Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 09 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Still (Hon): 1. Todd Still (SDG) . PIT/OK PRO: I. Just in Wharton (Xtr ). 125 BEG: I. Allan Palmenson (KTM): 2. levi Clark (Hon) . 125 JR: I. Ryne Hess (Hon) : 2. Richie Fe-racca e (Kaw); 1. Jason l ytle (Hon) ; .. . Kyl Rheault (Hon); S. lance Hoffman (Hon) . 125 INT: I. Ryan Huege (Hon ). 115 PRO: I . Don Bisceglia (Hen). 250 BEG: I . Michael Porter (Yam); 2. Justin Pease (Hon) ; 1. Matt Ge llerman (Hon ). 150 IR: I. Scott Sund in (H o n); 2. Curtis Wharton (H o n ); 3. Justin Wharton (Hon ). 250 INT: I . Darb y Heck (Hon) . 150 PRO: I . Don Bisceglia (Hon) ; 2. Ant hony Cerru ti (Hon ). WMN: I . Jon i Bisc egl ia (Hen): 2. Kat ie Wharton (H o n); 3. Je ssica Wharton (Suz); ... lad Cardelli (Hon) . BTH: I. Ryan Huege (H on ); 2. Ryne Hes s (Ho n) : 3 . Richie Fenacca (Kaw ); .. . Anthony Cerruti (Hon ); S. lance Hoffman (Hon) . UTH AM : I. Scott Sund in (Hon) ; 2. Jesse Mayer (Suz). OTH BEG : I. larry Gitch (Y : 2. Scott Pirello (Y am) am): 1. Keith Wharton (Hon) ; ... Scott Pamell (Hon); 5. Chad Southard (Yam). OTH JR: I. Curtis Wharton (Hon ); 2. David Taxel {Hon}. OTH INT: I. Joe Mittenberger (Kaw ): 2. Scott Ho las (Yam); 3. amy Heck (Hon ). OIT NOV: I. Chad Sout ham (Y:un): 2. Scott Parnell (Hon ); 3. Michael Porter (Yam). AM : I. Vincent Kunl (Y ; 2. Rod Marsha ll (Hen) ; 3. Forrest lytle am) (Hon ). orr EX: I. Ted Ho lt (Yam); 2. Rick Da Silva (Y ): l . am Jeff Ullebo (Hon); ... David Taxel (Hon) ; 5. Dave Eakin (Hon ). Rock River Riders Hillclimb banger in th e first ro und. Paul Hackb arth also enj oye d a d o uble-w in day, taking his first in the 450cc class, in which he carded a good J .60 2-sec ond time o n his first ri de on his KTM 360. Cody Je nn e r, riding a YZ4 S0 F Yama ha , was secon d wi t h a 4.0 0 Ssec o nd run . Hac kbart h also has one o f those Yamaha thumpers , and he use d it to take th e 6ooc( Four-Stroke -class win. He had to work a little ha rder. thou gh, as his first-r ou nd leading t ime o f 4 .2 50 se conds was be at en by Da ryl Johnso n, wh o carded a very quick 4.024-second time o n his Yamaha to take th e second-roun d lea d. Hackbarth re sponded w ith an e xcelle nt 3.9 75-secon d, high-flying run to retake the lead and the class w in. The River's Wild's By BUD NORTHRUP POLO, It, JULY 18 " W i d Wade " Schultz made a rare appearance in D istr ict I 7 te r rito ry, but he mad e it well wo rth his travel, as he claimed tw o class wins and the Fast TIme awa rd at the Rock River Ride rs hillcJimb on July lB. Riding a Ho nda C RSOO, Schultz sailed high over the I50-loot hill in 3.331 second s o n his first ride , a t ime that would not only ho ld up lo r the 600cc-c1ass win but also prove to be th e fastes t of the entire day. Co dy Je nner, also ridi ng a Ho nda, cha llenge d hard with a 3.37S-second run. Sch ultz also cla imed t he w in in the high money-payout O pen Pushrod class. Rid ing a vintage (is th ere any ot her kind?) BSA, Schultz to pped t he hill in 4.1 S I seconds to tak