Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 10 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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- I MOTOGP Round 15 Octobe r 17, 2004 World Cha mpionship Road Race S er ies Tech Talk: Firing Order and Such It was obvious In the era of the Big Bangtwo-strokes of the 1990. that a close firing order - or, to put it another way. uneven firing intervals - had a benefit for the tires. for traction and for "ride r-friend line ss." The same thing has become obvious again in the MotoGP class, nagged not only by Yamaha's "virtual V-four " M I for Valentino Rossi but also the revivalof Ducati's previouslystill-bom Twin Pulse engine. The difficult thing is pinningdown an explanation, a quest I have pursued all year. Colin Edwards (45) charged the entire race and eventually finis hed fourth, passing Alex Barros on the fina l lap. Edwards (45) lea d s countryman Hayden (69). Hayden came from 14th on the grid to finish sixth. A new one in Australiacame from Aprilia racing director Jan Witteveen. "With our two -cylinder two-strokes, we fired them simultaneously Witteveen said. "If ," we spread that out by one or two degrees, it would make little difference, but 10 degrees apart made a big difference in rider feel and effective performance . I believe it is to do with the way the tire heats up. With uneven firing, you get local hot spots and cool spots, though the average temperature of the tire is the same." In this way you get a luckydip, with some power pulses coincidingwith grippier proportions of the t ire . There may be something in this, according to Dunlop tire designer Dave Watkins - if only because there really is a mystery. "We understand what causes grip and how to improve it," Watkins said. "But there has never been a detailed scientific explanation of the actual mechanism of grip - of what actuallyhappens, step by step , with the chemical reaction between the tire and the road surface, and the friction against the road surface." What they do know is that at the moment a power pulse strikes the tire , "there is an almost insta ntan eo us temperature increas e. in excess of 700 degrees boost in the fract ion of a second." If the tire snatches or slides through that part of the contact patch, "the temperature increase gradient is much higher," he said. For this reason, local temperature variations could be a factor, Watkins agreed. The probl em with pinning down the reasons for it all is that the time intervals are so small, but mo re understanding wou ld give tire engineers an im portan t tool. For the ti me being, however, that understand ing remains as elusive as the Holy Grail. MICHAEL S COTT Johan Dov izioso heading the pack as the riders crossed the line for the first time. Lorenzo was in the group , and as Locatell i held a watching brief a second or so behind, the trio of youngsters were making all the running and e xchanging the lead frequently. Lorenzo led over the line for a spell, Dov izioso tak ing over from laps seven to 12, then back again. Stoner seldom saw the fro nt out on the trac k and never over the line. Towa rd the finish Locatelli closed up to join in the last lap battle, but the othe rs stretched their legs again and he was left behind as they started the final lap, Dov izioso in front. Stoner dived to the lead at turn one; Dovizioso pushed back underneath him at Siberia comer, after the Honda Ha irpin , with Lorenzo also push ing into second . One last chance remained, and Stoner took it, regaining second at the tight , lastright MG corner. The final drama played on the run to the line. Dovizioso