Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 09 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Moto GP 2003 DYD ' King 01 the Hill' Crusty Demons: Nine lives' Dare the Devil' Travis and The NitroCircus 'Throttle' All American Freeride World Mini Grand Prix' Gromageddon ' Huevos VI' Jeremy McGrath Techniques 01 a Champion , Donnie Hansen Motocross Academy: Starts, Braking andProper Grip' Donnie Hansen Motocross Academy: Cornering and Passing Donnie Hansen Motocross Academy: Jumps and Whoops ('l29B)No Fear'sChapter Two FoIow ee nders It'vou!jllhe oornpetJtlOn gMrIIIlIl: of !he 2002 X Games and Gr8VIty Games With ... u&e oIll4* IkHro einematograptry. it captufes freestyle ~ belrog pushed to !heir Iir1'lltS as the ~ of treesryle is Iorewr et1angecI. 30 rTW'IlJI8S from X-Factor. $29.95 (' Dl 29B)No Fear's Chapter Two DVD ~ as !he video, WIlh bon.IS freest)'Ie botage and d8lelecl IC8n8S. 40 minItes trom X-Facklr . $29 .95 (' Dl 29C) No Fear'sChapter Three DVD The next et\apet In freesl)4e. Take a look an In CieJICh look aI ' Dl 46B) The Great Outdoors IIDYD he blow t4l b !he ongnal "GrNt 0lA:b::d, . . . feaUWlg 11 deptt 1oסi< at . . 2003 AJM Ol*ica Uob:roA Idonats. WiH:tl hi liatnI l.ri:Jld _ GrwtIlaog&Ion holcIiI ~ I-U7- arvj ~ s~ b ..... hill lnI 125a: KltmWrdwn nIIl.mSlO haJenge ROy CovrrictIaeI's IS'beaten streak 100 mirIJlres ~ ~ and 'tm as .... X-facb. $29 .95 SUPERCROSS opecw1g rtU1d ... Chad Raed.ltis aM captured in !tIIS 2 D'ID set " exdusNe f)EMIf-betore--&een press oooterence botage. h-depIh nder nterYleWS, Wlmeris eeeepl8nC8 speeches, Jarres Stewar1sl 'llO8 lot his firs! title tI It1e dCJwn.8f1d.drty 125 We&! dass, ibnlionJessemenlsdramatic~dWsenthe 125 Eesa clasa, and morel 3 ton from In..-ctVdeo $39 ,95 (I0 142A) Relish DVD Tl'ia Is III tim Irike anyIWlg seen before' ReW1 proIIl(iH • oOOk i*) . . hear1s aR1 ... n1n:Is c:IThor'slop roers In1Id"II Chad Reed. Jeremy t.4cGraf'l, Ezra Luslt Tm Ferry. Grant ~ SeOasben Tortei. M'lcI Nate AdM1s. n 16rTm f*n at locatJonssud'! as: ~ &eeI~. us ,)perv\.as Vegas, GenewlSwitzertaocl. An8hIIim , end ~ ReIsh is a CU'III'UluI -.:1ial ~ Ihl .... e:-tOrninl..tesc:ltl8bes1rOng . . . ~enf*n'lllrClbor"us bolage ana outtak85 you rTUSt see! 40 rnrues oro from "llhot $24 .95 REESTYl.E CRASHES 1 1D11»i) CnJsty Demons oIDi1"The CnJstyYm' O'/ll AeshMulcI F*ns rll'W'isll5 lis roots . . . f'le rWase aI Crusty Clemonl5 01 DwtCoIecIcins Echon Crusty Danu18 I ft N n. Irst Crusty Demons ooIectIon ine:*.JdfJII b..I' COrJtlleIe ptO!1W"I on two ...... tx:n.a tloIage -..d n'W'lJ narvlgabon 4 to.n !rom AMtwoltu'lcIFhs S64 95 (t01OE) Crusty Demons 6: "The Next level" DYO "*' Tl1s f*n S8keS you on a ~ as & metal mIl5tt In • beyoncI ~. From . . bladl a.-d bead'les c:IHawai kl tI8 n::a AI.-'ISd Peru.~ ~ rdng &pOts on an IICkI1 .,.,..,.. . . . 1aII.M Ireest)4e MX 10 "The NexllBooel"'. eon.. oro lBrnJrw ~ '88t.