Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 09 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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know what hap pened - I was cartwheeling head first into the gro und. Stoved my neck up pretty good, and it pretty well knocked the wind out my sails. I don't even know how long I was lying there. Got back up and I was in fourt h right behind everybody." Fourth is exactly where Blackwell ended up finishing. Just in front of him was Kanney who , after the racelong batt le, was ecstatic to get his first National Hare Scrambles pod ium. "It was my first pod ium, and it definite ly felt great," Kanney said. "It definitely felt good , and this year everything is turn ing around for me . Everyth ing feels like it is going well for me , I'm getting the results I want. I'm happy with my finish too." In front of Kanney was Raines, who wasn't pleased with seco nd, but is able to see the bright side. "I'd say I rode about 80 pe rcent today," Raines said. "Those were pretty easy tracks, and I couldn't push as much as I wanted to . It doesn't matter who wins the battle, it's who wins the war. That 's what is important to Yamaha and me ." As for Hawk, all that was important to him was the win today, as he was able to out last everyone and come home first. In fact, Hawk moved into the lead position just at the end of the last lap, making his victory all that more sweet. '" got around the other rider [Blackwell) fairly quick," Hawk said. "Then Jason [Raines) and I had a really good race until the end. I ended up taking the lead at the end of the last lap. I think Jaso n was a little upset that I took the lead, but what I did was within the rules. Everyday I want to ride and do a little bit more . I hate to lose. Second place to me is the first eN see ing what they were doing, watching their lines and see - loser. And I hate it." ing how they wer e riding th e track." RAUSCH C REEK HARE SCRAMBLES As each lap would pass, a different rider wo uld come TREMONT, PENNSYLVANIA around in the lead position. Somet imes it would be RESULTS: A UGUST 1S, 2004 Raines, sometimes Blackwell and sometimes Hawk . But ( R O UND 7 OF 10 1 all that mattered to each of them was who would come around in the lead on the final lap. With th is in the back of the ir minds, the y were all taking chances , and Blackwe ll was one rider that ended up paying for his risk taking. "O n the last lap, I was trying to get around Nate Kanney," Blackwell said, "and we had this big kind of grass - track th ing we wer e riding though, o n the fastest section, - and I caught something with the front wheel. I really don't O/A: I. Ban')' Hawk (Yam); 2. Jason Raines (Yam); 3. Nathan Kanner (Yam) ; ~ . Doug Blac kw ell (Su.); S. Bm King (KTM); 6. Chuck Woodf",d (Kaw); 7. Brian u wson (Yam); 8. Travis G, ..., (Kaw); 9. john Barbee (Gas); 10 . Frank). Mess ina (Yam) ; II. Thonus P....ce (Hon) ; 12. Chris G~ lt (Kaw); el 11 . [erred Stone.- (SuI ); 14. MICha Col e (Yam); IS. Brim Car den (Yam); 16. Dave Gunn (Hon); 17. Dave Simoc k (Hon): 18. Dennis Dec ker (SUI); 19. Kevin Kom (Kaw ): 20. Keith Rodgers (KTM). AMA NATIONAL HARE SCRAMBLES CHAMP IONSHIP SERIES P O INTS STANDINGS (After 7 of 10 rounds); I. Jason Raines (1 23); 2. Chuck WoodfOO'd (1 10); 3. Rodney Smit h (90); ~ . Br ian Garrahan (89); S. Doug Blackwe ll (80); 6 . Nathan Kanney (66); 7. Bmy Hawk (65); 8 . Steve Hat ch (57): 9. Mike Kiedrows ki (49); 10 . Fred Andrews (" S). CYCLE NEWS • SEPTEMBER 1,2004 39

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