Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 09 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Racetown 395 Grand Pri x Racetown 395 Motorcycle Parle Ramsey, Bohman Target Racetown GPWins By ROCKY HASH ADELANTO, CA, JULY 18 A much longer course and triple-digit temperatures greeted a /""'\Jarge turnout of racers for Racetown 395 Motorcycle Park's second summer Grand Prix event . The newly elongated track weaved its way deep into the desert. with lo ng, stra ight sections of dee p-sand whoops that abruptly transit ion into sections of deep-sand switchback turns before riders were funneled back onto the motocross portions of the facility. Each lap was a challenge. and after 4S minutes of gruel ing compet it ion, very few (if any) competitors wanted more at the end of their races . On ce again. o ne of the largest classes on the day was the 85cc 8eginne r class. Jason Ramsey wasn't leading when the pack went out into the desert for the first time after the start of the race, but when they re-eme rged a short while later, he had the point position all to himself. David O ko n and Dillon Nelson dueled for the runner-up position, right beh ind Ramsey, for the first few laps. As the race wo re on, Ramsey stre tched out a co mfortabl e gap, w hile O kon settl ed into the second- place slot. When the checke red flag flew, it was Ramsey taking the win co mforta bly. O kon rolled in for the seco nd-place brass, while Nelson took th ird. Daniel Bum s and Joey Santon filled o ut the top five positions. Another large class was the Senior Over 40 Novice division. Harvey Bohman took the measure of the field, as he jumped ou t to a good start and ne ve r looke d back, going on to win uncontested. Greg Ross stayed dose to Bohman for a few laps before settling int o the se cond-place position . Clarence Henderson, leonard Kirschner and Mike Cassell banled over third for most of the race, and in the end it was Kirschner going hard to the checkers for a welt -deserved third-pl ace finish. Hende rson was fou rth, and Cassell took fifth. Honda C R250 pilot Kelly Gelhaus rode really well in the Vet Over 30 Amateur race and handily took the win for his efforts, Dan Evans put in a strong ride for seco nd place , while David Boyd rounded out the top three for the day. The re was som e action in the Expert ranks as well, as Gerrit O rdelman looked super fast aboard his Suzuki RM2S0, and he easily topped the 2SOcc Expert class after leading the race from start to finish. Ho nda rider De nnis Stapl eto n to ok se co nd, ahead of Mike C hild re ss, in thir d, In the 100 - 200cc Expert co ntest, KTM's Jo ey Lanza e as ily best ed th e field wi th a runaway win. Brian McCulloch was the best of the re st as he too k second place , while Luke Dod son filled ou t the to p three slots for the day, RESULTS 8S BEG : I. Jason Ramse y (Ho n): 2. David O kon (Yam): 3. Dillion Nelson (Suz); 4. Dan iel Bum s (Yam); 5. Joe y Santon (Kaw) . 85 NOV: I. Andrew De Arcos (Yam); 2. Garrett Lilly (Ho n): 3. Man Ascenc io (Yam) : 4. COlden Prob st (Yam ); S. Brian Port e r (Suz). 8 5 AM : I. Brendan Mumly (Yam). 100·200 BEG: I. Ch ris H ughes (Yam); 2. John For d (Hon ); L Col in McRobens (Han) ; 4. Dane Wa llace (KTM): S. Matthew Gam boa (Hon ). 100-100 NOV: I. Ton y Kin!Qde (Hon ); 2. Zac Pech inko (Sut ); l . J.D. Rogers (Yam). 100·100 EX: I. Joe y lanu (KTM); 2. Brian McCu lloch (Kaw); l . Luke Dodson (Yam). 150 BEG: I. GvTm W ind uSl (Hon); 2 . Jack O ko n (Hon); l . Chuck Ramsey Jr. (Yam); 4 . Aa ro n McQuerry (Yam): S. Sea n w anaee (SUl). 1 50 NOV: I. Har ry l eary (Yam); 2. Johnny Baker (Hon) : l . Ky\e Rempmart (Yam). 1 50 AM : I. Brad Gadsby (Han) ; 2. Gary L.emert (Suz). 150 EX, l. Gemt OnleIman (Suz); 2. Dennis 5t>pleton (Han ); 3. Mike Ch .ldre u (Hon) . WMN NOV; I. Michel le Olson (Hon ). WH N AM: I. Dawn Rogers (Yam). VET BEG: I. David Sulis (Han); 2. Michael Fatt en (Yam) ; l . C hat1es l om bard (Yam); 4 . Ch ris Boucher (Yam): S. T im Schae rer (Yam). VET NOV: I. Rocky Hash (KTM); 2. Blake Conner (Y ): l . Jim McKenzie (Han ); am ~ . Jeff Howe. (Hon); 5. P" Mull"" (Hen ). VET AM, l. Kelly Geln.u. (Hon); 2. Oan Evans (Hon ); 3. David Boyd (Hon) . VET EX: I. Alain Lemar (Hon ); 2. VICtor Padilla (Han). SR 40 + BEG: I. Mark Pul"$er {Hon}; 2. GMy Mitler (Hon ): l . Chuck Ramsey Sr. (Y~) . SR 40 + NOV: l. Harvey Bohman (Hon ); 2. Greg Rou (Y ); l . l eonard KirKhner (Hon); 4 . Clarence Hendenon (Hon ); S. Mike ~I am (Hon) . S R 040 + AM : I. Jim Mastl'f'S (Hon) ; 2. Mick Lopez (Han) . SR 040 + EX: I. Ke n Hansing (Han ). S/SR BEG : I. Charlie Raff (Han ). 51S R EX : I. 0 .L Paterson (Yam); 2. J¥1 lethoun (Yam): l. Bilt Vanettes (Hon). TEAM RACE : I. J.D. Rogen (y",,); 2. Keith T.y\o

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