Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 08 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CMRRA Championship Mini Road Race Series 817-8 Apple Va , CA lley ,CA 9/11 -12 AppIeValley l G'2-3 Rosamond, CA 1116-7 Sloan, NV 1214-5 Rosamond, CA Ink>: 9091757-4869 or WWW.racecrTVra.COrTl CMRA Road Racing series 1V28-29 Cresson, TX 9/25-26 Henderson, TX 1019-10 Cresson, TX Info B17 : l3n-1599 or Sandia Motorcycle Roadraclng Association BI7-B LaJunta, CO 9/18-19 Alt>Jquerque, NM 1G'23-24 AlJuquel1lue, NM Info 5W281-521 6 or : www,sm rHacing.OfQ Nevada Desert Racing Association 9/2 5-26 Jean, NY 100·10 Sean;hlight, NV Ink>: 7021493-7223 or Lodl Motorcycle Club Short Track series Lod CA. (info209-368-7182 or i, BI7,14,21 ,26 ;911' ,25;1G'2,9,16 ,17 Motion Promotions DirtTrack Series Denver, CO. r"k> 303-337-7406 or ·371 303 ·1600) 816,20 Rnd4, Forrington Memorial Race 913 And5 Missouri Hare Scrambles Championship IV22 Newar'<, MO 915 Kahoka. MO 911 9 Eugene, MO Park Hills, MO 100 10/17 Smithville, MO 1537-1l406O Info: 417 National FlatTrack Racing Association 8114 McCooI .Nnclion.NE 8115 Norton, KS 8116-17 S1ockIon, KS 9110 H~~,KS Inlo: 31&'943-6929 or Lawrenceburg Motorcycle Speedway Series Lawrenceburg, IN (rno513-662-n59) 816,13,20,27;913,10,17 ,24 Dist ict 231Minnesota Dirt r Trackseries BI7-8 Glyndon, MN 8114,21 W mmar, MN BI28 Cambridge, MN 913 Da venport, IA 9/11,12,24 Cambridge, MN Info 6121432-40n : Ohio YSR League Mini Road Race Series 8114 Circleville, OH 9/5 Circleville, OH Borough, PA 9/18 1G'2 Borough, PA 10117 Circieville,OH Ink>: 419125J.0826 www.oh mtl TENN ESSEE MOTOCROSS - AMA, National Motocross Championsh~, Lorena Lynn Ranch Hurricane M: 51~-n59 . • CALIFORNIAMOTOCROSS · Honey l.aI: 330/634·7958 Of 330094-2302. OHIO BAITLETRAX • Street Fighter Battlet,ax Ser s, Pataskala, " Centennial ParkH-D tnlo , : www.baltletrax .com. OKlAHOMA DIRTTRA - Xlreme CK World Track, O'Reilly Oklahoma [);rtlirack Series, Tulsa. PENNSYLVANIA SUPERMOTO Supermotard USA Eastern Championships,Northern, Bea verun, W~ Info 202!.l69-4J47 or : www.supermota_.hlml . SOUTH DA KOTA SHORT TRACK SiouxVa lleyCycle Club, Sioux Fa lls. Info 605/9n -3666. : • TEXAS SHORTTRACK- AM A, Jaff ! Racing, HI OP Raceway Park e . Wa!er. lnlo: 281137Hl1l44 or ja. • WASHINGTON IT SC RAMBLES AMA, Ha Nigll IT rley MouIlt SL H- . MC, Castle Rock Ra cePa Cas Rock. Info: J6G'274rk, tle sa_ , 4346. • CAUFORNIASPEEDWAY · AMA, U.S. National Speedway Championship Series, Rnd 2, San Bernardino County Fairgrounds, Wheel toWheel Raceway, VlC1OMIle. Ink>: 626/449-1175 or • CALIFORNIA SUPERMOTO - Cai Spas Supermoto Series, VPRacing Fue Mesa Marin Raceway, is, Bakersl"ld. Ink>: 6611366-5711 or CALIFORNIAIT· Lodi Cycle Bowl, AMA, Districl 36, Lodi Cycle Bowl Motor Cycle Club Track. Ink>: 2091366-7182 or, CALI FORNIA SPEEDWAY · United Speedway Associabon, Wild West Arena, night race, Ken Maely Cup , Winchester. Info 