Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 09 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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RESULTS MICRO (4-6): I. John AllenderJr. (KTM); 2. Carey Davis (Yam); 3. Colby Sartin (KTM); 4. Dre w Weaver (KTM); S. Kurtis Post (KTM). MICRO (4 .8) 0 · 1: I. Tyler Parkinson (KTM); 2. Jere my Tod d (Cob) ; 1. N ick We lls (KTM); 4 . Kurt is Post (KTM); S. Cody McManus (KTM). M ICRO (4-8) 0-2: I. Ca leb Hou se r (Co b); 2. Dylan Cook (KTM); 1. Dylan Voltz (KTM}; .... Joh n Allende r Jr. (KTN); S. Patrick Russell III (Y am). M ICRO (7-8): l. Jacob Skinner (KTM): 2. Tyler Crawford (KTM); 1. Gavin Chinn (Suz); 4. Oay Al fre y ( KTM) ; 5. Caleb Houser (Cob) . 65 (7. 11) D- I: I. Austin Primavera (Suz); 2. Tumer (Co b); 1. Ch ase Kilbarger (KTM); 4. Jake Anders (KTM);5. T.J.Roone (Kaw). 65 (7-1 1) 0 -2, I. Dyl", Wolke, (SUI) : 2. Jeffr ey Gragg (KTM); 3. Matthe w Blum (Suz); 4 . Konne r Standl ey (Suz); 5. Bost on Upp (Kaw) 80 (7.11): I. . J.T. Kyle Co ttrill (Suz) ; 2. Dytan Walke r (Suz) ; 3. Jeffrey Gragg (KTM); 4 . Matt hew Blum (Suz): S. Aust in Prim avera (Suz) . 80 EXT RA (7-11): I. Kyle Cottrill (Suz); 2. Dylan Walker (Suz) ; 3. Austin Primavera (Suz); 4. Matthew Blum (Suz): S. Jake Anders (KT M) . 80 (11-15) D ·I : I. Kyle Ke nne d y (Yam) ; 2. l o gan Go ins (Ho n): 3. Trevo r Mclean (Suz): -4 . Broc k Bowman (Kaw); S. Jordan Skinner (Yam). 80 ( 11-15) D-l: I. Emm ett Rowland (Yam) : 2. Cody Gan g (Kaw); l . N ath an Bethal (Suz) ; -4. James Eck (Yam); S. Aden Burt (!<.aw) . SlM IN I (12- IS), I. Emme tt Rowt>nd (Y am); 2. Cody GAng (Kaw); 3. N athan Beth al (Suz); -4. Jacob Carter (Suz); 5. Kyle Ken nedy (Yam). 115 PRO : I. Tony Robinson (Suz); 2. Kyle Pres ton (Suz); 3. De re k Sturg ell (Suz); -4. John W ise nbarg er (Yam); 5. Jos hu.a Ham ilton (Hon) . 115 B: I. l evi Kilbarger (Yam): 2 . Jos h Ton ey (KTM); 3. Shawn tles (Suz): -4 . Jeffre y Eggle sto n (KTM); 5. Mark Roush (Ho n). 115 C: I. [erred Gibson (Suz) ; 2. O key Joh nson (Yam); 3. Corey Parker (Kaw) : -4 . Chad Go ins (Kaw): 5. Tyler Wors tell (Suz) . 15 0 PRO: I. Tony Robins on (Su z); 2. Joh n Wisenbarger (Yam); 3. Kyle Prest on (Suz) : 4. Joshua Ham ilton (Hon) ; S. Josh Adair (Suz). 150 B: I. Shawn lies (Suz); 2. Levi Kilbarger (Yam); l . David Lee ze r (Suz): -4 . Adam 'Icon (Suz): 5. Joshua Gaitten (KTM). 150 C D- I: I. Zach Walt on (KTM); 2. Eric Turne r (Yam); 3. am) ; 4. Andy McPec k (Hon); 5. Steve Sean McCutcheon (Y Underw ood (Y am) . 150 C 0·1: I. jerree Gibso n (Suz); 2. N ic k Bai te y (Yam) : 3. Jord an Bro w n (Yam); 4 . Co r ey Schwa rt z (Yam); S. Jon Goodbum (Kaw). SCHBY: I. l evi am) ; 2. Emmett Rowland (Yam): 3. Mark Con rad KJ lbarger (Y . (Suz): 4. Matthew Dull (Yam) 16-14: I. Jos h Toney (KTN): 2. Josh Ada ir (Soz): 3. Jake De nny (Suz) ; -4. Jeffrey Eggleston (KTM); 5. Adam Tonn (Suz). 15+ A: I. Richard Ho y (Ho n); 2. Rob Bingman (Yam ); l . Rick Custard (Hon). 1 5+ B/ C: I. David leezer (Suz ): 2. Randy Wight (Yam): J . Ritchie Brown (Yam): 4. Richard Mays (Hon ): S. Jon Goodbum (Kaw) . ] 0+: I. Ric hard Hoy (H o n); 2. Rick Custard (H o n); J . Ro b Bingman (Yam): 4. Ritch ie Bro w n (Yam) ; 5. Rich ar d Mays (Hon). 