Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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oungb lood (Hon) ; 2. Scot Wh ite (Yam); l , Eric Venhuize n
( Ha n) . 1:5 + INT: I. Travi s Rine hart ( KTM); 2. Shea
Bettencoun (Hon ). 15 + PRO: I. Chad Wallwork (Kaw); 2.
Sam Taylor (K;tw) ; 3. Michael Martin (Yam): 04 . Rodney Co le
(Kaw); 5. Kipp Pose y (Y
am). 30 + 'R: I. Jon You ngblood
(Ha n); 2. Mark We irich (Y
am); l . Michael Rodon i (Yam).
3 0 + INT: I. Shea Be tt e nco urt (H a n); 2. Rusty Juhnke
(Kaw); l . David We lls (Ha n); 04. Scctt De ines (Y
am); S. Mike
Christ opherson (Han) . 30 + PRO: I . Mike Blrdsley (Ha n);
Tennessee Mountain Trails MX Pa r k
•••And Justice
For All
other Nature co uldn't damp en the spirit
of Ame rican motocross during the grand
TN T @ TMT Fourth of July wee ke nd celeb ration, althoug h a full day of sch edu led practice
was canceled on Friday following near-torrential
rainfall. Team TMT's Andy Baggen stoss, along
with trac k manager Kelly Fou tch, won the battle over the forces of nat ure and pulled o ff a
star-spangled eve ning of motocross racing on
Sat urd ay night . Much to everyone's surprise ,
the track shaped up nice ly for Satu rday night's
su percr os s eve nt, which followed t he day 's
practice . Brau n Enterta inmen t's Erv and Zeg in
Braun we re on hand to provide ride rs and spec ta t ors w ith action- packed co ve rage o f t he
week end 's eve nts. Holeshots were awarded by
Fox, and there was a $3000 Pro -Am purse for
Saturday's supercross competition.
In p re p ara t io n fo r t he 2004 FIM Ju nio r
World Cup, KTM's Zach Os borne took home
tw o first-p lace champ ion ship-sized trophies In
t he 8S cc ( 14- 15) a nd Supe rm ini 80 - 110cc
classes, in addition to his fou rth -overall finish in
t he 12Scc Schoolboy class w it h a 2-4 ta lly.
Along w it h Tay lor John so n, O sbo rn e was
sched uled to rep resent the United States In the
wo rldwide co mpe t ition . (O sbo rne w o n t he
ove rall champ ionsh ip at the Junior Wor ld Cup
w ith a pe rfect I-I score, ahead of IH ot he r
8Scc competitors from aroun d the world .)
O range dom inated the pod ium in the 6Scc
( 10- 1I) class . KTM pilot Jam es just ice fro m
Columbus, O hio , scored the victo ry wit h I- I
fini shes , Just a he ad of team mates Sh ayne
Cunningham (3-3) and Grant Ransdell (2-4).
Suzuki duo Dusty Rowe and Auston Albers
top ped the pod ium in t he 12Scc Schoo lbo y
cl ass . w ith Yama ha' s C o d y Pa tt e rson of
Columbia, Tennessee , stepping up in third . The
threesome continued the ir battle in the I25cc B
class, in which Albers took the overall win with
2-1 finishes. followed by Patte rso n (3-2). Rowe
took the checkers in first place in moto one but
scored a DNF for moto tw o.
Twe tve competitors showed off their tale nts
in t he 125cc Beginne r class. Hon da-mounted
Cody Ellisand Yamaha captain Jimmy Fetterman
dom inated in the top two positions. Ellis came
out of t he first lap ahead o f Fetter man in the
mot a one, while J.T. Stinso n followed in th ird
and Hunter Perry ran fourth . Fett erman made
his move for first going into the seco nd lap but
coul dn't hold orr Ellis, w ho mad e his pass to
victory on the last lap. The tables we re tu rned
in mot a two, when the duo again led the pack
wit h a furious battle . Fett erm an won bragging
rights in first, leaving second to Ellis. Perry was
again third.
