Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 11 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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out of second gear. In the Gran Prix 500cc Expert race, Scott Brophy jumped ou t of the gate and w heelie d all t he way to th e first tur n. Bre t t Miller a nd Broph y co nt inue d to fight it o ut co rn er by corn er, with Bro phy cro ssing the finish line first. Brophy was u na ble to hold Miller off in t he second moto, though, so Miller ended up with first place overall. Brophy was seco nd. In the fir st Open Age Exp e rt mo to, Greenwood quickly captured the lea d and he ld off the pack fo r the first three laps. Th e n Geo rge Betzen passed him, but Greenwood retoo k the lead and finished first, with Betten second. In mo ta t w o , t he last rac e o f t he da y, Gr een wood just couldn't kee p up his stamina. Betz en eas ily le d all five laps fo r first ove rall. Gree nwood sett led for second overall. RESULTS H STR C 125 INT: I . Mike He at h (C-A); 2. Ric k Arms trong (Suz). HSTRC 125 EX: I. Gary Neff (Kaw ); 2. Scott Lawso n (Hon); l . Carl Richey (Ho n) . HS TR C 250 NOV: I. Je rry Morri son (Hon) . HSTRC 250 INT: I. Don Matthews (C Z); 2. Tim Johnson (Bul); l . Paul Jense n (Ha n); 4. Tom Roach (Pen). HSTRC 250 EX: I. Gary Neff (Kaw); 2. Co r ky Root (BuI); l . Nathan Britt (Ho n). HSTRC 500 NOV: I . Gary Davis (Bul); 2. Tom Johns on (Hus); l . Sam Be nson (Bul); 4. Ric k Field (Hus); S. Tom Bro sius (Pe n) . HSTRC 500 INT: I. lames Mclaughlin (He n) : 2. Glenn Ne al (Hus). HSTRC 500 EX: I. Dan Joh ns (AlS). HSTRC 4 -ST RK INT: I . James Mclaughlin (Ho n). HSTRC 4 -ST RK EX: I . Dave Boydstun (Y ; 2. jerry Rewerts (CC M). GP am) 125 EX: I. Steve Gibson (Ha n). GP 2 50 NOV: I. Mark Guercio (Yam); 2. C urtis Hager (Hus). GP 250 IN T: I. Dave Mechler (Hus) ; 2. Fre d Wachter (Hon ); l . T im Hamilto n (Hon); -t. Richar-d Townse nd (Y am); 5. Gre gory Coll ins (Hus). GP 250 EX: I. George Betten (Yam) ; 2. Carl Richey (Ya m); l . Nathan Britt ; 4. Pat O'Connor (Y ). GP 500 NOV: I. am Eric Wea ver (C-A); 2. Bob Rader (Y . GP 500 INT: Jeff am) Greenwood (Y am); 2. Rik Smits (Mai); l . Lynn Williams (Mai); 4. William Bailey (BuI); 5. Dave Mattso n (C· A). GP 500 EX: I . Brett Miller (Mon); 2. Sco tt Brophy (Mai). ULTIMA 125 INT: I. Bob Egan (KTM). ULTIMA 125 EX: I. Pat Leahy (Y am). ULTIMA 250 1NT: I. Larry Shope (KTM). ULTIMA 500 NOV: I. Tim Undewatl (Ha n); 2. Ted Undewa ll (Han) ; l . Er ic Wea ver (C-A); 1 . Richar d Williams (Ho n); S. Gil Arenaz (6 S). ULTIMA 500 IN T: I. Jeff Clausen (Hon) ; 2. Gary Do za (Mai); 3. Eric Wachter (Hon) ; 4. Tim Even (Kaw); S. Gle nn Ne al (Hus). ULTIMA 500 EX: I. St eve Park er (Ha n); 2. George Betzen (KT M); l . Kelly Shane (C- A). WMN NOV; I . Emily Poole (CZ) ; 2. Debb ie Benson (Yam); l . Gaye Neal (Hus); 4. Don na Kelley (CZ) . WMN INT: I. De bbie Poole (CZ). OPEN AGE NOV: I. Nicholas Millage (Suz); 2 . T im Linde wall (He n) : l . Rick Field ;

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