Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 11 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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slid out on a comer into a jump, but she was able to get up and hold her position until the end . " I w ish it [the t rac k) wa s a lilli e mo re te ch nica l, mo re t ight stu ff a nd hill climbs, Cr eson said. "The mud bog was my favorite , but it was fun." Dist r ict 36 's ne w Wom e n' s steward , He ath er W ilso n, has be e n workin g har d to att rac t mo re wo me n t o the sport. Riding fo r Kawasaki 's Team Gre en t h ro ugh Vall e jo Powe rs ports in C alifornia, she was on hand It Saturday to offer e ncourag em e nt and advice to the women in attendance . She also took some t ime to ha nd o ut so me Moose st icke rs a nd good ies, and also to sign some posters . Ifyour mom's missing, check the track! RESULTS A WMN: I. Susan Helman (Yam). B WMN: I. Kacey Martinez (Ha n); 2. Jenn ifer Jon e s (Ho n); 3. Nikki Marsh all (Ha n). C WM N : I . Kasie Creson (KTM); 2. Teresa Reed (KTM); 3. T iffany C unningham (Hon). BEG WMN : I. Allison Brou gher (Ha n); 2. Kristen Da Silva(Y ; 3. Christy Jones. am) Southlond Rocing Association Grand Prix Glen Helen Raceway Park Fountain Flows to the Finish First By DAVE DAIN SAN BERNARDINO, CA, SEPT. 19 he South land Racing Association was once again greeted by mild temperature s as summer neared its end . The Glen Helen track was in pr ime co ndit io n fro m the previous we e kend's National event, which suited Greg Fountain just fine, as he claimed the overall victory in the highlyco mpetitive Sen ior Expert division. Four-strokes (w hich are domi na nt in t his cla ss) w ere no m a tch fo r t he YZ 2S0 o f Fountain, as he grabbed the holeshot. Jim Henn, Jim Har ris and Gary Jones followed Foun tain around t he high -ba nked " Ta lla de ga" turn . Fountain continued to lead as the pack crested "Shoe i." Henn re mained in second. Jones and Harr is swa pped pos itions in third and fourt h. The to p pos itions remained t he same as t he pack headed out of sight. Fountain was the first to come back into view, and he was beginning to pull away. Lee Bacon came from outside the top five up into seco nd . Jo nes re mained in th ird , an d Hen n dro pped to fourth. Former Yamaha factory ace Mike Bell also came from a med iocre start up to fifth and the n co ntinued his charge through the fie ld, w or king his way around He nn fo r fourth and then passing jones aro und Talladega for the third spot. Whi le the pa c k jockeyed fo r posi tion , Fo unt ain co nt in~ed to pull away at a steady pace . Bacon tra iled in seco nd and was beginning T Greg Fountain cla imed the overoll Senior Expert victory at the SRA GP in Sa n Bernardino, Ca lifornia. 62 NOVEMBER 10 , 2004 • to be pre ssur ed by Bell, in third . Bacon was getting serious pressure fro m Bell as the duo came off Talladega . Be ll's re lentless pre ssure finally paid off, as he passed Bacon as they came do w n Shoei. Bell wa s now seco nd, trail ing Fo untain by 20 seco nds. He nn and Jones once again swapped positions, run ning in fourt h and fifth, respectively. W ith the race we ll past th e midpoint, t he top five were spr ead out. Fountain continued to le ad by a la rge marg in . Bell was equa lly comfortable in second and even closed the gap on Founta in several times, but Fountain re fused to budge and would counte r by spreading the gap. Bacon and Hen n trailed in third and fourth . Jones rem ained in fifth, feeling heat from Fred Hatch in sixth . The checkers awaited Fountain, and he claimed a well-deserved wire-to -wire win. Be ll finished up second after closing to within eight seconds of Fountain . Y amaha-mounted Bacon took the final spot o n the po dium, in t hird . Hen n fin ish ed up a distan t fourt h . Hatch rounded out th e top five with a late-race pass on Jones. RESULTS SO RACE I: I. Ian Marshall; 2. Tristan Stewart; 3. Kyle Ro sse nman; .of . Ta nne r Carnon; S. Baily Bo andme n. 50 RACE 2 : I. Baily Umbo urn e ; 2. Benjamin Young; 3. Sean Bell; 4. Kyle Smith. 