Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 09 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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6th (5- 8) The Kawasaki rider was not iceable up front in the first moto , then he had to battle through the pack in the seco nd moto to salvage a top - 10 finish for sixth overall. "First moto was good · had a good start ," he said. "I had a good moto going with Millsaps the re , finished like fifth. Second moto, didn't get that great of a start - 15th or so - then I caught up to eighth. I kind of struggled on this trac k allday. Things just didn't seem to flow right. Hopefully next wee k I'll put it togeth er. I usually ride good at Stee l City." 59 Danny Smith 10th (14-6) Yamaha of Troy's Smith was out of the gate fast but ran into so me troubles in the first moto before finishing sixth in the sec ond rno to after a grea t batt le with rival Matt Walker. "I got good starts but fell in the first mo to after a top -five start. I just tr ied to catc h up, ended up in 14th. Second rno t o Igot anothe r good start, then just rode hard. You can't dog a guy for riding hard, so I don't know w hat his [Walker 's] proble m is." 28 Chris Whitcraft 28th " He [Walker) caught me, raced ha rd all t he way to t he end, caught me right at the finish," Smith said. " It was a good race for me, but fo r him [Walker) , he just wants to co me off th e track and ru n his mouth. Don't matter to me. He knows where to find me, right underneath th e Yamaha o f Troy awning here [laughs) ." " I caught him [Smith) w ith about two laps to go ," Walker said . " He ma de a couple cheap shots o n me, cut me off on the uphill se ctions . I'm just glad to pass him in the last co rner. Once I passed him and w e w e nt over the finish line, he told me th at racing me was th e clos est he eve r came t o gre atness in his life and he loved it, " he said with a sheepish grin. (24. 21) The Team Samsung/Radio ShacklYamahaiFly racer is coming off a shou lder injury and improving each week. '" got a pretty good start first moto , right inside the top 10. Unfortunately, I tighte ned up and went down at the end of the moto - w hich put me at 21st. I'm pretty happy because I've been healing up from my shoulder injury and have only ridden about three times in the last month. I decided to get some mo re seat time here at Binghamton. All my sponsors have been a lot of help, rea l supporti ve, so overall I'm happy with the weekend ." 50 Josh Woods 22nd (35 -18) The KTM rider continues his come back from a knee injury, scoring a top-2S finish in his second race back. "I had a pretty bad weekend , act ually Did we ll in my qualifier, which . gave me a good gate pick - some thing that's crucial at this track . The first moto , had an awesome start, came out in fo urt h. th en a co uple turn s into th e race I lost my front bra ke , dropp ed back to about 10th or so. I tried riding a few laps like that then had to pull off. It was way too dangerous for me to go down those hills w ithout a fro nt brake. [Since] I pulled off w ith a mechanical failure in the first rnoto , that kind of screwed me on my gate pick for the second moto. I got a horrible start in the secon d moto, but I starte d to get by some guys. I picked up the pace a bit halfway thr ough, moved into the top 20. I didn't get the breaks, and two DN Fs in my first two weeks back is two too many. So hopefully we can turn it arou nd at Stee l City. It 122 Matt Walker 9th (13 -S) The Pro Circuit/Kawasaki's late-moto charge on rival Danny Smith was the best racing of the day. "The first mot o I crashed three times," he said. "I didn't go too we ll, ended up 12th [13th]. Second moto I didn't start out too we lland ended up gett ing fifth . This is not my favor ite track, it's too one-lined; nowhere to make up time to pass people." There se e ms to be no love loss between Walker and t he YoT ride rs , as he also got into it with Brock Sellards earlier in the year at Budds Creek. Putting in another co nsiste nt race was YoT's Mike Brow n. Brown , wh o w e nt 3-] for fourt h overal l, now trails Hepler by 18 po ints for second place in the overall stand ings. With Adams in fifth, Pro Circuit! Kawasaki's Ivan Tedesco climbed back up in the ranks w ith a sixth-place finish. AMSO Il./ Chaparral/Honda's Ch ris Gosselaar and Greg Schn ell ra ced into seventh- and e ight h-place overall finishes, re spec tively, followed by Walker in ninth and Smith in 10th rounding out the top 10 . eN ci B ROOME-TIO GA SPORTS C ENTER BI NG HAMTON, NEW YO RK RESULTS: AUGUST 22 , 2004 ( A m R 10 O F 12 ROUNDS) 12Scc MOTO I: I. James Stewart (Kaw): 2. Broc Hepler (Suz); 3. Mike Brown (Yam); 4. David Millsaps (Suz): 5. Ivan Tedesco (Kaw); 6. Christophe r Gosselaar (Hon); 7. Greg Schnell (Hon); 8. Troy Adams (Kaw); 9. Ryan Mills (Hon); 10. Brett Metcalfe (KTM); II . RyanSipes (Kaw); 12. Paul Carpen ter (!

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