Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 09 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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halfway point, t he points chase is still a good one. More than 200 points chasers made it to signup, resulting in some full gates. It's last call for the first mota, so let's get to the stands! One of t he night 's hottest race s was t he 50cc (7-8 ) contest . Cobra jockey Jake Elder scored the ove rall w ith th e last -mota win . Colton Ford, on a fast KTM, won the first mota with no problem , but a first-tum get-o ff in the second mota put him in last place . Ford got back on his bike and passed his way back up to second be fore mota 's end . David Nizzari piloted his Polini to third overall. When the 50cc Open gate fell, Nizzari and KTM jockey jacob Seagraves went at it. Seagraves won the first mot o, but Nizzari put his head down to take the overall with the lastmoto win. KTM rider justin Priest was steady for the final podium spot . One of the night's largest classes was the 65cc (7-9) division. Suzuki pilot Paul Nelson was the overall winner, with a last-mote win. KTM rider Gilberta Lopez took seco nd overall with a cons istent effort. A strong seco nd mota kept Ford on the podium. The Preteen 60- 80cc co nt est wo und up being the property of Powersports Honda rider Hayden O 'Kelley who scored the second-mote , win. KTM rider Timothy Thorn was a force to be reckoned with, as he scored second overall. Honda-mounted Tyler Loveless rebounded in the last mota to claim the third podium spot. Th e 125cc C class was action-packed , as always. Honda jockey jeffrey Petit used a lastmota win to capture the overall. Chris Castle, on his Fre ewheeli ng Honda , too k th e se con d podium spot. Another Honda rider, Jeff Cozine, used consistency to earn the last podium position. In the Y outh class, Hon da rider Cod y Lee was the overall winner with a last-more victory. Yamaha rider Arthur Cofield put in a good show, taking sec on d over all. Suzuki pilot Spe nce r Parson was third overall after a steady ride. The 12Scc A and 25 0cc A cla sses bot h fielde d st ro ng grou ps of riders. In the 12Ss, Honda of RHS Racing's Dash Lyle used th e horsepo wer of the fou r-stroke to top the two stro ke Suzuki of Matt Shue, after some good racing. Yamaha ride r Dalas Co nner took the third podium position. The 250cc A contest was also a good show. Shue was again on a Honda, as was Lyle. Shue w on t he firs t mo to In a p ho to finis h. The seco nd rnoto was a barn -burner, Lyle led the entire mota until a block-pass by Shue put Lyle down on the last lap; he remounted for second overall. Florida rider jadd Knox used his Suzuki to get the last podium position. Fast, aggressive riding is what the crowd likes to see, and they weren't disappointed on this night. RESULTS 50 SHAFT: I. Braden Bun ke r (Yam); 2. Aust in Jenkins (Yam); J . logan Rainwate r (Ya m); -t. lane Sudduth (Y am); S. Ard y Cof ield (Yam) . 5 0 HON/KTM OIL oINJ : I. Brad Koslo ki (Ha n); 2. Alex Ne wbe rry (Hon); 3. Cody Cu lpep per (Ho n); 4. Brendan Griffith (KTM). 50 (4-6): I. Jyire Mitche ll (KTM); 2. Logan Rainwat er (KTM); 3. Jarre tt Priest (KTM). $0 (7-8): I. Jake Elder"(Cob ) 2. Colton Ford (KTM); J . David Nizza ri (Po!); 1 . Jaco b Seagraves (KTM); s . Ca leb Sullivan (KTH). 5 0 OPEN : I. David Nizzari (Pol); 2. Jacob Seagraves (KTM): J . Justi n Prie st (KTM); 4. Co ry M.a ssey (KTM); 5. Loga n Lace y (Cob) . 