Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 08 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ROAD RACe Yoshimura Suzuki riders Atsus hi Watanabe and Yukio Kagayama finished second , one lap behind Ukawa and lzutsu's tota l o f 209 . It was Yoshimura's first podium since 1988 and capped a weekend full of tributes for Yoshimura's 50th-anniversary year. "Things worked out good the entire weekend," Watanabe said. "It 's regretful to have come second and not win, 38 Round S July 24, 2004 ~ FIM World Endura nce Championshi p Series but it's my best result in the 8 Hours , and that's goo d." president Fujio Yoshimura Yoshimura said: "It fee ls great, but I'm st ill not satisfied that we lost the first place . Maybe we will make that up next year." The Honda DD Boys team of Toshiyuki Hamaguchi an d Shogo Moriwaki finished third , inheriting the AUGUST 11,200 4 • CYCLE NEWS last podium position after the engine in the Kenz Suzuki of Keiichi Kitagawa and Katsuak i Fujiwara gave off a plume of blue smoke two hou rs fro m the end whi le running a solid third . The team was shown the black nag for the blue smoke but failed to leave the track promptly and was given a $500 fine. Reaching the podium was a fortunate twist of fate for Moriwaki , as the 40th Anniversary 2 I-year-old 8 Hours rookie is the grandson of the late Hideo "Pops" Yoshimura and the nephew of Fujio Yoshimura. "T he person who is most happy with my resu lts is my grandmother," Moriwaki said . The pod ium ceremony was rich with remem brance. Pictures were he ld high on the podium of the legendary Pops, the late GP star Daijiro Kato, an d of the DD Boys' test rider w ho lo st his life just weeks befo re the 8 Hours in a private test session for the team at Ti circu it. In the race-withi n-a-race for the Worl d Endurance Championshi p, the Yamaha GMT-94 team o f David Checa, Sebastian Gimb e rt an d William Coste s extended its lead over the closest challe nge r, CastroI Suzuk i, fro m tw o to 14 po ints w ith two ro unds remaining after an eighth-overall- and-th ird-in -c1ass finish. The CastroI Suzuki team of Vincen t Phillippe, Shawn Giles an d O livie r Four were side lined I 'f, ho urs into the race after Australian su pe rbike ace Giles (th en in seventh place) was rammed from be hind whi le braking for t he Hairpin. T he two highest-finishing Yamaha teams we re, in fact , ove rseas entries. T he Yamaha Aust ria team o f Horst Saiger, James Ellison and Igor Je rman trawled around and finished 13th, 15 se conds ahead of the o fficial facto ry team o f Shinichi Nak ato mi and Watu ru Yo shikawa .

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