6 5: I. Cody Barnes; 2. Kyle ferguson; 3. Chelcee Brann . 80 BEG: I. Rick Diu; 2. Dillon Nelson ; 3. Maxx Umbo urne ; 4. Just in Tucke r ; 5. George Tayler, 80 NOV: I . Justin Jo n e s ; 2. Jordan Bo ro w ski; 3. Ga r ret Morri son; 4. Dylan Mullen; S. Marvin Andersen. 80 AM: I. Ran dy Me r r ill. 125 BEG : I. Tom Pe te r so n; 2. Austin Harm on ; 3. Chris Davis; 4. Nick Tucker; 5. Brett Hott el. 125 NOV: I. Joe Joh nson. 115 A M: I. Chris A1exsiejczyk; 2. Greg Sunes ; 3. Rhyan Mars hall; 4. Shane Ch ilds; S. Maso n Partain. 125 EX: I. Mat Henderso n. 250 BEG: I. Aaron McQ uer ry; 2. Chris Kaczmack; 3. Mitch Rodriguez; 4. Chuck RamseyJr.; S. Eric Ketchum . 250 N OV: I. Trevor Be ll. 2 50 AM : I. Brandon Appl. 2 50 EX : I . Alfredo Contreras ; 2. Salvador He rn an d e z. OPEN EX : I . Robby Be ll; 2. Bo b Roberts; 3. Chris Dubow ski. WM N NOV: I. Becky Russell; 2. Cendy Daugherty. )0+ BEG: I. Jim Mackey; 2. Gerardo Huerta, 3 . Dante He rre ro Jr.; 4. julia n Singe lakis; 5. Ro b Huize nga. 30 + NOV: I. Travis Howard ; 2. Bill Harness; 3. Eric Hanks; .. . Mike Borows ki; 5 . Jude Burte rw egge. 30 + AM: I. Eric Wolfe ; 2. Bre nt Farrell; 3. Lare Wardrop; ... l ance White: 5 . C huck McBu r ne y. 30 + EX : I. Go rdo n Ward; 2. Dean Welsh; 3. Dave Ondes: 4. Mike Paulino. 40 + BEG: I. John Verien ; 2. David Furbush; 3. Kevin Broo ks; ... Steve Surbe r; S. Steve Ottinger. 40 + NOV: I . Br ian Fountain; 2. Brad Stewart; 3. Jim Boren ; 4. Dan A1amangos; 5. Mike Dunlap. 4 0+ AM: I. Mick l ope z; 2. Jod ie Partain; 3. Fred Nicho ls; ... Bob Palacios; 5. Val E. Fukunaga. 40+ EX: I. Greg Fou ntain; 2. Mike Be ll; 3. l ee Bacon; 4. Jim Henn ; 5. Fre d Hatch . 50 + BEG: I. Jo hn Gill. 5 0+ NOV: I. Do n Huddleston ; 2. Kevin Haney. 50+ AM: I. Dave Stephens; 2. Frank Schioppi. 50 + EX : I. Alan Kent; 2. Bruce McDougal; 3. Rick Sowma: 4. larry Owens. 60+ EX : I. Bruce Cornell. 4-STRK BEG: I. Lane Morrison; 2. Mike Gardner; 3. Cary Rash; 4. Jimmy Nagel ; 5. Casey Wood. 4 -ST RK NOV: I. Weston Peick : 2. Josh Stewart; 3. Brian Schm idt; 4. Shawn Troutman ; 5. Mike Dunlap. 4-S T RK AM: I. Andre w Yamell; 2. Rhyan Marshall; 3. Pete Vetran o 4-STRK EX : I. Fred dy Sanchez ; 2. Co lton Udall; 3. Cra ig Wesner; 4. Mike Bell; 5. Dean We lsh. T EAM: I . Mark Tilley/Robb y Be ll; 2. Joh nny N icho lls/Fred dy Sanc hez : 3. Colton Udal UBryce O xley; 4. C hr is A1ekslejczyk/Jeff Trulove ; S. G reg Fountainfleonard Kilman. CYCLE NEWS Justin Fortner (325) ba"les with Ryan Koontz (57) in the 250cc A class at the annual Pridemore Memorial Race at Midway Motorsports Park in Mitchell, Indiana. Pridemore Memorial Race M idway Moto rsp orts Pa rk Koontz Creepily Good at Pridemore Memorial By MARK BUCHANAN MITCHEll, IN, SEPT. 19 C ond itions were sunny and mild for the 162 riders o n ha nd at Midway Motorspo rt s' annua l Pridemore Memoria l Race in Mitchell, Indiana. Ryan Koontz dominated the day on his Pro-Actio nfThor/PR2/johnny Signs /Bloomington Powersports Suzukls, taking all four mota wins in the 250cc A and I25cc A classes and also the win in the Pride more Memorial Dash For Cash at the end of the event . Koontz took the holes hot in the first 12Scc A mota and went wire to wire for the win, in front of Yamaha pilot Tim Pridemore. Jeff Ford finished third on a Bridgeston e-bac ked Y amaha, in fron t of Suzuki jockey Jim Faulkenbe rg and Honda-mo unted Kevin Munro. Ford took the holeshot in the second moto and led a lap before Koontz took the top spot and held it for the win. Ford held on to second place for second overall, in front of Pride more, and Munro took fourth place for fourt h overa ll, in front of Faulkenberg . Ko on tz naile d th e start in bo t h 2S0cc A motos but was passed o n the first lap in the first mete by Kawasaki jockey Justin Fortne r. Then Fortner