Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 09 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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the rest of the field. Appro ximately I 1/2 ho urs into the ra ce, however. Zarn bon lost cr ucial t ime due to bike proble ms. Meanw hile , Scott N icko li took ove r th e adv a nce posit io n. N icko li's le ad was sho rt -live d, t ho ugh , as Zambon regained first place on the same lap. Zam bon maintained that positi on and finished minutes in front of N ickoli, w ho concluded the race in seco nd. Dusty Beltz completed the race in th ird , 36 secon ds quicker than Rob Houts. KTM rider Brian Haskel was first off the line in the Over 40 class. Before the first tum , Joe Kuic k, Dan Finnel and Dave Peters had passed Has ke l. Pete rs had the advance pos ition , bu t Finnel clo sely foll ow ed him in seco nd pl ace. wi t h Kuick in thi rd . Approximately one ho ur into the race , Kuick started to fade back ; he finished third. Finnel kept Peters in sight until he got st uc k in a m ud ho le . Although Fin ne l concl uded the race in second , he finished two minutes beh ind Peters. Ho nda r id er Chuc k Ga ret son won t he holeshot in the A division . Garets on he ld the advance position for the first few minutes until Moose ride r J.D. Friebel passed him. Friebel, a two-time District 16 Hare Scrambles cham pion, swap ped the lead severa l times with Garetson. For a ma jor ity of t he race, these two riders ke pt w ithin 10 se co nds of ea ch ot he r. W ith abo ut 15 m inute s le ft in t he rac e , Fri e b e l bec ame t he fron t-runne r and started to pull away from Garetson. Frieb el won the race by IB seconds. KTM ride r Nathan Za m bon also had a great race; just before the race began, he left t he course due to bike problems. After the A, B and Ove r 40 classes had taken off, Nathan re-entered the course. By the end of the race, Nathan had worked his way up to third. Rider Steph e n Co mbs co ncluded th e race in fourth. RESUtTS so: I. Co dy Stueck ; 2. Be nja m in Ro we ; l . Est ion LeMoine ; 4. Noah Smet ; 5. Luke Gray. 65: I. Stephanie Stueck ; 2. Fran k Caballero; L Jesse Caba llero ; 4. Mason Brunner. 85 : I. Jared Hutterer; 2. Ryan Finnel; l . Brandon Houts; 4. Dakota Beltz; 5. Jaco b He r rmann. A: I. J.D. Friebel; 2. Chuck Garetsan; l . Nathan zambon; 4. Stephen Com bs. B: I. Jordan Zambon; 2. Scott Nickoli; l . Dusty Beltz; 4. Rob Houts ; 5. Jonathan Stueck. C: l. Devin Kropp; 2. Steven Kaczmarowski; 3. Ryan Vender; 4. Ryan Finnel; 5. Damon Bowerman . WMN : I . Pamela Bizzel; 2. Tenille Anschutz; l . Becky Potter; 4. Unda Caballer o. 40 + : I. Dave Peters; 2. Dan Finnel; l . Joe Kuick; 4. Jack Drum mond; 5. Brian Raske!. Canadian Speedway Natianal Ea st Caast Spee dw a y Series Round 2: We llond M o torcy cle Club Weiland Good for Legault at Canadian Speedway National By DUNCAN LUKE WELLAND, ON, CANADA, JULY 24 Twenty years after its staged its first Nat ional I in 1984, the Weiland Motorcycle Club had its usual packed house for the 2004 Canadian Speed way National. Although the overall quality of the field was down a bit due to the abse nce of several top Canadian riders, th e event was also round two of the Blendzall-sponsored East Coast Speed way Series. This attra cte d a numbe r of top Ame ricans, which added some spice to th e