65 ( 7·9) : I. Pau l Nel so n (Suz) ; 2. Gilberta Lopez (KTM); J . Co lto n For d (KTM); 4. Ga rrett Sutt o n (KTM); S. Timothy Th o rn (KTM). 65 (1 00 1 1): I. Co dy Ham mo nd (KTM ); 2. Br a nd on Mass e y (KT M); J . Robbie Matthews (Suz); -t. Sidney Harmon (Suz); S. Austin Watson (Suz). PR ETEEN 60-8 0: I. Hayde n O 'Kelley (Hon) ; 2. Timo thy T ho rn (KTM); J . Tyler Lo v eless (Hon ); 4. Paul Nelson (Soz); S. Garrett Sutton (KTM). SO BEG: I. Tarr o n Mille r (Su z); 2. Ge ra ld Har m o n (Ha n ); J . Shane Smi t h (Suz); 4. Camden Fra me (Kaw); S. Randee Gamble (Kaw). 8S (7·1 1): I. Hayden O 'Kelley (Han); 2. Nic Kimsey (KTM); J . Ryan Jo nes (Kaw): 1. Krae Fran klin (Yam); S. Austin Walls (Yam). S5 (12 0IS) : I. Andy Page (Ha n); 2. Brett Barrow (Yam); 3. Brandon Ham ilton (Suz); 4. Darrell Fricks (Ha n); S. Matt hew Ftmm (Suz). SJMINI SO· I OS: I. Brett Barrow (Yam) ; 2. Dar re ll Fr icks (Ha n ); J . And y Page (Han); 4 . Matthew Timm (Suz); S. Grayson Loveless (Hon) . UJl AM: I. Broc Hinc kle y (Su z). 115 BEG : I . Jim my Fe tt er man (Yam); 2. Justin Winters (Kaw); 3. Bryan Lee (Yam); 1 . Craig Skinne r (Han ); S. Michael Bramlene (Han). 125 A: I. Dash Lyl (Hon) ; 2. Matt Sbue (Suz); 3. Oalas Co nner (Yam); -t. e [add Knox (Suz); S. Jo el Sew e ll (Su z). 12S B: I. Arthur Cofield (Yam); 2. Cole Reese (SuJ: ; 3. Cody Lee (Han) . 115 ) C: I. Je ffrey Pet it (Ha n); 2. Chri s Cas tle (Hon); J . Jeff Cozine (Han ); 4. Brian Elrod (Hon); S. We sley De long (Hon) . 15 0 BEG: I. Bryan Suddu th (Kawl; 2. Mark Floyd (Hon) ; J . Jaco b Sudduth (Kaw); 4. Reid Parkhurst (Suz). 25 0 A: I. Man Shue (Ha n) ; 2. Dash Lyle (Ha n); J . Jadd Kno)( (Su z); -t. Dalas Conner (Yam); S. joel Sewell (SUI). 25 0 B: I. Broc Hinckley (Suz); 2. Rebert McGre w (Han ); 3. Noah Harper (Hon); 1. Cole Reese (Suz). 250 C: I. And re w Kend rick (KTM); 2. Bria n De at o n (Kaw); J . Boyd Peterson (Ha n) ; -t. Dale n Pettigrew (KTM). W MN : I. Rachel Boz e man (KT M); 2. Kayla Ergle (Su z) . YTH: I. Cody Le e (Ha n); 2. Arthur Co field (Yam); J . Spenc e r Parson(Suz); 4. Jeffrey Petit (Ha n); S. Brian Elrod (Hon) . 25 + : I. Randy Riehl (Ha n); 2. Robe rt McGrew (Hon) . JO+ : l. Randy Rie hl (Han ); 2. Mark Rie hl (Hon); J . Brian Deaton (Kaw); -t. Kin Peyyus (Kaw) . J5 + : I. Wayne Massey (Hon) ; 2. Mar k Rie hl (Han ); 3. Stan ley Dowda (Ha n); 4. John Hobgood (Hon) ; S. Jim Millsap (Kaw). had to battle every inch of both motos with a hard-charging Phil Segundo, on another, equally well-prepared Honda. The victories were hardfo ught : the distance between the two was never more than 10 feet! Picking up a pair of thirds (behind Segundo's pair of secon ds) was Mike O'Brien, on yet another Honda. At evening's end , a very tired Gibb walked away with three huge tr o phie s afte r six wins out of six rides! Meanwhile . Oakley Spo rts ' Du ke w e nt unchalle nged in any of his four motos. In the I25cc junior class, Duke nabbed both holeshots and ran away with the victory over Santiago Betancurth in mota one and Drew Doran in the second stanza. In the Schoo lboy class , Duk e shared the moto with the Before The Hill class and a lone Over 25 Master rider. In moto o ne, BTH rider Taylor Barry got the holeshot but surrendered the lead before the second co rner to Duke, who held it to the checkers . In moto two , Duke got the holeshot and began