Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 09 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Jackson Exner (Han); S. Je re my Johnson (Kaw). 85 SR: I. Jay Salhtr crn (Han ); 2. Jaco b Pre be (Hon); 3. Jason Stemitzke (Han ); 4. Seth Seymour (Han ); 5. Jared Jitte r (Kaw). 125: I. Jessica Pre be (Yam 2. Jacob Pre be (Han ); 3. Kevin Braun ); (Hon); 4. Danny Mean (Kaw ); 5. Bobbi Cipala (Y am). 200: I. Jay Sallstrorn (KTM); 2. James Marquardt (KTM); 3. Aaron Prebe (KTM); 4. Nathan Redmann (KTM); 5. Ryan Stevermer (KTM 250: I, Mike Wood (Ha n); 2. Ryan Peterson (Hon); ). 3. Ja m ie Gr ie car ( Ha n) ; 4. Jay C urt is (Ha n) ; S. Ryan Stevermer (Hon). 450: I. Jay Curtis (KTM): 2. Danny Mears (KTM); 3. Steve Ca in (Han) ; 4. Bill Paider (KTM); S. Jamie Griecar (KTM). 600: I. Mike Wood (Hon); 2. Todd Cipala (Kaw); 3. Arnie Jelinek (KTM); ... Jamie Griecar (Hon); S. Eric O 'Connor (Kaw). 66 0 4-STR K: I. Rob Redmann (KTM); 2. Steve Cain (Han ); 3. Darr en De Gross (Y am); ... MyrOflEngle (Y am); 5. Nathan Redmann (Yam) 750: I. Kaleb North ru p . (Kaw); 2. Jason Nonhrup (Kaw); 3. Brad Cain (Tri . OPE N: ) I. Kurt Koest e r (Kaw); 2. Todd C ipala (H -D) ; 3. C urti s Sulli an (H-D); 4. Mike Wood (H· D); S. Arnie Jelinek (Trl). v 40 + : I. Brad Cain (Hon); 2. Ashley Eiken (H-D); 3. Jay Curt is (KTM); 4. Tim Cain (Hon); 5. John Curt is (Hon). 50 + : I. John Steinme tz (Hon ); 2. Dave Bye r (Han); 3. Walter Krech (Ind); 4. Roll nd Engle (Yam 5. Hen ry Kelley (Hon). FAST a ); T IME/OPEN 80: Todd Cipala (H-D). AMA Southern California MX Seri e s Round 2: ' -5 MX the pack, while Prince inhe rited third. Bosto n aired it out ove r a stepdown midway through the second lap to take fourth away from Gluck. The running order for the top four spots then remained unchanged until Prince pulled inside of Boston headi ng into the w hite -flag lap and secured the overall win with a 1· 2 mo to score. Dvorace k (6- 1) was second overall, and Boston (5-4) was third. Prince Holds Court at 1-5 By JOHN JACOBS GORMAN, CA, JULY'8 T he second round of the AMASouthern California Champio nship Series bro ught competitors to the revamped I-S MX. The new t rac k op e rators had drast ically changed the facility by add ing sawdust to the hard -pack, resulting in a mor e loamy surface. The event was hosted by the Ventu ra Cou nty Motorcycle Club and drew just over 200 co mp etitors , despite wildfires in the area . Ho nd a-mounted Ton y Pr inc e to o k t he ove rall 250cc Novice win, ahead of 17 oth e r riders , after coming back fro m a med iocre first mota start. Travis Livingston took the holeshot on his Honda in the first mota, with Suzuki pilot Evan Pflock giving chase. Chr is Dvorace k came out from underneath the first-turn tunnel on his Honda in third but went down on the first lap and re-joined the chase with a lot of ground to make up. Yamaha-mou nted And rew Puckett th en inhe rite d th ird before flying past both Livingston and Plloc k w hile he ad ing up t he tricky Mount Himalaya rhythm sect ion into first. As t he lead pack began comi ng down the hill, both Pflock and Yamah a-mou nted Bre tt Saunde rs also made it past Livingston , pushing him back to fo urth , ahead of Ho nda-m ounted Scott Boston . As the first lap came to a close, th e runni ng ord er w as Puckett , Pfloc k, Saunders, Livi ngsto n and Bosto n, with Prince quickly gaining ground. After apply ing pr ess ur e for se co nd place ea rly on the following lap , Sau nde rs bobbl ed and fell back to seve nth. In additio n to