proceed ings. When it was all ove r, th e fans we nt away happy, savoring a fantastic final that (which one was wort h the price of admission), as we ll as a popular cham pion, as local talen t Kyle Legault held off a strong American challenge to re tain his Canadian title . In the ea rly heats , t he Niagara Moto rcycle Speed way quart er-mile was a bit too tacky and took longe r tha n usual to come aro und. This ca used some problems for th e Divisio n Two riders part icipating in the night 's program . The re we re no surprises in the Division O ne se mis. however, just som e goo d, fast action, as New Yorke rs Craig Este lle and Jere my Parsons entertaine d t he crowd by going handle bar to handl eb ar at 90 mph down the front straight befor e Est e lle pulled ahead for t he win. The ext ra point Este lle earned in that race proved to be th e margin t hat separat ed the tw o for second and third before ent er ing the final. On cumu lative points heading into the final. the crown was going to go either to Legault or Estelle . In the final, Legault chose the o utside w hi le Este lle pic ke d t he rai l, and as t hey reache d t he first turn after the start, Legault hel d th e adva ntage . Estelle was in t ro uble immediately, as Parsons found the drive to get aro und him ex iting tu rn two. With the crowd cheering on its favorite son, Parsons tu rned it into a race to be rem embered : He closed the gap o n Legault co ming out of turn four on the fir st la p a nd sp ent th e re st of the race desperate ly trying to close gro und. By the end o f lap t w o , Pa rs on s wa s only a bi ke le ngt h be hind Legau lt, and an o th e r burst com ing aro und tu m four on lap three cut the gap even mor e as they headed into the final lap. Having come close twice , Parsons got it just right and found that extra little bit of drive to ge t aroun d Legault and scorc h ove r the line for a narrow win. Jo hn Kehoe sneaked ar ound Est e lle for third in a true classic. O/A : I. Kyle Legault; 2. Craig Estelle; l . Jere my Parsons; 4. John Kehoe ; 5. Brian Hollen beck; 6. Aaron Hesmer: 7. Jerry Harm an Jr.; 8. Fred Legault; 9. Rob Dixon ; 10. Marc Gauthier; I L Gary Hesmer; 12. Chris Houtb y: 13. Phil Small; 14. John Bennett; 15. John Perry; 16. Alex Heath ; 17. Doug Beaumont ; l B. Dave Ri hards ; 19. Shawn Mom son; 20. Joel c Keller; 21. Tim Murray. HANFORD, CA, JULY 24 n a successful atte mpt to keep things interesting during a noth e r brut ally hot summe r in Ce nt ral Ca liforn ia, the California Motorcycle Associatio n introduced the first-eve r Dominator Series. With triple-digit temperatures mak- I 68 so FfT: I. Tristan Mock (KTH) ; 2. Tanner Scogin (KTM); l . Erika Ward (Hon); 4. Zachary Thompson (Yam). XftSO: I. Carty McCall (Hon). P/W 50 : I. Tanner Scogin (Y am). 50 BEG: I. Kaleb Kessinger (Cob): 2. Andre w Thompson (Pol); l . Adam Hulse y (Pol); 1 . Austin Wallingford (KTM). 50 NOV : I. Tyler Hjortland (KTM); 2. Bubba Ward (KTM); 3. Jayce Eisbery (KTM). 50 (5-6) OPE N: I. Adam Hulsey (Pol). 50 (7.8) OPEN: I. Tyler Hjortland (KTM); 2. Bubba Ward (KTM); 3. [ayce Elsbe ry (KTM). 65 ( S. B) BEG : I. Tre nt Nicholson (KTM); 2. Jaco b Cle me nts (KTM). 6S (9- 11) BEG: I. Garren Schasteen (Suz); 2. Dalton Spjut (KTM); 3. Cody Dennis (Kaw) ; 4 . Aust in Swank (Ka w) ; 5. Brya n Edmonston (Suz). 