Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 09 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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/ Motorcycle legend Chuck " Feets" Minert scored second overall in the Over 60 Ma sters class at round three of REM' Summer Series in s Sa n Bernardina, California. filled out the top five positions. Bengt Johansson was a force to be reckoned with in the O ver 60 Maste rs class. as the KTM jockey stormed to both mot o wins to earn the overall victo ry for the day. Johansson blasted his big orange thumper out front w ith two sw eet ho leshots and led every lap (rom there. going o n t o w in handi ly both times. Past O ve r 60 World Champ ion Geor ge Spea ring and forme r Grand Prix ride r and mot orcycle legend Chuck " Feet s" Min ert mixed it up behind Johansson, with Minert (3-2) edging out Spearing (2-3) for the ru nner-up slot. Spe a kin g of legend s , m ultiti me AMA Motoc ross and Supercr oss champ ion Jeff Emig turne d up this wee kend for some moto act ion. Wh ile Emig w as obviously riding at a reduced pace. it was still coo l to see the former National Champ ion out on the track. Lately Juss Laansoo has been turning up with , re gular ity at REM eve nts , and t his wee k th e Ho nda pilot impress ively swept both motos of Pro ac tio n to tak e t he overall wi n. WORCS competitor Mar k Tilley we nt 3-2 for sec on d place, and KTM/ Red Bull-backed Bre nt Hardin (2-3) took third , Chris Barrett (S-4) claimed fourth, w hile Big Gun Exhaust Syste ms/RG-3 / Extreme/Hinson-backed Paul Kellen (4-5) fill ed out the top fIVe slots aboard his Honda CRF450R. RESULTS 65 BEG : I. Hunte r Falk (KTM); 2. Daniel Voyles (Kaw); 3. Tyle r Nichols (KTM); 4. Westin Mat hes (KTM); 5 . Vito Bed nar (KTM). 85 BEG : I. Matthe w Sani (5uz); 2. Ricky Diu (Yam); 3. Jake Reinert (Kaw); 4. Jarr ett l oo p (Ha n); S. Ashton Zemakow (Kaw). 8 5 JR: I. Billy Musgrave (Yam); 2. Just in Jones (Suz); 3. Jordan Bo rows ki (Yam); 4. Jordan Bums (Kaw) ; S. Brandt lacey (Han ). 115 BEG: I . Just in Ortiz (Hen]: 2. Jason Wright (Kaw); 3. John Basher (Y ; 4. Mark am) Jo a nso n ( Kaw); S. Tom Hinz (Ya m) . 12 5 )R : I. Ja re d Partridge (Suz); 2. John Minert (Yam); 3. Tony Prince (Hon) ; 4. Just in Falk (Hon); 5. Mike Meade (Kaw). 1151NT: I. Tyler Keefe (Hen): 2. Cameron Hersser (Suz); 3. Freddy Sanchez (KTM); 4. Greg Jones (Y am); S. Blake Harbe r (Yam). 250 BEG: I. Cody Brownfie ld (Ha n); 2. TaylOl'" Freem an (Hon ); 3. Dave Brow n (Yam); 4. Justin Taylor (Y am); 5. Brad l ongfe llow (Han ). 15 0 JR: I. Gar rett Kinga n (Han); 2. John Minert (Yam); 3. Cr aig Cheever (Yam ); 4. Justin laVoie (Ho n); 5. Kyle C o wli ng (Yam) . 1 5 0 INT: I. Jeff Lo op (Ha n); 2. Wh itne y Murp hy (Ha n); 3. Brad Goo lsby (Y am). PRO: l . Juss laansoo (Ha n); 2. Mark T illey (Suz); 3. Bre nt Hard in (KTM); 4. Chris Barr ett (Hon ); 5. Paul Kellen (Ha n). VET BEG : I. Mike C hastai n (Hon ); 2. Graig Speich e r (Hon ); 3. Jack Faierth (Han); 4. Kevin Bently (Hon) ; S. Mad ison Allen (Hon ). VET JR: I. Ke lly Ge lhaus (Han ); 2. Ross Robinson (Suz); 3. Co ry Clark (Ho n); 4. David Wo lfe (Y ); 5 . Scott am lindle y (Ha n). VET INT: I. Jim Naegl e (Ha n); 2. Do n Myron (Y ); 3. Alan Bum (Hon). 35 + EX: I. Dean We lsh am (Hon ); 2. Mark Hall (KTM); 3. Paul Krause (KTM). 4 0 + JR: I. Kenny Saffor d (Ha n); 2. Jim Dorsett (Yam); 3. B.J. lehn (Yam); 4. Terry Fomot (Yam); 5. Kris Goolsby (Y ). 