Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 08 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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I Briefly... After a couple of prom ising rides, American Jeff Dement had nothing but bad luck in Loket. "I am so disappointed," Dement said. "I felt gre at in my heat race , but then a pho tographer got onto the side of the track and I hit him. I've done something to my hands, and to make matters worse, I crashed in the first moto and broke two ribs. I will be out for a little while, probably miss the next Grand Prix." The Motocross d e s Nations is still two months away, but many of the teams are being chosen as you read this. The French team looks likely to be Mickael Pichon, David Vuillemin and e ither Sebastien Pourcel or Mickael Maschio in the MX2 class. It is understood that Stephane Roncada wanted to ride for his country, although the American -based ride r wou ld not be given support from his team. The Italian team wili mo re than likely be led by former World 12Scc Motocross Champion Alessio Chlodi, with Antonio Cairo li riding the MX2 class, w ith another rider to be picked from the MX3 class, possibly Daniel Bricco. Australia is sure to run with Chad Reed, Andrew McFarlane and Michael Byrne , while the Belgianteam is going to be picked from among Stefan Everts , Kevin Strijbos, Steve Ramon and Cedric Melotte . Jeff De ment is also willing to race for the American Motocross des Nations team. The European-based rider has access to his SRS Honda teams bikes and has full support from his Italian-based team. "If nobody else wants to come , then count me in," Dement said. " I would never say no to racing for my country, but that is just my opin Io n. Myteam over here has said they will bring the ir racing truck and have a bike for me . I can't understand w hat' s going on w ith the American-team thing; I mean , if ride rs want to come, then bring them ." Mickael Pic hon says that he'll be disappointed if the United States does not field a tea m. "It's a pity the politics of the sport get In the w ay," Pichon said. "I mean, it sounds a little like a joke, w hat is happen ing. We know how the Ame ricans work. I understand with Carmichael, he's changing teams, and he has a lot of testing. To be honest, they are doing so many races already, one extra race shouldn't bother them. I think if they could come with Carmichael, Stewart and Windham , they wo uld have a good chance . It will be sad if they don't come; everyone ta lks about the Americans . France willbe there and w e willgive it 100 percent. I th ink the French team has a great chance to win it." Some of the GP teams have already sealed up riders for the 200 5 season . Stefan Everts and Cedri c Melotte have signed with Yamaha, while Estonian rider Tanel Leok will race for the Jan De Groot Kawasaki factory team on the new Kawasaki 450. Josh Coppins has signed w ith CAS Honda, and Italian rider Antonio Cairoli has signed with the De Carli team for 'OS, again racing in the MX2 class. Ben Townley has, of co urse , signed with KTMfor the MX I class. Word from So ut h Afr ica is that both Grant Langston and Greg Albertyn willrace the Grand Prix of South Africa. The two South African legends will add to the atmosphere o f the last rou nd of the World Motocross Championship. Alberty n is rumored to be racing the Suzuki 250cc four-stroke, w hile Langston is rumored to be racing a Kawasaki. Stefan Eve rts says that he 's keep ing focused on his racing, even though he is expecting his first child any day now, "I was feeling very relaxed today," Everts said. "In Sweden, my head was not in the race - I had team talks, and with the baby com ing, but today I felt good . I have to run to catch my flight- the baby is due today; I was wo rried if I missed my flight today. I have to be 100 percent for racing - this is my job." o Na me _ A d d res s, _ Ci'Y Sta te Zi p _ Pho ne. _ Order D,ttc, o o o _ Send to: ~ Inc. P'O . [lo x 5084 , Cos ta Mes a, C A 92628-50 84 To ll Free S u b scripti on H otline (800) 831-2220 24-h u u r IIA X O rd er Line (7 14) 75 1-6685 . E- m.l ll: S llbscri bt.~cycle n cws .co m o o o \' ESI Sta rt m y subsc r ipti on immediatel y to Cy cle News. 1 yeiu /.50 iss ues f lU $-15.00 . (cd n be billed 2 month ly pa ym ents) Eve ry week for two y t.',U''S ( t OO issues for $M(lOU) Sill, m on ths sec ond class (25 Issues for $23 .00) ThL.. is a Q Nt'W Subscri pt io n Q Rene w al PICd~ b ill m e 1 payml'flt o f $45 Bill 2 payments uf $2250 Enclosed J!'I my chec k or nl(>n~y o rde r C ha rge m y Q Visa U Mast e rca rd Sig na tu re r - l),w } eA f l!lll iBtl " ' I. 2n.:l cLa", \ 'llnll.h \., \ l" ok u MC / Visa# Exp. Date ~"~~...::.7J'~~_a:~i~~:I~:.~I, 1 M ~------ ----------------------------I ~ clenew CYCLE NEWS • AUGUST 11 , 2004 29

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