Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 09 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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We stern New York Motoc ross Association Inc. Round ' 4: AreaS I Motocross Smith Rounds Up a Win at AreaS I By LARRY WOOSTER BATAVIA, NY, JULY 1B T he WNYMA season hit the halfway mark with OneWest Clo thing's Summer Series' sixt h race , at intergalact ic AreaS I Motocross in Batavia, New York. With double poin ts and 4-foot trophies on the tab le, close to 300 riders ignored the weat herman's discouraging words and "co w bo ye d u p " for the fo u rt h Empire State Championship Series race. Loo king a litt le bit like Home on the Ronge meets Spoce Cowboys, 26 12Scc Beginne rs were rapidly propelling themse lves into the holeshot a second t ime in moto o ne after a red flag appeared very late in th e first moto. Th is time , Brad Smith had a grip o n the lead, w ith Nick Makl os, George Wasik , D e re k Timm, Jim Pollock, James Wegner and Michael Tyson on t he ropes but not o ut . Ma klos wa s able to challenge the leader early, wh ile Wasik and Timm battled over third for several laps. Smith extended his lead and got stylish for the crowd as he and Maklos led a fou r-b ike breakaway, with T imm now In thir d a nd Wa sik fighting back . The best Beg inner battles involved Pollock, Tyson, Billy Bick, Justin Newton and Keith Roo ke r, who were all swapping decals while trading po sitions five through nine . The big new track was mint, and Smith soared solo through t he orchard to take the checkers in moto one with a nice lead over Maklos, Timm, Wasik and Pollo c k. Tyso n . Blc k , Wegne r, Newton and Rooker ro unde d out the top 10. In the second mo to, Smith ham mered out ano ther ho le shot , over Pollock, Maklos, Wasik and Timm , and it eventually tu rned into another four-b ike breakaway, after Po lloc k flounde red . Maklos challenged Smith, while Wasik was busy holding off Timm . The benns were firm and the grooves numerous but shallo w, allowing these guys the option to rail the outside or cu t and brake on the inside . The big battle wa s once again for fift h , w it h Poll o c k, Tyson . Mark O lmstead, Bick, Newton, Aaron Barr and James Phalen all w ith a legit shot at claiming a top-five finish in th is big class. Smith (I - I) checked o ut with first overall and a free tire from Dun lop or Bridgestone fo r his efforts. Maklos (2-2) took second overall and $SO in Scott USA Bucks for his hard work. Was ik (4-3) wrapped up third overall and a free No -Toil Filte r to take home. T imm (3· 4) settled fo r fourth overall and a Moose Racing Prod ucts hat , and Tyson (6-S) rang the bell for fifth overall and was rewarded with some cool Castrol O ils products. Pollock (S-6), Bick (7-7), Newton (9-9). Olmstead ( 12-8) and Barr ( I I- I I) recorded top-l Os. T he WNYMA retu rns to AreaS I Motocross on Septembe r 12 and October 10. and closes out the motocross season fo r western Ne w Yor k on Oc tober 3 I . Check out www.areaS lmotocross .com fo r Informa tion on the "Fro m Last to Fast" and "Mo toc ross Boot Camp" schools by Corey Kandefer, and just try to kee p up with mult iple-time WNYMA "Track of the Year" des igne r Jesse Milley and his O n Tra c k Creat ions company at S6 RESULTS 50 (4 ·6) : L Dakota Wheaton (Yam); 2. Shae Ball (Yam ); J . Joshu a Zugnoni (Yam); .. . Co rey Trietley (Yam); S. Paul Evenson (Yam). 50 P/W (4-8): I. Co lton Camp (KTN) ; 2. David Ph illips (KTM); 3. Nick Haw kins (KTM); 4 . Hayd en Brickwood (KTM); 5. Josh Corne lius (KTM). SO (7- 8) : I. Co lton Cam p (KTM): 2. Angelo Kemuda (KTN) : 3. Kory F"'l:"'Y (KTM); 4. Alex Town (Co b); 5 . M.t< zach« (KTM). 6 5: I. Brand on IIYleS (Cob) ; 2. Chaz Clingerman (KTH); 3. Har rison Kay (KTM) ; 4. Co nnor Kelly (KTM): 5. Dominic Perri (Kaw) . JR MIN I: I . Zac hari ah Raus (Yam); 2. Je sse Deryke (Hon) ; 3. Brand on Bardo (!<.aw); 4. ChazClingerman (KTM); S. D illon H itrl (KTM) . SR M IN I: I . Andrew Meehan (SUI) : 1 . Do ug WaIf (Yam); 3. Ken Burge r (Kaw); .. . Todd Thompso n (Yam); 5. Dino Scrivan i (Suz). MINI COMB: I. And rew Meeh an (5uz); 2. Ken Burge r (Kaw ); J . zachariah Raus {Yam) 4. Todd Tho mpson (Y ; S. Dina Scrivani (Sul ). ; am) 12S SCHBY: I. Alex Sigismondi (Kaw); 2. Ryan Nye (Han ); 3. Doug Walf (Y am); 4. Rid w d Paeth (Han); S. Lou is Te pas (Yam 12S BEG: I. Brad Smith 2. N c k Mok"" (KTM); J. ). ; George Wasik (Kaw); 4. De re k Timm (Suz); S. Michael Tyson (Suz). 