Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 11 10

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> they equaled missed opportunities on Lelvan's part. Each time Shaw would miss an inside line, Leivan would do the same, until there were just a cou ple of miles le ft in th e race . When Shaw missed an inside line tha t had developed, Leivan finally shot unde rneath to take the lead . From that point on , Leivan was nearly perfec t, leaving no room for Shaw to re taliate . Leivan took the win by a bikelength over Shaw, wh ile Nesbitt he ld off Wo hletz fo r th ird . Illino is rider John Roth rou nded out the top five. RESULTS O/A : I. Steve Lelvan (Yam): 2. Aaro n Shaw (Kaw); 3. Chris Nesbitt (Kaw): 4. Caleb Wohlen (Kaw); S. John Roth (Yam) 6. Tracy Bauman (KTM): 7. David Taylor (KTM): 8 ; LarsValin(Hon); 9. Slade Morlang (Hus); 10. Je re my Wisecup (KTM AA: I. Aaron Shaw (KTM); 2. Chris Nesb itt (Kaw): ). ; 3. Caleb Wohlen (Kaw);4. John Roth (Yam) S. Tracy Bauman (KTM). A INT: I. John Srruc khoff (Kaw); 2. Zack Bryant (Suz); 3. Kreg Simons (Yam):4. Kevin Boyle (Yam);S. Andrew Smith (KTM). A SPTSMN: I. Slade Morlang (Hus); 2. John McDaniel (KTM); 3. Elston Moore (Yam); 4. Tod d Corwin (KTM 5. John Stichnorh (Kaw). 200 B: I. Jere my Wisecup ): (KTM); 2. Be n Alexander (KTM): 3. Ryan Portell (KTH); 4. lance Hees (KTM); 5. Steve Akers (KTM). 250 B: I. Dustin Wisec up (Yam); 2. Dan Halbeck (Kaw): 3. Richard Bruce (Hus): 4. Andy Stapo nskl (Yam); 5. Bil1i Jack Young (Yam). OPEN B: I. Dwayne Parish (KTM):2. Man Sellars (KTM); 3. Tim Staponski (Yam) 4. Mar k Gudde (KTM); 5. Ri hard Hart ; c (KTM). VET: I. N ick Crawford (Y ; 2. Adam Ashcroft am) (KT M); 3. David Dillingham (KT M): 4 . Je r ry McC asla nd (Yam 5. Darby Be nson (Yam) SR: I. Brad Barne tt (Yam):2. ): . To m Eida m (Yam); 3. Jo hn Newbe r ry (KT M); 4. Steve McWho rter (KTM): 5. Randy Waga hoff (Pen). S/SR : I. Charles Thiele (Yam 2. AI Hejlek (Kaw ): 3. William Guffey ): (Yam 4. Bill Duffne r (KTM); S. Ri k Whelove (KTM). JR: I. ); c Kiefe r Ros ie r (Kaw): 2. Dere k Dixo n (Kaw): 3. Tre vo r Morgan (KTM): 4. Joe y Armon (Kaw): 5. Justin Osia (Kaw). WMN : I. Donna Moor e (Y am); 2. Cindy Bamett (Yam); 3. Krts Waugh (KTM): 4. Gwen Heist (Yam 200 C: I. Ryan ). Rohlede r (Ya 2. Nick Bryant (Suz); 3. Nick Smith (Suz); 4 . m); Don Bolinger (Kaw); S. Dave Landw ehr (KTM). 250 C: 1. Keith Voss (Yam); 2. Chris Thomas (Ho n): 3. Jim Williams (Kaw): i . Jason Finlay (Yam) S. Gary Simpson (Yam) OPEN ; . C: I. Aaron Smith (Ho n): 2. Chad Clark (Suz); 3. Glen Osia Sr. (Suz): i . Danny Sylva (Hus) ; S. Richard Manning (Hus). BEG: I. Mark Moran (Hon); 2. Steve Cr iner (Hon) ; 3. Joe Ande rson (Hon); 4. Brandon Reed (Yam); 5. Clint Hale y (Suz). to stra ighte n out and I was pitche d off." Gragg's left arm was broke n in two places; he was out of the race! Many riders stopped to see if he was okay, including his best friend , Davis, who then rode on but slowed down at almost every official he met along the way to relay the news of Gragg's injury. Godman took t he lead , r iding har d and fast on his 12Scc Yamaha to take home the big trophy, followed by Alcantar. Davis came in third. The Schoolboy class was a success and may appear as a new addition to the District 36 race lineup. A 50: I. Adam Joh nso n, 2 Br e tt Sage , 3 Chad Broughton . B SO: 1 Joe Harney, 2 Dylan Wold. 3 Zachary Fitch (Hon). C 50 : I. Brandon Duran: 2. Garra tt Mit chell; 3. Kaef Creson (KTM). B 65 : I. Zachary T. Summers: 2. Matt Winslow; 3_Nick Price . C 65: I. Tony Gera (Kaw): 2. Kelby Spore; 3. Kaitlyn wemey A 80 : I. Garrison Gragg (Kaw): 2. Jonat han Davis (KTM); 3. Joey Pascare lla (KTM). B 80: I. Michael Bettencourt (Kaw): 2. Taylor Oh nemus; 3. David Kennedy (Hen) . C 80: I. Matt Misenick: 2. Came ron Foley (Kaw); 3. Den ny Wilso n (Hon ). BEG 4 · ST RK: I. Griffin Riddle (Hon); 2. Briana Kisling (Suz): 3. Randy Anderson . C 4 ·STRK: I . Jo s h D uc k; 2. Bo b N ich o ls; 3. Bla ke Dombrows ki. B GRLS : I. Kacy Mart inez (Hon); 2. Kasie Cr eso n (KT M); 3. Broo ke Hodges (KT M). C GRLS : I. Rebecca Bailey; 2. Heat her Pickering (Hon); 3. Katie Nelson (Kaw). SCHBY: I. Jonathan Godma n (Yam) 2. J.J. Alcantar: ; 3. Jonathan Davis (KTM). Bushwackers/District 36 Women 's Furnace Hare Scrambles Prairie City SVRA Racing's Not Just for GUys Anymore! By lISA K. GRAGG RANCHO CORDOVA, CA, SEPT. 19 oms, not-yet-moms and single gals - a total of just under 90 riders registered in six classes - came out to race th is event, making it the largest women's off-road event ever. The classes included Women's A, Band C, in addition to a Beginner Women's class that included almost half the entries, as we llas Youth Band C Girls' classes. The Bushwackers Motorcycle Club put on t his