Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 10 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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took Kutzler a while to re mount, and he found himself in abo ut 13th. Meanwhile, Collins had cle ar sailing a head , w hile Grube settled for se co nd and Great en s finished th ird . Kutzler charged through the pack, passing eight riders in two laps to wind up fourth by mote 's e nd. " I didn 't get the best sta rt," Kutzler said, " b ut I go t th rough pretty quick a nd fou nd myself in a bail ie with Todd [Grube], and I tr ied to stick it in there and I caught his back tire and end ed up on the ground . I got back up in the middle of the pack and just charged hard to get fourth by t he end of the mote." In the seco nd moto , Collins shot out to anot he r holeshot, but t his tim e Kutzle r was right beh ind him. Kutzle r was all over Collins over t he finish-line jump as th ey put in the first lap. Collins held off Kutzler through the rhythm section but lost the lead do wn by the powerli nes as Kutz ler to ok over the reins. Kutz ler rode h is he a r t out , tak ing the checkers we ll in front o f runner-up Collins . However, Collins did get the overall with his 1-2 punch. Kutzler wa s seco nd overall w ith his 4- 1 tally. Taking t hird overall was Greatens (3-3), while Grube e nded up in fourth ove rall with a 2-4 score. R ESULTS P/W JR: I. Bra nd o n Ho lme s; 2. Dylan Bunkosk e: 3. Thomas We irich; 4. Tyce Jones; 5. Den nis Ponton Ill. P/W SR: I. A.J. Woller: 2. Colin Hass: 3. Cody Severinsen ; 4. Adam Reek; 5. Gran t Bec k. MIN I 65: I. Hunter Nystr om: 2. Nathan laPorte : 3. Phelan Stillman: 4. Tyler Elliot; 5. Joshua McCo le . MIN I JR 80 : I. Nathan laPorte; 2. Phelan Stillman; l . Aaron Re mte r ; 4 . Zachary Rosine: 5. Anth o ny Grah am . MIN I SR 8 5: I. Brandon C revier: 2. Be n Peterson; l . Wade Gilbert; 4. Dylan DeClerc : 5. Shawn Zeugner. 115 JR: I. Brian Collins: 2. Brand on Crevier; l . Der ek Warren; 4. Jacob Greatens: 5. Steven Ebe rhardt . 125 A: I. Jesse Zambon: 2. And y Zambon: l . Tyler Jenema : 4 . David Rock : 5. Ryan Gilbert . 125 B: I. Brian Collins; 2. Tony Kutzler: l . Jacob Greatens: 4. Todd Grube: S. Chad Herm an . 125 C 0 · 1: I. Eric Uren: 2. larry Zergner, l . Justin Engle s; "1. James Dlob ik; 5. Ben jam in Mainville . 125 C 0-2: I. Nick Thomas ; 2. Robert Jo ne s Jr.; 3. C raig Almquist; 4. Cody Haglund : S. Bre nnan Graves. 2 50 A : I. Jesse Zambon: 2. Dylan Man in; l . Broc Stroebel ; 4. Michael Wend riclu ; S. Charles Cisler. 250 S: I. Tony Kutzler. 2. Todd Everard: l . Nick Furno; 4. Richard Gouge : S. Nathan Sprang. 250 C: I. Chris Cox ; 2. Willie De Gra ve : l . P.J. Krueger; 4. Ch ris Fow les; 5. Shawn Tovar. OPE N: I. [esse Zambon; 2. Cody Wills: 3. Cha rles Cisler: 4. Ryan Zue ge: 5. Tom N ie lsen . WM N: I. Heather Roach; 2. Jessica White; l . Elisha Kessel; 4. Broo ke [ercvetz: 5. Molly Blemke . SPTSMN A: I. Andy Zambon; 2. C raig Wallace : 3. Tyler Jene ma ; 4. Michae l Wendricks ; 5. Aaron Stroebel. SPTSMN SIC: I. Tod d Grube: 2. Todd Everard: l . T im St e phani: 4. Brad Smith; 5. C had He rman. MST R 2 5+ : I. Chris Hime s; 2. David Rock ; l . Rod Minea u: 4. C harles Cisle r; 5. Stacy Ande rson . VET lO + A: I. Chris Himes ; 2. David Rock; l . Rod Mineau; 4. Stacy Anderson: 5. Bill Knauf. VET lO + B: I. Joh n Rosine : 2. Scan Fred rickson ; 3. Steve Smith: 4. Pete Emme ; S. Co ry Croschene. SR 4 0+: I. Mike Fran kini; 2. Mike Dorman; l . Robert Jones : 4. Dave Carlson: S. Dan Haydin. SR 50+ : I. Dave Carlson ; 2. Doug Bauman n; l . Mel Pionte k: 4. Rick Haws : S. larry Almquist . NO N ·CU R: I. To ny Dor man; 2. Mike Do rman : 3. Set h Galler: 4. Snawn Tovar; 5. Andrew Kieper. t he Se w ell bo ys round e d t urn o ne nea rly shoulder to shoulder, settin g up another grea t race . Auten and Travis gained some breath ing room o n th e gang. After trad ing pos itions several time s, Travis