Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 09 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• he never looked back en route to t akin g the first-m oto wi n. Hackbart h too k se cond . T he batt le fo r third raged o n between new comer jake Dobb rat z, Carl Schubi tzk e a nd David Rock ; Schu bitzk e got t he uppe r hand. Tyler Jen em a assumed fo urth, w ith Roc k r o undi ng out the top five. Jen ema to ok t he second-m o to hole sh ot , w it h local rider Craig Wallace in second . Jesse took the t hird spo t as they e ntered th e first rhyt hm section, and he soo n got Wallace. Then he we nt hunt ing for Jenema's Kawasaki. On th e second lap. Jesse too k the lead on his Yamaha. while Je nema fell to seco nd. Jesse backed up his first -m ot o w in w ith another, in preparation for th e big ra ces at Lo re tt a Lynn's. Jene ma rode st r o ng in second and remained th e re , un chall enged. fo r a 4-2 finish and runne r-up overall . Schub itzke was roc k-solid in both moto s as he settled for third overall w it h 3-3 tallies. Kawasaki t hum per pilot Brian Collins t ook both holeshots in the highly comp et itive 12Scc B division . "Bad Billy" Holzhaue r followed early in the fir st mota, but have enough juice to st r ug gle d w it h t he wor ked his way int o his tw o-strcker just did n't close th e gap. Holzhauer seco nd -mo t a sta r t ; h e th ir d by mota's end, but Collins had already checked out. Collins ( I- I) wo n overa ll, with Holzhauer (3-2) seco nd and Denn is Roushia (3-4) third . H ol zh auer got so m e re de mption in t he Spo r ts m e n B/C cla ss . He borro w ed Cody Soko lik's Suzuk i 250cc thumpe r, and t houg h he'd neve r before been o n a four-stroke, he nabbe d the first -moto ho leshot. looking like he'd been ri ding the bike for ages. Ho lzhauer w alked away w ith the first -mota w in - much to his own surprise. T he second mo ta w as a little tougher: H onda-mount ed Cory Iverson took the lead, but Holzhauer quickly took the point and neve r looked back . Iverson (2-2) was second overall, and Ryan Nort on (4-3) was third . R ES ULTS P/W JR: I. Brandoo Holmes: 2. Tyce Jones; 3. Thomas Weirich: 4. Alex McCorkle: 5. Easton Crevier. P/W SR: I. Benavides : 3. Adam Reek: 4. C od y Seve r tnsen: 5. Colin Hass . MINI 65 : I. Hunter Nystrom ; 2. Phe lan Stillman : 3. Aaron Remter: 4 . Cc ]. Gre aves: 5. Sam Long. MINI JR: I. Hunter Nystr om: 2. Phelan Stillm 3. Anthony Graham ; 4. Jake Pieper; 5. Sam an: Long. MINI SR: I. Brandon Crevier; 2. Ben Pet ersen : 3. Logan Poupore: 4. Marcus Kuber; 5. Dylan Deelerc. 125 JR: I. Brian Collins: 2. Cody Sokolik; 3. Steve Eber hardt; 4. Brando n Crevie r; 5 . De rek Warr en . 12 5 A: I. Je sse Zambon ; 2. Tyler Jenema; 3. Carl Schubittke : 4. David Roc k; 5 . Aaro n Stroebe l. 125 B: I. Brian Collins : 2 . Billy Holzhauer; 3. Dennis Rcushla: 4. Tim Stephani; S. Jacob Greate ns. 125 CD- I: I. Nick Thomas: 2. Craig Almquist; 3. James Dlc blk: 4. Jeffrey Unsmeier; 5. Kody Jerge. 125 C 0 · 2 : I. Brandon Cre vier ; 2. justin Engel s; 3. Ste ve Wenninger; 4. Tyler Weise; 5. Ben Wellens . 250 A: I. jesse Za mbon; 2. Je re my Hackb art h; 3. Alan j on as; 4 . Jake Dobbratt; 5. Keith DeGrand. 250 B: I. Ryan Hughson; 2. Todd Everard; 3. Richard Gouge; 4. Nathan Sprang; 5. David Osterman. 