Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 09 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 40 of 105

c Gouldto get through the s lett"ng it all hang Ollt " After five rounds, Aaron car r ies a 33 -point lead in the Champio nships standings into the eastern swing of the series. with Bell a solid second and Florin another 14 points b~ck in third. CN . DoNNER SKI RANCH TRUCKEf, CAUFORNIA Ruws: AUGUST 15, 2004 (ROUND 5 OF 9) PRO : I . Geoff Aaron (28); 2. Ryon Bell (67): 3. Chris Flo rin (77: 4. Bruc e Ie Riche (90); 5. WifsOfl Craig (95); 6. Bre ntle Rk he ( 101); 7. Cody Webb (1 12); B. AAdy Joh nson ( 123); 9. TravisFox (136); 10. David Chaves ( 145). EX: I. Ke;!h Wonelancl ( II); 2. Ray ~ (19); l . _ Malsbory (79);4. Stevoe Darrow (921 5. Mon (40 ); l . Thomas Hedwal l (SO); 4. Todd Bennett (108 ); 5. John Denison (+I) SR 45 : I . Howard Galbreath (37): 2. Robert Weber (66 ); l Pel.. Croft (71) ; ~ . M""in Be,... (Bl ); 5. john Mc&ego< (Bl) . SRS&. I. Gany_ (475 );2.Ke;thMoms (4B l P<>n r, Gaeo' (B9r,4. ilnJce Bolander (96); 5. Randy Lew;s ( 1 ~7). SR ss. I. Ted Gansbe'E"" (64) ; 2. Dallas Peak (107) . SR 60, I. D~ e MaJasek (45); 2. BdIde Garis (52). SR 65 , I. B ~ Thompson (99 ). CYCLE NEWS • SEPTEMBER 1,2004 41

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