Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 09 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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The rear d irt sect io n had give n m a ny riders t ro ub le throughout the wee kend. and Beatt ie was no e xcept ion . Wh ile moving up on Arnold. Beatt ie got cros sed up and had to let off the throttle, allow ing Arnold to build an insur mountable lead and take the checkers e n rou te to his second w in in the class for the year. Beatt ie held on to seco nd, with Zecca taking third. Spectators filled the grands tand s lor the Premier Open final. With so many ride rs having st rong showings th roughout the week end , it was really anyone's guess as to who wou ld take the Harley -Davidson Docks Cup and the valuable po ints toward the National Championship. However, nobody could have imagined that AmoId wou ld be able to come lrom tw o rows deep off the start to snatch the holes hot. Mall Pursley and Bill Wallin tried to loIlow 5U~ but ran wide enteri ng tu m one. Purs ley's Y amaha had been running strong all day, and he recovered qUickly to mix it up with the leade rs : as the y finished lap one, Pursley was leading AmoId, With Beattie in th ird, J ordan Szoke in lou rth , and the always last Y amaha 01 Team Um brella Girls USoo';s Mark Burkhart filth. Szoke cont inued to make a charge for the pod ium. moving lrom lourt h up to second th ro ugh th e early laps. Burkhart wa s also on the move , jumping fro m fifth to third in two laps. Within just tw o more laps, Burkhart had successlully challenged lor the le ad , overtaking first Szo ke and then Pursley. Burkhart co ntinued his fast laps, pulling out a comfort able le ad . T he ba il ie lo r second between Pu r s le y a nd Szo k e con tinued, Szo ke pushing th e Ame rican. hoping for a brea k. Desp ite all 01 Szoke's best e ffo rts . th ird place was all he could manage. as Pursley rode his Yamaha like it was on rails en route to second, behind Burkhart . who took his second win of 2004 . RESULTS PRO/AM 2SO: I. Dave Amok! (Hon ); 2. Doug Beatt ie (Hon) ; 3. Uno Zecca (Kaw): 4. Wet Cyr (Han ); S. Allan Jaggard (ICT M): 6. Jeremy Sharrad (Han): 7. Mike Saarela (Hon ): 8. Fred Kes.ak (Han). PREM OPEN : I. Mark Bur khart (Y am): 1. Matt Pursley (Yam) 3. Jordan Slake (Han); 4. Doug Beattie (Han ): S. : D~ Arnold (Han) : 6. Jim Dickenson (Han ); 7. Guy Caron (Yam 8. Tom Bitt ); (Hon); 9. B,II w.J lin (KTM); 10. Bnndon Lloyd (H en); II . Al lan J aggard (KTM); 12. Uno Zecca (Yam): 13. Mike Saare la (Ha n): 14. Gary Michae l (Han ); I S. Jeff G.aynor (KTM); 16. Ken Bland (KTM): 17. Bruce McDonald (Ha n): 18. Joel McDona ld (Hen); 19. Jeff Sneyd (KTM) . Mark Burkhart blows past the Toronto shoreline en route to the Premier Open fina l win at the first-ever Harley-Davidson Docks Cup , round three of the Diablo SuperMoto National Championship Series. Motorcycle Roadrac ing Association Round 6: Second Creek Raceway Another Record Falls to Tur in DENVER, CO, JULY 25 ot only did Shane Turpin sta mp another MRA event as his own by winning it. he set another tra ck rec ord in doing so . How long does it take to go 1.7 miles at Second Creek Race - N way? We ll. 10 S.64 sec onds, il you're Shane Tu rp in. The Race 01 the Rockies get of( to an unusual start, as the "Steady Eddies" of RACING ON THE TUBE nme 812512004 8125/2004 8125/2004 8125/2004 812512004 812812004 813112004 813112004 8131 12004 9/1 /2004 9/112004 91112004 9/112004 EYe.t 12 :00AM 2Wheel T uesday - GregWhite, host 1:00AM AmericanThunder 1:30 AM Corbin's Ride On 8:00AM Corbin's Ride On 10:00AM 2Wheel Tuesday - GregWhile, host 11:30AM MotoWorld 8:00PM 2Wheel Tuesday- Greg White, host 9:00PM American Thunder 9:30PM Corbin's RideOn 12:00AM 2Wheel T uesday - GregWhite, host 1:00AM American Thunder 1:30AM Corbin'sRide On 8:00AM Corbin's Ride On Networtl Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Spike Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed 9/1 12004 9/112004 9/112004 9/412004 9/412004 9/412004 9/412004 9/5/2004 9/5/2004 9/5/2004 9/5/2004 9/5/2004 9/5/2004 8:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:30AM 8:00 AM 8:30 AM 11 :30 AM 12:00 PM 1:00PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00PM 500 PM American Thuoder 2 Wheel Tuesday - GregWh~ e , host 2 WheelTuesday - Michael Jordan, hosr AMA Na Molocross - Broome-TIOga - 250 n Corbin'sRide On American Thunder Mo loWorld MotoGP 250• Portugal (SDD) Mo loGPWorld C'ship- Portugal (SDD) AMASuperbike• R Atlanta - Day 1 oad Speed Speed Speed ESPN2 Speed Speed Sp ike Speed Speed Speed AMA~ ·RoOOAilar1a ·Day2(1..i'.e ) Speed Ft,\W:rtl~'~ - FWlI ~ Speed Ft,\W:rtl~.~ - FWl2 (SD) Speed Aitli:':'-';;"1I-;' ·E:lit;lI~ ·EP2:S~:I: Co~~;.k~lio~: :~ S~-,t'i~ 1~li,4 :bo;,~ soo ~ S:~ 0.., D:i.,;;.;r;u ·5 I SN ~~-~ ~- ~-yO; ~Ci;;ksqs Ccrirm ~ broadcastdalesi>1d 1lme5. ESPN2 - S ea ls Communicati ons - 770 .631.5300, and Speedvis ion - 203 .40 6 .2500 C y cl e N ews i s n ot res pons ib le fo r changes In s c h e d u li n g . d en CYCLE NEWS • SEPTEMBER 1,2004 69

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