Har riso n West took ho me the gold in th e
SOcc Shaft class wit h I- I victo ries, followed by
Braden Bunker (2-2). R. Tucke r Maxwell (3-3)
and Matth ew Brauley (4-4).
"The tw ilight 's last gleam ing" fo llowe d a
specta cular firework s display as riders departed
Castle Rock Race Pork
2. Emery Woo lsey (Kaw); l . Sam Taylor (!wn (KT 3. Hamson
but Mueller was not to be den ied.
We st (Co b); 04 . R. Tucke r Maxw e ll (Co b); 5. Alan Spar ks
(Co b) . SO S TK (7 -8) : I. Pad e n King ( Lem) ; 2. Max
In the Twins class. a young rider on an old
Tan ne nbaum (Cob): 1. Taylo r Davidso n (Co b); 4. Jo rd an
Quarles (KTM); 5. Cute r Ol d kno w (Co b). 65 BEG : I .
Paden King (Kaw); 2. Donny Brow n (KTM): l . Grant Jared
(Kaw); ~ . Kyle M,E lralh (Suz). 65 (7-9 ): I. Shane M,El ralh
(KT M); 2. Austin Bearden (KT M); 1. Max Tann enbau m
(KTl'1); ~ . 'JY'er Nutter (KTl'1) S. Grayson a'Y""t (Kaw). 65
( 10 - 11) : I. Jame s Just ice (KTM); 2. Shayne Cu nnina ham
(KTM); 3. Grant Ranodell (KTM); ~ . a""" Jernigan (KTl'1) S.
Coby Colemon (KTl'1). 65 MOD , I. Shane M, Elralh (KTl'1);
2. .... ..n _
(KTM). as BEG: I. Duson Vaughn (Kaw);
2. Roben Keeble (Kaw): 1. Robert Thomas (Han ): 04. Chase
Stevens (Hon ), 5. Chad Napie r (Yam). 85 (7-1 1): I. Sean
Cunn ingham (KTM); 2. Gran t Ransdell (KTM); l . Jona than
Fos key (KTM): 04. Jam es Justice (KTM); 5. Drew Torranc e
(Kaw). 85 (9.13 ), I. 50"" CuMlngtwn (KTl'1); 2. Jon.than
Foskey (KTM): 3. MOl'gan Moss (Suz). as ( 12-13): I. 1)oIe,
Horne (KTM); 2. Alix Fre e man (Suz); l . N icko las Phip ps
(Han ): 4. Ross McAllister (Suz): S. Christopher Rose broc k
am). 85 ( 14-1S): I. bch O sbo rn e tKTM); 1: Charle s
Shldb y (Hon ): J. Dust in Robinson (Y ; 04. Josh Robers o n
om); S. Kand",e Wilbom (Hon) . SlMINI, I. u d> O sborne
(KTl'1) 2. Dus"" Robmson (Y
om); I . Zane Rollins (KTl'1 ~ .
Kaleb Andenoo (Suz): S. Jonl"" WhJte (Suz). I Z5 SCHBY,
I. Dusty Row e (Suz) ; 2. Aust o n Albe rs (Suz); 3. Co dy
Patterso n (Yam); 04 . bch O sborn e (KTM); S. Chase Beck
(Hon ). 125 A: I. J"'ob 50""" (Yom 2. I'hIU;p Myon (Y
l . Ryan Sunesu (Suz) ; 04 . J.T. Smith (Kaw); S. Ty Morrow
(Han). 11:5 B: I. Austo n Albe rs (Su:r.); 2. Cody Patterson
(Yom 3. 1)01er a~ les (Yom); ~ . Tyler Ho me (KTl'1 S. Chose
Bec k (Han ). 115 C: I. Keith Davidso n (Suz); 2. We sley
Keller (KTM): 3. Brian Be rry (Y
am); 4. Bre ndan Jaco bso n
( Kaw ); S. C ha rles W hidby (Han ) . 12 5 BEG : I. Jimmy
Fett erman (Y
am); 2, Cody Ellis (Hon): l . Hunter Perry (Y
• . Spen