6S NOV : I. Antho ny Amos (KTM); 2. Tyler Nicholson ( KTM); l . Zach Le ach ( KTM); 4 . Rio Contreras (KTM); 5. Javier Tobar (KTM). 6S INT: I. Joseph Reynolds (KTM). 65 (5-8 ) OPE N: I. Zach Leach (KTM). 65 (9. 11) OPEN, I. Jose ph Reynold, (KTM) 2. Anthooy Amo, ; (KTM); l . Tyle Nicholson (KTM); 4. Rio Contr eras (KTM); 5. r Just in Jone s (Kaw). 65 X: I. Jose ph Reynolds (KTM); 2. Anth ony Amos (KTM); r. Tyler Nicholson (KTM); 4. zach Leach (KTM); 5. Just in Jones (Kaw) . 4 ·STRK YTH : I. Charles 'Nyrick (Hon); 2. Austin McCall (Hon). 85 BEG: 1. Steve Mueller (Hon); 2. Travis Bachman (Ya m); 3. Jeffrey Bier (Y am); 4. Austin McCall (Y am); 5. Halland Ethridge (Y am). 85 N OV: I. Kyle Kessinger (Yam 2. Bl ke Giam barti (Hon); l . ); a Ryan Worth (Yam) 4. Jackie Ives (Yam 85 (5- 11) OPE N: 1. ; ). Jo se ph Re yn olds (Yam) . 85 (11 - 16) OPE N : I. Kyle Kessinger (Y . 85 X: I. Kyl Kessinger (Yam); 2. Ryan am) e Worth (Y am); 3. Blake Giambarti (Hon); 4. Jeffrey Bie r (Yam ). S/M IN I: I. Matt Dungan (Suz). 125 BEG: I. Kns Bunc h (Suz); 2. Mike Basile (Y m); l . Kenny Arimoto (Hon); 4 . a Jackie I.. .es (Y am); 5. Chad Orm onde (Ya m). 125 N OV: I. Nicolas Baker (Yam 2. Seth Hickman (Hon); l . jarod Pack ); (Y am); 4. Nathan Francis (Han); 5. Corey jordan (Han). 125 INT: I. Eric Ralls (Yam 2. Jonathan Camar ena (Hon). 125 ); YTH: I. Set h Hickman (Hen) ; 2. Ri hard Harmon (Suz); l . c Ch ad Ormon de (Ya m); 4. Tro y T idw ell (Ho n); 5. Co ry Ormonde (Kaw ). 125 PRO: I. Jeremy Chaussee (Yam). 2 50 BEG: I. Ke nny Arimot o (Hon); 2. Cory O rmo nde (Kaw); l . Chad Ormonde (Y am); 4. Gunnar Jes persen (Y am); 5. Michael Emers on (Y am). 250 N OV: I. Nath an Francis (Han) ; 2. COl'"ey Jorda n (Hon); l . J ared Pack (Yam); 4. Troy Tidwell (Hon); 5. Nath an Broc k (Yam). 250 INT: I. Eric Ralls (Yam); 2. Jonatha n Cama rena (Hon ). 25 0 PRO: I. Jere my Chaussee (Yam); 2. Jess Medley (Hon). WMN: I. Shem Cruse (Hon); 2. Jackie Ives (Yam OPE N (0.2 9): I. ). Sam Crip pen (Hen ). VET BEG: I. Keit h Swank (Kaw); 2. Richard Wallingfo rd (Hon); l . Joe Fuhr ing (KT M). VET NOV : I. Tim Hobbes (Y am); 2. Eddie Graveline (Hon). VET INT: I. Jeff Cleme nts (KTM). Diab lo SuperMota Nationa l Championship Se ries Round 3: The Harley-Davidson Docks Cup Burkhart Decks 'em at the Docks By JASON ANTINORI TORONTO, ON, CANADA, JULY 24-25 T Turning Up the Heat GRAVELINE and many other interesting obsta cles. Th e Do minator Se ries' biggest draw, th e main event, is run similarly to the very pop ular Bounty Hunte r Series. Pros, Inte rmediates and eve n Novices had a cha nce to qualify for the main. T he y we re placed in a st aggered st art based on the ir skill levels: Pros lined up near the starti ng gate, with Intermed iates right in front of the seco nd turn and Novices in the third turn . They wo uld allget eight laps to sort things out. There was a lot of racing to do before the main event, of course, and the action see med to inte nsify in the classes that had a chance to q u alify int o the main. Jere my Ch au sse e esta blished himself as the man to beat, winning the 125cc and 250cc Pro classes witho ut much t ro uble. Fe llow 250 cc Pro rider Jess Medl ey was the only ride r able to run at a similar pace in any of the preliminary motes. Eric Ralls and Jonathan Cam arena locked horns in bo th the 125 cc an d 250cc Int ermed iate classes, with Ralls pre vailing