9091525-7268 or : wwestspeed'Nay CAliFORNIA MOTOCROSS - Hot Sun1rMr Nights, And6, I'efris Raceway, Perris, Info 9091657-7441 or : COlORA DOMOTOCROSS • A Points "lX, Va 1M Riders, Rocky lley MountainPromotions. Ber1l1oU:l. Info : 303I968-n22 or COlORADO DIRTTRACK • IMI MoJorsports, Erie Info: JO:Y833-4949. . COlORADO ROAD RACE - SMRI, La .kInta.lnlo: 5W281-5216 or www.smri-racinQ.OfQ. GEORGIA SUPERCROSS - Maxxis Moto-Madness Series, And 19, Calhoun Supercross. Info: 70616294450 0( calholJlsupercross.rom . • IDAHO MOTOCROSS - Howie Ra cingPromotions Chaparral , Speedway MX, Boise. lnlo: 2OlII388-0810 or www.chaparralmo . KANSAS SUPERCROSS - Kansas Off Road Riders, Supercross Se , ries WK:hila Jeeps Motorcycle Club, WK:hila. Info : MASSACHUSETTS MOTOCROSS • Moto-X 338, NEMX, Southw'd<.lnfo: 41 31569-omor • MICHIGAN MOTOCROSS - Dirt Ride Motorsports, Bronson, Inlo: rs 419/636-5430 or MINNESOTA DIRTTRACK - District rt k, 23, Buff lo Rivilr Sho Trac a Glyndon. Inlo 7011361-6676. : • NEBRASKA MO TOCROSS - Great Piains Promotions Inc Wh Sands ., rte Raceway, Ashland.lnlo: 4021571-4722 NEW HAMPSHIRESUPERCROSS • WSP Fa! Race Series, Rnd3, night race, WlIlChaster.Info: 6OJI2J9-6406 or NEW YORK DIRT TRACK -Lembo Lake Speedway, Modena. Inlo: 84!>'590-4895 or NEW YORKDIRTTRACK - AMA, District 3, Lee Thomas Ct4>. Harpursvle. loIo 6071693-2634 or : • OHIOMOTOCROSS - CRA, MaJwm Motocross Park, Kame's S'828-6149 or : .. PEPSI : ~ AMA . " N c rI O H f:O For Furth e r Information : C a ll th e Pe orI a C onventIon V i sito r s Bu r eau at 1 -800 -7 47 -0 30 2 o r the PM C at (3 09 ) 6 9 7 - 4 9 81 www. peo ria tt.conl www. p eo rio tt .org WWW.mscmotoeross.COI1. • NEWYORK MOTOCROSS· Frozen Ocean MXInc., WNYM Association, Aubum. lnlo: 315/784-5466 or • NEW YORK SCRAMBlES Crusaders Motorcycle Club, Medina. Inlo 5851682·3344 or : NEW YORK DIRT TRACK - Oakland ValeyRaceway Pa ~ckviIIe . l rk, Inlo: 8601355·5328 or WW' NEW YORKDIRTTRACK · AMA, nonValley Speedway, [);st icI3, Leba r Electrc CityRidars, Duanesburg. Inlo: i 51814n ·2552 or OHIOHARE SCRAMBlE · CRA, Big Game Raceway, Team Race, FIlaI Round, Hubba Ink>: 3301534-7958 rd. or 33(Y.l94·2302. OREGON ROAD RACE - Oregon Motorcycle Road Racing Association , Portland International Raceway, Portland. Info 503/221-1487 or : 'N' PENNSYlVANIA HARE SCRAMBlES Series, High - ECEA, Hare Mt.[);rtRiders. Info: 5701654-4639. VERMONT TURKEY RUN - NETRA Turkey Run Series, Red Fox, Townshend. Io1o: 8601693-91 11or netra.OfQ. Aug 14 •• , • • , • Speedway & Freestyle MX Jumpers Aug 21 •• , •• " Stanley's Exhaust Tech Motorcycle Demolition Derby Aug 2B . , . , Orange County Harley-Davidson Night Sept 11 , , .. , Fox Night nett,1Prices: Ad uhs$12• CttUdren(6-12)S4. 5 and under FR EE sera_ • SOUTH DAKOTA HAlFMILEAAWAHRMA, Checkered Flag Productions, Sturgis Fairgrounds, Sturgis. Info: 940063-4742 or www.cfp

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