250 C: I. Willie DeG rave; 2. Evan Schwa ll; 3. Chris Fowles: 4. Neil Balduc; 5. Jeffrey Keeble. W MN : I. Heat her Reach: 2. Jessica White; 3. KaylenPellmann; 4. Paige Barstow; 5. Molly Blemke . SPTSMN A: I. Jesse Zambon ; 2. Jacob La Count ; 3. Craig Wallace; 4. Tyler Jenema; 5. Jacob Collins. SPT SMN B/C: I. Billy Holzhauer; 2. Cory Iverson; 3. Ryan Nortan ; 4. Chad Herman: 5. Dan Fletcher. MSTR 25+ : I. Chris Himes; 2. Alan Janas ; 3. David Rock: 4. Stacy Anderson; 5. Rod Mineau. VET A ]0 + : I. Chris Himes; 2. Alan Jon as; 3. James Hei lman; 4 . David Rock; 5. Stac y Anderson . VET B ]0 + : I. Scott Graham; 2. Shawn O'Brien; 3. John Rosine; 4. Pete Emme; 5. Butch Captain. SR 40+: I. James Heilman; 2. Mike Dorman; 3. Skip Dwyer; 4. Shawn O 'Brien; 5. Kevin McNiff. SR 50 + : I. Mel Piontek : 2. larry Almquist 3. Rick Haws; 4. James Hackbarth. O PEN : J. Jesse a mbon; 2. Jeremy Hackbart h; 3. Carl Schubitzke; 4. Ch uck Cisler; 5. Ryan Zuege . NO N-CUR : I. Shawn O' Brien; 2. Tany Dorman; 3. Butch Captain; 4. John Hoof; 5. Seth Galler. CJ. Greaves: 2. Ch ristopher M ar k Schroed er proved o nce again t hat yo u don' t have to have the bi g- bor e engine to be the fastest. Riding his st ock-lengt h Yamaha YZ2S0, he top ped the Pleasu re Ride rs' ISS-foot hill in 4.379 seco nds on his first ride , and then w atched fo r the rest of t he eveni ng as no one was able to mat ch hi s time, giving him t he coveted Fast T im e tro phy . Jared McKay w as his clos est challenger, scoring a 4.439-se cond time on his KX54 0 as he wo n the 600cc class. McKay also claim ed t he w in in the O pe n Stock class o n his CRF4S0R w it h a 4 .66 7sec o nd fi rs t- round r ide, b ut h e suffered a painful , knee -twisting crash on his second ride , leaving the hill w it h assistance , and wi th t he very real possibility that neithe r the r ide r no r the bike w ould return to ride on Sunday. Oared, in fact , did return for a big day - but the Honda cou ldn't make it). The Pleasure Rider s also give out a Yout h Fast T ime award, and Kieven H illard claimed it on Saturday night with a 5.634-second wi nning time in t he 8Scc Senior M ini class. In other Youth-class action , "[ ammin' Joe " McGurer had a goo d eveni ng with two class wins : Mc Gurer w o n both t he 65cc and 8Scc Junior Mini classes on his KX s. T he "Golden Go ckens " also had anot he r good eve ni ng. You ng Matt took t he w in s in ranks . Tanner Langham fin is hed seco n d to Hendrix in both Schoolboy motos, followed by Gillespie and Yacove lli. Adam Gragg top pe d All Hail Harmonl the second Int er mediat e mo t a, but H endri x's 1-2 tally edged out the 3-1 efforts of Gragg for the over all. By GREG ROBERTSON PALMDALE, CA, JULY 24 RESUL TS S/ P!W (4 -6): I. Ryan Nolan (KTM); 2. Sean Cantrell (KTM). S/ P/W (7- 9) : I. Nicholas Mercie r (Pol): 2. Ryan Cantrell (KTM); 3. Jeremy Mairose (KTM). ODD BK: I. Taylor Farner (Kaw); 2. Kenny Bartram (Han). 65 BEG: I. Shelby Ward (Kaw); 2. Cody Floria (KTM): 3. Ryan Cantrell (Kaw); 4. Sean Tho mpson (Suz); 5. Diego Benedetti (Suz). 65 (4-8) : I. Nicholas Mercier (Suz). 65 (9 ~1 1 ) : I. Chris Carrillo (Kaw ); 2. Shane Miller (Kaw); 3. Matthew Evans (Kaw). 85 BEG: I. Chris Carr ill (Kaw); 2. Vincent YacoveU o i (Yam 3. Scotty Gearheart (Yam 4. Davey Fajardo (Ha n); S. ); ); Daniel Jennings (Kaw). 85 ( 1 2~ 1 ]): I. Cra ig Tomlinson (Suz); 2. Connor Penhall (Kaw); 3. Will Luna (Kaw); 4. Justin Jone s ( K20W). S/ M IN I: I. Conno r Pe nha ll {Kaw }: 2. Craig To mlinson (Suz) . 