Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 10 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Bent Wheels Ultimate Cha llenge Hare Scrambles AMA District 14 Hare Scrambles Se ries Round 1 : Bent Wheels Motorcycle Club 0 PHOTO S BY VAUGHN STERKEN Travis Takes the Challenge SPORE ROSE CITY, MI, SEPT. 11 -12 o r th e se cond ye ar in a ro w, th e Ben t Guy established a good pace early on and used incred ibly consiste nt lap times to earn second ove rall. Guy, who is also an A-class competitor Wh eels Motorcycle Club hosted its Ultimate Challe nge Hare Scra mbles , designed to series, was happy to earn the double points he was awarde d for the day. By MARK F be a survival test for both man and machine . Th is year 's Planet Ho nda/Metro Sports-backed eve nt fea tured a six-hou r en d ura nce race , wit h both so lo an d t e am clas se s e arning double po ints to w a rd t he AMA D istr ict 14 Har e Sc r ambl e s Series, re sult ing in a mod est tu rn out, despite the wa rm and dry conditions. The co ur se routed competit o rs throu gh many winding grasstrack sections, which were co mbined with so me challe nging single-track. Many dub volunteers came out to support the race, focu sing on attempt ing to keep sect ions of t he tr ac k wa tered. Unfo rtu nat ely, Mot he r Nature didn't help ou t, as the race was held during droughtlike conditions, which ultimately played a part in the outcome . With thousands of dollars in prizes and double points at stake , Team Woody's/Stevens Spo rtssponsored Travis Tudemout came into the race with a lot of motivation to do well. After earn ing his first career overall victory in June, he has been on a mission to capture his first overa ll state championship . By batt ling with com petitors who are nationally successful, such as Blair Bersano, Chris Gallt and Aaron Wegne r (who have all w on t he Michigan ov e rall se ries in ye a rs past ), Tudethout definitely has his work cut ou t fo r him. "I knew that I had to do we ll in th is ra ce," Tudet hout said afte r his victory. "l wa nted to start out strong, get to the front and set a good pace . My Honda CR2S0 worked real well all day, and I co uldn't be happ ier." Tudethout jumped out to an early lead, with KTM ride rs Paul Guy and Brian Marr giving chase . Marr went down in a sandy right-hand swee per on the first lap, slightly injuring his leg. "I just didn't have anything for those guys after that," said Marr, who soldiered on to a sixth-place overallfinish, one lap down from the leaders. Life C yci efTho r/lMSfTw in Air-s up ported in th e G NCC and N at ional Hare Scra mb le s Thu rsto n C ycl e -s po ns o r e d Ed d ie Kee n ro unded out the top t hree on his Kawasak i. Keen has been tu rning in some im pressive rides th is year, and his third-place feat in this six-hour event was certainly a highlight. "I' m not sur e t hat I had a lot o f fun o ut the re ; six-hours is a long time to do anything. le t alo ne ra ce a moto rcycle !" commented Keen, who , due to this event's double points, took over second place ove rall in the series with three rounds remaining. O ne competitor missing from the top three was the defend ing champion of both the event and the serie s, FMF/Lowe Suspension-backed Blair Be rsano , who had a day tha t he wo uld ra ther fo r get. T he Hus q varn a pil o t h ad a multitu de of mechan ical issues that ended his da y early, His problems began rig ht o ff th e dead-engine star t, when he realized that his sea t was not sec ure d properl y to the bike . Afte r a quick fix, Bersano blazed his way into seco nd place, only to have his bike lock up due to sand and dust enter ing his motor. Follow ing Kee n through scoring was Y amaha rider Brian Tomane k, who earned fourt h place overall. Tomanek used a conservative approach to the