e th e first -ro und le ad . but Sam Coc hran slipped under him in the second round wit h a 4 .018se cond run on his Harley. Schultz was up to th e cha llenge, however, as he grabbed a hand ful 01 "Brit bike " power and new the Bee ze r over the to p in an excellent 3.587 seconds (or the win and t he big bucks . Lloyd Haas was a dou ble-class winner o n his sc reaming Kawa sak i triples . The Nati o nal Cha mpion in the 750 cc class flew over the crest in 3.54 1 sec o nd s o n his first ride to take th at c lass w in, wit h Wi ld Wade his closest compe ti tor wi th a 3. 9 17-se co nd run on h is Yamaha twin . T hen Haas b ro ught his BOOcc tri ple in fo r some O pe n-class ac tion , an d he came fro m behi nd in the second round wit h a 3.394-second time to take the win, overtaking " Lig ht ning Lane " Sc hultz , who ha d po st ed a 3.6 I 5 -s e c on d t ime on his big Su zu ki lo u r- orr RESULTS SO AUTO: I. Chel sea Gill (H on); 2. Garett Holycr o ss (KTM): J. B""""'" Noo tbar (Hen ): 4. Logan Moody (Pol): S. Kayle e COlC (H us ). 65 : I. Brett Kalah e r (Kaw) ; 2. Jo e McGurer (Kaw); 3. Colter He inze (Kaw); ... C hase Hubne r (Kaw ); 5. Jess ica Co on (SUI) . 8S IR : I. Dere k Swanso n (KTM); 2. Joe McGurer (Kaw ): 1. Drew Daniels (KTM); ... Schuyler Ka.aher (Kaw ); S. Jer emy J l ames (Kaw). 8 5 SR: I. Mike Popham (Y ; 2. Shane Green (Yam); 1. Justi n James am) (Kaw) ; .. . Aar on Wiemken (Kaw). 125: I. Bre nt Bowm an (Hon) ; 2. Shane Green (Yam); 3. Bubba Bond (Han); ... Dan Myers (Yam) ; 5. Joe Wi nberg (SUI) . 100: I . Kelly Sen n (KTM); 2. C hris Senn (Kaw); 1. Don Wha ley (Suz). 150: I. Eric Wheelwright (Yam); 2. Craig Schnitzler (KTM); 3. Narc Stamm (Y ; .. . Josh Mingee (Hen); 5. Bobby Senn (Kaw) . am) .. 00 STK: I. And rew Thy1; berg (Yam); 2. Eric Wheelwright (Y am); 1. Je ff Jack (Yam); ... Brandon Mat thews (Y ): S. Tom am Walgenba ch (Hon ). 450: I . Paul Hackba rth (KTM): 2. Cody Jenne r (Y ): 3. Bill Stark (Kaw); .. . Jerome Beckley (Yam); 5. am Don She ridan Jr. (Yam). 600: I. Wa de Schul tz (Ho n); 2. C o d y Je nner (Ha n) ; 1. Pa ul Ha ckb arth (Ho n ): .. . Craig Schnitzler (KTM); 5. Uoyd Haas (Hon ). 600 " ·STRK: I. Paul Hackb arth (Yam); 2. Daryf Jo hnso n (Yam) ; J . Jake Popham (Y ; ... Chase Johnson (Hen) ; 5. Rkk Ness (KTM). 150: I. am) Lloyd Haas (Kaw); 2 . Wade Schu ltz (Yam); l . Mike Sarver (Kaw); .. . lane Sch u ltz (Yam) ; 5 . Dary l Jo h ns o n (BSA) . OPEN : I. lloyd Haas ( ); 2. lane Schuln (5uz ); 3. Steve Shafer (H· D) : .. . Sam Coc hran (H·D ); 5. Jacob Bailey (H· D). OPEN STK : I. Tad Hubner (Hon ); 2. Glen Fuegen (Yam); 1. Jeff Jac k (Kaw); ... Kurt Krotmer (Hon ); S. Mike Bacon (Mai). SR : I. Ste ve Shafer (H· D) ; 2. Marvin W iemk e n (Ho n); l . Joh n Ste ffen (Hon) ; ... Jerome Red dey (Y ; 5. Mike Bacon am) (Yam). PSHRD: I. Wade Schuln (BSA); 2. Sam Coc hran (HD); l . Steve Shafer (H-D); ... Nate Simenic (H-D); 5. Jacob Bailey (H· D ). FA ST TIME : Wade Schultz (Hon ). Diamondback Off-Road Championship Series Round 4: Diamondback Sportcenter Four Down, Four to Go By TIM BEms