125 BEG: I. Brandon Kovas (Yam); 2. Travis Fith ian (Suz); 3. Travis W ilso n (Yam): 4 . Angelo 'racc vellt (Yam 5. Tylor Hemme (Suz). 125 NOV: I. Brett ); Harmon (Ha n): 2 . Sammy 'racc velu (Yam); 3. Brando n Gillespie (Suz); 4. Brendan McCo nnachie (Y am); 5. Brian Radovich (Kaw). 125 INT: I. Danie l Hend rix (Kaw); 2. Adam Gragg (Han ); 3. Ryan Penhall (Kaw); S. Ricky Hemme (Ha n): S. Tanner Langham (Kaw). 250 BEG: I. Casey Clark (Han ); 2. Michael Ber ry (Han); 3. Devin Higgins (Han); 4. Fred Ric (Yam). 250 NOV: I. Joey Webb (Suz): 2. Kasey o Morris (Hoo). 250 INT: I. Grant Moore Jr. (Hoo); 2. Colby Dawsoo (Yam) 250 PRO: I. Shane Smith (Han). WMN: I. . Heathe r Lockwood (Y am); 2. Samantha Gra ham (Y am); 3. Ter rie Jones (Suz). SCH BY: I. Daniel Hendrix (Kaw): 2. Tanner Langham(Kaw); 3. Brandon Gillespie (Suz); 4. Sammy Yacovelli (Yam): 5. Jake Herman (Suz). JR VET BEG: I. Casey Clark (Han); 2. Bill Cott on (KTM); 3. Shawn Vaught (Yam): 4. De na Blaine (Yam) . JR VET N OV: I. Myan Spaccareln (Yam 2. Flemming Larson (Hon). JR VET INT: ): I. Justy Mendibles (Han ); 2. Pasha Afshar (Yam). JR VET EX: I. Tony Pulliam (Hon). VET BEG: I. Marc Mazza (KTM); 2. jason La Montagne (Kaw); 3. Bob Woods (Han ). VET N OV: I. C hr is St angl (KTM). VET IN T: I. Justy Mendibles (Han ); 2. Pasha Afshar (Yam) VET EX/ PRO : I. . Jon Zahrt (Kaw); 2. Nick Mairose (Suz). SR NOV: I. Michael Foulk (Yam 2. james Bina (Hon): 3. Jeff Hendriksz (Yam); 4. ); J.D. La Vamcil (Yam); 5. David Randall (Ha n). SR AM: I. Reggie Lamso n (Suz): 2. Mart in Schneider (Yam); 3. Ray Ritzier (Han); 4. Greg McConnell (Yam): 5. Robert Dickie (Hoo). SR EX: I. Richar Bunch (Yam 2. Joe Root (Han ); d ); 3. Jeff Hares (Han); 4. Jack Miller (Yam). orr 40 + NOV: I. Bob Woods (Ha n): 2. Del Tooman (Ha n); 3. Earl Penny (Yam) 4. Dale Wade (Han): 5. Earl Adams (Han). Orr 40 + ; AM: l . Larry Hipp (KTM); 2. Jack Gilliam (Ha n); 3. Jeff Hawt horne (Han) ; 4. Donn Sarian (Ha n); 5. Andy Flum (Yam). Orr 40 + EX: I. Ron Rector (Han); 2. Garry Conner (Yam); 3. Mart in Schneider (Yam); 4 . Brian Farner (Ha n). orr 50 + NO V: I. Ron en Moyal (Yam); 2. Kerry Morri s (Han). orr 50 + AM: I. Kent Reed (Han ); 2. Bruce Stewart (Yam); 3. Paul Leos (Yam); 4 . Her b Kane (Yam): 5. Larry Kirsch (Hon). orr 50 + EX: I. Michael Burnett (Hon). orr MSTR A: I. Jan Zahrt (Kaw); 2. Joe Root (Han). he 12Scc Novice class w as all Brett Harmo n's at Los Ange les Cou nty Racew ay during California Racing Club's Satu rday night Schroeder Shreds, Goeken's Golden CAYUGA, IN, JULY 24 both the Schoolboy and 12Scc Int erme diate CRC Sa turda y Nig ht Motocross Los Angeles County Raceway T Pleasure Riders Hillclimb By BUD NORTHRUP i' -: Duri ng California Racing Club Sa tu rday night mot ocross a ctio n in Palmdale, eventual winne r Bre" Ha rmon (2 27) gets the jump o n the 12 5 cc Novice class in the first moto . motocross . H ar m o n tu rned a pair o f good sta rts in t o decis ive v i c t o r ies on t he J. B . Memorial Track . H ar mo n set th e t one for the eve ning early the SOcc Automat ic clas s, w h i le h is b ig in mota one w hen he w on the drag race t o the brother john Michae l wa s a d oub le -cl ass wi n ner. Rid ing McKay 's C RF4S 0 R, j o h n fir st turn and quickly start ed to pull away from Michael t o o k t h e w i n in t h e 60 0cc Fou r - who held down second and third , respec tively. Stroke class, and he also gra bbe d the 40 0c c Stoc k-class w in on his YZ250 . se conds p e r lap f ast e r t han tha t of hi s Br endan M cConnachie and Brian Radovich, H ar mon ' s pace wa s consistent ly a co up le of competition, and in th e end he was all by RESUL TS 50 AUTO: I. Matt Goeken (KTM); 2. Garrett Holycross (KTM): 3. Cole Garriott (Pol); 4. jeremiah Lyday (Co b); 5. Logan Moody (Pol). 