Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 08 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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AMA Pacific Northwest Motocross Championship Series Round I: Washougal Motocross Park Hill and Huffman's Dominating Independence Day! BY CLAY LIGHT WASHOUGAL, WA, JULY 4 rego n's Ryan Huffman has been o n a ram page lately in th e Northwest. And so it went at the opening round of the AMA Pacific Northwest Motocross Championship Series , as the Yamaha rider easily won the 125cc and 250cc Pro classes at Washougal Motocross Par k. O H uffman's wins came by large margins in all fo ur of his motos, po cketing the ride r from Roseburg a substant ial amount of cash and continge ncy m on e y. as all o f t he majo r manufacturers have chipped In for the series. Nearty 600 riders from six western sta tes were on hand for the series opener, although few were as dom ina nt as Huffma n. or as Wash ington 's Jo sh Hill, who again proved he 's a force to be reckoned with by scoring convincing wins in the 125cc. 250cc and Before The Hill B classes. competition in the Over 40 A class, winn ing both motes, though Danyl Zu mstei n nearly caught Holt in moto two, despite stalling his Honda and co ming fro m ne ar the bac k o f th e field. Eric Potter (3-3), Alan Evans (4-4) and O regon's Rod Kentner (5-5) completed the top fIVe. CN Hillwent six for six to eclipse Huffman's mark on the day. The most impressive thing about the 14-year-ol d Hill was his performance in t he second 125cc N B moto: Gat ing in the sec o nd wave o f riders, Hill nearly worked his way through all of the A riders (with the exception of Huffman), wh o had started so me 14 seconds ahead of him. Had the A and B riders started all WASHOUGAL MOTOCROSS PARK W ASHOUGAL, WASHINGTON RESULTS: JULY 4, 2004 (ROUND 1) at o nce , the ou tcome could have been interes ting. but in all fairness, Huffman was also 51 (4 -6) STK: l. Conner Mitchell (Cob); 2. Tristan C h arbo nne au (Co b) ; 1. Senne tt Fer ris (KTM); .. . Ryd er Watt. (Pol) ; S. T')'>ten Fry. (KTM). 51 (7 -8 ) STK , I. M", on top of his game and probably would have had an answer (or the fonner minicycle champion. Suzuki-mounted Brett Boeh m was the rider w ho stuck closest to Huffman in the 2SDcc Pro class. Having earlier topped an Impre ssive field o f rid e rs in the O ve r 25 Pro class , Bo e hm placed seco nd to Huffman in both 250cc Pro rnotos to also pocket a substantial chun k of change . Honda -mo unted C alifo rn ian Jo sh Cavanaugh, wh o the day pri or had won the Wh ite Brothers Four-5troke Nat ional here , co uld n't repeat his earlier success and finished third overall with 4-5 finishes . HIli was also r e m ar kabl e in the 25 0cc B class . H ill init ially st r uggle d with the fast starting Miles Warren, but Warren co uldn't stay Harris (Co b); 2. Coltin Scott (KTM); 1. Darian San aye i (KTM); ... Chance Blackburn (IITM) ; S. Co rey Hood (Kaw). 51 (4 -8) Oll~INJ : I. Jackson Mills (Yam); 2. Ashley Teel (Hon) ; 1. Jared Bryan (KTM); ... Riley Brist (yam); S. Jw tin Habe rloc k (Yam). 65 (7-8): I. Jwtin HIli (KTM); 2. De vin Har r iman (KT M) ; 1. Matthew Bisce glia (SUI); .. . A1yas WardlUS (KTM); S. Cody Mecham (KTM). 65 (9.11): I. Brad Frace (KTM); 2. Hunte r Evanson (Suz); 1. Rook JeweH (Kaw ): 4. Cccper Gana (KTM); S. Hud.... Knoll (KTM). 85 BEG (7- 11), I. Ryan (Kaw): 2. B'YC. Strom (Han): 3. Jame s A1theide (SUI ); .. . Chase Underhill (SUl) ; S. Cole Hock ema (SUl). 85 BEG ( 11.1 5): l. Mitch Dunn (Y~) ; 2. KaJeb Basney (Han); 1. Jer emiah Pickup (Yam); ... Dallas He at er (SUl); S. Bre ndan Ramir el (Hon). 85 (7.11): I. Landon C ur rier (Yam); 2. Alec Vt'ans (SU ; 1. Cotey Cox I) (Hen) : 4. Brad Frace (Yam): S. AustIn gcse (S (Yam); 1. Heid i Koerschgen (Hon) ; ... JeM! Wilson (Suz S. ); Melissa ~tz (yarn). BTH B: I. Josh Hill ('tam ); 2. Sam De Atley (Suz) : 1. Guy Tow (Hon); .. . Brendan Ritzman (Yam); S. Dan iel Krick (Han). BTH C: I. Wes Jo hnso n (Kaw): 2. Col. JK k>on (Kaw): 3. GMy H.... (Kaw ); 4. Cody Hockema (Yam); S. Chris Anderson (Yam). 15+ Al B: I. Brett Boehm (Suz); 2. Monty Ware (Hon); 1. Taft Matherly {Yam) . Matt Williams (Yam); 5. Eric KIng (Yam). 