Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 08 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Kanney Squeaks Out Coyote XC Win o ER Motorcity's Nathan Kanney edged ~ut Yamaha teammate Jimmy Jarrett to w in the fourth roun d of the OHA Natio nal Cross Country Series in Waukon, Iowa , o n August I. After nearly 2 1/2 hours of racing, Kanney crossed the finish line just fIVe secon ds ahea d of Jarrett at th e Motion Pro Coyote XC. After getting off midpack from the dead engine start, Kanney worked his way up throug h traffic passing KTM 's Shane Watts, Yamaha ride rs Tony joine r and Justin Williamson, and Kawasaki's Cole Calkins before mov ing into second beh ind Jarr ett at the en d of lap one. Jarrett held the lead fo r the next two laps. At times, Jarrett was as much as four minutes ahead of Kanney, who had to stop for an early fuel stop. After Jarrett had to also sto p fo r fuel, Kanney was able to mount a charge that carried him up to jarrett 's rear fender. Shortly thereafter, Jarrett surrendered the lead. "It was Nate's tum to lead for awhile ," Jarrett said. "Leading, I was just using too much energy. I just slowed up enough so that he co uld make a clean pass." O n the last lap, Jarrett and Kanney swapped the lead back and fo rth a couple of times before Kanney was able to slip away less than two miles fro m the end of the sixlap race . "It just came down to wh o was going to make the last mistake ," Kanney said. "I knew I had a couple of sections in the last few miles where I cou ld make a clean pass, and I just waited. As it turned out, he blew off the trail in one of the last rocky sections, and I was able to squeeze by. Th is is my first overall in this series, and mixing it up with Jimmy made It that much more exciting. We're good friends and we don't ride dirty, so it just came down to good hard riding." Rounding out the to p five overall was Calkins In third, Justin Williamson in fourth and Tim Taber in fifth. Watts retired early after cras hing hard into a ravine during the first lap. Stellican Limite d is a private equity firm that spec ializes in acquiring and rev iving distressed companies. almost all with her itage brands, mainly in the recreational products area, accord ing to Stellican. Its capital Is provided by its own principals who actively manage its portfoli o companies directly, the cornpa ny says. Most recently, in addi tion to C hris- Craft boats , Julius, through Stellican Limited, acquired and turned around the iconic Italian yacht man ufact ur e r, Riva, and the Italian Pre mier League soccer team , Vicenza. Stellican will now begin the process of determ ining how best to re -positio n and re-launch the Indian St ellican Limited Buys Indian Stellican Limited , a Londo n, England-based private equ ity firm, announce d on July 26 the acquisitio n of the trademarks and re late d inte llectual property of Indian motorcycles, . according to a release from Stellican . In September, 2003 , Indian Moto rcycles e lected to be liquidated through an Assignment for th e Benefit of Cr ed itors process managed by CMA Business Cr ed it Service s in Burba nk, California. overriding determination to remain true to brand, addressing such issues as wh ere to the rich heritage of the Indian brand. We are long -term bra nd builders, ob sessed w ith manufacture in th e USA, which engine tech nology to utili e, wh ich dea lers to appo int z "Our primary goal is to return Indian to its rightful position as a premium motorcycle brand, selling beautifully designed, high-quality products and delivering world-class services." "I believe Indian rem ains among the most - Stephen Julius powerful brand s in the U.S. moto rcycle market, and we are delighted to own such an iconic American brand," com ment ed Stephen [ulius, an Anglo-Italian financier and founding partn e r of Stellican Limited . "O ur primary goal is to retu rn Indian to its rightful position as a premi um mo to rcycle brand , selling beautifully designed , high-quality produ cts and delivering world -class services . We w ill do so by care fully and thou ghtfully developing the business from the gro und up, guided by an prod uct design and qua lity. We have clearly dem o nstra ted our ability to the world over the last three years with our re -launch of Chris-Craft boats , anothe r business we own today and wh ich we purchased o ut of the 2000 ban kruptcy of Outboard Marine Co rporation . We are confident we will repeat o ur succe ss with Indian." and wh en to re-s tart productio n, acco rd ing to Stellican. "We are e xcite d abo ut this challenge and are confident Ind ian w ill live up to its great potential unde r our ow ners hip ," said David Wright , a partne r at Ste llica n. "T his is a tremendous oppo rt unity to rev ive a great Am er ican brand , and we int end to do Briefly... Continued fro m p age 7 AO L Chevro let for the rest of the season , picking him over... Q uarterley. Qu arterley, wh o last recently mad e Busch No rth history by becoming the first driver to win races o n a speedway, short track and roa d cours e, was seeki ng a Nextel Cu p road course [Watkins Glen) o ppo rtunity w hen he visited Childres s. "Dale is som ebody we would de finitely have wan ted to give a shot to, if we w eren't going to kee p Dave in the car," Childress said. "I've been impressed with what's he's been able to get done ." The Motorcycle Hall of Fame Museum will again host the indust ry's stars and classics o n Oc tober 8-9 duri ng the annual Hall of Fame weekend. This event com bines the 2004 Motorcycle Hall of Fame Inductio n, which honors motorcycling's favorite personalities and pionee rs, with the Third Annual Concours d' Elegance , a showcase of over 100 of the co untry 's finest, privately.owned classic motorcycles. Allevents are open to the public , including ':An Evening of Stars and Legends," a museum fundraiser rece ption, sched uled for Friday, Octo ber 8. Actor and moto rcycle enth usiast Perry King will return to serve as Master of Ceremonies fo r the weekend. "Whether you are passionate about motorcycli ng histo ry, design, technology, racing or culture, or simply enjoy the camaraderie of fellow en thusiasts in a grea t setting, this is the one weekend no one should miss," said Mark Mederski, executive director of the Motorcycle Hall of Fame M useum . "W e invite motorcycle enthusiasts everywhere to come honor the men and women who played such a significant role in shaping our industry and whose stories serve as inspiration for the next generation of rid- ers ." As announced in May the 2004 Motor · , cycle Hall of Fame inductees include several of America's most successful and bestknown motorcycle racing stars, including AHA Superbike Champion and Suzuki factory star Wes Cooley, AMA Motocross and Supercross champ Jeff Emig, road racing legend and European World Superbike Championship originator Steve Mclaughlin, and dirt-track ace Steve Morehead . Individuals who helped paved the way for today 's diverse motorcycl ingculture , such as Lin da Dugeau, pioneer and founder of the oldest motorcycling organization for women in North America, and Dal Smilie, passionate national advocate for motorcyclist rights, will also be Inducted. All weekend events take place at the Motorcycle Hall of Fame Museum, located on the 23-acre campus of the AHA, just outside of Columbus, O hio. Ken Faught, former editor-in-chief of Dirt Rider magazine, has opened Studio 38 Inc , in Corona, California. This full-service agency specializes in product, lifestyle, fashion and action photography both on location and inside a studio. For more informa- tion, call 90 9/376-9090 o r e -mail stu . Flatcat Productio ns and CyciePro of Santa Rosa, Californ ia, will be co-promoting round flve of the Super moto USA Nor-Cal Series at Ukiah Speedway, 90 minutes north of San Francisco on Sept. 26. The course is being exact ly that." Conrinued on poge r3 www.cyclenEWs .com CYCLE NEWS • AUGUST 11 , 2004 9

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