Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 10 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• lional Cross Country Series My OWN RACE: 31 Rodney Smith 4th After running up front and getting his bike tangled in wire, the four-time GNCC Champ was thinking on ly about helping his title chances. "O nce ' caught back up to Raines, I just knew I had to ride with him and do what I needed to do," Smith said. "I knew Raines was following me, and there was a part of me that said, 'Don't drag Jason up to the front . IfI drag him up to the front, and the n we all get stuck in this mud hole and he gets by and wins, the whole thing will backfire.' So there was a side of me than didn't want to even catch the lead group ." 2 Jason Raines 5th Before the race, Raines admitted he has been riding with a crack in his shoulder socket, so he was just trying to ride the season out. But he did we ll, ridingon the rear fender of his title rival Smith during the latter stages of the race. '" had a good start , but a couple of guys fell , and I was right behind Robbie [jenks] and Michael [Lafferty}," Raines said. "But I caught my neck on a vine and got ripped off of my bike. It was back and forth out there with that technical stuff. There was a lot of swapping. We came flying down through this mud hole, and I tr ied to go around Michael [Lafferty}, and I looped it out there . Another time I just totally center punched him. It allcame down to those mud holes, it was kind of fun. At the end ' caught up to Rodney [Smith}, but he was riding just making sure he didn't make any mistakes, and I couldn't really push it or anything." 113 Glenn Kearney 8th After a spectacular ride and a podium at the previous GNCC , the Australian Enduro Champion was in position to do it again by running with the lead pack. But bad luck set in. "I came in for a fuel stop and Igot co nfused. I wasn't really sure who was going to fuel me: ' said Kearney, who is riding as a guest of the Am Pro Yamaha team and didn't have his own mechanic. "Everyone was stop ping, so there was no one to fuel me. Then I ran out of rolloffs on my goggles, and there was no way to get new ones. So I threw m y gogglesoff the re in the pits. I lost some time there. But t hey met me out on the course with goggles. I was at the back of the freight train, then Igot to a mud hole, and I picked a good line and passed five guys in one spot. I couldn't believe my luck! But probably fIVe minutes after that' clipped a tree and lost my front brakes. That was it, I just faded back." 711 Josh McLevy Kawasaki rider Chuck Woodford had his best finish of the year with a third'place finish . reacts a little differently than w hat I'm use d to," Haw k said. "It took a couple of laps befo re I could get comfortable ." Smit h stayed up fro nt until he snagged a fence and hung his bike up . "I ro de up front , rode good and felt good," Smith said. "Then on t he fourth lap after gas , I got some w ire stuck up in the rear brake . I was try ing to sneak inside of McLevy for the lead again. I thought it w as a vine , but it was w ire , and it grabbed my rear brake and stopped the bike. I had to stop and get it o ut . I went from second back to 12th." Fro m there, Smith would mount a big charge to ge t bac k into a solid po intspaying po sition. Meanwhile, McLevy had mud sp lash up under his goggles and 34 dro pped back. By then, Haw k was ready to po unce as he moved into the lead, w ith Woodford and Blackwe ll right behind. The entire race was boiling down to a pair of big mudholes, where everyone was stacking up try ing to find good lines and avo id slower, stuck riders. Blackw e ll tried to make a pass on Woodford in one of them and ended up taki ng both of them down. "I was following Barry for a w hile, and we got into first and se cond," Wo od ford said. "But Doug got a little too excited in a mud hole , and we crashed. I mean, I was in t here and I just saw a yellow bike come flying at me, and I just got out of the way before I got plowed. That would have ended my day right there. But we were oaOBER 27, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS 6th Yet another great ride from the suddenly consistent McLevy. "I'm just going smooth and staying in there all day," McLevy said. 'J\nd then when the two -lap board comes out, , charge. Leading early was great, but I lost my goggles, so that's when I lost a bunch of spots. So I was able to make a few spots up, though, and I felt comfortable." stuck in a rut together, and we had to pull ou r bikes apa rt ." "C huc ky is right . I got a little aggres sive down th ere in that mud hole ," Blackw ell said. "I was just t rying eve ryth ing I cou ld to get aro und him and go after Barry. After tha t I just t ried to reel him in, but Barry 's riding so good right now, I coul dn't do it . Too little , too late ." As fo r the defendi ng champ ion , Hawk was hap py that his hard work had paid off. "O nce I got into the lead I really tried to push ," Hawk said. "I tho ught I had a big lead, but when I got to the last lap; my mechanic put out the board and it sa id ' IB seconds: I was th inking, 'Oh no , they're catching me!' So I just put my hea d down and charged the whole last lap, and I 40th A nn iversary ended up pulling away a little bit. Th e last five Nationals I have raced, I have four wins and a second, so things are going eN pretty good: ' POWER LINE PARK ST. CLAIRSVILLE, OHIO RESULTS: OCTOBER 10, 2004 (ROUND 13 OF 14) PRO a /A: I. Ilany H. wI

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