Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 09 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Racetown 395 ROTMX Grand Prix Racetown 395 Motorcycle Park Hoover Sweeps to ROTMX Racetown GP Victory By ROCKY Kawasaki pilot Bob McCue, In fifth. Kenny Campbell was clearly the best of the Amateur-class race rs in att endance , as he won by a comfortab le margi n. Pau l Carruthers enjoyed his Sunday at the races, as he put in a fine ride for second place aboard his Cycle News Yamaha, while Kawasak i jockey Ste ve Phillips rolled in third. Randy Bruce claimed the fourth slot , and Terry Tate was fifth. Phil Black put In a stellar ride o n the grueling and challeng ing track, as he led the Over 60 Amateur fiel d from start to fin ish for the conv indng win. Bruce Co rne ll and Frank Derby quarreled over the runner-up slot for mos t of the day. and in the end it wa s Cornell edging out Der by for th e pos ition at the checke red flag. Chuck Woody claimed fourth place , and BUll Moeller loped in fifth . The Over 50 Expert class was the stomping gro und for Jack Roten, as he put in an excellent ride aboard his Yamaha to take the win. Richard Kastner was the best of the rest, as he took a well-deserv ed second. in front of th ird -place finis her Ph il C ruz . Jimmy Lavorci a nd Bill Schultz finished up fourth and fifth, respectiv ely. HASH ADElANTO, CA, JULY 18 T he Riverside chapter of the O ld -Tim e rs Motocross club turned up for the second summer Racetown Grand Prix event en masse , which provided deep competition in nearly eve ry class. With the ir guest status at the event, the RO TMX members were given the honor of being placed in the first race , which meant a lot, as temperatu res soared into the three-dig it range later in t he day. The racers we re divided up Into three lines, and each took off w ith the tradit ional Grand Prix starting procedure; engines running and clutch hand on helmets, awa iting the wave of the green flag by the starter, w ho on this day made th ings e xtra challenging by delay ing his "wave" for w hat se e me d like ages, t o keep riders o n their toes , literally. Bruce Hoover bested a rat her large field of Over 50 Amateu r competitors, using the timetested formula of a good start and consistent rid ing. Hoover led at the e nd of lap one , and by the time the chec kered nag came ou t at the end of the 45·minute contest, he had stretched his lead to more than 30 seconds. George Spear ing and Marr ow Fleet raced close ly for most of the contest , wit h Spe ar ing e dging Fleet out fo r second place. Tomas Smith rolled in fourth , w hile Ray Simmons filled out the to p five. Anothe r large class was the Novice class. in which Honda rider Jim Male prevailed after putting in an excellent ride. 1horn Lyons put another red bike up from . as he took se cond aboard his CRF450R. Bob Walpert broke up the Ho nda strea k by putting In an exce llent ride aboar d his Y amaha for third. John O kon took fourth, ahead of OIA GRAND CHAM P: Craig Shen igo (Yam). AA: I. Joh n Burg ar d (H us); 2 . Michae l Bra dw ay (H o n) ; 3. Jo hn cr: Something New By JUSTIN WHARTON P By CHUCK MARLER ~ 8lAINE, PA, JULY 18 '" c " Dan Stappl Jr. ( KTM); l . Robe rt Moh n (Kaw ): ... Gabe Goodman (KTM). A 1S0: I . Demis Zurawski Jr. (KTM); 2. Rob Solo mon (KTM); 3, Brian Russ ell (Hon ). A OPEN: I. Jacob Willi ams (GG ); 2 . Mar k Moy e r (AT K); 3. Jay Dean (KTM) . A 4-STRI(, I. Adam Garo f"", (y",,); 1. M"" Roll (Yam); J . David Glem (Yam); .. . Tim Nocera (Hon) . A VET: I. Mike Kowalsky (KTH): 2. Steve Green (KTM); J . Ken Law (Hon); g S,. (KTM); 3. Ron Ram>ey (KTM) . B SISR : I. John Di Child a (KTM); 2. Robert Shughart (Kaw) . WMN: I . Nicole Barnes (H o n); 2. Lissa Ars e nau lt (Kaw) . MSTR: I . Jac k lafferty Sr. (KTM); 2. Jac k Mit che ll (KTM); 3. Karl lagus (Hon ). C 200: I. Mike Perucki (KTM); 2. TIm G rove (Kaw ). C 1 50 : I. Rory Tete r (Hon). C OPEN : I. Rich We ntle l (KTM); 2. Mike Thorsen (KTM); 3. Jerry N ielsen (KTM); 1. TIm Falls (Hon ); S. Donovan Cad de ll (KTM). C 4-.STRK: I . Wesley Bower (Yam); 2. Ray Newswanger (KTM) ; 3. Tom my Bauche rio (Yam). C VET: I. Jeff Betton (Hon ); 2. Bill Ne idigh (KTM): 3. Roy Dille r (KTM); 1. Scon Kirby (Suz); S. Bill Rhymes (Suz). C SR: I. Dave Bittner (Kaw); 2. Richard Runty (KTM); 3. Dougl" Thonen (Suz) . Portland International Raceway NOV: I. Jim Male (Hon); 2. Thorn l yons (Hon); l . Bob Wa lpert (Yam); 1. John O kon (Hon) ; S. Bob McC ue (Kaw). am) ; 3. AM : I . Kenny Campbell (Hon) ; 2. Paul Carrut hers (Y St eve Phillips (Kaw) ; 1. Randy Bru ce (H o n); S. Terry Tate (Hon) . EX: I . lance McRoberts (Y;un); 2. Steve DonakI son (Yam); 3. Jo hn Estes (Y;un); .of. Ed Wolleson (Hon) . MSTR A: I . Kurt Sotka Jr. (Y;un). MST R B: I. Dave Erop kin (Hon ); 2. Marc John son (SU1). 