lengthening his lead at every opportunity. For young Duke , it was four for four - and that is perfection. RESULTS P/W 50 (4- 6) : I. Cameron Marsha ll (Lem). PfW 50 (7 · 8) : I. Alden Volle (KTM); 2. Gunnar Burigsay (Suz). MIN I 65 BEG : I. Jennife r Burt on (KTM); 2. Reno Ayers (Kaw); J . Chri s Buckman (KTM). MINI 65 (O-S): I. Hunter Wilbers (Suz). MIN I 80 BEG : I. Nick Le o ne tt i (Ha n); 2. Ste ven Filte r (Ha n); J . Just in Isaacson (Kaw) : 1 . Ant ho ny Na va (Kaw); S. Matt Coc hran (Kaw). MINI SO (7 . 11): I. C hris Arro yo (Yam); 2. Anthony Neva (Kaw ). MINI BO (140 16): I. Ray Kurttila (Hon ); 2. lany QUintana (Hon ); J . Daniel Nava (Hon); 1. Walt Van Olden (Hon) . MINI SO OPEN: I. Ray Kurttila (Ha n); 2. larry Q uint an a (Ha n); J . C hris Arr oyo (Yam); -1. Steven Filter (Hon) . 125 BEG: I. Brett Standart (yam); 2. C hris Glanz (Han); J . Ste phanie Can cilla (Ha n). 125 JR: I. Bryan Du ke (Suz) ; 2 . Dr e w Doran (Suz) ; J . Sant iago Be tancun h (Yam) ; 4. De nny Rabino (Y am). 125 INT: I. Matt Gibb (Hon); 2. Nath an Vanderm ade (Yam); J . N icholas Vand erma de (Kaw). WMN: I. Jo lita Nava (Ha n); 2. Jen nifer Burton (Yam) ; J. Jessica Glanz (Y . SCHBY 125 am) ( 12.1 6) : I. Brya n Du ke (Suz) ; 2. Dre w Do ran (Suz): 3. Sant iago Bet a ncurt h (Ya m) . BTH ( 17.2 4 ) : I. Nathan Vandermad e (Yam); 2. Taylor Bar ry (Han) : J . Jake Scallan (Yam); 4. James Velasco (Ha n). 2 5 0 BEG: I. Jake Scallan (Yam); 2. Garen Co nan (Ha n); J . Kevin Fogo lin (Ha n); 4. Kevin Jo e s (Han) . 250 JR: I. Sha un Sch ofield (Yam); 2. Taytor Barry (Hon) . 25 0 INT: I. Man Gibb (Hon ). 25+ MS TR : I. Mart ine Pue nt e (Yam) . 30 + : I. Bryan De a n (Ha n); 2. Mark Burt o n (Yam); J . Ra ben Pacillas (Kaw); 1. Stace y Pros ser (Yam ); S. Jeff Fte schute (Yam). JO + JR: I. Eric Pacillas (SUI): 2. Ste phen Pe rry (Yam); J . Denny Ra bine (Yam). 30 + INT: I. Man Gibb (Hon ); 2. Phil Segundo (Hon); 3. Mike O 'Brien (Ha n) . 30 + M STR: I. Marti ne Pue nte (Yam). 4 0 + AM: I . Tom Adler (Hon ); 2. Stephe n Con ner (Han ); J . C. Glanz (Ha n); 1. E. Shennan (Han) . 4 0+ MSTR : I. Bill Carnes (Hon ). OTHG ]0 + BEG: I. Dam ien Mastagni (Yam); 2. Paul Schoep (Hon ); 3. Walt Van O lden (Han); -1. VICtor Machado (Kaw): S. Jon Spec ch iali (Ha n). OTHG ]0 + NOV: I. Robert Callahan (Yam); 2. Ch ris Roehik (KTM); J . Stacey Prosse r (Yam); 4. Brian Dean (Hon ); S. Aaron Wh ite (Yarn). OTHG 3 0+ INT: I. Mike O 'Brien (Han ); 2. Bryan Gamb ill (Y . OTHG ] 0+ EX : I. Phil Segundo (Hon ); 2. am) David Boo th (Ya m); J . David O rne las (Ho n). OTHG J8+ BEG: I. Wayne Buckman (KTM); 2. Jack Goodwi n (Suz); 3. Danny Welc h (Ha n) ; 4. Gr eg Webb (Yam); S. Jo hn Stuart (KTH). O THG J 8 + NOV: I. Joe Tanner (Yam); 2. Eric Wan (KTH); L Steve N icholson (Kaw); 4. Dave Bleichmer (Han); S. David Wee ks (Yam) . OTHG ] 8+ INT: I. Sco tt Hack (Yam); 2. Rebert Woehrle (Han); J . Stephen Perry (Yam); 4. Bobby Deason (Suz); S. Jess Prollas ka (Han ). OTHG )8 + EX : I. Dav e Pile (Han) . O THG 45+ B EG : I. Dave Dressler (Kaw); 2. Scott Surdyka (Hon ): J . Dave Wan (Hon): 4 . Sco tt Cree kpaum (Ha n ). O THG 45+ N O V: I. Ed Sherma n (Ha n): 2. Darry l Jone s (Han); J . leroy J. Franc ard (KTM); -t. Wally Hartley (Yam) . OTHG 45 + INT: I. Joh n Traverso (Yam); 2. Mike Sobocz (Hon ); J . Mark Rivad (Yam); -t. Stephen Conner (Ha n). O THG 45 + EX: I. Steve law (Suz). 