Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 08 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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100cc Bolt-InMotor for XRSO The Original MX Hitch Cover 4-Stroke Technology Breakthrough! VICious Fifties engine w/4-speed manual trans. super head wnh huge valves and hi-lift cam, heavily finned 0 cyl. 97ee lop end. Ready 1 bon inlo your stock framel for details. (BOO) 654-0565. CO Wanllhe -HOn EST" MX hitch cover for your Iruck or SUV, with your own custom # on the front pIaIe? Call and order loday (888)855-8979 . Prices range from $59.95 to $89.95. All factory colors available. Williams Molowerx TAPERED TECHNOLOGY exhausts. Meets AMA sound requirements and beats the oo!T1pe!Oion by as much as THREE HORSEPOWER! $649.95 call for details 262-2849661.GA Mo re pictur es on -04 cata log @ racing .net. CA Custom Thick MX Graphix OVERHEATING 4·STROKE? (877) 885·8993. VA XF+ - the first of its kind Race Coolant is race proven and guaranteed to stop overheating in your 4-stroke - Quietest and Longest Lasting Dealers... or your money back. $23.95 760.244.7028. CA Williams Motowerx packing material that lasts five times longer! $29.95 262-284-966 1. GA Do ~o u have a back room full of old and obsolete ~~d 'EO\j~~I~~~~d~!lhe Cycle News Classified Ads CLASSIFIED AD BLANK Cycle News. C lass ified Ad Dept ., P,O . Box 5084 . Cos ta Mesa. CA 92 628·5 084 714/751. 7433 0 24 Hr. FAX (714) 751-6685 Per word S1.80 Headline in bold type.-·----·---···············.···si'; extra (Charge or Commercial op en accounts only. please) Bl ind bo x Servi ce Ch ~~~~.. ··· E·Ma il: Class ifieds @cycl en ews .com COMMERCIAL /HELP WANTED ····· ·_······· $ 6.00 . B&W or Color P~oto - - Ge ne ral Merchand ise Digital J PEG images preferred. via disc or e mail. B&W or colo r print s ac ce pte d. Pola roids not acc e pted . (One Photo per ad • Printed image s ize limited 10 21 /4 - wide x l 112" tam o PR IVATE PARTY Pe r word Headl ine in bold type B&W or Color Ph olo (no larger than 5. 7) $.60 $ 5 extra $ 10 extra A private party is someone selling his or her own ltem te) , or wishing to b uy an ite m for pers onal use . Any ongoing activity may be reg ard ed as a bu siness and will be cha rge d the commercial rate . CLASSI FI ED AD DEAD LINE THURS DAY 5:00 p .m . P.T. for the next available iss ue . No cancellations after dead line . Cycle News res erves the right to edit/a bbreviate copy & bold headl ines. Any dis crepancies mus t be rep orted within one wee k of publica tion to receive a ny adjustment. Price ad ve rtis ing or specific reference to list price or cos t on new. current year mode l motorcycles will not be ac cept ed . Price adve rtis ing is allowed on pre-owned c urrent mode ls but they must be ide ntified as us ed or pre viou sly registered . All in th e Visa/M astercard Charg e blank or send check or money ord er to Cyc le News at above address . CREDIT CA RD LIM IT MIN IM UM $5.00 ==c.. Signature Expiration Date PHOTOS PR INTS RETURNED ONLY WITH SELF·ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE AFTER AD HAS RUN IN FINAL ISSUE. _ 01 111111 11 1111 11 Print na me . address and ad copy cleerly. Pleas e run my ad in _ # of is sues . Name Address Zip State PRINT BOLD HEADLINE HERE (L eav e spaces) Bold headlin es do not count towa rds classified ad w ord count. PLEASE IN CLUD E PUNCT UATION. 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S 36 37 36 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 _ _ _ _ ____ 50 E-Mail or Web site URL 51 E·Mail. Webs ile U RL cou nt a s o ne word . L.. 82 E~I!.~ ~ s Ph. # ( Phone # cou nts a s o ne w ord . 2 !!o.!..r~e2~I~e...!0.!. i!!.e!!!b1!' .e.h~n.=. ~ ~b!." ~o!:...c£'p}; AUGUST 11, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS 52 4 0th A nniversary _ =-=-- ---- - == = ~ People savtog People www.lll1lJUol.18Y

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