gaining a sp ot fro m Saunders' mishap, Boston pa ssed Livin gston , alon g w it h Ryan Kud la , w ho ov erca me a first- tur n bottl en ec k and was making a charge on his Y amaha. The battle for th ird began tighte ning up, with Prince , Boston and Kudla duking it out. Kudla passed Boston by charging th e finish-line w ho o p se ct ion a nd joined Prince in chasing the leaders . When the white flag dropped , it appeared to be a four-way batt le for the lead, with Prince starti ng to apply heavy pressure on Pflock for seco nd while Kudla was charging after the lead tr io. Prince passed Pfloc k co ming off a large tab leto p. Th e leaders t hen en coun tere d a yellow flag and were forced to ro ll a ste p-dow n double. Prince too k advantage of the slowdow n and nabbed the lead before beginning the climb up the hill. Kudla charged to the top and started pres suring Pflock befor e making a st rong stab for third acro ss the finish-line whoops, but he came up a knobby short of taking the position. Dvoracek too k the mote-two holeshot and never loo ked back. Brian Gluck was seco nd but was passed by Saunder s early o n the first lap. Puckett also got around Gluck in the first lap, but then he fell, re mounting near the back of RESULTS 50 (4-6): I. Joshua Pea: 2. Travis Hoffman; 3. Mitchell Epste in: 4. Kal Kessinger. 50 (7-9): I. Michael Maze; 2. Jack e Evans; 3. Cole Gardner ; 4. lane Gard ner; 5. Kyle Snyder. 65 (0-8): I. Michael Maze; 2. Jonah Hill 3. Tanner Sawyer. 65 ; (9·1 I) : I. Jake Gagne; 2. DiHanEpstein; 3. Colton Sanders ; 4 Tanner Lovgren : 5. Ryan Robles. 85 BEG: I. Devon Carr oll; 2. Cody Baccinc : 3. Garrett Morrison ; 4. Keehen Zamo ra: 5. Nathan Search. 85 NOV: I. Jacob Stiver; 2. Jake Gagne ; 3. Kyle Ki singer; 4. Kyle Walgamoz le; S. Colton Sanders . 85 s INT: I. Travis Bright; 2. Brendon Brady. S/MIN I: I. Travis Bright. 125 BEG: I. lane Morrison ; 2. Rabbi Vent ura; 3. Billy Ballard; 4. Brent Reyes; 5. Tyler Thom pson . 125 NOV: I. Tony Prince; 2. Brett Mounta in; 3. Scott Boston: 04 . Jeff Merrill; 5. Cory Costa . 125 lNT: I. Anthon y Chare tte ; 2. Kevin Hurt ; 3. Edd ie Woo lmore ; 4. Kyle Griffith; 5. Matt Simpson . 125 EX: I. Core y Wolff; 2. N ick Hamill; 3. Josh Hagey. 250 BEG: I. Lane Morrison ; 2. Billy Ballard ; 3. Justin Meagher; 4. Casey Clark; 5. Scott Nakamura. 250 NOV: J. Tony Prince: 2. Chris Dvoracek ; 3. Scon Boston; 4. Evan Pflock; S. Brett Saunde rs. 250 INT: I. Eddie Woolmore; 2. Jonathan Ca mar ena ; 3. Kyle Jones; ... Ryan Abba toyes; 5. Adam lane. 4-STR K BEG: I. Rob Cox; 2. jared Webster. 4-ST RK NOV: I. Kruz Griffith; 2. Co ry Costa. 4-S TRK INT: I. K Griffith ; 2. Gran t Moor e Jr.; 3. Kyle Jones; 4. yle Sean Kranyak. W MN NOV: I. Sara h Kritsch. W MN IN T: I. Jackie Ives. SCHBY ( 12-15): I. Anth ony Charette; 2. Tanner lmgham; 3. Kevin Hurt ; 4. Josh Miles; 5. N icholas Baker. VET 30 + BEG: I. Mike Murphy. VET 30 + NOV: I. Shaw n Walls; 2. Myron Short; 3. Justin leeds; 4. Mike Johnso n; 5. Jo se ph Pea rs on . VET 3 0 + IN T: I. Willy Galinato : 2. Jeff Merr ill; 3. Mar k Goeb el; 4. OJ McGhe e . VET 30 + EX: I. Ste ve Bast in. SR 4 0 + BEG: I. Scott Williams; 2. Dave Brown; 3. Ronald r-taas: 4. J.D. Voncil; 5. Dennis Smith. SR 40 + NOV : I. Steve Natam c tc : 2. Jim Boren ; 3. Geor ge Andrews ; 4. Randy Hassett: 5. VICtOr Lyl s. e SR 4 0+ INT: I . D.J. McG hee . S R 4 0+ EX : I. Jac k lawrence ; 2. John Rudde r; 3. Michael Augusta. SR 50 + BEG: I. Mike O 'Rourke; 2. Mike Davis. SR 50+ NOV : I. Dan Dowding. SR 50 + EX: I. Danny