too k the lead for goo d. Aut en was a clos e se cond . Shane wa s aga in third but closer to the leade rs th is time and well ahead of Har ris, w ho was fourt h. Kompa again rounded out the top five. In t he 250cc C class , Bred eweg took the holeshot in both motos, leading t he pack from t urn one on to ma ke the overall his without qu est ion. T he race for second was close r, as Kevin Judso n (3-2) and Corey Reimers (2-3) traded pos ition t hr oug hou t th e tw o motos, with Judson gelling the edge by placing better in the tie-b rea ke r moto . In three-man team act ion, the team of Josh Lang,Andy Meyers and Taylor Davis we nt wild, scoring the lowest team total to win the as ccdivision champions hip. In the Big Bike division , the te am of Will Hicks, Jaso n Ernsbe rger and Auten scored the top ste p of the podium, as all three riders are big players in their respective classes . Going into the race , each had to be considered a favo rite , and they showed w hy with their t hree great rides. RESUL TS 85 3-MAM T EAM RACE: I. Team 6 aosh lange/Andy Meye rsITaylor Davis): 2. Tea m "1 (Nate Campbell/Cody Gree n/Michael Chapman) ; l . Team 7 (Tim Wa lker/Jacob Behringer/Kyle Straube). B/BK l -MAN TEAM RAC E: I. Team 5 (Will Hicksl]ason Ems be rge rfT.J. Auten): 2. Team 6 (Travis SewelVWiIl Hoe fmcker/Josh Radi); l . Team 3 (Phillip Ha rris /Greg Dur ivage /Shay Fisher ) . 5 0 JR: I. Mck inzie Edwards (KT M): 2. Christopher Kruger (KTH) : l . Bro c Wrig ht (Co b); 4 . [aco b Banse n (KTM); S. Geri co Johnso n (Co b). SO SR: I. Dill n Finley (KTM): 2. Seth Ham ishfege r o (KTM); 3. Cody Price (Kaw): "1 . Mitch Ostafin (Suz): S. Austin Steinfeldt (Suz). 50 (4 -6): I. Broc Wright (Cob ): 2. Ge rico Joh nson (Co b); 3. Hunter Burnham (Cob) ; 4. Dawson Webb (KTM): S. Justin Williamson (KTM). SO (7 -8): I. Cody Hadsen (KTM): 2. Ro nnie Bird (KTM); 3. Michae l Wo lfe (Cob); 4. Brock Steurer (Cob); S. Undsay Mason (KTM). 65 : I. Codle Bylsma (KTM): 2. Jacob Behringer (Suz); 3. Cody Myers (KTM); "1 . Warren Ne lson (KTM): 5. Kurt ice Kern (Yam). 85 (9-13): I . Broc Pet e rson (KTM): 2. Andy Myen; (KTM); 3. Cody Green (Suz): "1. Bubba Cline (Kaw); 5. Josh ua la nge (Kaw ) . 85 C: I. Zac ha ry Be n nett (Ka w ) ; 2 . Christopher Baker (Ha n): 3. Seth Green (Yam ): "1 . l ogan Connors (Kaw); S. Keith Myers (Suz). 85 JR: I. Taylor Davis (Kaw): 2. Cody Gr een (Suz); 3. Tim Walker (Kaw): 4. Kyte Straube (5uz): 5. Jacob Beh ringer (Suz). 85 SR: I . Michael Chapman (KTM); 2. Broc Peterson (KTM): 3. Adam Hicks (Han): 4. A1asdian Stewart (Ha n): 5. Kayta Morris (KTM). 125 JR: I. T. . Auten Jr. (Yam): 2. Shane Sewell (Yam): 3. J Phillip Harris (Yam): 4. Grego ry Durivage (Han) : S. Cody l ee Davis (Yam). 125 A : I . Travis Sewell (Yam); 2. T.j. Auten Jr. (Yam) ; 3. Shane Sew ell (Yam): 4. Phillip Harr is (Yam); S. Joshua Kampa (Ha n). 125 B: I . Will Hicks (Ha n); 2. Jo sh Radi (Y am): 3. Patrick Petrillo (Hon ): 4. Barry Veltman (Yam); 5. Willy Ke lty (Yam). 125 C: l. Will Hoe fflicker (Suz); 2. Derek Sigler (Yam); 3. Josh ua Bitunjac (Yam): 4. Kevin Clark (Kaw): 5. l e o W ise man (Yam). l SD/ O PE N A: I . Sha ne Sewell (Yam); 2. Derek N. Rose (Ho n). 2 50 /0 PEN B: I . Josh Rad i (Yam); 2. Kyle Glass (Ha n) ; 3. Jo shua Gruppen (Yam); 4. William M. Hicks (Ha n): 5. Josh Baldwin (Hon) . l SD/OPEN C: I. Scott Bred eweg (Yam): 2. Kevin C. Judson (SlIZ) l . COI'"ey Reimers (He n): 4. Adam Roth (Suz); S. Todd ; Mitl r (Ha n). 16 -14: I. Kyfe Kohler (Hoo) ; 2. Jo shua Kom pa e (Hon): 3. Michael Tomanek (Hoo ); 4. Patrick Petrillo (Hon): S. Josh Baldwin (Hon) . 25+ : I. Jason Ernsberger (Hon): 2. Richard Potter (Hoo ): l . Nick Roth (Hoo) ; 4. Chris Hillman (Yam); S. Te rry Knepple (Kaw). 30 + : I. Matthew W Kiser (Hon); 2. Jim Brown (Ha n): 3. Dan Dove (Hon): 4. Doug A Finley {Y m); S. Dia n Harnishf ege r (Kaw) . 3 5+: I. Jim a Brown (Ha n); 2. Matthew W Kiser (Ha n); l . James C. Smith Jr. (Ho n); 4. Sca n Stewart (Han): S. Ro be rt Fryel (Kaw) . 