Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 09 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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> £ Motokazie Elko-Mankato Dealer Championship Series Round 6 : Kato Cycle Club Audette Audacious at Mankato Motocross By BOB CHASE MANKATO, MN, JULY 18 ultit ime District 23 cha mpion Ganno n Audette made his first trip of the year to Manka to a successful one, easily running up front in all four motos of the 85cc (7- 1I) and (9- J 2) class es. With lo ng-ove rdue be a ut iful weathe r. nearly 600 riders packed into the Kato Cycle Club for the ir last race of the seaso n. In the first 85cc (9-12) mota. 26 riders were going for the holeshot , but it was Aude tte w ho came o ut of the first turn in the lead . Taylor Kotewa kept him in sight before going do wn on the second lap . Audette pulled away fro m a tight battle for second. Derek Hom wo rked his way up to seco nd at the flag, followed by Greg Mause r, Logan Manahn and Justin Regensche id. In the second moto, Audette again got out a grea t start and motored away. Kotewa made up for his first-moto pro blems wit h a solid second. Follo w ing Audette in the ove ra ll ta lly w e re Hom (2-3), Marzahn (4-4), Nathan Thompson (6-5) and Regenscheid (S-6). There are two distinct par ts of this t rack. The back sect ion, which begins shortly after the start, consists primarily of very steep hills with a few fast , chopp y sweepers and straightaways mixed in. Once a ride r reaches the summit of the t rack , he then jumps down into the fron t part . This is the part of the trac k most view able to t he spectators, and it has a mo re mod e rn layout, including a rhyt hm sect io n and a fe w tab letops. No t surprisingly, the mo re mature ride rs love the back se ct io n, but most o f the younger riders like riding the back, too. O ne rider who was going fast on all parts of th e trac k wa s Bre tt Oh land, who dom inate d th e 16-24 A and 250cc Open A classes. Only bike prob lems in the first 125cc A class halted a likely three-class sweep. In the first 16-24 A mota, O hland grabbed t he ho leshot a nd checked o ut . Joe Mue ller made his w ay int o second ea rly and staye d t he re . Scott Ehle nfe ldt wo rked up to t hird . followed by Brian Hagedorn and Brandon Haas. In the second me te, O hland again took the lead at the start and jetted away. Ehle nfe ldt was a solid seco nd for the mota and overall. Mueller, the I25cc A winner, worked his way up fro m a bad start fo r fourth in th e mota a nd t hird o verall. Ha as w as ne xt with a 5-3 sco r e , followed by Hagedorn (4-6). No one was able to w in th ree classes. The othe r riders to win two classes were Randy DiBart olo . in the 85cc ( 12-1S) and Supermini classes : Bruce De hn, in t he Schoolboy a nd 125cc B classes; and Kirk Brow n. in t he O ver M Charles Castloo busts the exit berm on the tricky S turn near the finish line en route to the 125cc Pro/Expert overall victory at round five of the Houston Motocross Championship Series. Houston Motocross Championship Series Round 5: Clutch City Cycle Park Castloo, Williams Each Take a Slice of the Humble Pie By ALLAN SHERER HUMBLE, TX, JULY 18 D ound five of the Ho uston Motocr oss Cham. " 'ionship Series was he ld on Sunday, july 18, on the long EI Lago trac k at Clutch City Cycle Park near Houston. Texas. The EI Lago trac k is laid out ove r 2.3 miles and feat ures a mostly sand-and-dirt mix. The track challenges ride rs' endurance w ith its leng th , rough surface and deep sand sec tions . Racers showed up at t he park o n Sunday t o find the t rack had been r eversed from the day before. In it s new direc - tion, the track became mo re technical, as some of the sm ooth -flowing jumps and lin es were He ld in 97-degre e he at. the last mota of the day, in the 125cc Novice class, saw Hughes and Gillespie fight each othe r the ent ire race . Late in the due l, Hughes bob bled in the tricky S turn before the finish line , and Gillespie was able to overtake him during the re maining laps for the w in. This was t he fifth rou nd of the 10-round , AHA-sanctioned se ries, which will aw ard to p ser ies finishers in select classes wi t h sponsorsh ips from K's Motorsports, including race bikes, team support, gear and parts . The next round is scheduled for August 29 at Clutch City Cycle Park. now at odd angles and locations . One of the RESULTS t ra ck' s signatu re gap jum ps, w hich on ly t he PW /X RlJR: I. Dustin Turner (KTM); 2. Zo lo Sindhu (Yam); J. Chase Schubert (KTM 51 (4-6 ): I. Harley Landry ). (Kaw). 5 1 ( 7-8): L Camer on Wen tz (KTM); 2. Cha rles Waskow (KTM); l . Theodore Hughes. 65 (7-9): I. Ashton Thielke (Kaw); 2. Cameron Wentz (KTM). 65 (10 . 11): 1. Kevin Rios (KTM); 2. Rex Bomar (Kaw). 65 OPEN: I. Kevin Rios (KTM); 2. Rex Bomar (Kaw); l . Timmy Good ma.n(Suz). 85 BEG: I. Travis Ferguson [Hen] : 2. Albert Altami rano (Yam); 3. Cody Karl (Kaw). 85 (7.1 1): I. Ashton Thielke (Kaw); 2. Stev en Skobe l (Kaw); J . Bubba Gra y (Yam); 4. Kevin Rios (Y am); 5. Kyle Wood (KTM). 85 ( 12+): I. Chris Marshall (KTM); 2. Kyle Gillespie (Suz). S/MINI : I. Tyler Schovajsa (Suz); 2. Ashton Thielke (!

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