Sanchez. Tony Prince contends with a du sty sectio n of Gorman's 1·5 MX track on his way ta an overall 2S0cc Novice win at round two of the AMA Southern California Motocross Series. Kip Posey (7371 gets the jump in the 2S0cc Pro cla ss at round' 4 of the Wild West Nationals in Boise, Idaho. Wild West Nationals Round 14: Owyhee Motoc ross Club Duel in the Dirt: Floth ys. Williams By DAVE ROUNSEVELlE BOISE, 10, JULY'8 A s a welcome cloud cover gave the racers and /""\spectators a break from the intense heat of the day before, Rob Flath and BeniWilliams continued their short but intense rivalry Flath (the . seasoned Pro) and Williams (the roo kie Pro ) have met twice befo re . The roo kie is hanging tough with the vet, and challenging, but the seasoned vet has come out on top more than the youngste r. On this day, the two battled in bot h the 12Sccand 2S0cc Pro classes and pulled away from the others as the races wore on. The first 12Scc Pro mota was the first race of t he day, w it h t rac k conditions as good as possible. Ryan Picard leaped into the lead, with Willia ms and Flath right in his roost. Flath quickly got by Williams and set his sights o n Picard, but Picard wasn 't rolling over. Picard held off Flath for a co uple of laps before the ve t got by. Then Williams made his way past Picard, too . Floth was pulling away from Williams, as Williams pulled away from Picard . Just when it looked like Flath would be able to cruise to the victory, Williams started gaining on the leade r. Williams sho wed Flath his w hee l a couple of tim es in th e w ho o ps but was un ab le to get arou nd . Flot h to ok t he win, w ith Williams second and Picard third. In moto tw o, Williams absconded with the holeshot , with Picard in tow. Williams started to pull away fro m Picard , while Flot h ran third. Picard held off Flath for a couple of laps, while Williams built a five-second lead. Flath got by Pic ard but no w had t o ca tc h th e flee ing William s. Flath c ut W illiams ' lead do w n to about three seco nds , but that's as close as he got. Williams took th e win, with Flath second and Picard third. In t he 2S0cc Pro class, Flath grabbed the holeshot and led t he class into th e stadium section; Williams was second, w ith Kip Posey t hird. W illiams sha dowe d Flath as the two st a rt ed to pull aw ay from the pack. Kyle Kub itschek pass ed Pose y on lap three . O ut front , Williams was start ing to pressure Flat h. Williams again showed Fla th his whee l. but Flath held off the rookie. Flath too k the win, with Williams a close seco nd and Kubitschek third. In mota two , Posey grabbed the lead and he ad e d out to the rollers , w it h Floth and Williams following like a pack of hungry lions. Flat h made a clean pass by Posey and took control. Williams also made his way arou nd, and the two leaders pulled away from the pack, but Williams co uldn't cut into Floth 's lead . Flat h held off Williams for the win. Williams took seco nd, and Kubitschek finished third. About 10 minutes after the 2S0cc Pro mota , Mother Nature rem inded everyone that she's st ill a factor, as t he clouds let loo se w ith a ste ady rain that soaked the track and made for sloppy conditions fo r the rest of the afte rnoo n. RESULTS PP: I. Amanda Mahe u (KTM); 2. Ashlee Byrge (Lem); 3. Tyslee Jone s (Hon). 50 SHA FT: I. Dillion Cumm ins (KTM); 2. Cole Hedges (KTM); 3. Matthe w Miles (Yam 4. Mickolas ); Garzq (Yam) ; 5. Josh Alcala (Yam) . 50 (4-6): I. Tren t Eddington (KTM); 2. Austin Jorgenson (KTM); 3. Ze ke Alcala (KTM); 4. Ben Lammers (KTM); 5. Pete Bischoff (KTM). 