Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 09 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Yamaha Dealer Series Final Round: Glen Helen Raceway Park PHOTOS BY JOHN BETHEA Arms and the Men By JOHN BETHEA SAN BERNARDINO, CA, JULY 18 S e an O'Connor really wanted to w in t he 2s0cc Expert-class champ ionsh ip In t he Yamaha De alers Series, but coming Into t he final ro und . he trailed Jo n Simmon s by live po ints . After a first- mote th ird to Simmons' filth. he cou ld see an opening, but his back was still against the wall, so he came out blazing in the second moto • and it cost him. Riding lor John Burr Cycles (the top deal er for the t Oth consecutive year), O 'Connor already had a stranglehold on the I 2Scc Expert title , while Simmons had few worries about his Four-Stroke Expert points lead. so the duo was tenacious about the 2SOcc title. However, they both had to wallow in the shadow 01 Suzukimounted Dylan Lord , who was blast ing everyone in the event for the second week in a row on his way to an overall sweep. "I just need to haul ass as hard as I can ," Simmons said belore that fir« rnoto. "As long as I can stay w ithin one or two spots of Sean, I can hold my own ." A bad start lelt Simmons desperate in last at the end of lap one , but he got his momentum go ing and worked up to filth. within striking range 01 O 'Conno r. With Lord le adi ng aga in in moto two, O 'Connor (w ho' d already clinched his 12scc ch a mpionsh ip wit h second overall , be hind Kawasa ki's Kyle Mace ) was breathing Lord 's exhaust near the end 01 lap one and decided to go lor it. But he got sideways and highsided . crushing his upper arm and earning a trip to the hospital and then rehab lor the rest 01the season. O 'C onnor was n't the onty ride r to fracture an ar m. Scott Bristol 's arm was already rigid fro m an acc ident a week earlier. When he d iscove red he still led the Vet Intermediate class by two points, he borrowed a bike and rode to a couple of sixths and still wound up tied lor the championship! However, he placed last in the final round , wh ich gave the series win to Geoff Walters. "T his just might be my last ride ." Bristol said. "My wife 's been after me to quit. This might make it permanent." Senior Intermediate James Hanson entered the day's events with a three-point lead over lellow Honda rider James Whitham. In the great first race , Hanson barely held off his primary loe . But Whitham grabbed the lead in the second stanza and he ld Hanson at arm 's length for the entire race. w hich would have given Wh itham the finale w in and the ser ies champions hip . Head ing to t he finish line . though, Hanson gassed it out of th e last tum and made the stunning pass in the last few feet. They were separated by six points in the final tally. but in re ality it was only by an Inch o r two. Hanson ro de bac k t o his pits , joylully pumping his fist In the air. [arod Minor, as expected, coasted in as top Intermediate in both the 12scc and 2SOCC classes, finishing second on the day to Robert Memoli in the 12ss and Kevin Rookstool in the 250. . CN GLEN HELEN RACEWAY PARK SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA RESULTS: JULY 18, 2004 (FINAL ROUND) 50 SHAFT: I. Cun loyleu (Lem); 2. Braxton Taylor (Yam): J. Ryan "'los (Yam). 50 STK (4 -6) : I. Blake Gn.en (Hon ); 2. Maxwell 'Tedde r ( Kaw ); 3. Trevor Stewart (KTH); 4. Nd Toll (KTM): ): ley 4. jose Ceja (KTH): 5. Miret (Kaw) ; 04. Jharynd Cedi (Kaw ); 5. Ashton McM illan (Kaw). 