40+ : I. Rick Custard (Hon); 2. Billleake (Hon); l . Rit ch ie Bro w n (Ya m) ; 4 . Da le Ringw a ld (KT M) ; 5 . Ph il Dod son (Hon) . OPEN BlC: I. Brandon Jones (Hon); 2. Ros s Adams (Yam) : 3. Se t h Ro w la nd (Yam ); -4. Dale Ringw ald (KTN); 5. Robert Smit h (Hon). PIT/BK: I. Eric Brow n ing (Hon) ; 2. Jam e s Swartz Jr. (Suz); 3. Kim Hamilton (Hon); 4. Donald Han na (Kaw); 5. Man Milatovich (Kaw). Shaft class, but Chase Wright chased her down and too k the win. In the 50cc Chain main, Terry once again jumpe d into the le ad. This t ime , Springfield Derosear was trying to take it away. The last turn of the last lap did Derosear in, as he fell. Springer remounted and finished fourth . behind William Kent and Matt Robinson. The 450cc main was as good as it gets . Aaron King got the holeshot and appeared to have the ra ce under control as he led Mar k Schwieter. Behind the leade rs, Andrew Smith, C lint Collier, Troy Deiss and Brock Schwarzen bacher were hav ing a great race. Smith moved into second, bringing De iss along. On the last lap, Deiss shot into the lead . King held off Smith for second. Schwarzenbacher and Tony Rulli followed. RESULTS 50 SHAfT: I. Chase W right (Yam); 2. Molly Te rry (Yam); 3. A11yx Camp (Yam); 4. Rooks Derosear (Yam); 5. Jac ob Walt er (Y am) . 50 C HA IN: I. Molly Te rry (KTM); 2. William Kent (KTM); l . Matt Robinson (KTM); 4. Springfield De ro se ar (KTM); S. Drew Burges s. 65 : I. Kevin Walter (KTM); 2. Ian Keith (KTM); 3. Springfield Dero sea r (KTM): 4. Joshua Blaz ek (KTM): 5. Tara Colvin (KTM). 85: I. Kevin Walter (KiM); 2. Ian Keith (KTM); 3. Adam C amp (Yam) : 4. H egan Powell (Kaw); S. Jo hn Poor man (Suz) . 125/100: I. Kyle Snyde r (KTN): 2. Katie Haw kins (Yam ); l . OJ St sser (Ho n); -4 . luke c Crouse (Suz) ; 5 . Alyssa C ol vin (He n) . 1 50 : I . Br o c k Schwarzenbacher (Hon); 2. Kevin Garrison (Ho n). 4 50: I. Tro y De iss (Hon ); 2. Aaro n King (KTM); 3. Pat r ic k Smit h (Hon ); 4. Broc k Schwanen bacher (Hon) ; 5. Tony Rulli (Hon) . OPEN: I. Aar on King (Rot); 2. Ben Mo rt on (Ho n); l . Broc k Schwaraenbache r (Rot): 4. Mar k Schwie te r (Yam ); S. C hris am) . 50S PRO S PT: I. Ion Stea r (Yam): 2. Be n Buyers (Y . Mo rt o n (H on); 3. Wa de W e ss e ls (H on); -4 Ch az Par ker (Hen) ; 5. Joe BMr (KTH). 50S EX, I. jared H oes (Rol); 2. Joe Kopp (KTM): J . Bry an Bigel ow (Ro t): 4. J.R. Sch nab el (Yam); 5. Brian Vincent (Rot); 6. Rich King (H- D) ; 7. A.J. Eslick (Suz); 8. Shaun Russell (Hon): 9. Josh To unge tt (Hon): 10. Shane Vance(Hon) . VET J O+ : I. Kevin Snyder (Hon) ; 2. Jo hn Po w e ll (Ya m) ; 3. Michael Buc hho lz (Ro t): 4. Ma r k Schwieter (Yam); S. Hue y Robinson (Hon) . Fast Fridays Speed w a y Gold Country Fairgrounds Yarrow, Hedden to the Topl By M. SOBER AUBURN, CA, JULY 23 N Shaun Russell (28) , Brian Vincent (20X), J.R. Schnabel (33), Brian Bigelaw (11) and Joe Kopp (3) baHled in the S05cc Expert class at th e Dick Andrae Memorial a t Farmer City Speedway in Illinois. Dick Andrae Memorial Fa rm er City Speedway Mees Plows Through to Farmer City Win By DAVE HOENIG FARMER CITY, IL, JULY 21 T rack Enterprises held the second of its "fair" races on the beautifully prepared, highbanked short trac k of the Farmer City Speed way. Billed as the Dick Andrae Memorial , this midweek event tradit ionally draws some of the top ride rs in the country, and this year was no e xcept ion. Former national number 89 Andrae was a longtime AMA official and established Andrae 's Harley-Davidson in Urbana , Illinois. In the SOScc Expert main, nine of the 17 riders coming to the line held national numbers. Whe n t he light flashed green, Shaun Russe ll hustled his T NT Honda from sixth to first down the back straight. Harley-Davidso n's Rich King was pushing Russell when he hit Russell's rear wheel in turn three; King hit the ground, and out came the red flag. KTM/jones Powersports' Joe Kopp had his KTM out front on the restart, with the whole pack hot on his heels . A lap later, Kopp was in fourth, chasing Memphis Shade 's j.R. Schnabe l, jB Racing's Brian Vincent, and Gardner Racing's Bryan Bige low. After starti ng o n the second row, Sadd lemen/ Lancaster Harley-Davidson- 62 backed [ared Mees was