-d !he ~ 01 a Pro Truck race Hemet cam VIew fAhlr'llls WI . .........,. ~ spod 01 hesryIa ux , ard dfreaors ' 0Qf1YfI8r'Itaty en severalleaUed Sl'lg'fWlllL 50 ~ from Aesh'MlISd ~ $34 95 VISUal; ~ ('10F) Crusty Demons: the 7th Mission Jon Freeman & Dane NichoIIIoo ' - " bED. l4) 10 take .... trooPS10film the lalest epic in Au6tralia & CaoedatUng 200 1. Featunng Enslow . Jooes. Hart, Thome, Faiaat . Rourke , Stertlet"g. Pastraoa. Benter, Bntt, ~ Evaras. M,IIeI', Adoptaf1le, Morrison , PasIor, Ki"Y\8 ,rd, Potrot1e, 0eeQan, ~. Gordon. ana 01 oourse BWbB' 50 mnJlIM from FlImB. [.2995 ('Dl0F)CruSty Demons: the 7th Mission DYD AI !tie lootage from the video, Wlfl 26 mlf'lUleS of bonus Oo/D features inelulII'lg &.tba'J CraSh c.n , Soooter Mayhem. ExtraCrashes. BetwId fie Soene5. MlA-AngIe Cru&tyCam. DIrector!;' Commentary. and more 76 mlOO!es lrom FJeshwotnj Node h ~ and life of trerMtyle IIIgenclCarey Hart. 'lOO see all I'Ie in!Jedoenls that added up to Hart 'I bec:onW1g lie rnt rider to ~ fie fnt ITIC*lrtyde back · lip. 60 nMnJIes from X·FacD. $29 .95 PveiI. ~ 4Leal Em8ftalnm8fll aboul c:ha'"9 drearre and ma~!hem happen. A raw and somet_lrioghteoIog loolI It how IhiB ordinary rider became a lIlb-cultural icon wrltl some ol the most Wlld& OWIr the edge riding _ , captUred on him. Mad soundIradl matches the aebon, Best OYerall FIlm Award 81 the 2000 X-GameWTube Film Festrval. 40 ITlIflo VIes from Impact VIOOo $2495 . • SIOrY SWltZ9ftand 10 tie dntmBtlC final ihowdown in las Vegas. this incredtJIe loolage bongs 10 Ite he most inlen88 ~ ~ hl.I'It In hi6lory: :l!JlondIog ~ Rny Carrnic:hael _ _ newcomer ~ VdeQ. (' 144) Goodtimes with Carey Hart ('11) Seth:The HardWay Gei L4ldose and p&fSONIIWIIhfreestyle legend Seth Enalow, ' DI42A) Bar toBar 2003 DVD "'om the .... X Games........ TrwiS Pasnna n Bnan 0Mgan's amaz · ng 360 twISt- Slow~ looks III . . Gtavlry GameiI. .u a betJnj . . . ~ IoolI al the The MeIaI MuIsha pfMue compallid. 45 rrWIAes!rom X-hdor. $29 .95 Fhs. $34 .95 (' l OG) Crusty 8: the Eighth D imension Imagine b1MlIrlg !he wortcl..... 'fOol dr1 bIr.8 • ltopping DJide • S8CJ'8d wtc:ano n Her..- Ze&IIIInd. AI rUng htJugltle arocien:heads 01 EasIef Istand. cUle ~ oww 200 teet on the soenr::aliUl: d CNe. Of IMn:twlg • In:MmOblle otI a lC1O-fL all. 8lerd .. ltIel with --... bed miura' ~ allemale aucllo by Seth and JoMny AIrtIme . exdusive interviews & betW'ld·lhe -ecene s Ioocage. newly -released crash fooIage. outtakes aM bbopet' lrom The Hard ~. detailed t*Jepmts of Seth', IaIM'ldl ~ ifltefllCti'le itPY chart. anaseth', x-rays. F10mII'I1:I6d Vdeo $29.95 ('DI23A) Jeremy McGrath: Steel Roots 2(DYO) footage h i demonsttatetl uadIy why IIMme Supercros:s~ Jeremy McGrath dornNIed . . tpor1 lot NatIy 10 yea rs. SR2 5towca$eS MC's incredotN ridInog tJi*'I and gMII$ a rare _ no his IdesryIe as IN ~ 10 l'UTl8ItlUS oft-road localJOr1S tI TbU, CaktDmwL NwIldII-.d Brad with or- lalented MX liOetS n:t.drlg Camy Han.. . . . Crqnars. TOfRT1Y ~ Gfayson GoodrnIn . CMDrd Aclopwll:e. TreYOl" YIJleS .