Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 10 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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EVE-NTS A VET: I. David Gallup (KTM); 2. Robin Allsop (Y am); l . Russ Bain (Ho n); 4. Haro ld Bowen (Ha n); S. Dan whue (Ho n). A SR: I . Jim Price (KTM); 2. David Bondall (Kaw); 3. Tho mas Cans et (KTM); 4. Norman Tum berg (Hus); 5. Scott Raymon d (KT M). B 250: I. Timot hy Daigneau lt (Ho n); 2. Burt on Watk ins (Hon); 3. Mark l ufkin (KTM); 4. Eric German (Ho n); 5. Chris Paventy (Hon). B 200: I. Justin Hunter (Kaw); 2. l uke Dufr esne (KTM): J . John D. Fahe y (Kaw); 4 . Evan Mur phy (KTM); S. Ben Davleau (KTM ). 8 O PEN : I . Dere k Da igne au lt (KT M); 2. Mike l eis (KTM); 3 . C had Je nse n (KTM); 4. Doug Fox (H on); 5. John Sadow ski (KT M). B 4- ST RK: I. Ben Kimball (Y am): 2. Stanley Pop lasky Sr. (Hon); J . C hris Netelhos (Ho n): 4. Tod d Tabor (Hon) ; 5. David Gra y (Ho n). B VET: I . Scott Evans (Kaw): 2. David Crets inger (Ho n); 3. Ro bert Tod d (KTM); 4 . James Ma ine (KTM); 5 . D a v id R. Hub ba rd (KT M). B SR : I . Mike Kra skcus ka s (KTM); 2. Raymond Legary (Yam); 3. Jack Golini (Ha n); 4 . De nnis Kirkman (GG); 5. Edwar d Kowa lski (KTM). C 250 : I. Sco tt Ge sse l (Yam); 2. Wayne Surprenant (Ho n); 3. Aaron am); 5. Scott Hricay (Yam). C Sablack (Y am); 4. larry Piers (Y 2 0 0 : I . Jamie Lo o mis (KT M); 2. C ra ig Plo urde (Kaw) ; 3. Michael Corsi (Ha n); 4. Darr e n A Greeke (KTM); S. Ryan N uckols (Kaw ). C 12 5: I. Ronald S. Ardito (Suz); 2. Donald Zo ngol Jr.; 3. Br.tdley Krause (Kaw) ; 4 . Brian Bouche r (Y am); S. j ohn Late nd res se (Hon) . C OP EN : I . An d re w Jo ne s (Hbg); 2. Brent P. Kipp (Yam); 3. Joe l Lo m bra (KTM); 4. Mike Utwi n (GG); S. Scott M. Smith (Suz). C 4- ST RK: I. Tod d Don o van (Yam); 2. Ralph Fedoru k (KTM); 3. Dan ny Lo pe s (Yam); 4. Tony C at hey (Ho n); 5. Stephen Gallup (Yam ). C VET: I. Mike Wilso n (Yam); 2. Richard Hall (KTM); 3. C hris Mart in (KTM); 4. Larry Hayward (KTM): 5. Bill W illiam s Jr. (Yam) . C SR : I . Brian Curran (!III ~ a. Tony KUble r p ut in a n impressive ride in the 25 0cc B class to capture the overa ll at the 12th ro und of the Northern Cup Motocross Serie s in Athel stane, Wisconsin. CYCL E NEWS • OCTOBER27, 2004 51

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