4 0+ am EX: I. Mark Dwyer (Han ); 2. Steve Pfaff (Hen ): 3. Vincent Poblano (Ho n) ; 4. Rob He aly (Yam) ; 5. Bo b Stephens on (Ho n). 50 + MST R: 1. Ken Ehlers (Yam); 2. G reg Br iles (Ho n); 3. Lyle Sweeter (Hon); 4. Tom Wh ite (Yam); S. Ray Pisarski (Hon ). 60 + MST R: I. Bengt Johansson (KTM); 2. Ch uck Minert (Hen ); 3. George Spearing (Hen). Arizana Summer Gold Se rie s Round 4: Thrash er/a nd NIX Park By MIKE PARKS t h mons oon clo uds linge ring aro und Th rasherland and te mpe ratu res up ne ar I 10 degrees, one wo uldn't think anyone wou ld wa nt to make t he ir job any harder. But that's w ha t N ort h Va lle y Honda/State to Sta t e Trans/Mad Mack's/Mom & Dad-backed Bill MacMaste r has been doing regularly. MacMaster was two co m ers behind the last rider in the Schoolboy race when he got turned around and going. It took every lap to get to the front. and Corey Ford, despite fightinghard , couldn't hold him orr, Comi ng out o f the gat e fo r t he se c o nd I 25cc /2S0cc Beginne r moto, it w as Moose l W largest of the night. They we re led arou nd by No Fe a r/To rco/Sc ott USA-s po nsore d To dd Christensen, who fought off all come rs until the second mot o , whe n Rats Rugs-spo nsored Mark Grossman bro ke th rough to take the win and second overall. Some of the best racing o f t he wee kend happe ned in the Supermini class. The Supe rmini ride rs were all fast for their age , but DKMbacked Ch ase Thomas made his way to the front by the e nd of both mot os, just ahea d of Apac he Suzuki- backed Mat Bishop, who was rea lly co nsistent, ra cking up a 2-2 score fo r second overall. Bishop had better resu lts in the age brackets, going I- I for first in the 80cc ( 12- 13) class. When the gate dr o pped for the first 6Scc Beginner moto, Johnn y Lee Garcia looped it out and into Nick Waters' bike , causi ng them to both go dow n. By the time t he y unt angled themselves, the pack was already gone, wit h Cody Blo ck le a d ing t he way. Waters was de termined; he pinned it and closed the gap on Block and tried relen tlessly to pass. Block got a better drive coming ou t off the last t urn and bea t Waters to the finish line by just a few fee t. The second mot o gated cleanly, with Block taking the holeshot. Wate rs got arou nd Kyle Patnode as he we nt w ide after the first jump. Bl ck must have been watching Patnode's lines, as o he cut it tight on the inside of the tricky last tum and beat him by inches at the finish line to take second and second overall on the evening with a 1-2 finish, behind the overallwinner, Waters . RESULTS P/W BEG : I. Justin Schuffer (Yam); 2. Pre st on Culcorn (Pol). P/W JR (4- 6) : I. Jerimi Williamson; 2. Alec Mellick.;3. Kyle Dearing (Co b); 4. Seth Mellick; 5. John Harris (KTM). P!W SR (7 -8): I. Tren t Pickron (KTM). P/W OPEN : I . John ny lee Gar cia (KT M); 2. Alec Mellick (Co b); 3. Seth Me llick (Cob); 4. Trent Pickro n (KTM). 65 BEG : I. N ick Wate rs (Kaw); 2. Cody Block (Kaw); 3. Kyle Patnode (Kaw); 4. Coltyn Colby (Kaw); 5. Jy1 es John"", (Kaw). 65 (4-8)' I. Ant ho ny De Fazo (Kaw) . 65 (9 - 1 1) : I . Brya nt 5atsaver (Suz) ; 2. Jo seph Pe nio (Kaw). 80 BEG : I . Tanne r Pr itts (Kaw); 2. Matthew Mielke (Suz); 3. Darren Gagne (Suz); 4. BillyMcGregor (Hen) ; S. Michael Jakus (Yam). 80 (7 -11): I. Ant ho ny Defow (Hon); 2. Mile s Shugg (Yam); 3. Kyle Han (Yam); 4. Jose ph Pe na (Kaw). 8 0 ( 11. 13) : I. Mat Bisho p (Suz); 2. Miles Shugg (Ya m); 3. Kyle Han (Yam); 4. Joseph Pena (Kaw). 