65 (4.8), I. Bnndon 01,.,.,.., (Sul) : 2. B<>dIey Toft (KTM): J . Tn.un Po>t(Kow); 4. Apollo Santos (Suz); 5. jovan Pulgar (Yam). 65 (9·11): l. Jeremy McCoo l (Kaw ); 2. Andrew Frankos (Yam); 1. jKob Partridge (Yam); ... HKha~ De l Fant e (KTH) ; 5. Brandon Ward (Kaw ). 85 BEG: I. eame.on Jamie Dickson (Yam); 2. Dun Hawkins (Hon ); 1. Jared Rodriguez (Sul~ 4. H"",., (KTH): 5. Matthew Hulse (KTM) . 85 (4.11): I. Jeremy McCool (!d Stewart (Yom): 2. f (829). 50 SHAFT: Ryan PoIos (Yom). 50 STK (4·6): T....." Stewart (Kaw). 50 STK (7 · 8) : Jacob was mired back in traffic but ignored the spray in his charge lo rw ard. By the lourth lap, he was parked on second-placed Meiers' rear wheel and began to look lor a line around him. He cou ld draw even with him but could not quite get by un til lap seven, exiting tu rn tw o . Ou t front , Misch ler was counting do w n the laps, going deeper and deeper into tum three, putting in his best laps e ve r on this trac k, looki ng fo r the checkered flag. Kasten surged lorward also in the later laps, getting by Meiers on lap eight to take over third and visibly gaining on both Mischler and Routheaux. Try as they might, Routheaux and Kasten cou ldn't reel in Mischler, who crossed the line o n the 10th lap as the victo r. The AI Muth travel ing trophy will res ide at Mischler 's Harley-Davidson in Beaver Dam th is year. 40th Anniversary Jarod M inor topped the 125cc and 2S0c c Intermediates at Glen Helen Raceway Park. c..bon (Kow). 50 MO D (4-6): Qcu-,I,n _ . (KTM). 50 MOD (7 -8) : I"""" Pulp- (Yam). 65 BEG, eame.on Kyle, (Kawl . 65 (4-8): J....... Pul. .. (Yam). 65 (9·1 1): Jeon (Yam 85 ). (" .11): Jer e my McCool (Kaw) . 85 (12~1) : Jaco b LH 1lueI . (Yam 85 (''' ' 6): Randy Merrill (Sul ). SlM IN I: . ). Parker Eclunan (Suz). 115 BEG: Anthony Gould (Yam). 125 N OY: jumn Pamintuan (Sul ). 125 INT: J"ed M_ (Yam). 115 EX: Sean O 'Connor (Hen). 15 0 BEG: Man Maye r (Yam). 15 0 NOV: Justin Lavoie (Yam). 15 0 INT: j....t M_ (Yam). 25 0 EX, Jen SImmons (Han) . 4-STRK BEG: Erik Une (Hon) . 4·S TR K NO V: Bobby Hesse (Yam). " · S T RK IN T: Ricky O live r (Yam). " · STR K EX : Jo n SImmons (Hon) . WMN BEG: Tracy Rhodes (Kaw). WMN NOV: Jeula Wagner (Hen) . W MN INT: Erika Contreru (Suz) . SC H BY: Ch ad Ande rson (Hon) . IR VET NOV: Mike Ryet'" (Yam). IR VET INT: Justin McCoy (Y am). JR VET EX : Jaso n Abbott (Yam). VET NOV; Bryan Davis (Yam). VET INT: Geoff Walters (Yam). VET EX: Roger Oreb (Hon). SR NO V: Allen Grant (Hon) . SR INT: James Hanson(Hon) . 5 R EX , Rob Engel (Yom). Be ave r Cycle C lub ri der Bro c k Schwarzenbacher saw the checkered nag first in the O pe n Singles, sOOcc, and 2s 0cc/40 0c Combined classes. Ion Stear Irom Illinois led the sOOcc linal unti l la p th ree, wh en schwanenbacher too k the point, and Stea r lell on lap five while trying to drive deeper into turn three to retake the lead. Marshfield's Cliff Eckes made one 01 his rare dirt appearances to win the Vet dass, over Brad Seavers and Ch ris Dan iels. Super Sen ior-class w inner Gerry Thrune shod his Champio n Rotax with a cut Pirelli MTs3 lront and an old-style Carlisle and made it a clear-cut victory over Bob Kluender and 195 I Wisconsin State Champion Cliff Eckes Sr., who is only 80 years old and still putting around

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