ; S. Haro ld Stalke r (Suz). 40 + : I. Bryan I Stoughton (Yam): 2. Jeffrey Swaby (Suz); 3. Mic hael Gilleran (KTM); 4. Mike Corbin (Yam) S. Jeffrey Richardson (Yam). 50+ : I. Harry Lewis (Hon). ; 1 · • Arkansas Hare Scrambles Championship Se rie s Round 9: Memphis Motorcycle Club - . . , •",.m ,oJJL1Ji -."~ -" SAULSBURY, TN, SEPT. 19 D ound nine of the Arkansas Hare Scram bles C ham pionship "'series was shap ing up to be a great race, with perfect track con d itions. The co urs e was a I ) -m ile loop w ith good woods, sandy sect ions , to rt uro us uphills, and grasst racks, all w ith net ther dust nor m ud . W ith more than 200 pe ople in attendance , there wo uld be so me outstanding battle s on the tra ck; in the M class alone, the re were almo st 20 riders . W hen th e flag d ro ppe d, the re w as a tight batt le go ing into th e first corn e r between Yamaha o f Russellville 's Clint Carr and Kawasak i Sports C enter's Brian Sanders. Carr came out of the co rner in front and led th e pack into the first woods sec tio n. Local KTM rider Josh Sco tt quickly passed Carr for ,he lead, and the two batt led Ior the res t or th e first lap. Sanders was still in third, not far behind the leaders. Dale Duke was fourth, just ahea d of a hard -charging Hayden Moore , who had started last but was fast ma king his way toward th e fron t. At the e nd of th e first lap, Scott was leading, followed by Carr. Sanders was third , just IS seconds back. Duke was fourth , right beh ind Sand ers. Moore , in fifth, was 20 seco nds back. Ca rr stayed right on Scott's rear wh eel the w ho le way. "I figured this guy [Scott] must know th is tra ck, the way he was mo ving th ro ugh it so good," Carr co mm ented. By th e end of lap two, the leaders were a minute and 10 seconds ahead of third place. Duke had passed Sanders for third. Moore had taken a spill and was 18 seconds beh ind Sanders. O n lap three , Carr pitted for gas, so at th e end of the lap, C a rr w as 15 se c o nds b e h ind Sc ot t. Gr a ha m KTMIAlloy -spo nsored Moo re th rottled MXlFactory Connection/HRPIASV his way into third. Du ke was fourth . with Lance Smith fifth and Sanders sixth . Scott stopped for gas on lap four, and Carr too k the lead. "When I saw him stopped for gas, I thought to myself, 'Now is the time to turn up the he at ,'" Carr said, "and I d id." Th e De cal Wor ksIU ni/Clarke/Ferodol Xtrem e mc.combacked Carr pulled away and had a lead of 18 seco nds over Scott at the end of lap four. Moore passed Scott for secon d on th e fourth lap. Duke was still holding fourth, just ahead of Sanders. When the w hite flag came o ut, th at me ant that Scott and Moore wo uld be tryi ng to catch Carr, w hile Du ke and Sanders wo uld be racing Io r fourth. Wh en the che cke re d flag came out, Ca rr had turn ed in th e fastest lap of the day, finishing SO second s ahead of Scott. "I knew that they wo uld be coming for m e . so I put my head down and rode as hard as I cou ld." Car r said. Scott end ed up in seco nd , just in front o f Moore , w ho fell on th e last lap and was unable to regain th e spo t. "I we nt do wn on th e last lap. smashing my pipe and lo sing second place to Jo sh," Moore lam ent ed . Duke took a ha rd -earned fou rth . just ahead of Sande rs. ~~ • ~ SUZUKI ~!' J> # HONDA (9.!;> a!.Q ~Ik ewcla c::J U S A ~ d;;;~ ~~ lIIQiIllil .Jro W N -e, ~·.t~lJ.{'" E- ~ I~ - "' D DIII~ ~Q -- ~ Ill::l:I1 Cl>" ..W i l l ".li... " R ESULTS O/A : I . Clint Car r (Yam): 2. Josh Scon (KTM ); J. Hayden Moore (KTM): 4. Dale Duke (Yam 5. Brian Sanden (Kaw); 6. Dean Grewe (KTM): 1. taoce Smith ); (Y>m); 8 lx' Ba.ley (KTM); 9. 8.-.ndon Joneo (KTM); 10. 8ry>n S.'ivan (Hon ). AA : I . Clint Carr; 2. Josh ScOtt; l . Hayden Moo re ; .. . Dale Duke : 5. Brian Sanders . A OP EN: I. OeMl Grewe: 2. Bryan Sullivant: 3. Stephen Bynum: ... aNn HoItand; S. William Bake.- A SR: l. Neal Raggen; 2. Roger Crow ; l . John . Duke:". Pete Buzte": 5. Everett Ratliff B HVY: I . Chad McOamrock; 2. Jord an . Dobbs ; l . Jonathan Siegler, ... Mark Woma ck: S. Shane Tacker. 8 LT: I. NlC Adams; 2. Patrick}ones: l Mike Stinson : .. . Ch ris Nolan: 5. Brian Cooper. B SR: I . John Gragg; 2. Ricky McCoy; l . Mark Cdeman; " . Ken Helton; 5. John Branson. SlS R: I . VIC PaIrnet'": 2. Roget- $hula: l . Gary Gilmore; ... Tom Suflivant; 5. Phil! Sheffield. C HVY: I . Brandon Hall; 2. Gf-eg Childers: 3. Eli Patterson; ... Bil y t Yocum; S. ANJy Hode k. C LT: l. Gus Ehret ; 2. Barry Reese; l. Cody Kelley; l Matt Jotvtson; ... WIll Greene: 5. Ckarles Woelm. C VET: I . Houston Daugherty ; 2. Troy Williams; l . J~emy Hatcbeos : ... Jim Lovett; S. Monty Montgomery. JR: I . Spercer Cook.:2. Austin Daves: l . Derrick Hubbard . VJ\A1\AI rllrl -=n~\Alc rnrn C YC LF NFW~ • N()VFMRF~ 10 ?MA ..

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