had a mechanica l DNF o n lap three, and Koontz regained the top spot for the win, in front of Y amaha-mounted Mitchell Co rbin. Koontz too k the w in again in the sec ond mota, in front of Co rbin. Fortner scored a DNS. KTM rid e r Rodney Ca rr ie r nai led the holeshot in the Pride more Memorial Dash For Cash, in front of Hond a ride r Darin Card well and Koontz . The two O ver 30 A riders had a great battle at the front for a lap before Koontz made his move, passing Cardwell on the second lap and th en taking the lead from Carri er on lap three fo r th e wi n. Ca rrier he ld on to finish second, with Card well taking third place for the final mon ey-paying position. Ca rd well and Carri er also had great races in t he O ver 2S A and O ver 30 A classes, w it h Card well tak ing th e w in in all fo ur motos . Car rie r finished a d ose second in all four moto s 40th An niversa r u on a Cycle Shed KTM, with Mall Burrell taking third place in both motos ofthe Over 2S A class o n a MotoRex/AJloy MXlMax Pitts Honda. Bill Hubbard Jr. finished fourth in both motos on a Thompson's Motorsports Hon da , followed by Yamaha ride r Rob Cook. Ford took th ird overall in the Over 30 A class with a 4-3 score, edging out Hubbard (3-4), and Burrell finished fifth in both motos. Wesley Cummings took the win in the 250cc B class with a 1-2 punch on a Sandy Hill Moto X-backed Yamaha, in front of Honda rider Brian Bonham (4- 1) and Brian Mummert (3-3), on an Action Motorsports Ho nda. Yamaha rider Willy Kelly took both moto wins in the 12Scc B class, in front of Kawasaki jockey Trevor Kreinhagen, and Honda ride r T.j. Chaillaux to ok th ird overall with a 3-4 score. RESUL TS so Ol l-INJ (4-8) : I . Zachary Hall (KTM); 2. Trey Ferri ll (KT M); 3. Chand le r Stumler (KT M); 1. Co le McG regor (KTM); 5. Ricky Mc Kinne y Jr. (Co b). 5 0 (4- 6) : I. Clayton Grego ry (Cob); 2. Zac hary Hall (KTM); 3. Chandler Stum ler (KTM); 4. Brett Burpo (KTM); S. Ricky McKin ney Jr. (Co b). SO (1 .8) : I. Nat han Hall (KTM); 2. Damoo Stortzum (Pol); 3. Ethan He ster (Hus); 4. Mason Bryan (KTM); 5. Alex Marion (Co b). 60 (7- 1 1): I. Josh Bixler (KTM); 2. Sean Carrigan (Suz); 3. Willie Patto n {Kew ]: 4. N at han Hall (Kaw ): 5 . Clayton Crum (Suz). 80 JR (1-11): I. Josh Bixle r (KTM); 2. Malachi Fre iburge r (Suz); 3. Kenneth Stumler (Suz); 4. Cody Kline (KTM); 5. Cole Harb stre it (Ya m). 80 SR ( 12-1 5) : I. Adam Haines (Kaw); 2. Cory love (Kaw); 3. Jake Tyree (Suz); 4. Kyle Richardson (Hon ); 5. Justin Bright (Hon). 80 OPEN JR (1-1 1): I. Jo sh Bixler (KTM); 2. Malachi Freiburge r (Suz); 3. Kenneth St um ler (Suz); 4. Cody Kline (KTM); 5 . Jake Rako w sk i (Ya m). 80 OPEN SR ( 11. 15): I. Z ach ar y Cochran (Ha n); 2. Cory love (Kaw); 3. Adam Haines (Kaw); 4. Matt hew Eck (Kaw) ; 5. Josh East (SUl). 125 A: I. Ryan Koontz (Sua): 2. Jeff For d (Yam); 3. Timothy Prid e mo re (Yam); 4. Kevin Munro (Han) ; 5. Jim Faulken berg (Suz). 125 B: I. Willy Kelly (Yam); 2. Trevor Kreinhagen (Kaw}; 3. 1:J. Chaillaux (Ha n); 4. Peter Pristasch (Ha n); 5. Andrew Dewees (Kaw). 125 C: I. Josh Eck (Kaw); 2. Grant Mason (Yam); 3. Dale Fulkerson (Kaw); 4. Wink Heat h (Kaw); 5. Todd Ho bbs (Yam). 25 0 A : I. Ryan Koontz (Suz); 2. Mitchell Corbin (Yam); 3. just in Fortne r (Kaw). 250 B: I. Wesley Cummings (Y am); 2. Brian Bonham (Ha n); 3. Brian Mumme rt (Ha n); 4. Michael Corbin (Yam). 150 C: I. Wink Heath (Kaw); 2. Scott Tinkle (Kaw) : 3 . Je sse Selle rs (Yam); 4. Travis Schroeder (Suz); 5. Marvin McG reg or (Yam). 12- 15 YTH : I. Just in Fo rt ne r (Kaw) : 2. Andrew Dewees (Kaw); 3. Grant Maso n (Yam); 4. Wink He ath (Kaw): 5. Chris Groff (Suz). 16-24: I. W illy Kell y (Ya m); 2. Kevin Munro ( Ho n); 3 . We s le y Cummings (Yam); 4. Pe ter Prisrasch (Hon) ; 5. Todd Hobbs (Yam). 25+ A: I. Dar in Cardwell (Hon); 2. Rodney Carrier (KTM); 3. Matthew Burr ell (Hon): 4. Bill Hubbard Jr. (He n):

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