8 0 ( 14- 16) : 1. Chase Thomas (Kaw); 2. Brad Gagn e (Suz). S/MINI: L C has e Th omas (Kaw) ; 2. Mat Bishop [Suz]: 1. Anthony Defow (Hen ); 4. Jame s McMaste r (Ho n); S. Aaro n Mielke (Suz). 115 BEG : I. C had Parker (Hon ); 2. Andrew Ward (Yam); 3. Chase C re nshaw (Y ; 4. am) Tyler Shaer er (Yam); 5. Drew Carri e (Hen). 125 B: I. Bill McMaster (Ho n). 11 5 C: I. Core y For d (Kaw) ; 2. Mark Gr o ssman (Ho n); 1. Jo hn Maho ney (Suz): 4. Jo hn Michae l Sylvia (He n): 5. Ch ris Harris (KTM). 2 50 BEG : I. Mike Crawford (Hon ); 2. Jesse Race (Hon); 3. Brad Casper. 1 50 B: I. Bill McMaste r (Hen ); 2. James Buchanan (Ho n); 3. Dave Jarv is (Kaw ). 250 C: I. Scott Po le rgo in (Hon) ; 2. Jason Pelleran (Ho n); 3. Robert Ho war d (Hon); 4. Raben Robles (Hon ); 5. C hris West (Ho n). B/B K OPEN : I. Mike Parks (Yam); 2. Mike Crawford (Hen ). S C HBY: I. Bill McMaster (Ho n) ; 2. Co rey Fo rd ; 3. Shawn Riord an (Suz) ; 4. David Bisho p (Suz); S. John Michael Sylvia (Ho n). VET BEG : I. Dan Con ner (Suz). VET B: I. David Jarvis (Kaw ). VET C: I. Mike Parks (Yam); 2. Kevin Reilly (Hon) . 40 + C: I. BillShugg (Kaw); 2. Bruce Buchanan (Hon) ; 1. Kim Pel1erman (Hon). Eve ntua l Over 40 w inner Dave Peters blasts down the trail at the sce nic X-Mas Motorsports Pa rk, site of the fifth round of the District 16 Ha re Scramb le s Points Se ries. Distri ct 16 Ha re Scrambles Point s Serie s Round 5 : ·X-Nlas Nlotorsports Park MacMaster Starts Backward and Still W insl GLENDALE, AZ, JULY 24 > Mess age Th erap yspon so red -Mi ke Crawf o r d. o n a 4S0F. Crawfo rd batt led all race long with th e 12Scc leader, Andrew Ward . As Crawford and Ward were batt ling, they left the door open for Chad Parker to pass the m both . On the last lap, Ward made a move to try to pass Crawford . He must not have realized he was trying to knoc k over a 6-foot-4, 200-pou nd rider on a big bike; it was mor e lik e he had hit a tree th a n a r id e r. Crawford we nt on to take th e 2S0cc Beginnerclass win , just ahead of Ward , who was the second 125, but that was goo d enough to take ove r the I25cc Beginner points. The 125cc No vice cla ss wa s one o f the It's Christmas in July for Friebel! By GREG PETERS CHRISTMAS, MI, JULY 24 he e ntrants for t he fifth ro und of the District 16 Point s Series in Ch ristmas, Michigan , enjoyed a true hare scramb les. Altogether, the co urse was 70-percent w o od s and 3D-pe rce nt motocross. In the aggressive C class, Team 2 rider Devin Kro pp ea rned the holeshot . Kropp started to build a sub sta nt ial lead o n t he rest o f his competitors. O n th e seco nd lap of the race; though , Kropp began to have problems whe n the handlebars on his bike loosened . As a result , he lost a considerable portio n of his lead, but he T maintained first place. KTM rider Steve n Kaczmarowski had one of the most impressive races of the day. He got a de cent st a rt a nd qu ick ly pa ssed a pair of Kawasa ki riders to take se co nd. He he ld th at po sit ion for th e remai nd e r o f t he ra ce a nd finishe d o ne m inute and 21 se co nds behind Kropp. Ryan Vende r, who tried to close the gap be tween himself and Kaczmaro wski, completed the rac e in third. Up-and -com ing rider Ryan Finne l finished in fourth, only fo u r se conds be hind Ve nder. In the e xciting B division, KTM rider Jordan Zambon took the early lead . Within the first few laps, Zambon had distance d himself fro m CYCLE NEWS • SEPTEMBER 1,2004 67

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