six-hour event , as he took two exte nded breaks to recover his e nergy, allowing him to ma ke a la te - rac e su rge in the final ho ur. Tomanek 's final burst pushed him past Shawmut Hills-sponsored Mark Spo re , w ho pilo te d his Y amaha to fifth overall. The top five compe titors co mp le ted 16 laps, wh ich eq ua le d 120 miles covered during the six·hour event. eN Brian Marr (8) grabs the holeshot, ahead of Tudethaut (3), eventual runner-up Paul Guy (9) and Mark Spore (5), at ro und 10 of the AMA District 14 Hare Scrambles Series. BENT WH££L5 MOTORCYLE CLUB ROSE CITY, MICHIGAN RESULTS: SEPTEMBER 11-12 (ROUND 10) Mark Spore (Y am); 6. Br ian Marr (KTM); 7. Scott Curt iss (Kaw); B. Tom Turn er (Yam); 9. Bob Burness (Yam); 10. D av id Ham m e l (Ka w) . a /A TE AM : I. a / A SOLO: I. Travis Tudethout (Han); 2. Paul Guy (KTM); 3. Eddie Kee n (Kaw); 4. Brian Tomane k (Y am); 5. --- - - - - 1 ,, 1""=- - - - - - - - - - - - --:;.,-"'"""- - - - - -.""""'...... 8 x a:: ~ ~ ~ a: fu o >- 0 J: 0.. m ac h ine ry, took h is YZ 25 0F an d trie d to run down th e lead e r; if Lee had made one mistake, Hartma n wo uld'v e ca she d in. C .J. Papp as, o n a no t he r Yama ha , was a so lid t hird ove rall. The 12Scc C guys were on the gas in a big way, wit h Travis Laird leading the way on his Freewheeling CRF2S0R. Hartman, a new come r to t he big bikes , was do ing his best , and he sco red anot he r second overall on t his night. Honda jocke y Jeff Cozine was smooth on his way to third ove rall. The Pro classes are growing, and t he cash is flowing! In the 125cc A class, Kyle O do m rod e his CRF2S0R to the ove ra ll o n t his even ing, ahead o f Hus ky m an Steve C o c h ra n, Us ua l winne r Dash Lyle had to settle fo r the final po dium spot o n his RHS C RF2S0R afte r a fall in Ge tting big air on a litt le bike, Colton Ford flew to the 65c< (7-9) class win at Georgia's Calhoun Supercross. 44 OCTOBER 27, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS the last moto . The 2SOcc A class featured the same riders. in different or der. Lyte wo n both mo tes on his Honda 4S0 and kept O dom, on his CRF4 S0R, in second spot. Dalas "Mr. Steady" Conner too k 40th Anniversary Sch arp hor n/langeland (KTM); 2. Keen/Balze r (Kaw ); 3. Flegel/Fl egel (KT M); 4 . Parrott/C ook ( KT M); S. SIWely/Re;ner (Yam). thir d overall with a good ride o n his Yamaha after breaking his helmet in a fall a couple of wee ks ago. A well - p re p pe d tr a c k a n d a smoo th- run ning pr ogra m allo w ed eve ryo ne to ge t home at a dece nt hour. T he EMTs never moved from their seat s, and a good time was had by all. RESULTS 50 SHAFT: I. Brade n Bunker (Yam) 2. l ogan Rainwater ; (Yam) 3. Austin Jenkins (Y ; am); 4. Christ ian Evans (Y am); 5. [acq ut Riggins (Y am). 50 HON/KT M O ll - INJ: I. Carson Ford (KTM); 2. Bililey Cr oom (KTM); 3. Cod y Culpepper (Han); .of. Brad Kosloski (Han) ; 5. Brendan Griffith (KTM). 50 (4-6): I. Blaze Turner (KTM); 2. l ogan Rainwat er (Cob); 3. Bilile y C ro om (KT M); 4. Tre nt Bilodeau (Co b); 5. Co dy Culpe ppe r (Han). 50 (7.8): I. Dilvid Nizzari (Suz); 2. Alec. Riggins (KTM); 3. Caleb Sulhvan (KTM); 4 . l oga n Lacey (C o b) ; 5. Jimmy Hawki ns (Kaw) . 50 OP EN : I. Ca le b Sullivan (KTM); 2. Alec Riggins (KTM); 3. Jimm y Hawkins (Kaw); 4. David Ninari (Suz); 5. Logan Lacey (Co b). 65 (7 .9) : I. Colton Ford (KTM); 2. Timoth y Thorn (KTM); 3. Garrett Sutt on (KT M); .of . Chris She ll ( Ka w ); 5. Jac o b Seagrave (Suz). 6S (1 0- 11), I. Cody Ham mond (KTM); 2. Robb ie r-tan hews (Suz); 3. Sidney Hannon (Suz); 4. Drew Terrell (Kaw). 60-8 0 PRETEEN : I. Preston Thom as (Kaw ); 2. Dylan Taylor (Suz); 3. Jonathan Belt (Yam) ; 4. Garrett Sutton (KTM) 5. Michael Glen (Kaw). 80 BEG : I. Randee ;

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