50 + NO V: I. Steve Pop joy (Hon) ; 2. Steve C art e r (Yam) ; 3 . John O ko n . 5 0 + AM : I . Bruce Hoov er (Hon); 2. George Spearing (Yarn); 3. Morrow Fleet (Yam); 1. Tomas Smith (Y;un); S. Ray Simmon s (KTM) . 50 + EX: I. Jack Rote n (Y;un); 2. Richard Kastner (Han); 3. Phil Crul (Hon) ; 1. Jimmy lavord (Hon); S. Bill Schultz (Yam). 50 + MST R B: I. Bill Maxim (Kaw). 60 + AM : I. Phil Black (Hon); 2 . Bruce Cornell (H o n); 3. Fran k De rb y (He n): 1 . Chuck Woody (KTM); S. Buu Moe lle r (Y;un). "j Oechtse (y",,); 4 . MA Spige!meye (KTM); S. Jac k ~eny J' . tt ' (KTM). A 115 : I. Tom IGritsis (Kaw ); 2. Steve h ett (Yam); 3. Dean Speoc ... (KTM). A 100: I. Ryan M, CMthy (KTM); 1. PORTlAND, OR, JULY 18 Shenigo Saddles Up for a SORR Victory ra ig Shen lgo , t he 2002 AMA Dist r ict 7 C hampion , got t he o pport unity t o show U wha t he's made of by dropping a mere IB points 10 on what prove d to be a tou gh co urse at this § . year's Foggy Mountain Enduro, edging past Joh n :I: a Burgard and Mike Bradway on tie-breaker points. Burgard and several other to p ride rs burne d chec k two, wh ich the club threw o ut when the mileage proved to be off a fraction of a tenth. Floo ding th e week pri or to the even t and rain on the morning of the endu ro turned what the Susqueh anna O ff-Road Riders inte nded to be a rea sonable r un in the mo untai ns o f Pe nnsylvania into a grueling te st for the C-c1ass riders. Trad ing the lead back and fort h In the moming tests , Ryan McCarthy edged past Dan Stop pi Jr. in the long aftern oo n tes t to take first in the A Med ium Ught class, wh ile AI "Nimble Fingers" Switzer took first place in the A Se nior class w it h 24 points, w inning on t ie br ea ker s over second-placed Eric Koeller. " T he trai l w as gr e a t . but th e m o rn ing g :I: 58 RESULTS R ESULTS Foggy Moun tain Breakdown Enduro 5usquehanna Off Road Riders Brian Cad dell contested the B Heavy (Open) class at the Foggy Mountain Brea kdow n Enduro in Blaine, Pe nnsylvania. weather was terr ib le, " re lated B He avy contender Brian Ca dde ll. "Yo u co uldn ' t se e through the goggles, and it was raining too hard not to wear them. T he first se cti on cou ldn't have been more slick, even with snow and ice. It was kind of interesting how the different soils and slime con sistency in differen t areas allowed for different amounts of traction. You cou ld be in o ne area w ith no traction, and 200 yards away you have the same tra il that looks the same that you could hook up and fly through." Rich Wetze l scored first place in th e C Heavy class. "Th e first loop was slimy, but [there we re] no mud holes to speak of," said Wetzel. "The second loop had a lot more ro cks, so it held up better. Heck , we even saw the sun come out. Not to mention the cool temps were great. Great setu p for parking and a gre at trail. I had a great time, and I will go back ne xt year, for sure. Good job, SaM!" SEPTEMBER 1,2004 • CYCLE NEWS ort land Internat ional Raceway hosted a rar e Sunday mot ocros s race , aside from the usual Thursday night races . Anothe r twist was throw n in when the announcer to ld everyone that ther e wou ld be an extended tra ck for th e day, with the course winding through the parking lot , GPstyle . Most ride rs agree d th e t ra ck was awe so me, but it was ob vio us no o ne liked the weather : As te mpe ratures wavered aro und t he cen tury mark. ride rs were dropping like flies in every mo ta. Also , just to make it even mo re challenging. they made it a three-mota format. Polini-mou nted Zach Be rryman didn't let the heat get to him, as he won all three SO (7-S) cc motos to take the overall w in. And rew Nessel suffere d a cra sh in his first mo ta but kep t it upr ight in the re st of his motes to take secon d overa ll o n h is JlW Designs -b a c ked Po lin i, scoring 4-2·2 mot a finishes. Taking th ird was Tyler Mille r (3- 3- 3), and t he top-scoring gi

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