knifing thro ugh the field aboard Bob Weirbach 's Rctax. "Bob We irbach has a great bike , but we were st ruggling all day ," said Mee s . '" just thought, 'W hat wou ld Jo hnny Goad do? ' We took a tooth off so I could just roll around the top, and that really worked." As Mees took the lead , Kopp also worked th e t op to get around Schnabel fo r second . Bigelow and Vincent were harass ing Schnabel. Bigelow managed to get the last pod ium slot . Vincent was fifth, and Kingworked his way from the pena lty line to sixth, over Suzuki rider A.j. Eslick and Russell. Honda riders Josh Toungett and Shane Vance rounded out the top 10. Io n Stear celebrated his 16th birt hday on Monday, but t he real celebration was on Wednesday, when he entered his first Pro race . After a lackluste r performance in his heat, Stear got a great st art in the main, leading Chaz Parke r, Be n Morto n, Wade Wesse ls and joe Barr into the first turn, and he immediate ly split from the battle. Morton came out second, and Wesse ls, Parker and Barr followed . Fres h orr he r Amate ur Nationa l success, Molly Terry jumped into the lead in the 50c c SEPTEMBER 1,2004 • CYCLE NEWS umber-one Northern California r ider Bo bby "T he Blaze " He dde n and 2000 junior Speedway Champ ion Bryan Yarrow won the two biggest prizes of the night at the Maita Ford/Fast Fridays Go ld Country Fairgrounds dirt oval, taking the Handicap and Scratch mainevent wins, respectively. For Yarrow. who drew the starting- lane-two assignment , it was his second Scratch main w in since returning fro m the British Le ague the month before . Yarrow had to conte nd with lane-three starter "Flyin' Mike" Faria in the first turn. but his inside starting position afforded him the preferable line coming out of the first turns , and his smooth. fast style took care of the res t. Billy Hiles, who was fast all night while making his ftrst-ever appearance in a fast Fridays Scratch main , was left with the pole after all the other riders drew the lessadva ntageo us starti ng postnons. Ultimately, Hiles was not quite up to the pace of Yarrow and Faria, or tha t of Hedden, who passed him for third place on the fourth and final lap. T he Handicap main drew some obv ious comparisons to the pre vious week's North-vs.So ut h tearn- riding spec tacle when To m my Hed de n seemed to control the field while his brother Bobby deftly worked the limited outside dirt to an impressive first -place finish. Early leader Greg Hooton Jr. smoothly led the first 4 1/2 laps from beh ind the 30-yard line, as 40-yard ve teran Tommy dogged him, looking for a way inside, while SO-yard starters Faria and Bart Bast stacked up behind him. O nce Bobby got completely around eve rybody, Ho o t o n seemed t o have had eno ugh of Tommy 's w hee l and balled off the groove , which allowed Tommy to take seco nd place , ahead of Faria, Bast, Chris Kerr and Hooto n, the latter of whom fell and didn't finish. "Y eah, I'd love to tell you it was like Team Postal leading Lance Armstrong up the moun tain in the Tour De France," kidded Bobby in the pits afterward, "but I'm sure Tommy just thought he could get through Hooton down on the bottom before I could get around [the outside]." SRA Nat iona l Champion Scott Br an t completely dom inated the fourth installment of t he Scratch Elimination Series, taking all four short heats in convincing fashion. RESULTS SCfl, I . Boyon _ (GH) ; 2. H>ke F.... (Jaw); J. Bobby Hedden (GM); <. Bolly Hiles Q.w). HOC'" I. BobbyHedden (GM); 2. Tommy Hedden Oaw); J. Mike Faria (Jaw): 4. Bart Bast ()ow); 5. om Kerr (Jaw 0 ·2 , I. Ro [Tri); 2. Troy i GUw>de (Hen); J. Ben tlwy (Hen). w a: ~ z w CO >-

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