Dist rict 36 AMA-sanctioned race at the second annual Furnace event . Entries were 2Spe rce nt higher tha n last year. After last year's lOS-degree temperatures, this year's race was held in cold, windy and we t conditions. A 4.7mile track feat ure d dirt roads , ro lling jumps with tight turns , and even a mud bog. The fastest woman of th e day, former pro snow boarder Susan Hel m an , said s he w as hap py to see all t he up-a nd-com ing riders on hand . He lman has be e n co ntes ting motocross late ly and e nco uraging some of t he girls an d wo me n she mee ts in tha t sport to try cr oss M Jonathan Godman (149 0 ) leads Jonathan Dav is (398), J.J . Alca ntar (3 19) and the rest of the Schoolboy class out of the first corner at round seven of the District 36 Moose Western Regional Cross Country Championship Series. RESULTS countr y. Thi s is work ing , as so me o f he r motocross friends showed up in Prairie City to compete . He lman was looking forward to the co mpeti tion and was glad there we re enough women to wa rra nt so many classes. "There was a time," Helman noted , "when so few wome n were racing, there was just one class: Wome n." The leader of the Wome n's B class, Mach- I Motorsports' Kasey Mart inez, had a great race, and eve n had a good laugh w he n o ne of th e riders right in front of her went over the bars and face-p lanted into the mud bog. (The rider was uninjured , shoo k herse lf off and got right back to business. These girls are toughe r than they look .) " Racing' s not just for men," said eight hplace B finisher Julie Werney, w ho added , "This was a great race for Beginner Women all the way up to Expert." Kasie Creson was the top Women's Cride r of the event , ta king the holeshot wit h a five bikelength lead . She caught the ta il e nd of the Women's B class toward the end of the first lap. On the last lap, four turns before the finish, she Motion Pro District 36 Youth Cross Country Series Round 7: Prairie City S VRA Turn Up the Furnace! By LISA K. GRAGG RANCHO CORDOVA, CA, SEPT. 19 his year, "The Furnace" sho uld have been called "The Freeze r." After last year's IOSdeg ree temperatures, t his ye ar 's riders and spec tators were met with col d and wind on race morning . A Sunday afternoon race was cut short because a big storm was moving in. The Bushwacke rs Mo to rcycle Club hosted the District 36 AMA-sanctioned race , featuring more than $3500 in prizes . The second annual Furnace had a turnout of more than 200 Y outh riders and almost 90 fe male ride rs , ma king it the largest Youth and Women's off-road eve nt in the country. T his was round se ve n o f a n series that features some of the fastest Youth cross county riders in the country. The prem ier race was the NB Youth race on Sunday morn ing. The first three rider s into the first corner were Jo e y Pascarella, Garrison G ragg and Jon ath a n Davis , a ll rid ing fo r Mach -I Mot orsports of Vallejo, California. The first part of the 4.7-mile track was mot ocr oss-style. with bleachers for th e spectators. Gr agg fo llowed Pascare lla's rea r t ire ove r the first cou ple of rollers and then made his move. By the half- T mile checkpoint , Gragg was in the lead and checki ng out. Pascarella was followed closely by Davis. Near the 2-mile marker, Davis passe d Pascarellaon the straightaway. At the end of the first lap, it was Gragg, Davis, Pascare lla - an d that's how they finished eight laps later. Kasey Marti nez le d the 25- strong gir ls' pac k, and she fin ished a n im pressive fift h overa ll rank ed wit h the boys and took home the first-place Girls trophy. Less than a minute behi nd her in th e one-ho ur race was Kasie Creson, followed only three seconds later by Broo ke Hodges. All three girls finished in the top 10 overall. There was a lot of excitement leading up to the launching of the Schoolboy exhibition class. This class was for 12Scc two-strokes and 250cc four -st rokes. Adverti sing and word of mou th brought out 20 new-to -Dist rict-36 riders for this class. Raci ng into the first corner, Jonathan God man had t he ho lesho t by a bo ut 10 fee t , followed by Jo nat han Davis and J.J. Alcant ar. Near the first hall-mile che ck, Gragg was in the lead , followe d by Godman a nd Davis. Then Gragg went down . "I hit a step-up," Gragg recounted. "My back tire landed on a round river roc k, landed a little sideways. I thought I had pulled it off, but I went \M\AJ\AI At the Bushwackers/District 36 Women's Furnace Hare Scrambles, Kasie Creson (3 9 5 ) leads Rachel Douglas (545), J ulie Werney (4 0 0 ) and the rest of the ladies off the start of the largest women's off-road event to date. rt Ir l f:n f=\Nc;. rom CYCLE NEWS • NOV EMBER 10.2004 61

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