RESACA, GA, JULY 18 e ne rally, 10 a.m . is a grea t time to start a race. but whe n registration is still crowded at 9:30 , th ings get te nse . Sunday's race - rou nd fo ur of eight - was a busy one, as some 248 rac ers packed the sta rt ing line, just waiting to tear up the co urse . The condition of the track start ed warm and tacky, but with a crowded house of ride rs, it quickly turned to hot and dusty. Whe n the nag d ro p pe d lor the M class, Yamaha pilot Nick Ge nt ry and Suzuki- mou nte d Andrew Matusek began their battle . Matuse k won the M class, besting Gen try by a me re 10 seconds . Th e lo llowing 27 classes kept the 10-mi le cou rse busy, and t he re w e r e very close lap times. Riding tire to tire, mos t put in a full hou r and a half of wide-open racing. G Honda pilot Dale Williams placed first in the Super Senior C class, making his tally three wins o ut of four trie s fo r the series so far. Another track regular, Yamaha pilo t Perry Groves, finished first in Light Trail, a full five minutes ahead of the second -placed rider. Each race se e s m o re ne w faces and th e compet it iveness gets tougher. With four d own an d fo u r to g o , t he ac tion and anticipation is building. RESULTS AA: I . An d r ew Matuse k; 2 . N ick G e nt ry ; 3. Br ian Wozniak: ... Je ff Trull; S. Kelly Jones. JR: I. Andy Page: 2. ew. Be ll; 3. Ben Phillips; .. . Mitchell Lee ; 5. Tanner Byers. 100 A: I. Bryan Grant ; 2. Blake Allen; 1. Michael Hol brook: .. . David RayJr. 100 B: I. Na than Martin: 2. Ryan Stewart; 3. Mike Fann ; .. . Eddie Pasue r II; S. Cody Du bo is. 100 C: I. Cameron Allen ; 2. Adam Chr.mloger; 3. Eddie Davis: ... Kevin Martin; 5 . Robb ie Walker. 150 A: I. Matt Jones; 2. Natha n Phillips; 1. Bert T im pso n: .. . Bria n Parrish. 150 8 : I. Jeb Gree nst o ne ; 2 . Ryan Riss le r ; 1. Chris Bro wn ; .. . Just in Satt erfie ld ; S. Brian Otterro n. 150 C: I. lamar Craig; 2. Raymon d H ol t : 3. Mar k Junkins : 4 . Stac ey Cook ; 5 . Jak e Andrew Matusek tears Up a berm en route to the overall AA victory at round four of the Diamondback Off-Road Championship Series. Ponder. 4·STRK A: I. Sean Dillon; 2. Roger Uttle; J. Bervty He lton . 4 · ST RK B: I. Cody Robinson ; 2. Mark Snavely; 3. Steve Hod gek inson . "·ST RK C: I. Jason Rimme r; 2. Ashley To lbert: 1, Mitch Head; ... Mike South ard ; S. Jeff Vick. LT TRL: I. Perry Gr oves : 2. Ryan C hunta ; 3. Aiel( Johnson ; ... Joh nny Stric kland ; 5. N icho las Art hur. HVY TRL : I. Josh Bur nette : 2. Reggie Robe rt s ; 3. Da vid H arper ; .. . Jarrod Pen land : S. C raig G ilbert . OPEN A: I . Shannon Moor e : 2. David Davis; 1. Ashley Fo wler; 4. Robert 5elvenpi per; S. Dale Sheri ff. OPEN B: I . David Franklin; 2. R. Roberts . OPEN C: I. Jason Wes t; 2. Chris Coo k; 1. Robert Fox: .. . Ch ad Ha ll; S. Peter Wh itaker. VET A: I . T homas Bennett; 2. Bruce Gann; 3. Matt Stuncil ; .. . Mike CfilwfOf"d S. Ben jie Wh ite y. : VET B: I. Brand leark: 2: Jack Gresham: l . Donnie Wea ver; ... Bret Zaro: 5. Dean Puryear. VET C: I. Bob Manis; 2. Todd Hunter ; 1. Rick Thompson; .. . Tracy