1""'!I ''" " W ~ Q. >- CD § J: Q. SuperS a turday MX Se rie s Round 3: Club Mo to Gibb Guns to Six at Gravity Gulchl By MIKE VANCil LIVERMORE, CA, JULY 24 H onda rider Matt Gibb made his presen ce felt at the third rou nd or the SuperSatu rday Motocross Series, put on by Motowest Racing and sponsored by Dublin Toyota. The veter an racer competes in the Over 30 age bracket with an Intermediate ranking, and he was per fect in his six motos dur ing the evening. The highly respected Club Moto layout is a tech nical course and co uld be described as a supercross track on a hillside. There are very steep climbs and drop -offs. and the ground isn't always w here a riders ' foot can prevent a topple - hence the nickname "Gravity Gulch." In Gibb's first outing, he shared the gat e wi th two competitors in the 125cc Intermediate class and six riders in the 125cc junior class. A second wave started after Gibb's wave, consisting of five 12Scc Beginners. First o ff t he line in the first wave wa s hot Jun io r Bryan Duke (not quite 17). Try as he might , 64 Gibb cou ldn't put a wheel around this young racer. After four hard laps, it was apparent that it was a far safer plan to w in his class than to risk a crash and eliminate two fine riders in different classes. In mote two , the resu lts were exactly the same. Gibb too k first again. and he was followed home both time s by Yamaha ride r Nathan Vandermade and Natha n's brother, Kawas aki jockey Nicholas Vandermade . Meanwhile, Duke was the firstJunior bot h times. For his 250cc Intermediate cont est , Gibb shared the gate wi t h the 250cc ju nio r s: a second wave started moments later for the 250cc Beginners. Both outings saw Gibb garner holeshots and runaway wins . Th e first junior was Yamaharider Shaun Schofield, who finished closest to Gibb (t he r e were no other Intermed iates entered). Gibb 's final appearance was in t he hot ly contested Over 30 Inte rmed iate class. Th is would prove to be Gibb's stiffest challenge . He garnered the holes hot in bo th me tes. but he SEPTEMBER 1, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS w Jesse Zambon won the 125cc A, 2S0cc A, Open and Sportsmen A classes a t round 10 of the Northern Cup Moto cross Se rie s at Pine Ridge Raceway in Athelstane, Wisconsin. No rthern Cup Motocross Series Round 10: Pine Ridge Racewa y Zambon Zaps 'em at the Ridge By PETE EMME ATHELSTANE, WI, JULY 24 o ound 10 of the hotly con tested Northern l"'cup Motocross Series brought out nearly 400 entrants to the beautiful grounds of Pine Ridge Raceway. With the season a bit past the halfway point, t he batt les for the championship points are beginning to heat up. David Rock jumped out to the lead in the opening I25cc A moto but was quickly passed by Kawasaki-mou nted Andy Zambon , who then led t he pack of 14 ri ders int o the rhyt hm 40th An niversary section and was soon off to a nice lead on the fast and san d y terra in. Zambon was soon followed by his brother jesse, as well as jeremy Hackbarth . Jesse Zam bon quickly crept up on his little bro. Then Andy, who's been having some knee prob lems, felt some thing go in the whoop sect ion and moved to the side, allOWing jesse to take the point. Andy retired from the race to see k med ical attention. jesse took the lead , with Hackbarth in tow and Carl Schubitzke in third . Zambon stretched his lead to more than ftve seconds by the fourth lap, and

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