-'It road raceR Torrmy Hayden & Ar'IIft:1t'f Gobert lnct9lible Iootage 01 'MIftkfass lrMstyIe rUng. personal ~ and a sot.ndlrad<..,., ~ Boz 3 Doors DcMn, I.iUl ~ DIslurbed. .MusiC 5. ~ & 1TOftl . rND iI'Iet..IIi&S l'I9\I9l"-betote-seen klotage and bcIt'U; DVD music by Saiva 451TWlU1es fTom X-Fador S2'995 ExOJsiye ('I99)T ravis Pastrana I Revelation 199 Fe.n.ns Travis Pa~ ~ . . cour*Y to race and ncle with triencIs and heroM. The al'llMel Indude Jenwny Uc:Gtd'I. Greg AI:Jert)n. RotJb,e Reynard. ~ Bar1ram, ~. . Jones, TreworV--. CaIVV Hart. TJ Lavwt, Ryan N)q,IISI and matIy ee-s. Locatll:lm n::tude: 8lrl:b Cr-...uo. Trct>Iis pr1IIiIte track. cast6:) Ranch-CA. 0um0nI ' DIroes-CA. Tr.Mlf VI'les ' ~. ~rd..f¥. and 1TlOfe 45r1'WlU1esfram~VICIeo. 529 .95 . ~l... Dare the Devil DYD Iofmedln~::"'~~~ ~~~~~r:n~":~-:m one erm lied behrd ~ OYer exposed tan blades WIth your bade. ~ CMll"f'lree ~ (Mh ing l Of rooftop 10 roottop doMlIowrl Las ~ blades ~ All thIS and a wry special trbule 10 two Iamoos DaredeYllllIhI came betlre l~ Joe Reed. Bob ~ fle Florida Ayer and i Sl4lM Joe &nom, Aj!tle thia DVO are IQrIg1nalI World Records IIIt1ich stand 10 this da)'l 70 minIIes lmm X Factor $24 95 . sttns'" ('0130) Crush DVD A hosI of the best racers, Ireeslyle ,. and abeolute madman 01 the spor1 al try 10 outdo each other WIth the craziest @WI" caught on film. You1I see racing atars like Mike laRoooo. KeWl WIl'ldham, and Grant Langston at play In their 0Wt'l badlyards. while lOp lreestytefll MkeNale Acl.arTII ariel M'ke Metzger go oft 00 huge, never batora seen natural lerrlllO gaps . The best 00e15 . !he best spots and the best muSiC .fl adcIl4l to lull aush mode in thiS ~-... 16mm laalUre film 40 Mer GocIfr~ tootaoe 'MIlh U ka Jones. t-X and HtI 'tYonder. 45 rTW'IJIeS from X-far:tor $29 95 ar. (' 020) The Way We Rode DVD ThiI is lNI'f 2 DoIOs... one . Part 1 txuses on .... ~ dII'fI 01 lreestyle M'lcI. . begrnirlga fA fle Ireerdrg rr.-nn. IefIturr,g pioneers ilorAI ~ Mellger, ~ ard tUImlrI bu*1g trd audio an:l YisualIormats From lrnpac:1 VICIeo S29 95 n. is one 01 f1e 35 ('0132) Moto-xXx:The Series 1-4 DVD same . s h YId8o, ... • the more mn.ces from X.fador. (' 0199) Travis Pastrana I Revelation 199 DVD I'T'IOb:ftl66 today. Tf8YISleads tfle 't4/ ... ~ oe... From f'Ie procIucers of MotQ.XXll and Asl 8fi$ll 's castIIo.... Vld&O~ tne*XfOSS at .'. besI "" aI 01 f'le besL .McGraltl , Erhg . Pa straN, 8utIcn , and more ThII .'ldec lII01h II pst lot -n. tl)-Pal::k'" ' )"s ~ ~ alone, 40 rrnJtes from X-Factor. $29 95 (tol ) InsideX: ESPN XGames IX California residenls add 7.75% Sales Tax Orders not accepted from outside the continentAl USA. &... pus 01. . 8O" at ~ s INSTRUCTIONAl. & TECHNICAl. (' 0124) Jeremy McGrath techniques 01 aChampion DVD AAt!Jt )'MfS 01 domination n !he lIpOI'1 01 ~ Jer"emy McgaItI has 080decI kl share his ~ he dI!MIIOpect oroer hiS career ~ . wi 0lMW . . basics oIlearT*lg to rOt ~. CkJEfw9. Ride Posibon. 'I 'NeJttItI~ , Comemg .~ . and h oommc:rI mostaI

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