was safe enough, by inches , and it looked as though Stoner had second - until Lorenzo's Derbi came alongside, to be judged inches ahe ad over the line. Locatelli was 2.4 secon ds adri ft in fourth ; Steve Jenkner prevailed in a threestrong all-Aprilia battle for fifth, finishing inches ahead of Hector Bar be ra and Gino Borso i. Mike di Meglio won out in the ne xt big gang . Dovizioso is even more of a champion than he was before, w ith a marg in of 91 points over Locatelli, 273 - 182. Lorenzo is closing on 170, pushing Barbera ( 177) to eN fourth , w ith Stoner fifth on 14S. AUSTRAUAN GRAND PRIX PHI U IP ISlAND, AUSTRAUA RESULTS: OCTOBER 17, 2004 MO TOGP Q UALIFYING: I. Sere Gibemau ( "lO.122): 2. Valen hno Raul (1:30.222): 1. Lori. Capi""" (1:10.b I3): 4. Colin Edwards (1:30.b25); 5. Mal ( 1:3b.b75): 22. G,ego<"Y Leblanc (1:36.8 14): 21. Radomol Rous ( 1:17.090): 24 . OJ", H . - ( 1:17. 144) ; 25. Tare Sekiguchi (1:31.2"'9); 26. Hect or Faubel ( 1:31.316); 21. Joshua Wat"" ( I:38 .149). 115 QUALIFYING : I. Roberto Loca telli (1:31....11); 2. )<> De Angell. (Ap-): 3. Manuel Poggia!I (Ap-); 4. Daniel Pedrosa (Hon) ; 5. Toni Elias (Han): 6 . Chaz Davies (Apr) ; 1. Hi""," Aar- (Hon): 8. 5yt.a;n Guin,ol l (Ap-); 9. )<>han 5,ogelelt (Ap-) ; 10. f\obeno Rollo (Han): I I. Alex Debon (Han); 12. Hugo Matchand (Ap-): 13. Jakub 5mn (Han): I.... David De Gea (Hon); 15. Naoki Matsuda (Yam); 16. Hector F.ubel (Ap-) : 17. G Gadea (Ap-): II. Gabol Talmacsi (Mal); 12. Lukas Pesek (Hon); IJ . Mirko Giansanti (Af:>r"); I... . Andrea Ballerini(Apr ); 15. Pablo Nieto (Apr) ; 16. Simon Corsi (Hon); 11. GioeJe Pellino (Apr); 18 . H.attia Pasini (Apr); 19. Thomas Luthi (Han) ; 20. Julian Simone (Hon); 21. Imre Toth (Apr) : 22. Daria Giuseppetti (Hon) : 23. vesa Kall o (Hon ); 24. lorenzo Zanetti (Apr ); 25. Max i Sabbatani (Ha n): 26. Raymond Schouten (Ha n): 27. M.nthew Kuhne (Hon); 28. Jordi Carchano (Apr); 29. Bryan Staring (Hon ). Time: ] 8 min.• 1.811 sec . Distance : 23 laps. 63.42 miles Average speed: 100.06 mph Margin of vktory: . 123 sec. Fastest la p : Andrea Dovizioso. lap 1. 1:38.02-4 MOT O GP WORLD C 'S HIP POI NTS STANDINGS (After 14 of 16 rounds): I . Valentino Rossi (219/8 wins) ; 1. Sete Glbernau (2.044/-4 wins): 3. Max Biaggi (19 7/1 win): 4. Aiel!: BarTOS ( 155); S. Colin Edwards ( 1"'9): 6. Makoto Tarnada (139); 1. Nicky Hayde n (117); 8 . Carlos Checa ( 115); 9. Loris Capi rosst (110); 10. Ruben Xaus (71); II. Marco Mebndri (15): 12. Shinya Nakano (1"'); 13. Norick Abe (68) ; ,<4. Troy Bayl ss (55); 15. Alex Hofmann (46). i 250cc W O RLD C 'SH IP P O INTS STANDIN GS (After 14 of 16 rounds): I. Daniel Pedrosa (292/6 wins); 2. Sebastian Porto (256/5 wins); 3. Randy de Puniet ( 19811 win) ; .... Toni Elias ( 11911 win); 5. AIel!: de AngeIis ( 14 7); 6. Hiroshi Aoyama ( 128): 1. Fons i Nieto (I I"'); 8. Robert o Rotfo ( 10 1/ 1 win); 9. Manuel PoggiaIi (9511 win); 10. Anthony Wes t (88): I I . {TIE) Franco Battaini/AJel!: Debon (80): 11. Sylvain Guintoll (42); 14. Ch;u 0..... (40): 15. Hugo Muchand (3b). 125cc WO RLD C SHI P POI NTS STA N DIN GS (Aft er 14 of 16 rounds): I. Andrea DovTrios.o (213/S wins); 2. Roberto Locatelli (182/2 wins ): 3. jorge Lorenzo ( 119/3 wins ); .... Hector Barbera ( 117/ ] wins); 5. Casey 5toner ' ( 145/1 _ ); b. Pablo Nerto ( 125); 7. 5,eveJ_ (llb); 8. Alvaro Bautista ( I ll): 9. Mirko Giansanti ( 10 1): 10 . H lka Kall o (86) ; II. Marco Simoncelli (19/ 1 win); 12. Gino i 8onol (70): 11. Julian Simon (57): 14. Simone Coni (51): 15. Fabririo Uoi (52). UPCOMING ROUNDS Round 16-Valencio, Spain, October 31

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