50 (7-8): I. Zachary Mangum (Pol); 2. Daxton Sloan (KTM); 3. Tucke r Swens on (tern ); 4. Brod ie larse n (Le m); 5. Dylan W inters (KTM). 50 MOD: I. C ody Hedges (KTM); 2. Pres ton Whitehouse (Pol); 3. Daxtcn Sloan (KTM); 4. Kyle Odom (Cob) ; 5. Tucker Swenson (Lem). 65 (6-8): l. Cody Hedges (KTM); 2. Zac hary Mangum (Suz); 3. Beau SCOtt (Suz); 4. Garry Reynolds (SuzJ: 5. Mason Benson (KTM). 65 (9. 11) JR: I. Keagan Elsberry (KTM); 2. Tyler Byrge (KTM); 3. Cond elt tverson (KTM); 04. Kea ton Quinn (KTM 5. Chase ); Taylor (KTM). 65 OPEN: I. Kaleb Hinton (KTM); 2. Chase Taylor (KTM); 3. Tyrell Aul t (KTM); 4. H ayde n Villarr eal (Kaw); 5. Austin Jamieson (KTM). 85 BEG: I. Breanna Byrd (Y am); 2. Cory Cha tha m (Suz); 3. Myles Snyder (SUI ); 4. Justin Vierra (Yam); 5.TayW luttmer (Suz). 85 (8 . 11) JR: I. Taylor Monroe (Suz); 2. Sterling Ritcheson (Y am); 3. Keafan Elsberry (Suz); 4. Austin Hill (Kaw); 5. John Herz og (KTM). 85 ( 12-15) JR: I. [erad Butler (Yam 2. Cody Conner (Suz); ); 3. Th ayne Edd ins (Suz); 4. Morgan Burge r (Suz) ; 5. Rud i Williams (Suz). S/M INI: I. Jerad Butler (Yam); 2. Thayne Eddins (Suz); 3.Cody Connor (Suz); 4. J.P. Ready Curt is{Yam); 5. Taylor Monr oe (Suz). 125 BEG: I. Anth ony Matt ucci (HOfl) 2. Tony Smith (Y ; am); 3. Dallas Moore (Kaw); 04 . Chris Chath am (Ya 5. Michael Judd (KTM). 125 JR: I. Andrew m); Brisk (Hon); 2. Darren Kimb (Kaw); 3. Gary Adams (KTM 4. ); Dustin 5tandley (Han) ; 5. Jer em y Wilde (Suz). 125 INT: I. Joe l Bamcwski (Y am); 2. Daniel Johnson (Kaw); 3. Kody Bill (Yam 04. Drew Brow n (5uz); 5. Brandon Brower (Suz). 125 ); PRO: I. Be ni Williams (Suz); 2. Ro b Floth (Suz); 3. Ryan Picard (yam); 4. N ick Mouritse n (Suz); S. Nick Thomp son (KTM). 25 0 BEG: I. Sam Gine s (5uz); 2. Danie l Car de ll 150,); 3. leff Bi.hop (Kaw); 4 . Michae l Judd (KTM); S. J.,.",., Wilde (SU . 2 50 JR: I. Andrew Brisk (Ha n): 2. Tyson I) Coleman (Suz): 3. Gary Adams (KTM); 04 . Justin Gyllen berg am); (Yam 5. Trevor Eddins (Suz). 250 INT: I. Kody Bill (Y ); 2. Daniel Johnson (Kaw]: 3. Jesse Hod ges (Ha n); 4. Just in Graugtu on (Y am); 5. Kameron Burge r (Suz). 25 0 PRO : I. Rob Floth (Suz); 2. Beni Williams (Suz); 3. Kyle Kubitschek (Suz); 4. Nick Thompson (KTM 5. Kip Posey (Y ): am). OPEN AM: I. Andy Tume r (Hon); 2. Luke Evans (Hon); 3. Just in Fraughton (Y am); 4. Jesse Hodges (Hon); 5. Joel Bamo wski (Yam). WMN (0 - 14) : I. Breanna Byrd (Yam) ; 2. Kylee Schriner (Hon); 3. Melissa Radford (Suz); 4. Michelle Roth (Kaw); S. On na Taylor (Sul). WMN (1 5+): I. April ZAstrow (Yam 2_Joy Senske (Y ); am); 3. Ash He iner (Hon); 04. Jessica Brown (Hon); 5. Bridget Thomas (Hon). 25 + JR: I. Nathan Valdez (Y am); 2. Jon Y oungblood (Ha n); 3. Dave Rounsevetle (Y am); 4. Michael Morgan (Han) ; 5. Kevin Engle (Y am). 30 + JR: I. Jon Youngblood (Ha n). 30 + IN T: I. Zach Evans (Hon); 2. Rodney Reynolds (Hon); 3. Shane Hawkins (Y am); 4. Chris Harris (Hon); 5. Mike Christophe rson (Hon). 30+ PRO: I. Chad Wallwork (Kaw); 2. Sam Taylor (Kaw); 3. Brett Smith (Yam); 4. Ron Miles (Yam); 5. Rodn e y Co le (Kaw). 4 0+ A: I. Br yan Schritt er (Ya m) . 4 0+ B: I. Sam ue l Martinez (Y am); 2. Rhett Greenhalgh (Yam) 3. Bill Clemson ; (Yam ); 4 , De vo r Ta ylo r (H an); 5 .Rlc k Ho dg e s (Ya m) . SPTSMN: I. Cory Pollard (Yam 2. Brian Snyder (Kaw); 3. ); Wes Smith (Kaw): 4. Mark Robinson (Kaw); 5. Bob Hickerson (Y..,,) . CYCLE NEWS • SEPTE MBER 1,2004 55

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