15 + C: ;" I . Greg McFarland (Yam); 2. Tate Matherly (Yam); 1. Jack Gilmore (Hon ); ... Bill Baldwin (Yam); S. Kevin larson (Suz). at Hill's pace for more than a couple of laps. and he finished 10 seconds be hind Hill In both motos. Oregon's Ad am Metzler. rid ing one of the few two-strokes in the field of 21 riders, used ) -) finishes to net third ove rall. Yamaha pilot Landon Curr ier was also a to p Wa shington's Jo sh Hill hammered th e competition in the 125cc and 250cc B classes at Washougal Motocross Pa rk . performer. The rider from nearby Brush Prairie cl ea ned h o us e in the 8 5 c c (9 - 1 I) and Superm ini (9- 1 I) classes. 5uzuk i ri d er Alec Watts was Currier 's close st co mpe tition and finished second in both classes . Oregon's Dan ny Gubser w o n the 22-rider 8Scc ( 12- 15) class , beating C alifornian Gared Steinke and Chris Howell. Gubser was also a frontrunner in the Supermini ( 12-15) class, but Shawn Haberlock dropped Gubser to second overall. Yamaha r ider Ted Holt ham m e re d the W 0: § Fas t Fridays Speedway Gold Country Fairgrounds ~ m Yarrow Pulls ~ rtj rj~~h! ~ AUBURN, CA, JULY 2 o r me r Ju nio r and no w Youth N a t io nal Ch am pio n Bryan Yarrow began t he 20 04 speedway racing season riding for the Coventry Bees of the British Pre mier League . Return ing home last week after getting his fe et we t aga inst the wo rld 's most co mpet it ive op po ne nts , Yarrow was ted litt le t ime showing that he is rapid ly becoming an American rider to be reckoned with by taking the Scratch main-event win against a trio of America 's finest champions. Yarrow drew lane assignment two and had t hree-time Na tion al Champion " Flyin' Mike " Faria on t he insi de of him , in gri d one. To Yarrow 's right we re Bo b by "T he Blaze" Hedden and then current 5RA U.S. C hampi on Scott Brant . O n the start, it looked like the F T.J. Fowler is hoo ke d up o n his way to his third win of the season at Fast Fridays Speedway in Auburn, California. 56 AUGUST 11,2004 • CYCLE NEWS PHOTOS BY ClAY U GHT 40th Anniversary Oregon's Ryan Huffman dominated the 125cc and 2 50cc Pro cla sses at the opening round of the AMA Pacific Northwest Championship Series. 10 + A: I. Terry lee Hamness (Hon); 2. Bob Me lloy (Hon); 2. Jason Matthewl (Han) ; .. . Monty Ware (Hon ): S. Kevin White (Hon) . 30 + B: I. Taft Matherly (Yam); 2. Robert Burt is (Hon ): 1. JOfI Milte nbe rger (Kaw); .. . Cory Hardy (Kaw); 5. Terrence McDowell (KTH). 10 + C: I. Uoyd "lce pel (Hon) ; 2. Scott Fritts (Han) ; 1. Tate Matherly (Yam); 4. Jen Sherri/fs (5",): S. KendoIl HoMen (Hen ). 4 0 + A, I . Ted Holt (Yam): 2. Daryl Zumstein (Hon ); 1 . Eric Potter (Hon) ; ... Alan Evans (Yam); S. Rod Kentner (KTM). 40 + 8 : I. Andrew Wells (Kaw) ; 2. Rusty luft (Ya m ); 1. T he o d o r e Webber (Yam) ; .. . Scot t Be rg re n (Yam ); 5. laFaye McCarver (Hon) . 40 + C: I. Ron Lutman (Ho n); 2. Jake Oli n (Kaw) ; 1. Je ffre y Rogers (Yam); .. . Todd Hess (Kaw); S. Dave Renner (Hon) . even-gating q uart et were destined to create a pileup in the tum -two dirt , but sudde nly Yarrow converged fro m the ser um and too k the lead down the back chu te . " I fe lt a little bump coming out of two ," Yarrow reported, "but oth er th an t hat, all I could see was clear track out ahead, and so I just went for it!" Faria had the pole but was operating on a bo rrowe d engine and immediately started to fall o ff the pace after the initial lap. Hed den had a good line co m ing off the first corner but couldn't find a way aro und the fleet yo ungster and ended up with a solid seco nd- place run . Brant was o n the gas and stayed close to t he leade rs, but his o utside-lane start ultimately led to a third-place finish. After just the ninth week of racing in the 2004 season, Yarrow became the seventh different winner of the event. TJ. Fowle r contin ues to ru n roughshod over the Handicap fie ld , taking his thir d victory in just his fifth week of Division One racing. After winning from the zero- and 10-yard lines, this time Fowle r made it stand up fro m the 20, lea ding all six la p s ju st a hea d of Ra n dy

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