Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 11 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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-------~ Round 14 OFr--rtu,",u I October 24, 2004 Grand National Cross Count r y Series Last yea r's champion , Barry Hawk, finished the year strong by taking his fourth win of the year.~~~).!~?~~~~ After a silly string show e r, Rodney Smith displays his new number-one p late . By winning his fifth title, he is now tied w ith Scott Summers and E Lajak for d most cha mpio nships. Last Man Standing STORY BY JASON W EIGAN DT PHOTOS BY RAy GUNDY he G r a nd Natio na l C r os s Co untry Se ries is about survival. T he three- hour events are t o ug h, and staying in fighting shape for all of them - from the season opene r in Texas, at the beginning of February, to the O ctobe r finale in Indiana - is eve n harder. GNCC Champio nships are often determined by T smarts mo re t han speed . And as su c h, maybe it's not so surpr ising that whe n the smoke cleared th is seaso n, th e smartest and most ex pe rienced rider in th e Pro class claimed the number-one plate. He's also the oldest rider in the class. FMF Suzuki's Rodney Smith was the last man standing in the 2004 GNCC Series. His tenacity and determination was 26 NOVEMBER 10 , 20 04 • CYCLE N EWS rewarded with a record-tying fifth GNCC title. Smith turned 40 in March, making him the oldest champion in series history and making this title run all the more sweet. "I rea lly didn't think I wou ld w in th is title this year," Smith said. "It all starte d at this race last year. I won th e race and had a good off-season. Th is year I turned 40, and I don't know what it is abo ut that age, 40th Anniversary but somet imes you have so me doubts. I won the ope ner in Texas, but I was 39 the n. The n a few months late r I got a win at 40. and I think that was a big tu rning point for me . O nce I knew I co uld win o ne race, it started com ing easy. W inning the title at 40 , that's such a big mile marke r, I'd say this is the sweetest out of all the titles I have."

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