in bo t h via 2 ~ I mo to scores. Other than that , a few Novices were allowe d in; a m o ng t hem we re Kevin Wells, Co re y Jordan , [arod Pack and Seth Hickman. Whe n the nagger got things going, the riders took off in three separate clouds of dust. Corey Jordan took the point early, riding his Honda out front while the rest of the pack tried to sort itself out. Chaussee and Medley cut through the pack quickly, In just a couple of laps , th ey had the leaders in sight. Like a couple of sharks smelling blo od , t he Pros charge d e ve n harder. T he y RESULTS RESULTS CMA Dominator MX Round 3: Hanford Foirgrounds By EDDIE Jeremy Chaussee dominated all the Pro racing, including the Dominator main, at raund three af the inaugural CMA Dominatar MX, held at the Hanford Fairgrounds. caught the leaders in another lap, and Chaussee made a quick pass to take over. Afte r that , he str e tched his lead a little mor e with eve ry lap unt il taking the ch eckered flag more t han 10 seconds ahead of second place. That put the bulk of the main-event purse money into Chaussee's poc ke t. Sco re d sep arat e ly, the to p-finishing Amateurs were award ed Dealer Dollars. Kyle Kess inger's pe rformance in t he 85 cc Novice class demands me ntion . The Yamaha r ider crashe d hard two tur ns int o t he fir st mo to . After shaking it off, he rem ou nte d and finished the race at about half his nor mal pace . He e nded up th ird, be hind Blake Giambart i and Jackie Ives. Somehow, he went bac k ou t and devastated the field in the final race. Giambart i finished third, be hind Ryan Worth, which meant that Kessinger wo n the overall. It was a good reminder that getting up and finishing a race, eve n when it see ms hop eless, can pay off. ing it necessary to run at night, round thr ee had every one co ming back to Hanford for the first t ime since the open e r, and e njoying a brandnew layout . The nice, loamy dirt was still th ere. but the jumps and corn ers we re new. A coup le o f tricky rhyt hm se ctio ns co mp le me nt ed a supe rfast finish-line straightaway, a huge triple, SEPTEMBER 1, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS he Docks Enterta inment Co mplex, situated on th e pictu resque Toro nto wat e rfro nt , e ru pted with the sound of supennoto thunder as the third round of the Diab lo SuperMot o National Champ ionship Ser ies got under way. A re cor d num be r of racers turn ed out to challenge for the inaugural Harley-Davidson Docks Cu p on t he temporary road co urse built right in fro nt of Toronto's hottest nightclub. As th e Pros rolled out on Sunday for their time to play, the specta tors were on thei r feet 40th A nniversa r y in anticipation of all the actio n to co me . Right on cu e , t he TV ca meras w e re rolling as the Te knic ProAm 250cc rider s line d the grid for t he fin al. Off t he line , it was a d ra g rac e be tween Machine Racing Hon da's Dave Arnold and Yamaha-m ou nte d li no Zec ca. While th ey battl ed for th e holeshot, Doug Be att ie of the lnglis Cycle Center Honda team saw an opening and took it, passing Ze cca and Arnold for the holeshot . Beatt ie maintained the lead th rough the end of lap one, ahead of Arnold . However, ent er ing the first dirt sectio n, Arno ld applied a block-pass on Beattie and moved into first.

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