65 : I. Joe McGure r (Kaw); 2. Matt Gocken (Kaw); 3. Brett KaJaher(Kaw); 4. Jared Keller (Han ). 85 JR: I. Joe McGure r (Kaw); 2. C ale b Emory (Kaw): 3. Dylan Brady (Hon); 4. Drew Daniels (KTM); 5. Chris Peters (Yam). 85 SR: I. Kleven Hillard (Kaw): 2. Shane Green (Yam); 3. Blake Cappello (Kaw); 4. Mike Popham (Yam); 5. Justin James (Kaw). 125: I. Richard Miller III (Kaw); 2. Mike Popha m (Y am); 3. Brent Bow man (Ha n); 4. Shane Gr een (Yam); 5. Kevin Band (Hon). 200: Jake Tackitt (Kew) : 2. Jimmy Cox (Kaw); 3. Gordon Green (Kaw); 4. Chris Peters (Kaw); 5. Usa Ells (Kaw). 250 : I. Mark Schroed er (Yam 2. i ): Jared McKay (Yam) 3. Jan Creek (Suz); 4. Josh Mingee (Ha n); ; 5. Rod Kalaher (Kaw). 400 ST K: I. John Michael Gocken (Yam 2. Richard Mill r III (Kaw): 3. Mark Schroeder (Y ); e am); 4. Jake Tackitt (Hon); 5. Rod Kalaher (Kaw). 4 50: I. Gordon Gr een (KTM); 2. John M. Goeken (Hen) : 3. Mike Bacon (Yam 4. Mike Peters (Y ); am); 5. Will Dalenburg (Hoo). 600: I. Jared McKay (Kaw); 2. Justin Trent (Hon); 3. Jake Tackitt (Hon); 4. Jason Northrup (Han ): 5. Josh Densoo (Kaw). 600 4·STRK: J. John Michael Gocke n (Ha n); 2. Jake Popham (Y am); 3. Mike Peters (Yam 4. Josh Denson (KTM). 150: I. ); Paul Hill rd (Kaw); 2. Josh Brown (Yam 3. Jason Northrup a ); (Kaw). OPEN : I. Scott Shee ts (H-D); 2. Jason Nort hru p (Tri) . OPEN ST K: , . Jared McKay; 2. Will Dalenburg (Han ): 3. Mike Bacon (Mai); 4. jeff jack (Kaw): 5. Brian Klett (Yam ). SR: I. Kevin McKay (Kaw); 2. Mike Bacon (Yam); 3. Mark Pet er s (KTM): 4. Scott Petty (Hon); 5. Ron Tod d (Kaw). StS R: I. Ron Todd (Kaw); 2. Billy Pears an (Suz); 3. Keith Klett (KTM); 4. Bud Northrup (Han); S. Chuck Schroeder (Kaw). PSH RD: I. Scott Sheets (H-D); 2. Bud Northrup (Tri). YTH FAST TIME: Kieven Hillard (Kaw). AM FAST TIME: Mark Schroed er (Y am). himself at the checkers. McCo nnachie fin ished a lonely second, a handful of secon ds ahead o f a good battle ove r th ird between Radovich and Sammy Yacove lli, w hich went Yacovelli 's way on the last lap. Suz uki - mounte d Brandon G ill espie absconded with the hole shot in mo ta two, but by the end of lap one Radovich an d Harmon were going at it o ve r the top spo t . Radovic h dogged H ar mon for a cou ple o f circ ui ts unti l Han non got up to speed and started to pull aw ay. In the en d, it wa s H ar mo n once again wit h a co mfortable lead fo r a clean sw eep of the field. Th e battle for second w ent down to the wi re, w ith Gillespie holding off Yacovelli to get the job done. Yacovelli's consistent 3-3 rides topped Gi llespie 's S- 2 ta lly fo r se c ond . McConnachie (2-6) and Radovich (4-S) rounded out th e top five . Shelby Ward showed the boys how it' s done as she flew her KX 65 t o a two- mota sweep of the 6 Scc Be ginne r class . Cody Flo ria was r unner-up to Ward in both races , w ith Ryan Cantrell going 3-3 for third. Aboard his KX 12S, Danie l He nd rix went t hree out o f fo ur t o capture o verall w ins in www.cyc CYC LE N EWS • SEPTEMBER 1, 2004 65

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