Byers; S. Ste ve Burchett. SR A: I. Mar k l ogan; 2. David Holbrook; 3. J. ck McDonough; ... Herb Coleman; 5. Ben Hill. SR B: I. Paul Th ist le ; 2. Mark Fulle r; 1. Sco tt Ketl. SR C: I . Spe nce r Single ton; 2. Dave lester; 3. Manfr ed Zochlin g; 4. Dou g Hicks; 5. Darren Groves . SlS R A: I. Gary Barr ; 2. Woody Bram lett: 1. Fran k Schlombeck; ... Bates Bec kman. S/S R B: I. Dennie Roberts; 2. Gerald Gr e sham; 1. Roger Mincey. SlS R C: I. Dale Williams; 2. Ronnie Byrd; J. Kenny Wimpy ; 4. Ken Wolff; 5. Roger Fortson. MSTR A: I. John Fern; 2. Bob Popiej; 3. Somy Robens. MSTR B: I. Ken neth Dod son ; 2. Dan Freeland: 1. ReggieWrInkle . MSTR C: I. David Ray Sr.: 2. Ray Mitchell : 3. Roben Wa lker ; "'. Thomas Barr. Thor United States Mega Series Parts Unlimited Carolina Ultra Ser ies Rounds I r/7: Pro Sport MX him third place o n the podium. Yamaha dominated the O ver 45 class . Rick Oxley 01 Milton, West Virginia, led the way to victory in m o to o ne , with Roger Ar nold , also aboard a Yamaha, fo llo w ing in second and Gregory Q uado r in third. Fo llow ing his sixthplace Hr st - mc t c finis h , Jerry W o hl gemu t h sur prised his classmates' in th e second mo to by stealing first. O xley axed his way to second, and Ar n o ld was awarded thi r d. The overall cham pionsh ip went to O xley, with 1-2 finishes . Arnold acce pted second overall wit h a 2-3 ta lly, and Wohlge mu th won the th ird-p lace podium Oxley Grabs the Bull =~1~i~.liHorns WYTHEVILLE, VA, JULY 18 P ro Sport MX in Wy theville, Virginia, welcomed visitors lor round I I o f the Thor Unned States Mega Series and round seven of th e Parts Unlimited Car olina Ultra Series. as the tw o Victory Sports se ries merged for the weekend. The Mega Series will pay more than $ 345,000 in ractory con t inge ncies fro m Kawasaki , Yamaha , Suzuki, Honda and Husqvarna, and the same five man ufacturers are offering more than $2 70,000 in factory contingencies in the Ultra Series. With 42 12Scc Beginners co mpeting lor the class title . Honda rider Jaso n Ellis of Las Vegas too k the checkers firs t in rnoto one, b ut he handed over the overall champions hip (due to his DNS in moto two) to Yamaha pilot Danie l Wright 01 Blacksburg, Virginia. w ith 2-3 finishes. Second overall was awarded to Yamaha-mounted Bryan Woods (4- 4) , and Team Green's Rex Vanater earned thi rd-p lace po ints for the two series . Vanater leads his class in the Mega Series alter I I rounds. Chris Douglas heads up the class in the Ultra Series after all seven rounds . RivalsJon Boruff and Kevin Walke r went head to head in the 250cc Pro class. Walker fired his Yamaha to a first-place finish in rnoto one. Boruff tailed Wa lker acro ss the finish line in second, leaving third to Yamaha's Nicholas Evennou. The tables were turned in mote two, as Bo ruff stole the first-place honors fro m Walker, who finishe d in second. Evenno u's even 3·3 finishe s earned www.cycle ,-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' UJ cc o :I (jj ::; =; >

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