Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 11 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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points, eve n thou gh Nie lse n had only one mor e clean. "Do or Die " Nou rian had no ones or twos du ring t he eve nt , as his sco ring was limited to cleans , thre es and fives . RESULTS KIDS A: I. Tanner Peka r; 2. Morgan Tanke. KIDS B: I. Ty C ullins; 2. Wesley Couture; 3. Nadia Fe lde n; 4. Daniel Oldar; S. Silaine Thordarson. NOV: I. Josh Nielsen ; 2. AI Nou rian; 3. Robert Valero; 4. Cheryl Westfall. SPTSMN A: I. Steve Storz; 2. Marty Argo : 3. Rick Williams; 4. Stanley Hall; S. Tom Materna. SPTSMN B: I. Conrad Broo ks; 2. Brent Hanfo rd: 3. Dan Ent: 4. Kyle Giddings: S. Kristjan Thordarson. INT A : I . Eric:Storz; 2. Jeff Nie lsen; 3. Rick Delaney; 4. Dean Pekar; S. C raig Couture . INT B: I . Bill Merritt : 2. Ne il Storz; 3. Tony Daly: 4. Scott Wenge r : S. Richard Hunt . ADV A: I. Bruce Davis; 2. Pete Croft : 3. Ryan Miller: 4. Andrew Olda r; 5. John McGrego r. ADV B: I. Marc Shnoebelen: 2. Tim Holm: 3. Jon C roft ; 4 . Cris Cullins; S. Michael Wenger. MSTR : I. David Pyle; 2. Rick Jenkins ; 3. Marle: McG regor; 4. Ken Melody: S. Tod d Ben nett . EX: I. Kenny Straub; 2. Kevin No rt on; 3. Mike McGregor; 4. Reid Davis; 5 . Kevin Geyer. ~JCi;EiII Des moines, IA Alban)!, nv fillll!Jlloo:t. Worcester, rnA Ill:IlQIm Hampton, UA """''U:R Rockford, IL Dallas, TX Baltimore mD Guthrie, OK Denver, [0 Columbus, OH w:IlIlfJ' Portland. OR Im1lJIQEJrl, Reno, nu Charlotte, nc Grand Rapids, ml Toledo, OH Bridgeport, CT -,== Da)!ton, OH Louisville, KV 1I;l;I1IIIIo;a Springfield, IL !:mllfl]m nashville, rn Greensboro, nc Wilkes Barre, PA Salt Lake Cit)!, UT Green Ba)!, WI • Albuquerque, nm I'I! Josh Nielsen turned in three sing le-digit loop cards to dominate the Novice class ot the Plonkers Tria ls Club's Brawny Beef Taco Trial on a windy day in Johnson Valley, California. Dat8 IUb;!Ct to thanoe_Some !Vfnt~ m"1not be on HIt at thll tilT'll Western New York Motocross Association Inc. Round 23: Palmyra Racing Association Wahl Plugs Away to the Win By LARRY WOOSTER PALMYRA, NY, SEPT. 19 new est Cloth ing's W NYMA Fall Series' fourth race at the Palmyra Racing Association's fabled "Hogback Hill" attracted close to 400 ride rs, desp ite chillytem peratu res. Thirty-tw o Sen ior C riders picked their start ing spo ts, but their ultimat e finishing o rder wa s anyone's guess on t he big, reco nfigured (thanks to the remnants of Hurricane Ivan) track layout. Bill He lm, Gary Ramm ing Jr. and Gr egory Cra wford wer e banging bars for the lead t hro ugh th e holeshot co rne r. C hris Wah l to o k opening inside line pinned wide op e n and sailed his KTM into the lead by corne r three. Wahl had only half a bikel en gt h lea d th rough t he co rne rs , but he wa s able to power his way th ro ugh Gravity Cavity to o pen a lead up on the six-pack jump . In secon d place , Helm was feeling the pres sure from Ramming, Charles Do ughe rty, Jason Joh nsto n, James Roe and Rob Sills, th e latter having overcome a bad start. C urtis Dickes. Jeff Hobbs and Dallas Huff staged an awesome battl e fo r seven th th ro ugh 10th . Wahl had eve ryt hing under contro l, and he claimed the win in moto o ne , ove r He lm, Sills. Ramming and Johnst on. Roe fou nd his groove near the e nd to e ar n a sixth-p lace finish , over Keith Lucas, Lee Fake , Daugherty and Huff, who ro unded out the top 10. During inte rmiss ion , th e WN YMA t ook a pause fo r th e cause to help raise mo re t han $12 00 to aid an injured rider. Moose Racing Product s, Fulme r Helme ts, FMF Vortex, Pivot , Wor ks, Z I R He lmets, Fe ro do Brakes, Fly Racing. Unive rsal Bars, Race Tech , No-Toil, Ride LTD., O ne Whee l Drive , TwinAir, 196 Dir t Bike Wash and Ato mic Fro st Racing Coolant , Sto mp Designs, ASV Inve ntio ns and PowerMadd all donat ed to the cause, as did the W NYM)I;s 1991 Junior Mini and 1992 Mini C o mbine d C hamp ion, Pauly Carp ente r, w ho contribu t e d a O Print your NEW a d d ress he re. NAME Mail 10: Circulation Dept. Cycle News, Inc. 3505·M Cadillac Avenue • You Cln Iisochlnge your Iddress online It p· C o s t a Mesa.CA 92626 s besure10 Include your new Iddress and old Iddress inrequest. AD D RESS - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - -- CITY STATE ZIP CYCLE NEWS • NOVEMBER 10, 2004 S9

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