40 +: I. Snay Fisher (Ho n); 2. Jeffrey Beerbower (Hoo ); l . Steve Kluga (Hon) : 4. Billy Wed e meye r (Yam) : S. Sco tt Stewart (Han) . 45+ : I. Jo sep h Wathen (Yam): 2. Jame s Binde r (Han ); l . Billy Wedemeyer (Yam): 4. Jeffrey A. Clark (Han) ; 5 . Robert J. Kemp (Han) . 50+ : I. Michael Root (Yam) . NON-C UR: I. Allan Don eth (Yam): 2. Steven Bag inski (Ha n) ; 3. Der ek Sigler (Yam); 4. Mar k S. Cook (Hon); S. I", lee (KTM). Ba ja MX Bigelow's t he Boss at Baja M X By ROGER LIGHTS MILLINGTON, MI, SEPT. 5 abor Day Wee ke nd always gets big play at Baja MX, and th is year was no differe nt, as mor e th an 560 ride rs turned out to take o n Michigan's mo st popu lar eastside venue . Kreg Bigelow has to be considered the king of Baja; o ut o f 27 rac e s a t t he ven ue th is se as o n , Bigelow has won 19. This Sunday, he too k wins in bot h t he Ove r 35 and Over 40 classes. W he n th e ga te fe ll for mo to one , it was Bigelow, Bart Newman, Gary Seibert and Kip Bigelo w pulling t he pac k th rough tu rn o ne . Seibert, Kip Bigelow and a hard-charging Scotty Parker we re o n the move, getti ng by Newman before the gang came back down to the bott o m of Kong. Kreg had already o pened up a lead , L Tra vis Sewell was the ma n at Log Road MX, w inni ng the 12Scc A class after a hard-fought battle with T.J. Auten. Sewell also took top honors in the 2S0cc A class. Log RoadMX Sewell, Bredeweg Top the Troops By BART NEWMAN BRONSON, MI, SEPT. 5 T ravis Sewell and T:J Auten traded moto wins in 12Scc A action, with Sewe ll winning the all-important secon d moto to claim the overall victo ry. Scott Bredeweg was the big winner in t he 2S0cc C class, cleaning up in a tw o -moto runaway on day tw o of Log Road's Labor Day Wee ke nd "three days of motoc ross" affair. Whe n th e 125cc A class ro cket ed off the sta rti ng gate for moto on e , the Se well boys , Travis and Shane, we re leading the way. with Auten, Philip Harris and Greg Andrews looking to run them down. Auten was the first ride r on the move, displacing Shane befor e the riders e merged from the back sec tion of the tr ack, 52 and now he was gunning for big brothe r Travis. Harris gave it the old college try but couldn't hold t he leaders' pace, though he was able to put some time on Andrews, who had his hands full wit h Joshua Kompa, w ho had cha rged up from a slow start . Out fro nt, Travis and Aute n navigated the circuit with the speed and skillof tw o of District 14's fastes t A ride rs, each one looking to make it to the checke red nag first. Auten found the hot line and scoo ted past Travis to take t he moto win, with Travis hot on his heels. Third we n t t o Shan e , wh o rode a gr e at ra ce , outpacing Harris, w ho came ho me a lone ly fourth . Kompa was the last rider in the top five. Moto two was another good one. Aute n and oaOBER 27, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS which we wo uldn't give up without a fight. The batt le be tw een Seibert, Parker and Kip was a great o ne , as th ey all have grea t speed a nd kno w t he Baja trac k like t he bac k of t heir hands. Parker came out of the back section of t he track in second after a great third lap, and Kip was all over Seibe rt 's rear fende r, looki ng for a way around. The race for fifth was also tighte ning up. as Jeff Bost and Newm an were trading positions. Kreg took the checkered flag wit h no challenge from runner-u p Parke r, who was able to get some breathing room on Kip, who made the pass stick on Seibert during the last lap. Bost was fifth, as Newman stuck his foot in a hole, tweaking his knee and ending his day in sixt h. In mot o t wo, it w as Kreg, Se ibe rt and Kreg Bigelow (1) go t a great jump o ut of the gate in the Over 40 class and pulled Scotty Pa rke r (0 2) a nd Gary Seibert (4 3) though turn one at Baja MX in Millington, Michigan. 40t h Anniver s ary

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