12S NOV: I. Doug WaIf (Y am); 2. louis Tepas (Yam); 3. Corey Gamb le (Ha n); 4. Ben Cometa (Kaw) ; S. Adam Niles (Yam). IlS AM : I . Aiel( Sigismondi (Kaw); 2. C had Dunning (Kaw); 3. Ryan Nye (Yam); 4 . Stephen Ca rtin (Suz ); S. Jonathan Krie gbaum (Yam). 12S EX : I. Aaron Diet e r (Yam) ; 2. Jaso n Doyle (Yam); 3. Corey Kande fer (Yam); 4. Cody Dunn ing (Kaw); 5. Je sse Repass (Yam). 2S0/0PEN BEG : I. Robb Mann (KTM); 2. David Nashwin ter (Hon); 3. Michael Da uler (Yam); 4 . Tom Pre ston (Yam ); 5. Nicholas DiSalvo (Yam). lSD /O PEN NOV: I . Jason Tucdo (Yml); 2. Je re my Gr een (Ha n) ; 3 . Dale Choate (Yam); 4. Mich ael Lenart o wicz (Han ); S. Paul Coleman (Suz). 2S0/0 PEN AM: I . Ale x Sigismandi (Kaw); 2. Brian Cook (Ha n); 3. Bob by Silvarole (Ha n); 4. N ate Cr ofoot (Hon) ; S. Peter Garlo ii: '" :3 ~ 5 ~ Brad Smith rode his buckin ' bronco to the 125cc Beginner w in at round 14 of WNYMA action in Batavia, New York. SEPTEMBER 1,2004 • CYCLE NEWS SCHMOESCHEIF DELTA, OH, JULY 1B he ta bles w ere turned and the ro les we re reversed at th is one- hour Ironman Mota Gp, held on a bea utiful Sunday morning . Track operator and announcer Arthur Mabry suited u p a nd mount ed the Oaklan d Sport Center/Tech -C are Suspension /Del ta Motorsports Park- sponsored KTM 450 SX to debut in round nine o f t he 17-event, Scott USA-spansored series. The one -hou r r ac e, a hybrid blend o f moto cross and enduro , c o nt in ue s to gain momen tum as more racers discover the fun these events offe r for all racers , regardless of age or ab ility. The supercross portion of the tra ck, comprised of hard-packed clay, featured tota lly tacky traction , w hile the sandy back section was dark -b rown lo a m . The woods se ction offered a shady break from the busy supercross track and the wide -open fields. The dead-e ngine sta rt was a test on how to ho t-start a fo ur-stroke motorcycle. Aft e r a pa rade lap and a one-minu te w ar m u p , the starter gave the green light, and an hour of 0111o ut motorcycling mayhem e nsued . All classes are run at once , with the Experts , Intermediates and younger Vet e rans starting first and then the Novice , Beginners and o lde r Veterans starting 30 sec onds later. Ben H incher, the w inner of the day , was able to complete 13 laps in the 250c c Expert class . Hincher appeare d relaxed a nd ne ve r paused once during the hour-long moto. O ne o f the fa s t e s t classe s o f the day was the Vetera ns O ve r 3S clas s, w hich was w on by Mike Kr ueger. Arthur Mabry finished second. but the pai r was see n pass ing each othe r several times in t he inc re di bly fast cl ass . Kruege r, who had just won Best in the Midwest 4 0 t h Anniv er s ary number 17, had his hand s full keep ing Mabry at bay. Kruege r seemed fast er on the supercross portion of the track , wh ile Ma bry he ld a blistering pace through the woods and san dy fields. Mabry gained ground w he n he exhibited thro ttle co ntr o l and finesse th rough a series of uphill -and- do wnhill , hard-packed. off-camber turns called th e Gaerne Gulch. The section snagged several race rs who were challenged by the unusual o ld-schoo l-style obstacles. Mabry rode high and acce lerated on the outside of the first two parts while tapping his front bra ke to make a shar p left o n th e w ay do w n th e final part of the skill-defining sect io n. " l' ve never se e n the tr ack in bette r condition," Mabry commented. In the sec o nd group of the day, Kurtice Kern was the star of the show, doing the most laps from among the minicycles . Mike Mistopoulos won the 8Scc (7- 11) Intermed iate class but was cha llenged several t ime s during th e ho ur. Antonio Cervantes came in second, followed by ho metown boy Andrew Ke ller, who lives in Delta . Keller exercised hi s hometown advantage, bu t it w as n't enough to deter Mlstopoulos and C e r va nt e s. Robb ie Fain claimed victory in the 65cc (7-9) class. Fain was in the zone, racing the Delta Double -Header on the previou s Friday and Saturday nights. RESULTS 6S BEG : I. Bryan Buc k (Kaw ); 2. Aust in lade rach (!

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